Help from Sinnoh

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Warning this chapter contains some
'Strong language'

Alain's Pov

After our escape out of the forest we were picked up by a helicopter of the Kalos National Army(KNA). After our flight landed in Lumiose city we were
Interregated by officers.
"I told you we don't know how the temple disappeared. It had sunk into the ground. We're honest" I said
'This Man is really beginning to piss me off now. We've been here for like 2 hours. And he Asks the same stupid questions over and over again.'
"Okay let's do this again. So
you,Marin,Serena and Ash went to the temple, after a while the temple disappears and YOU and Marin are the only ones who come back. And then You tell us that you have to find the real temple of Arceus for Ash.
WhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaI find that incredibly funny.
Sir for the last time WE said that it's the truth.
It sure is, in your dreams.
I've heard enough lies for now so you two are dismissed.
Thank you sir I hope I'll never see you again." I said while walking away from him.' Fucking hell if this stupid interegation would have been any longer I would have asked Charizard to throw fire blast at him.'
(You'll get a shout out in the next) chapter if you get the reference😎😎)
"Me too and your friends too
What about my friends"!!
I clenched my fist so it was ready.
"Your friends are certainly not going to know this.
What do you mean!!!
You and that girlfriend of yours are suspected of treason so you two are forbidden from leaving this building on your own. Only with our permission can you go."
'That was it at that point I lost it'
I was about to punch him but Marin grabbed my hand just in time.
"Alain please this isn't going to work.
You should listen to your girlfriend Alain she's smarter than you.
Anyway soon you two are going to be transferred form your rooms to another location. So be sure to pack your things. Now Leave."
After that we left his office and we went to my room.
"shit Marin how are we going to escape this building.
I don't know we're constantly watched so we can't just escape the place."
'There must be something that we can do we made a promise to Ash that we would find the real temple of Arceus. But now we're trapped and I can't think of a way to escape. Come on there must be a way out.'


Marin then looked at me with a grin
"Well there you go"
We then Immediately went to the entrance hall to search for the new recruits.
"Alain how do we know which ones are from Sinnoh?
I don't know we just have to be lucky.
So our plan is that we're going to say to the recruits that we'll give them a tour of the building.
And then we take them to my room and explain the plan in detail.
Sounds good to me let's go searching"
We each went through the crowd asking people where to were from. It was really hard because we often had to switch from kalosion our native language to English.
'Man Its like finding a needle in haystack. There should be recruits form sinnoh somewhere here.'
"Hey Dawn have you found someone who can speak English?
No Paul not yet I'm still looking"
"Hey Marin come over here.
What's it Alain?
I think I've found our guys" I said smiling.
Me and Marin approached the two.
"Hey Guys how was your journey probably crap but anyways where are you from?
Uhm We're from the Sinnoh region
Great then I'll be your guide.
You don't look like a guide." Paul said
You look like you've just come out of bed."
'Great' I thought
"Ah I get it, that was a funny joke. At home you must be the funny one right?
Well I don't have any siblings but If we we're brothers I'd definitely be funnier than you."
'Awsome when we do find recruits from Sinnoh they are acting like brats.'
I was beginning to lose my temper but Marin stepped in.
" Anyways let us help you around."
We then began to show them the building. Marin was so busy talking to Dawn that I think she actually forgot the plan. So halfway through our tour I decided to remind her of our plan.
"So that was great let's get to your rooms now
But we still haven't seen the other side of the building yet" Dawn said.
"Well that won't be necessary" I said while pulling them to the rooms.
"Let's all have a talk in Marin's room
Uhh Oke" Dawn said
I then closed the door looked around if anyone was watching us and then looked at Dawn and Paul.
"You guys are now going to hear classified secrets that are crucial to the survival of two important mebers. Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne. If anyone talks or even thinks about taking to someone else about this we all will be in danger and have a high chance of being imprisoned. Did you get that?"
'It was silent so I think it worked'
"Good Now onto the plan. A few days ago Me,Marin,Serena and Ash went to find the temple of Arceus. However the temple turned out to be trap and It made Ash and Serena disappear. Before vanishing Ash told me To search for the real Temple of Arceus. He also told us to search for Cynthia the champion since she knows where the temple is.
But since our officials here don't allow us to leave we've chosen you two to fuffil our mission to save Ash and Serene. There is a home next to the Prism tower where two of our friends live. Bonnie and Clemont they I'll help you further in your misson. Are there any questions?"
Dawn and Paul just sat there in shock. I think all the information overwhelmed them.
"I have two question" Dawn said
"Is Serena Ash's Girlfriend?
And Why us?
Well the answer to the first one is yes
Haha I knew it" Dawn said
"And why you two I don't know. But that doesn't matter. I don't care if you wanted to do this or not. I don't care if you think you can do it or not. The important thing is that Ash and Serena end up safe. So don't complain just accomplish your goal alright?

Dawn's Pov

After our talk with Alain and Marin me and Paul decided to tell the officers that we were going to explore the city. As we walking towards the exit we were stoped by an officer.
"Hoho Where do think you two are going!
We're just going to explore the city Sir.
Interesting new recruits almost never have an urgency to explore the city.
But we're not them. We're going to explore the city to meet the people learn the language and the way of life. If we know these things it'll be easier for us to work with your forces Sir.
Hmm okay you can go but you'll have to be back at 8 PM otherwise both of your contracts will be terminated.
We understand Sir"
We then exited the building.
As soon as we got outside I was amazed by the city.
'OMG I had never seen such a beautiful city in Sinnoh. Everything was beautifully designed from the café's to the boutique stores.'
"Hey when your done daydreaming we can maybe grab a taxi.
Oh what uhh yeah sorry Paul."
Paul then put his hand in the air to signal for a taxi.
"Sir where would you like to go?
Towards the prism tower please.
(During the ride)
'Wow Ash has a girlfriend who knew he could be romantic.'
"Hey Dawn do you have some knc with you?"
(knc means the Kalosian National Currency)
"Shit I forgot to exchange my money.
Okay let me think........I have a plan."

*After the taxi ride*

"Well t there you go. That's 15 knc please.
Yeah about that. We can't Pay you any money right now.
What Are YOU SERIOUS If you don't pay me I'll sue you two.
Whoa whoa chill bro I'd like to make a deal with you". Paul said
"Let's have a Pokemon battle. If I win we don't have to pay for this ride and you'll let us go, but if you win you can sue us for not paying you.
Hmm interesting." The chauffeur said. "I take it. I presume she'll be refereeing this match.

Paul's Pov

This Battle is 1v1 Battle if a Pokemon form one side faints then.
"Yeah yeah that's enough talk".I said "let's battle. I choose you Magmortar.
And I choose you Floette"
(Tune the battle music)
"Okay Magmortar use Flare blitz"
Magmortar jumped into air while being surrounded by blue flames.
Oh No FLOETTE look out".
It was too late Magmorter hit Floette with souch power it caused a mini explosion. After the wind had calmed down I saw Floette lying on the floor.

"Well that was easy."
From my right Eye I could see Dawn running towards me.
"Paul was that really necessary?
Would you have been prepared to be stand trial Dawn?"I said smirking.
"Shut up Paul"
After a walk and Dawn's constant jabbering about the Prism tower we finally arrived at the house of Bonnie and Clemont.
(*Ding dong*)
"Who are you two?
I'm Paul Vermont and next to me is Dawn Berlitz
(Thank youTexemonOfficial for
inventing the name 🙄🙄)
My name is Myer Voltic but why have you come here?
We're here to discuss something very Important.
Well come in then."
His house was pretty nice. There wasn't anything really special. Though I noticed that when he showed us everything he sounded really sad.
'I wonder why he's so sad.'
"Would you like to eat with us?
Yes thank you so much."Dawn said
Voltic made us spaghetti bolognese. It was delicious. I think it was the best spaghetti I've ever eaten.
At the end of our meal a girl with lemon blond hair sat down with us. Meyer then stood up.
"I want you to meet my daughter Bonnie Voltic.
Well hallo Bonnie my Name is Dawn Berlitz and his Name is Paul Vermont.
Well I guess It's nice to meet you....."
'Again why is she so sad If you live in the middle of Lumiose city what could be wrong ?'
"Bonnie why are you sad?" I asked.
Suddenly Bonnie's eyes started producing tears. She was on the brink of crying.
"Paul I don't think she wants to......
It's about Clemont".Meyer said
Bonnie then jumped out of her seat and runned upstairs.
"I presume a lot of things have happened before we arrived.
I'll give you guys an explanation.
A month ago soldiers from the KNA came to our home.
They asked my son Clemont to become head of their new Advanced Rifle department. He refused to go because he didn't want to use his knowledge to harm other people.
But then...."
Meyer began to clench his fist.
I almost never get scared but he showed some serious anger.
Then suddenly.
Dad please stop this Clemont wouldn't have wanted this. Please."
Meyer sighed I think he calmed down.
"I'm so sorry it's just he's my first child. And I let him be kidnapped by the KNA.
No Meyer you haven't done anything wrong. It was the army." Dawn said
"I want you to show a videoclip Clemont has send us."


I never thought that I had to kill people. But now I am using my knowledge to cause unbearable suffer to the other soldiers. They want me to make a electric rifle that can kill a soldier instantly.
My knowledge is now used create terror. Now I am become death.
,the destroyer of men. I suppose all of us working in this department thought that. When we got our orders.

Dawns Pov

'How can the army do this. Their actions are hurting their own people.'
"Sorry mr Voltic but I want tell you now why we've come here.
Go ahead.
Ash and Serena have disappeared so Alain and Marin asked us to go and search for them. But we don't know how to go to the Sinnoh region is there anything you could do for us?
Sorry I'm afraid I can't do anything. All citizens of Kalos are forbidden from leaving it's borders.
There's One Person who can leave though."Bonnie said
"Who might that Bonnie?"
Bonnie stood up and gave me a card
"This person can helpt you two."

The card read:
Aria Kalos queen.

Well that was the first chapter. I can't believe we've already hit 200 views. I'm incredibly happy that so many of you want to read this story
Plz comment and vote and sorry if there were any grammatical mistakes.

Btw I found this on twitter
*Read from right to left*

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thank you to
TexemonOfficial for letting me use Dawn's surname(😝😝😝😝😝)

Thank you to Cutecreeper61
For being so nice

And to NonProGaming
For continually supporting me.

That was it thanks for reading. Have a nice day and Peace


'Mom why do all good people die so soon?'
'When you go picking flowers which ones do you pick?'
'The best ones'

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