Restless Nights

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      I couldn't sleep. It eluded me and I was honestly terrified to try. I couldn't get Shredder's face out of my head. The past few nights had been of Every time I fell asleep, I would find myself at his mercy and...he finished me. Every time, he finished me and laughed as I crumpled.

      It was two in the morning. And everyone else was asleep. Donnie was in his room for once and I didn't know what else to do. I found myself in the middle of the living room floor, just staring at the ceiling. Bored, I picked up my ipod and went through my old playlists. I needed to make a new one for sleepless nights. I had already had two months with this so far. I was sure there would be more.

      I set it low enough that I could still hear it play, but not wake anyone. I felt paranoid, but at the same time, I'd rather be in open space than fret over being jumped in my own room. I found Legends Never Die featuring Against the Current. It was calming and relaxing to just listen to the lyrics.

Legends never die when the world is calling you
Can you hear them screaming out your name?
Legends never die, they become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Relentless you survive

They never lose hope when everything's cold and the fighting's near
It's deep in their bones, they'll run into smoke when the fire is fierce
Oh pick yourself up, 'cause

Legends never die when the world is calling you
Can you hear them screaming out your name?
Legends never die, they become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Legends never die

They're written down in eternity
But you'll never see the price it costs
The scars collected all their lives

When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
Oh pick yourself up, 'cause

Legends never die when the world is calling you
Can you hear them screaming out your name?
Legends never die, they become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Legends never die

      I felt my body relax greatly, but my eyes didn't want to close and I actually agreed with my body. But tomorrow, I'd be a zombie... I might even try drinking coffee just to stay awake. If it meant I could go without nightmares for a while, then staying up for a whole week didn't sound bad. God, I wanted sleep, but I didn't want nightmares either. Why was this pick and choose? It really shouldn't be this hard!"

      The sound of a door creaking reached my ears. I turned off my Ipod and sat up. I wanted to see who it was and if they'd spot me. No lights were on because I didn't want to disturb anyone and I had night vision. There was no need when I could see in the dark.

      I was amazed to see Mikey humming quietly as he made his way to the kitchen. He suddenly stopped and peered into the dark. I held my breath, hoping that he would just pass on. Instead, he narrowed his eyes trying to see and my lungs were waiting for air.

"Alex? Is that you?"

      I exhaled, and waved so he could make me out in the dark.

"Dudette!" He came and sat in front of me, grabbing my hands, "What's wrong?"

I took his arm and spelt on it, "I can't sleep. Nightmares."

He hummed, "Well, then. We're just gunna have to chase those nightmares away." I tilted my head to the side in silent confusion as he helped me to my feet, "Come on. I got just the cure."

      We walked into the kitchen and were blinded by the light for a moment. He made me sit at the table and he started to pull out pots and pans. I raised a brow as he started humming the theme song. This made me smile.

"What will it be, my lady? Pizza Omelets? Or Omelet Pizza?"

I laughed, grabbing the abandoned notebook and pen Donnie had left. I turned to one of the back pages and wrote, "What's the difference?"

He grinned, "Ah! You got me man!"

      I made my way to his side and started looking through the cabinets and refrigerator. They actually had everything. To my amazement, the milk was actually good in stead of spoiled.

"Have you made pancakes yet?"

"No, but April gave me a recipe! You wanna do it?"

I pretended to think, "Not without music."

      I put my Ipod on shuffle as Mikey and I made a midnight mess of the kitchen. I enjoyed it. We had mini dance parties when a really good song came on. We had a flour fight. We got pancake batter on the walls. But we came out with golden goodness. It was four thirty when we went into the living room with our cakes and turned on the tv.

      Mikey chose what to watch. It was some cute little movie on Space Heroes. Mikey and I made fun of the characters and that boy threw a cake at the tv. Then I made him pick it up for wasting a good pancake. Disgustingly enough, he ate it.

      We picked up our plates and cleaned our mess before we crashed on the beanbag chairs. I sat on Mikey as I was slowly blinking to stay awake. My body betrayed me when I let out a yawn. Mikey cooed and started combing through my hair.

I wrote on his arm, "Don't do that." I yawned. "I don't wanna sleep...yet."

"You're so cute though!" He continued to comb through my hair, putting me to sleep, "I bet you look even cuter when you sleep."

I made my best puppy dog eyes, "No." I yawned again, "Not yet."

"Awe! Tell you what. You just go to sleep and I fight off all the nightmare monsters. Kay?"

I was drifting, "I guess."

"I gotcha, sis. Don't worry bout a thing! Cause Mikey's the scary nightmare fighter."

I laughed and allowed myself to relax, "Thanks, Freckles."


      Leo and Raph couldn't look away from the sight that greeted them in the living room. The tv was on static. Alex was curled against the youngest brother, head on his chest. Mikey was out, head back and snoring, but a hand on the other's head. Both were still sleeping and oblivious to Leo snapping pictures for future blackmail.

Donnie walked in rubbing his eyes, "Morning, guys."


Raph nodded towards the two, "We found 'em like that."

The oldest was grinning, "This is kinda cute. You think Mikey'll start begging to get her to say."

"No telling what happened last night." Donnie smiled, "Let's just leave 'em alone. Ten bucks Mikey'll beg Sensei for a lesson with Alex."

"Twenty," Raph said.

Leo turned off the tv, "We'll see... ten that he doesn't."

      The three older brothers chuckled quietly as they made their way to the dojo. Once they were gone, Mikey opened an eye before running his hand through her hair. He smiled to himself as his brothers got their lesson. He was going to make Leo loose his money. But he was going to keep his promise to Alex first.

"I told you I gotcha, sis." He shuffled a little to get comfortable, "Sleep as long as you'd like. I'm still right here."


A/N So I'm pretty sure people are going to start shipping Mikey and Alex. They just have a really cute brother sister relationship! I can see all the fluff though. They're just really cute as brother and sister~! ^-^ So there you have it. The first side story!



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