An Convenient Discovery

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Serena's Pov

Nine days. According to some people it would take nine days to reach Hell. I really hoped that they had it by the wrong end. For how long have we been falling? Days weeks Months? I didn't know it anymore. The concept of time seemed to have disappeared. Ash and I had hugged each other from the moment we had fallen into the abyss. As we fell further and further the pain seemed to get worse every metre we fell. With a bit of luck the impact would kill us instantly.
'Why the hell did my dream come true. I mean I've had countless dreams and none of them came true. It had to be this one.
After all the shit Ash and me have been through we get this.'
I pressed my lips against his ears.
"I love you"
I didn't know if he could hear me,but if we were going to die. I wanted those to be my last words.
As we descend further the air became worse and worse. It became hotter and hotter. The air began to smell like rotten eggs. As I looked down I could finally see the bottem.
'This Place is gigantic'
I saw we were going to land in a lake.
'Well that was it. There goes my life.'
Just before we hit the water. All my memories flashed by. My mum trying to learn me how to race with a rhyhorn. Meeting Ash in the forest. Travelling with Bonnie and Clemont. The masterclass final. And finally my first kiss with Ash.
We then hit the water.
Luckily the Impact didn't kill us. But worse was to come. I began to hear voices.

"Why do you want to fight?"
"You're dead already"
"You'll be stuck here forever "
"Let your life go"

'Are they right? Why am I fighting this? I can just let it all go. I can just close my eyes and let the pain go away. No life no pain.'
I then felt Ash grab my hand. And I suddenly remembered why I shouldn't give up. We are a team,a couple if we stay with each other nothing could break us. He pulled us to the surface. I looked to my right and saw a beach.
"Ash pull us to the right."
Every inch we seemed to get closer the voices stated to scream more and more

"Life is a false hope."
"Everything is useless"
"You can just die."

"Useless".Ash mummerd
He began to sink. I desperately tried to hold onto him.
"Ash don't listen to those voices. They only want to create suffer for you.
"Suffer".he mummerd
"Ash rember when we first met. Your words that inspired me and everyone else to be better trainers. Rember them! You said to never give up, never lose hope until the very last moment.
Never... Give up....." He mummerd.
After he said those words I felt his strength come back.
He the pulled us onto the beach in one move. I crawled to Ash and lay my head on top of his chest.
When I tried to breathe I felt my lungs were burning from the heat. I then I tried to sit up. When my hands touched the surface I screamed.
I looked at the ground and realised that it wasn't made of sand. But out of gravel and shards of glass.
'So the air is toxic for your longs, the water has insane voices in it and the ground is made out of broken glass
'Great' I thought
"This place looks like my Bedroom
Why that Ash?
They both need to be cleaned up"
I let out a laugh
"Oh that was very funny of you".I said
I then realised what I was doing. I was laughing in the most cruel and sad place imaginable. I don't know if anyone has ever laughed in hell.
'I'm so glad Ash is here with me. Without him I wouldn't have lasted for a second. He's the other part of me. He makes me complete.'
I then tried to grab my backpack but it was gone.
"Ash do still have Greninja with you?
Oh shit his Pokeball is gone." Ash said
'Fantastic we don't have any supplies,Greninja is gone and The air is shocking us. Come on their must be a way to ease the pain.
Wait. That's it'
"Ash before our school was closed because of the war do you remember that we had a class about the Hell.
I just remembered that the prof was talking about the river Stylyx that would heal the souls that lived there so that their suffer would be eternal.
So you say we have to go to the river and figure something out.
Serena. That's a brilliant plan
It's a plan we'll see if it it's brilliant".
I said.
We then set foot towards the river Stylyx. After a little walk we reached the edge of a ravine. At the bottem flowed the river Stylyx.
I didn't know how high it was but certainly high enough to be careful.
I wasn't sure if we should do this. But it was our only chance. If we stayed here we'd die because of the toxic air or the cancerous sand (yes sand can be cancerous)
"Ash we need to be careful .Every step we take could be our last one.
Serena don't worry 'bout a thing. You know they call me mr Careful.
Oh that's rich" I mummerd.
"Huh did you say anything?" He asked
"Oh nothing" I said smiling.
We then began to descend down the cliff. There were a few pathes of rock connected and disconnected. So we sometimes had to jump to get to the next path of rock.
"You know Serena. I have experienced countless times where I could've died. So if think it would be pretty ironic that I would die here.
Can you please talk a bit less. This is dangerous.
I'm just trying to keep it cool."Ash said
"Thank you "I said
I'll fall to my death with a smile on my face."
After a few minutes.we reached the bottem. I then saw the river Stylyx
"So what was your plan Serena?
We have to drink from it
Wh wh whaaaaat." He said
"The river is made out of fire how does drinking out of it help us?
I don't know exactly Ash. But since it keeps the dead souls alive. Maybe it can also keep a human soul alive.
Okay so how do we test it?" He asked
"Like this" I said while using my hands to get some firewater. I then drank it.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it burns."
It felt like I was drinking tea that was over 9000 degrees celcius.
Though After a few seconds I felt comfortable again.
"Serena are you alright?!
It's okay Ash . It takes some time to cope with it but at least I can breath normaly now.
You also need to drink Ash.
Uhhh are you sure ab".....
Before he could finish his sentence I put some firewater in his mouth to make him shut up.
"Ahhhh fucking hell that burns.
You can thank me later" I said
"A bit too hot and spicy."Ash said
I've definitely drank better things."
I chuckled at his comments. He makes this evil place feel like home. His lighthearted talk melts my heart.
'Oh Ash I love you so much'
Ash suddenly stopped laughing
"Serena you have to listen very carefully to me
Is there something wrong?" I said.
"In about 5 seconds I'm going to say duck. When I say that just follow my order.
Ash Can't you just tell me what's going
DUCK" He screamed
I immediately fell to the ground and heard a pokemon cry. After I stood up I quickly ran towards Ash. I grabbed his arm and pulled it closer to me.
I then saw the reasen why Ash told me to duck.
In front of us was a Ariados. But it didn't look normal. It's eyes were glowing with a red colour. And it's fangs were much larger.
"Serena grab some stones and dip them into the Stylyx.
Okay" I said
I quickly grabbed some fist sized rocks and dipped them into the Sylyx. After I pulled them out the tips were glowing red hot.
I looked at my right and saw that the Ariados still hadn't left.
"Ash use these". I said while throwing the rocks.
"Thanks Serena. Now it's game over for you Ariados." He said while running towards The Ariados.
'Oh god. Please Ash'
Just a feet before they collided Ash pierced the tip of the rock into the head of the spider.
The spider began to scream in agony. And after Ash hit it another time it was gone and transformed into a cloud of dust.
"Well that happened". Ash said
"You saved us Ash." I said while hugging him
"For now Serena. We're still in Hell.
We have to find a way out of this place so we can go back to the real world and help our friends and the people of Kalos
I aggree Ash. I think downstream this river is the right way.
If you say so then we I'll go." Ash said
We hadn't even walked for 2 minutes before Ash pulled me to the side behind a large rock. And put a finger onto my lips.
"Tshhh. Serena there are people ahead of us."
I didn't know who those people were but since we were in hell so it couldn't be good.
(or it could beCutecreeper61😂😂😂)
I tried to control my breathing. The chance that someone else was out there frightened me. As a young girl my mother had told me that hell was for the worst people and pokemon. And that all the pokemon and humans in hell became monsters.
"Is it still far?" One of the voices asked
"Oh my fucking hell" another shouted
This voice sounded much younger
"Can't you guys just shut up I said it was 3 days walking to the portal of doom"
Then there was a argument between the voices. I didn't know how many there were. I thought about 5
They had stopped walking just in front of the rock.
"I'm beginning to wonder if you need a Gps crammed into your head. This path is leading nowhere. You've lost the plot haven't you." Another said
"Oh shut your fucking mouth Malcolm" Said the second voice.
"I at least have a feeling for direction you can't even use your brain you dumb twat. I know where we're going you know nothing.
Calem didn't make you leader"
The fourth one shouted.
And so the arguing continued. With each voice getting louder and louder.
"Does my Lycanroc (midnight form) have to rip your head of!!!" Someone shouted.
In the end Malcolm shouted.
"Shut up you idiots"
The arguing stopped
"We will follow you for now. But if we find out this whole path is a joke we...
I'm not fucking lying" the young one shouted.
"Trust me I also want to pay those fucking Kalosians for their actions. You all can join my bloodbath.
They will fear me. They will hear me. they will know te name Xavier."
Ash then looked at me with a concerned face.
The guys then walked further downstream.
Ash slowly looked over the edge of the rock. He then looked at me
"Five guys they all wear trainers outfits and have pokeballs around their belt"
I squeezed Ash's hand. I knew that there was going to be trouble but I didn't expect this. I was frightened by them.
Ash stood up."They're going to the portal of doom" He whispered.
I didn't want to think about following those monsters. But unfortunately those guys could be our only chance at getting back to the real world.
"Yes" I said
"We need to go after them."

Phew after all those test I finally manged to create the second chapter. In that time period we went from 500 to 600 views within 2 days. Once again I can't thank you guys enough. So plz like,comment and share.
Have a nice day and peace.

After this chapter u still think hell is such a nice home XD.

I got the Quotd fromNonProGaming
So thanks for providing.

"Your love makes me strong. Your hate makes me unstoppable."-CR7

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