A Day Off Together

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I woke up the next morning looking at Yoongi's sleeping face. He looks so adorable! I began nuzzling his neck. Then I heard him chuckling, "Want to stay in bed all day?"

I looked at him and said, "You know I can't do that. I have to do my morning yoga."

I got out of bed and pulled out two mats. Yoongi said, "You want me to join you, don't you?"

I smiled, "Yes, I do."

He slowly got up and joined me. I smiled, "Don't worry. I'll make it simple for you."

(A/N: This is what Eunji is wearing.)

I waited for him to join me. Once we got out of bed and joined me, I smiled, "Let's get started."

As I was helping him through the poses for beginners and how to breathe through them, I could see him releasing whatever stress he had. When it ended, he said, "I'd join you all the time, but you know I enjoy sleep too much."

I nodded, "I know and I won't push you."

He raised an eyebrow, "I thought you were done being my enabler."

I chuckled and stood up, "Well, given what we are now, I don't believe I'll ever done being your enabler."

He stood up and gently kissed my lips. We would've continued if we didn't hear a knock on the door. Mi Ho-unni was on the other side, "You might want to step out. I don't think I can keep Jin-oppa from being a eomma right now."

I chuckled, then said, "Well, time to see them."

He nodded, then I put on a black T-Shirt and opened the bedroom door. It was the rest of BTS with the largest grins on their faces, with the exception of Jin-oppa, who looked more worried. Namjoon spoke first, "Congratulations, you two."

Taehyung smiled, "I'm happy for you, Noona. I'll be available in case he hurts you, though."

The look in Yoongi's eyes was enough to get Taehyung to stop talking. I held his hand and rubbed his arm to calm him down. Jungkook said, "I'm glad for the both of you. Just don't forget about me, Noona."

Why is he so adorable right now? I replied, "How can I forget about you, Kookie?"

He smiled, then Jimin said, "I'm all for you two! Just don't hurt her, Hyung. I'll never forgive you!"

Yoongi didn't want to admit it, but even he just melted at Jimin's cuteness, even if said cuteness wasn't intentional. Jin-oppa said, "I am happy for you two, but if you have plans for any 'extracurricular' activities, please be safe. I don't need another child to raise."

Mi Ho-unni laughed, "I believe that covers it. Now time for breakfast! I'm starving."

We all laughed at Mi Ho-unni. I looked at the table and it was an American style breakfast to my surprise.

I looked at Jin-oppa, "You cooked all of this?"

He smiled, "I did."

We all sat down and began to eat. I looked at everyone at the table and I couldn't help but smile. I asked, "So, everyone has the day off?"

Everyone nodded, but I know everyone by now. They'll use this time to either dance or make music. When breakfast was over, only Yoongi and Jin-oppa helped us with the dishes, despite me and Mi Ho-unni's insistence that they shouldn't have to. After that, Jin-oppa and Mi Ho-unni left for the practice room while me and Yoongi went to his studio. I said, "Have you made any progress on the mixtape?"

He smiled, "I have. I even have a name now."

I raised an eyebrow, then he told me, "Agust D."

I was confused, "What's the meaning behind it?"

"It's my stage name spelled backwards and the initials of D-Town spelled backwards also. This is my music separate from BTS and I've kept in D-Town," he explained.

I smiled, "I've always appreciated that you never forget where you started."

He nodded, "Funny thing is you are one of the reasons I kept going."

"Really?" I wondered.

"Yes. You were one of the few people who supported my decision to pursue my career even when you had to feed me when I was starving," he told me.

I laughed, "Someone had to make sure you ate if Auntie Min wasn't around."

He laughed, then pulled up a chair for me to sit next to him. I said, "You never had an extra chair before."

"I had it ready for you. Also, here," he replied while handing me a card. It was a number.

"That's the code to my studio door. You're the only one I'm willing giving it too," he told me.

I pulled him closer to me and kissed him, "Thank you for trusting me with this."

He smiled, "No problem."

We continued to tweak certain songs for the mixtape. There were moments when I wished he would make up his mind about the arrangements he wanted, but I knew that this was part of his process. When we finished one song, he said, "Remember my verse in Just One Day?"

I nodded, "Yes, I do. I thought it was really sweet."

He just smiled at me, "I wrote it for you."

I just looked at him, then he continued, "As for the 'Yoongi-ah' you hear in the verse, I actually recorded that with my phone when you were calling me to your chair. Separating the audio from the video was a bit of a challenge, though."

I laughed, "I thought it was weird when I heard that and I wasn't even in here."

Then our stomachs decided to break up the moment by growling. We looked at each other and laughed. I said, "Lunch?"

He nodded. We went to a small restaurant that thankfully had some closed off quarters so we didn't have to worry about Yoongi being recognized. We ordered our drinks and food and when I turned to Yoongi, he seems to have been looking at me for some time and I asked, "What are you staring at so intently?"

"Your eyes. Now that you're not wearing contacts, I get to see them," he told me.

I said, "But I'm wearing glasses right now."

He gently removed them from my face. He said, "There they are."

I scoffed, "You've always wanted to do that, didn't you?"

He nodded, "I was just waiting for the day I could do it without you slapping my hand away."

I shook my head, then put my glasses back on. Our food arrived and I was more than happy to see it. Thankfully, I didn't eat too fast, but Yoongi looked ready to laugh, "I'm so thankful you don't believe in dieting."

I shook my head, "Yet no matter how much I eat, I either get fatter or don't gain anything at all. There's no in between with me."

He reached his hand over to hold mine, "Whatever your body looks like, you won't get any complaints from me."

I smiled, "Thank you, Yoongi."

"No problem," he replied. We finished our lunch and went back to the Big Hit Entertainment. Once we were back in the studio. I started fiddling around with the keyboard before he started on the mixtape, then I played Fukari Mori from Inyuyasha, one of my favorite anime series.


(A/N: Imagine there's no sheet music.)

Yoongi smiled at me, then we went back to work. I look forward to this mixtape and BTS's next comeback.

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! There will be a salon chapter after this. I pray you're doing well and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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