60k Special: Yoongi and Eunji's Mini-Vacation

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I had Eunji blindfolded and wearing noise cancelling ear buds the entire time we were on the plane. She removed one ear bud and asked, "When will I know where we're going?"

I kissed on the cheek and told her, "You'll find out soon enough."

Then I placed the ear bud back in her ear. Convincing her to do this was not easy at all. It took the kids asking for souvenirs from wherever we went. 


After what felt like hours, Yoongi helped me off the plane and from what I can tell, outside the air port. He removed the blindfold and ear buds and I was finally able to ask, "Where are we?"

He was holding our luggage and said, "Turn around."

I looked to see a Union Jack above the airport we walked out of. I smiled, "London?"

He smiled, "You've always said you wanted to go."

I gave him a tight hug, smiled and followed him to the hotel we were staying in. Once we got there, Yoongi said, "It'll be under Min Yoongi."

I chuckled, "I'll be the one saying it, will I?"

He nodded, "Yes."

(A/N: Italics for English.)

We got to the reception desk and I said to the person that was there, "We're under Min Yoongi."

The lady looked on the computer, smiled and said, "Here you go. Your room has the best view of the British Museum."

Then she whispered the last part, "I'm a huge fan of BTS, by the way. I won't let anyone know you're here."

I translated everything to Yoongi and he smiled, "Thank you."

We made it to our room and he put our luggage in a corner of the room. I took off my shoes and coat laid down on the bed. Yoongi chuckled at me, "Usually, that's the first thing I do."

I looked at him, "You try being blindfolded and deaf to everything around you for hours."

I laid my head back down on the pillow. Then he removed his coat and shoes and joined me, holding me close to him. I asked, "So, anything you want to do once we feel like getting up?"

"Well, I was thinking about enjoying some whiskey with you," he explained.

I scoffed, "In case you forgot, me and alcohol don't go together."

He began stroking my hair and replied, "Don't worry. I'll make sure to cut you off before you have too much."

I smiled and dozed off. After a while, I woke up and noticed it was late afternoon. I looked to my left and Yoongi was still asleep. I began to move his bangs from his forehead, then he said in a low voice, "Can you not be a stylist for this trip?"

I chuckled, "I'll try not to. Now that we're awake, we should get some dinner."

He smiled, "Thankfully, I noticed a pub nearby. I've read good things about it."

We got up from bed, washed up separately, and I put on my outfit for the evening.

I turned around to see what Yoongi was wearing and I was surprised at what he was wearing. 

(A/N: Imagine he's not wearing the beanie and mask and all he's carrying is his wallet and his phone.)

I didn't expect him to match me. I laughed, "How did we both end up wearing blue?"

He smiled, "Who knows?"

He opened the door to let me exit first, then he followed afterward and locked the door. As we were walking, we were holding hands. I was happy for this because we're not able to do this back home. The pub was just a brisk walk away from the hotel. When we got there, there was a hostess with curly black hair and she said to us with a smile, "Good evening. Would you like a table or a booth?"

Yoongi whispered in my ear and I nodded, "We would like a booth."

She smiled and led us to a booth that was near a window. I looked at the menu to see what looked good. Yoongi said, "It feels nice."

I looked at him and smiled, "It does."

"Just you and me, no kids to steal your attention," he mused.

I laughed, "Is that why we're in another country? Because you wanted to pull me away from the maknae line?"

He smirked, "That was part of it. I actually really wanted to travel with you, even if it was only for a few days."

Then a server came to us, "Good evening. My name is Gideon and I'll be your server this evening. May we start with a drink?"

(A/N: This is Gideon's face claim.)

I looked at Yoongi, then he said, "Two whiskeys."

Gideon nodded, "Right away, sir."

As he walked away, I kept eyeing the smoked salmon pasta. Yoongi smiled at me and asked, "Want to try it together?"

I nodded, then Gideon came back with the whiskey. He then asked, "Are you ready to order?"

I smiled, "We are. We'll both have the smoked salmon pasta."

"Excellent choice. I'll be back." Gideon answered with a smile, then walked away. When I looked at Yoongi, he was leaning his head on his hand with a soft smile on his face.

I asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

He chuckled, "I love hearing you speak English. It's very melodic."

I looked down and smiled, "You're just saying that. Namjoon is a little better than me. I still have a bit of an accent."

He shook his head, "I love hearing it. It suits you."

I smiled, then Gideon came back with the smoked salmon pasta, "Enjoy your meal."

I smiled wide, "This looks great!"

Then we both said, "Jal meokgesseumnida."

Once I took one bite, I was grinning, "This is delicious!"

Yoongi took a sip of his whiskey and grinned, "Funny. You haven't touched your whiskey yet."

I sighed and took a sip of it. The alcohol hit my system rather quickly, so I ate more pasta. Yoongi chuckled, "Too much for you?"

I looked at him, "That's more powerful than the beer we tried the first time we drank together."

"That's because that beer was watered down. You didn't get the full effect until later," Yoongi explained.

I was surprised, but I just kept eating. I drank the whiskey on occasion, but once I felt myself getting buzzed, I stopped. Yoongi smiled at me, "Had enough?"

I nodded, "Yes, indeed."

Once we were done eating, Yoongi paid Gideon and we left. While we were walking back to the hotel, Yoongi said, "That pasta tasted great."

I smiled, "Yes, it did."

"So, we've done what I wanted to do. Tomorrow is all for you," he explained.

I grinned at him, "Are you sure you're ready for that?"

He smiled, "It can't be worse than going dress shopping."

I playfully smacked his shoulder, "It was not that bad. Besides, you surprisingly had a good eye for what looked good on me."

"I've seen you in costumes, so I was drawing from those experiences," he explained.

We made it back to the hotel room. Yoongi let me shower first, then he showered after me. While he was in the shower, I was looking for things to do and places to shop for souvenirs for the maknae line. I was wearing my glasses since I forgot to bring my contacts. Yoongi walked out of the bathroom with a black T-shirt and grey pajamas on and his hair was damp. I smiled, then took my glasses off. He joined me in bed and wrapped his arms around me. I said, "Good night, Yoongi."

"Good night, Eunji-ah," he replied.

The next morning, the other side of the bed felt cold. I was looking around, but I didn't see Yoongi. Then I heard the door open. It was Yoongi carrying a tray of breakfast for two and two cups of coffee.

I smiled, "Good morning."

"Good morning," he replied.

I looked at what he brought and I asked, "How did you manage it?"

He looked down, "I used what little English I could come up with. Thankfully, one of the staff was able to piece together what I was trying to say."

I chuckled, "I applaud your effort."

We started eating and drinking the coffee. He asked, "So, what do you want to do today?"

I smiled, "I want to look around, shop around, maybe find those souvenirs for the kids."

"Well, what about me?" he asked while pouting.

I laughed, "You want to act cute now?"

"Would you rather stay in bed all day?" he asked.

"And waste it? No. I'll do something for you, too," I told him.

We got dressed and we left the hotel to walk around. I noticed a lot of street food carts and other stores. I turned around to see Yoongi looking at some jewelry. I walk over there smiling. He gave the vendor some money and he turned to me. He refused to show me what he bought, so we just kept on walking. I saw some guys dancing in the corner and smiled. I noticed that there was a hat filled with some coins and bills, so I put a 10 pound note in the hat. We've been walking for some time, so we finally stopped and sat down at the Joy of Life Fountain.

I smiled, "Today was really fun. We even have souvenirs."

Yoongi sighed, "I didn't think you would be walking for as long as we have."

"I'm sorry about that. Now, what did you buy from the jewelry place? You've been very secretive," I wondered.

He looked at me and smiled. He pulled out his purchase and showed me what it was.

I gasped, "Couple necklaces?"

"Yes. I almost bought rings, but I want to be sure that we were both ready for that step," he explained.

I smiled, then he gave me the silver part while he wore the black part. Naturally, I knew that he couldn't wear it all the time or he would have to hide it beneath his shirt, but the fact that he wanted to do this was enough for me to kiss him. When we parted, I heard an older woman say, "Ah, young love. Where would this world be without it?"

I smiled and Yoongi looked confused. I translated what she said and Yoongi smiled and led me back to the hotel so we could rest. I'm thankful for this mini vacation.

And that's the 60k special! Hello, everyone! I just want to thank you for staying with me and being patient. The photo shoot will continue after this. I pray you're doing well and I hope you enjoyed the special!

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