2015 MBC Music Festival Part 2

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It was almost time for BTS to open the show and I could see Jimin's nerves a mile away. I walked over to him and began to massage his shoulders. Since I was now about his height with the help of my heels, I didn't have to reach too high, "Relax, Mochi. You'll do great."

He sighed, "Noona, what if I mess up on stage in front of everyone?"

I moved in front of him and said, "Jimin, you're one of the best performers I know. You're the only one who keeps doubting that. If we all thought you couldn't handle this, would you be performing a well-known classic?"

He shook his head. Then I told him, "You just get out there, sing and dance your heart out and believe me, everyone will be happy."

He gave me a small smile, "Thanks, Noona."

"No problem, Jimin. Hwaiting!" I replied. Then Yoongi smiled at me.

I waited in the back with Mi Ho-unni and Minho-oppa. Once we were settled down, the performance started.


Mi Ho-unni was practically panting. I gave her a fan, "Will you be alright?"

"Give me some time to recover, then I'll let you know," she told me, fanning herself.

Minho-oppa laughed, "Why do I get the feeling Jin might get extra pampered after this?"

"Oh, he definitely will," I replied.

Then we heard yelling from the hallway. I knew it was the guys running back. Jimin came to me and bear hugged me, "Thanks, Eunji-noona."

I patted his back, "You're welcome, Jimin."

When he let me go, Yoongi smiled at me, "I personally want to thank you for calming him down before the performance. I wouldn't have heard of the end of it if you didn't."

I smiled, "You're welcome. Now, don't you have clothes to change into?"

"I would, but Mi Ho is too busy fawning over Jin-hyung at the moment," he replied, looking in their general direction.

I looked at them and I giggled, "I'll take care of you, then."

I helped him by picking up the clothes he discarded while he changed into the clothes he's supposed to wear. I didn't look at him while he was changing, of course. He looked at me and said, "You could play the piano part, you know."

"I could, but I would get booed off the stage. It's better that everyone stares at you and Jungkook at the start," I retorted.

He smiled at me and said, "The person I'd rather have stare at me is you."

I could've melted right there. I said, "Who are you and what have you done to Yoongi? He's normally not like this."

He hugged me, then he gave me a small bite on my neck. I moved back, chuckled and said, "That's the Yoongi I know."

He chuckled, then walked away along with everyone else. Mi Ho-unni came back to the couch, now breathing normally. I asked, "It's fair to assume that they did Shinhwa justice?"

"They definitely did," she answered.

Minho-oppa gave her a bottle of water, then they were performing again.


I was happy that everyone enjoyed the performance. When they came back, we helped them remove whatever sweat they accumulated and helped them in their suits. I smiled, "The hard part is over. Now you can enjoy the rest of the show."

"It's a shame you can't sit in between us, Noonas and Hyung," Taehyung told us with a pout.

I smiled, "We'll be at your table at least."

We cleaned up our area and we were about to load up the van, but the other coordinators shooed us away saying that we've done enough and we should enjoy the festival.

(A/N: I've never seen the idols sitting with the stylists. I'm just bending the rules :D)

We walked with the guys to their table. Yoongi purposely sat at the edge in order to sit next to me. Then the lights went off and Girls' Generation got on stage.


I was smiling from ear to ear, "I didn't think they would go this direction, but that was amazing."

Then I felt his hand rest on mine. Thankfully, his hand wasn't in view of the cameras. I didn't look his way immediately, but when I did, he gave me a small smile. Then GOT7 appeared on stage.


I felt Yoongi's grip slightly tighten. I asked him, "Is everything alright?"

"I didn't like how BamBam and Mark were looking at you," he said bluntly.

I chuckled, "Are you going to be jealous of every guy that looks my way? Besides, they never met me in person. Jackson has, though."

His grip got tighter. I laughed, "Relax. I'm not leaving with him, remember?"

"How did you meet Jackson, anyway?" he asked.

"I met him through Namjoon. Those two are hilarious to watch together," I told him.

Namjoon looked away as if he was embarrassed, "He was practically flirting with her."

Yoongi gave Namjoon a cold glare. I said, "Don't have a go at him. He actually tried his best to make sure Jackson didn't try anything."

That seemed to calm him down, Then Girls' Generation was back on stage.


I smiled, "I have a dress similar to theirs. Why didn't I wear that one instead?"

Yoongi chuckled, "You apparently wanted to match my hair."

I shook my head, "That obvious, huh?"

We were in a commercial break, so I left for the ladies' room to touch up my makeup. When I walked out, I bumped into someone and said, "I'm sorry!"

"It's fine, Eunji-noona," I know that voice anywhere. It's Kai.

I looked up and smiled, "Have you been well?"

"I have, for the most part. I haven't seen you in a while," he told me.

"Well, I've been busy, you've been busy, so there's not much we can do about that," I told him.

"We could hang out," he suggested.

I chuckled, "That's sweet of you, but maybe next time when we're not in this setting."

He nodded, then he gave me a hug, "See you later, Eunji-noona."

I nodded and walked away. I made it back to the table next to Yoongi and I told him, "I saw Kai again."

He looked at me and asked, "Did he try to steal you away again?"

I shook my head, "I believe he's past the first look/crush phase by now."

He intertwined his fingers with mine, "That's good. I would hate to have to remind him as to why you stay with us."

I smiled, "Because I work with a man who's practically everyone's second Appa and I'm dating my childhood friend?"

He chuckled, "Precisely."

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! Part 3 will be made, but first I have ideas for the 40k special that I'll have you vote right here.

Yoongi and Eunji during vacation in "I Need U" era

Hobi teaching Eunji hip hop

A week with Yoongi and Eunji in the studio

Double Date 

English Time with Jungkook and Yoongi

I pray you're doing well and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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