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Nobody's POV (Amu)

"Aren't you tired of it yet?" Utau asked, sitting down in the arm chair.

"Tired of what?" Amu questioned, turning over onto her back on the large couch she was currently laying on.

"Tired of being friends with my idiot brother."

Amu laughed.

"I could never be tired of being friends with him. He makes life so......" Amu paused searching for the word.

"Annoying?" Utau offered.

"No, interesting. I was gonna say interesting."

Utau chuckled.

"But seriously, aren't you tired of being just friends with him?"

Amu shifted up to her elbows and tilted her head to the side.

"But I'm not just friends with him.." Amu started and Utau's eyes lit up and a smile began to makes it ways up her face.

"I'm also friends with you, Rima, Kukai, Yaya, and everybody else in our friend group."

Utau's face dropped and she sighed.

"That's not what I meant. I meant-" Utau started but was soon cut off by Amu.

"I know what you meant."

"Then answer the question."

Amu sighed.


"Finally." Utau said rolling her eyes.

Sticking her tongue, Amu dropped back onto her back. Intertwining her hands, Amu placed them on her stomach and closed her eyes.

"So..." Utau said impatiently, waiting for Amu to answer her question.

"Calm down. Let me get comfortable first."


After shifting around for a few moments Amu finally found a comfortable spot.

"Are you finally comfortable?" Utau asked.

Closing her eyes, Amu sighed.


"Good, now speak."

Taking a deep breath Amu looked over at Utau, a serious expression on her face.

"What was the question again?"

"Are you serious?! Stop stalling and just answer the damn question!" Utau practically screamed.

"Alright, alright. Calm down."

Utau took a deep breath and sighed.

"Sorry, I just want you to answer the question."

"It's alright. I'll answer the question now."

"Really?" Utau asked.

Amu nodded.


Utau smiled.

"Thank you."

Amu smiled for a moment before a serious expression made its way onto her face.

"The answer, Utau, is yes. I am tired of being just friends with Ikuto, but I'm scared."

"Scared?" Utau asked.

Amu nodded.

"Of what?"

"Rejection. Change. Distance."

Utau nodded.


Amu sighed.

"I'm scared that if I try to change our relationship, it'll change for the worst. We'll become awkward, not as close, maybe not even friends. I'm scared that if I say something that he'll reject me. I don't know if I can take a rejection. I'm scared that if I change the way I act toward him, that he'll freak out and put distance between himself and I. I'm scared of him not wanting me or disgusted with me. I'd rather be friends and not take a chance because at least I won't be in as much pain as I would if something went wrong and I lost him."

After Amu finished speaking, the two were silent for a moment.

Laying back down on her back, Amu closed her eyes.

"Are you satisfied with that answer?" Amu asked opening her eyes.

"Yeah, actually I am. Thanks for finally answering our question" Utau said.

"Our question?" Amu asked sitting up.

"Ooops, I meant my question." Utau said, a nervous smile on her face.

Amu rolled her eyes, and looked at the clock.


Sighing, Amu got up and put on her shoes.

"I gotta go, I'm on dinner duty tonight. So I have to make dinner."

"Alright, see you tomorrow."


Walking to the front door, Amu grabbed the doorknob and stopped.

"Utau!" Amu called.

"Yeah." Utau called back.

"Don't tell your brother about out conversation."


"Thanks. See you tomorrow."


Nobody's POV (Utau)

After hearing the front door close, Utau got up and made sure Amu had really left. After she was sure Amu had gone home, Utau walked back to the living and leaned again it's door frame. Crossing her arms over her chest and closing her eyes, Utau smirked.

"You can come out now."

"Is she gone?" A deep muffled voice asked.


"You sure?"


The sound of a couch being moved was heard before a blue haired male stood up, covered in dust. Moving out from behind the couch, the blue haired male dusted himself off and pushed the couch back into place.

"Well, you heard her. What are you going to do?" Utau asked opening her eyes.

The male smirked.

"You'll see, just make sure Strawberry is at the opening performances of your concert tomorrow."

Utau narrowed her eyes.


"You'll see. Just tell her to be there." And with that the blue haired male, walked out of the room.

"Just what do you have planned Ikuto?" Utau muttered to herself as she watched him walk out with narrowed eyes.



Nobody's POV (Amu)

Yawning, Amu shuddered and hugged herself tighter.

"It's fricken cold. This better be worth it, Utau, or you'll have hell to pay." Amu muttered to herself as she rubbed her arms in hopes to make herself warmer.

Digging in her bag, Amu pulled out her phone and checked the time.


"The opening performance should be starting soon." Amu mumbled to herself as she slipped her phone back into her bag.

As if someone heard her, a man with blue hair walked onto the stage holding a microphone.

Wait a second. That man looked familiar.

Looking closely, Amu realized she knew the man and gasped. For the man, was none other than Ikuto.

"Hello. Everyone and Welcome to Utau's Concert."

People began to cheer.

Amu felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around.

"Here, take this." A man in black said, handing Amu a microphone.

"Wait, but what do I need it for?"

"I don't know, I was just told to hand it to you."

Amu looked down at the microphone and then back up only to find the man gone.


Turning back around, Amu began to watch Ikuto again.

"So before we get into the real opening performance, I just have something to say to a special girl."

Some 'awws' were heard from the crowd.

Amu felt her chest tighten.

Turning to the DJ, Ikuto winked and gave him a thumbs up.

Suddenly music started playing and bright spotlight made its way on top of Amu.

Instantly Amu's heart began to flutter and her chest loosened up.

Putting the microphone up to his lips, Ikuto looked at Amu and began to sing.

It feels like we've been friends forever, yeah
And we always see eye to eye
The more time we spend together
The more I wanna say what's on my mind

Still singing Ikuto walked off the stage and into the crowd. As Ikuto walked, the crowd parted till only Amu was in his path.

Take it easy
'Cause it ain't easy to say

Locking eyes with Amu, Ikuto continued to song.

I wanna be more than friends
I wanna be more than friends
I wanna tell everyone you're taken
And take your hand until the end
I wanna be more than friends

Amu knew the song, and she knew that a female also sung in this song. Suddenly everything began to make sense. Utau telling her to come for the opening performance, Ikuto being on stage, the guy handing Amu the microphone, Amu smiled. The girl Ikuto was talking before was her. She was Ikuto's special girl. Amu's smile widened and she raised the microphone to lip. Taking a deep breath, Amu began to sing.

At the risk of sounding foolish
I don't wanna fool around no more
If we're gonna do this then let's do this
You can fix my broken heart if it's all yours

When Ikuto finally reached Amu, he looked down and her and grabbed her hand. Then he began to sing with her.

So take it easy
'Cause it ain't easy to say

Ikuto stopped singing and smiled at Amu while she sang.
I wanna be more than friends
I wanna be more than friends
I wanna tell everyone you're taken
And take your hand until the end
I wanna be more than friends

Joining in again, Ikuto continued to stare at Amu.

I'm asking you to be my baby
I'm giving you my heart, don't break it
I'm crushing and I'm going crazy
Either way I know we'll make it

Take it easy
It ain't easy to say

Ikuto stopped singing and smiled lovingly at Amu while she sang.

I'll take it easy

Amu stopped singing and  smiled lovingly at Ikuto while he began to sing.

I'll take it easy

Joining in again Amu stared up at Ikuto  with a light blush on her face.

It ain't easy to say

I wanna be more than friends
I wanna be more than friends
I wanna tell everyone you're taken
And take your hand until the end
I wanna be more than friends (friends)
I'm asking you to be my baby (asking you to be my baby)
I'm giving you my heart, don't break it (giving you my heart, don't break it)
I'm crushing and I'm going crazy (hey)
Either way I know we'll make it (I know, I know, I know we'll make it)

As the song ended the two teens stood there panting, staring at each other as if they were alone.

Putting the microphone up to his lips, Ikuto smiled.

"So what do ya' say, my little Strawberry, do you wanna be more than friends?"

"Say 'yes'!" Somebody called from the crowd.

Ikuto and Amu both laughed.

"So what do ya' say Strawberry?"

Putting the microphone up her lips, Amu smiled.


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