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Nobody's POV
"So Amu....are excited to find out who your soul mate is?" Utau asked while setting down her cup.

Looking at the blonde, Amu simply shrugged.

"I don't really know. I'm kinda scared though. I mean what if they're someone I don't like, or what if they're abusive, or what if they don't like me. I mean I don't really want to be soul mates with somebody like that."

"Huh. I see your point but that most likely won't happen." Utau said with a smile.

"That's easy for you to say. After all you already have your soul mate."

And it was true, the day Utau had turned 18 her soul mates name appeared on her arm. Luckily for her it was somebody she knew and secretly liked but she would never admit it to anybody but her soul mate.

"I feel bad for anybody who gets you, Strawberry. I mean who wants a girl with pink hair who's attitude is cool and spicy yet can change shy in a quick second." Utau's brother Ikuto said as he walked in to the room holding three pieces of cake.

Ikuto handed a piece to Amu and a piece to his sister and sat down next to Amu, who punched him in the shoulder and glared at him.

"Humph. Well I feel bad for your soul mate. I mean who wants a boy with blue hair that acts like a cat and is always teasing them and coming up with weird nicknames." Amu said sticking her tongue out.

Ikuto just smirked and ate a bite of his cake.

Rolling her eyes and sighing, Amu turned so her back was resting on the arm rest of the couch and draped her legs over Ikutos.

Giving her a sideways look, Ikuto raised an eyebrow. Amu simply shrugged in response.

"It's comfortable."

"I bet it is. I'm a very comfortable person."

"Shut up."


"Because I said so."


"Ugh. Your so annoying."

"I know."

"If you know, then stop."


"Because I said so."



Suddenly Utau bursts out laughing.

"What so funny?" The two on the couch asked a frown.

"Nothing, except for the fact you guys sound like your dating."

Amu wrinkled her nose.

"Ew. Who would wanna go out with this dude?" She said pointing to Ikuto.

"A lot of people, as a matter of fact."

"Humph, I honestly doubt that."


Amu glared at Ikuto who just stared back.

This went on for a good two minutes before Utau interrupted them.

"Let's go somewhere."

Looking away from Ikuto, Amu gave Utau a questioning look.

"Where and why?"

"The mall and because here I feel like a third wheel with you and my brother flirting."

Amu's face lit up and she began to stutter.

"W-w-we were n-n-not!!"

Ikuto had a light blush on his cheeks and looked away.

"Yeah, who would wanna flirt with a strawberry."

Amu's head snapped in Ikuto's direction.

"Who would wanna flirt with a cat." Amu shot back, glaring.

Utau sighed and got up.

"I'm gonna go call the gang and ask them if they want to go and then tell them to meet us at the mall. While I'm doing that, get ready to go.

Amu raised a hand to signal she heard her while Ikuto just ate the last part of his cake.

~Time skip - At the mall~

"Hey! Over here Utau!" A boy with brown spiky hair called from a table.  Sitting next to him on his left was a boy of medium height with long purple hair. On his left was a short girl with long blonde hair. Sitting across from her was a girl with short brown hair. The girl wastaller than the blonde but shorter than then the boy sitting on her right that had green hair and wore glasses.

Looking over, the blonde spotted him and the group of people he was sitting with, at a table close a to a window. Walking over the three were greeted with a series of 'hi' and 'hello'. Utau sat next to the brown hair boy and gave him a peck on the cheek while Amu sat down next to the brown haired girl and Ikuto sat next to her.

"So.......how's life?" the brown haired boy asked draping his arm over Utau's shoulders.

"It was good until I saw this cat." Amu said pointing to Ikuto who was beside her sucking on a lollipop.

"I could say the same about you, Strawberry."

"Actually...you can't. After all, unlike you, I'm not a cat."

"Well you certainly are a strawberry. Look at you with your pink hair."

"Too bad strawberries are red and not pink." Amu shot back.

"That's why you're  a hybrid." Ikuto said with a smirk.

Glaring at the blue haired boy Amu quickly snatched the lollipop out of his mouth and stuck it in her own.

"Hey, that was mine!!" The blue haired boy complained with a pout.

Amu stuck her tongue out.

"Well it's mine now."

Sighing, Ikuto watched the pink haired girl suck on his lollipop.

His lollipop.

One that had been in his mouth. One the had his saliva on it and here Amu was eating it as if it didn't matter. A light blush dusted Ikuto's cheeks and he quickly shook his head to rid the thoughts, which earned a confused look from the pinkette besides him.

"You know that's not normal right?"


"Taking people's lollipops and eating them."

"Oh. Well if there's one thing you should know about me, Cat, it's that I'm not normal. Beside you can't exactly talk, after all when we were younger you used to do the same thing to me."

Ikuto's cheeks lit up and he huffed, looking away.

"Well that was different."


"It just was, Ok! God, I really do feel bad for your soul mate. I mean who would want you."

"Shut up!"

"Oh shit! That's right, your 18th birthday is tomorrow." The brown haired boy stated with a smile.

Amu slumped down in her seat and rested her face on the table.

"Ugh. Why'd you have to remind me Kukai."

Kukai laughed.

"Your not excited to find out who your soul mate is?" The purple haired boy asked putting his hand on the small blonde girls head only to have her smack it away.


"Why not?"

"Because she's worried that she might not like him or he might not like her." Utau said.

"That's not going to happen though, they are your soul mate." Said the green haired boy.

"You don't know that. Your just saying it 'cause you all have your soul mates. Rima has Nagihiko-" Amu said pointing to the small blonde haired girl and the purple haired boy next to her.

"-Utau has Kukai and Yaya has Kairi." Amu said pointing to the girl with short brown hair and the boy with green hair and glasses next to her.

"I guess that's true but still, I'm pretty sure that a soul mate is supposed to be perfect for you. So that most likely won't happen." Nagihiko said.

Amu shrugged.

"But it could happen."

"Amu, anything could almost happen if you think about it. A plane could come flying through the window and kill us all, it could happen but it most likely won't. A person could come up behind you right now and hold a gun to your head and rob you, that could happen but it most likely won't, at least not in broad day light. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is a lot of bad things can happen in life but the chances that some of them happening is slim and if you live your life fearing and fretting those things then your life isn't going to be very fun and exciting is it?" Kairi said pushing up his glasses.

Amu sighed.

"I guess not."

The teens were silent for a moment until Amu jumped up from her seat, accidentally scaring Yaya.

"Oops. My bad Yaya." Amu quickly apologized.

Yaya laughed and waved her off.

"It's fine. Amu-chi."

Amu smiled and nodded.

"Utau, Rima, Yaya, lets go shopping. It's boring just sitting here talking. We came here to do something so let's go shopping.

Rima, Utau and Yaya looked at each other and began to smile.

"Let's do it." Utau said and gave Kukai a peck on the cheek and stood up.

"Fine by me. This was boring anyway." Rima agreed getting up.

"Can we buy Yaya a lollipop?" Yaya asked as she stood up.

Amu laughed.

"Sure. Boys we're going shopping. We'll meet you back here around six?"

"Sure that works." Ikuto said popping a piece of candy in his mouth.

Amu nodded and turned back to the girls. Grabbing Utau's and Rima's hands, Amu pulled them away with Yaya skipping along behind them singing about her lollipop.

Ikuto watched Amu pull Utau and Rima with a smirk on his face.

"What a cute Strawberry." He mumbled to himself.

~Time Skip - At the Park~

11:50 pm

Currently Amu and Ikuto were eating ice cream on a bench in the park looking at the stars. Both teens were silent as they were caught up in the beauty of the stars.....or at least one was.

11:55 pm

Currently Amu and Ikuto were swinging on the swings laughing and competing with one another to see who can swing higher.

"I'm higher." Amu laughed as she swing up and passed Ikuto as he swung backward.

"No. I'm higher. I win." Ikuto called as he swung back up.

"You wish." Amu called from behind him.

"I don't wish. I know."

Amu laughed.

"Sure ya' do."

Ikuto laughed and swung forward and jumped on the swing landing in a cat like position a couple feet away from his empty swinging swing.

"Jump. And see if you can beat me." Ikuto called to Amu who was still swinging.

Amu raised her eyebrow but nonetheless swung higher and prepared to jump.

"On three." She whispered to herself.




Amu let go of the swing and swung herself forward and off the swing. Landing with an 'oomph' Amu stood a few inches away from where Ikuto stood.

"Hah. I win. Sucks to be a loser Strawberry." Ikuto said with a smirk on his face.

Huffing Amu looked away.

"Well, I won the swinging contest so I could say the same to you."

"Ah...no I won that."

"Ah...no you didn't."

"Did to."

"Did not."

"Did to."

"Did not."

"Did to."

"Did not."

"Whatever." Ikuto huffed.

11:59 pm

Currently the two teens were sitting on the grass in a comfortable silence.

Looking over at Ikuto, Amu opened her mouth to say something but closed it deciding not to say what she was going to say.

"What?" Ikuto asked earning a confused look from the pinkette.

"I saw you open your mouth as then close it. You obviously had something to say, so say it."

Amu blushed.

"W-we'll I was going to have your promise me something."

"Which is....?"

"When I find out who my soul mate is,  I don't want it to affect or change our relationship. Can you promise me our relationship won't change and you won't start treating me different when I find out who my soul mate is?" Amu asked looking at the ground.

Ikuto put his finger under Amu's chin and titled up her face so that she was looking at him.

"I promise."

Amu's widened and then softened.

"Thank you." She replied softly giving the blue haired teen a hug.

"No problem." Ikuto said returning the hug.

Amu pulled away and lied down on her back in the grass. Ikuto followed suit so he was next to her and his shoulder was pressed up against hers. Holding her arm up, Amu looked at the watch on her wrist.

"5 seconds left." Amu said to no one in particular and draped her arm over Ikuto's chest.





12:00 am

"Aren't you going to check who your soulmate is?" Ikuto asked looking over at Amu with a slight smile on his face.

"Yeah. I'm just nervous."

"Don't be. I'll be with you every step of the way."

"I know but-"

"No 'buts'. Now on the count of three look at your arm."







"Hold on!"


Hesitantly Amu raised her arm over her face and looked at the words on it.

Ikuto Tsukiyomi.

Amu shot up and scrambled away from Ikuto, her face blazing.

"What does it say?" Ikuto asked.

"N-n-n-n-nothing!" Amu practically screamed.

"Jugding from your reaction it obviously says something. Let me see."

"N-n-no!!" Amu said getting up and running away from Ikuto.

Hopping up, Ikuto ran after her. In less than twenty steps Ikuto had caught up to her and tackled her to the ground. Pinning her body underneath his, Ikuto proceeded to look at her arm.Amu looked away when he looked at her arm. When Ikuto saw the name a light blush coated his cheeks but he didn't move.

"So I'm your soul mate, huh? Well it's nice to finally have you know." Ikuto said with a smirk.

Amu's head snapped in Ikuto's direction.

"What did you say?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

"I said that it's nice to finally have you know."

Thoughts flew around in Amu's head. Suddenly her eyes widened and she gasped.

"Wait, you're already eighteen. You turned eighteen three months ago. Meaning you already knew that I was your soul mate. Why didn't you tell me?"

Ikuto laughed and got off Amu. Standing up, Ikuto offered a hand to Amu, which she took, and helped her up.

"Well at first, I was going to but then I decided to wait to see how you would react when you found out I was your soul mate. Judging by your reaction your not happy about it." Ikuto said a frown on his face.

"I never said that. I was just surprised that's all. I'm happy about it, to be honest."


"Y-yeah. Although I don't know how you feel about it."

"I'm happy as well. Although there is one problem I want to address." Ikuto said taking a step closer to Amu so that he was less than a foot away from her.

Amu blushed but didn't move.

"A-and what would t-that be?" Amu asked.

"Well before you found out I was your soul mate you made me promise that our relationship wouldn't change. But you see the problem is that I want our relationship to change. I want to stop being your friend."

"W-what?" Amu asked tears in the corners of her eyes.

"And become your boyfriend. You see, Amu Hinamori, I have fallen deeply in love with you and want to be more than just a friend."

Amu's hand flew up to her mouth and her eyes widened. A crystal tear rolled down Amu's cheek and Ikuto put his hand on the side of her face and wiped the tear away with his thumb. Learning into his hand Amu closed her eyes for a moment. Opening up her eyes Amu gave Ikuto a soft smile.

"Well, Ikuto Tsukiyumi, you're in luck. For I have fallen deeply in love with you myself."

"Really. Your not joking are you? 'Cause if your jok-" Amu cut Ikuto off by pressing her lips to his.

At first Ikuto was surprised and didn't respond but right when Amu began to pull away, Ikuto slammed his lips back into hers.

A couple of minutes later the two pulled away, both panting and out of breath.

"Does....that answer your question?" Amu asked with a smile.

"Nah...I think I need another answer." Ikuto replied with a smirk and pulled Amu to him giving her another passionate kiss.

When they pulled away Amu smiled and placed her head in the crook of Ikuto's neck.

"I'm glad your my soul mate." Amu said lovingly.

Ikuto smirked.

"Damn right. Anybody would love being my soul mate."

Amu laughed.

"In your dreams, Cat Boy."

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