Blood, Sweat, and Tears Choreography

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I walked into the practice room two hours before the guys arrived. I put my things down and took off my hoodie.

(A/N: This is the outfit that Eunji is wearing.)

I stretched and warmed up my body, then I began dancing the choreography. For the rest of the time, I was dancing until my hair came down. I heard the door open, so I turned around. Jimin was the first to talk in and greet me, "Good morning, Noona."

I smiled, "Good morning, everyone."

Yoongi tilted his head to the side, "Have you been dancing in here the whole time?"

"Yes, I have and now I'll show you want I've been working on," I explained.

Namjoon gave me a towel, "Shouldn't you rest a little first?"

"Thank you. I've been praised for my stamina. Now, you all just stretch and I'll show you," I told him, using the towel to wipe my face and neck. Once they were against the wall stretching, I began to dance.

(A/N: Eunji is the one in the white shirt.)

When I finished, the guys looked surprised. I smiled, "I know it's a bit different from what you're used to, but I believe you can handle it."

"A bit different? That's an understatement! Do we all have to do that...slow grind to the floor?" Namjoon asked.

I laughed, "I don't expect all of you to do it. Just do it if you're able to."

Everyone let out a relieved sigh. Jungkook, however, attempted it. He looked at me and smiled, "Like that, Noona?"

"Yes, like that," I replied.

Jungkook just smiled at me and stood up. Then I looked at everyone else, "Anyone else wants to take a crack at it?"

Jimin stood up and did it. It didn't surprise me given his contemporary dance background. I smiled, "Are we ready to start?"

Everyone nodded, then stood up. I placed everyone in a formation with Jimin in the center. Jimin looked shy, "Do I have to be in the center?"

"Yes, Mochi. You're the first vocal part we hear," I told him. 

Then I showed them how to start. When Jimin reached for whatever he was imagining was in front of him, I smiled, but I wasn't ready for when they all looked at me. I put a hand on my heart, "Who gave you permission to look at me like that?"

Yoongi chuckled and said, "I don't need permission last time I checked."

Jin-oppa said, glaring at Yoongi, "What did I say about language?"

I laughed, "Alright, let's keep going."

When we got to Yoongi's part, I said, "Now, you don't have to dance right here, but you do have to move from here to here."

I pointed to where I was directing him. He smiled, "So, I can do what I want, really."

"Yes, you can until you return to the choreography," I replied.

Once Yoongi did his part, we moved on to Namjoon. I felt bad for this formation because Jin-oppa is behind Namjoon on his knees, but he still did the dance, which I was proud of. Namjoon chuckled, "So I have to rely on what little acting skills I have since I'll be standing here?"

I laughed, "You're not a bad actor, Namjoon."

"No, but I doubt anyone would pay me for it," he told me.

Once his part was concluded, I said, "Now, Hobi, remember, everyone else is your wings. Don't go ahead of them."

Hobi nodded, then we continued. Hobi did his part, then the beginning of the chorus happened. As I expected, Jungkook and Jimin did the slow grind to the ground. Hobi and Taehyung did their own variation of it and also, as I expected, Yoongi, Jin-oppa, and Namjoon didn't do it at all, but I was fine with it. Taehyung did his part while everyone danced around him. When Jungkook had the lead, I couldn't help but notice how much he has grown up. He's no longer the baby Kookie, but he still acts like it on occasion. Then we got to the part I feared the most; the jumps. They did bump into each other at first, so I stopped the music, "Alright, how about we start back from there, but spread out more. I don't need you hurting yourselves any more than you already have."

Everyone agreed and they tried again. This time they were too far apart. I said, "Stop!"

Once they did, I started physically moving them to certain spots. I moved Yoongi last and he smiled, "Well if you wanted to be close, why didn't you say so?"

I gave him a playful glare, "I'm not entertaining your jokes today."

We kept going until I was satisfied with the result. I smiled, "Great job, everyone. I'll order food, then we'll do the whole thing from the top. What do you want to eat?"

"Chicken!" they shouted at once. I laughed and called the order in. 

While we were waiting, Jimin said, "Noona, we're moving into a new dorm soon! Are you coming with us?"

I chuckled, "I've heard and I'm not sure. Bang PD-nim hasn't talked to me or Mi Ho-unni about that yet."

"Please move with us! It wouldn't be the same without you," Taehyung told me.

Yoongi gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze and said, "They might not move with us. We'll have to wait and see."

I smiled sadly, then I heard a knock on the door, "That's the chicken."

Their faces lit up and I stood up and paid the delivery guy, "Thank you for your hard work."

I placed the chicken down and everyone got their share of chicken. Jungkook sat closer to me and said, "I'll convince Bang PD-nim to let you move with us, Noona."

I looked at Jungkook and thought about that statement. I've been around him since he was 16 and I've seen him at his best and at his worst, but regardless, he's become family like the rest of the group. Once we took the time to let the food digest, I said, "Alright. It's time to see everything from the top. Ready?"

"Yes," they replied. They got in position and I turned the music on.

I smiled and applauded, "Great job! This turned out better than I expected!"

They smiled despite how exhausted they were. I nodded, "Well, we'll definitely practice it more, but for now, let's call it a day."

Everyone cheered, but Yoongi was the loudest. I walked over to pick up my stuff, then I heard footsteps behind me. I knew it was Yoongi and I asked with a smile, "Is there something you need, Yoongi?"

He hugged me and whispered, "You are the best. Most choreographers would keep us around until after midnight."

I chuckled, "And have you so exhausted you can't even look at your schedule? That's not how I work."

He smiled, "Also, about us moving, I know it's not my place to decide whether you come with us or not, but I'm hoping that you do."

I nodded, then kissed his cheek, "Same here."

Once we parted, one of the fellow staff asked me to come to Bang PD-nim's office. I was nervous as usual because I can never tell what he wants half the time. I knocked on his door and I heard him say, "Come in."

I opened the door and said, "You wish to see me?"

He looked up at me and said, "Yes, Eunji-ah."

He motioned for me to sit in the chair in front of his desk and I did. He said, "As you may know, BTS are moving into a new dorm."

I nodded, "I was informed, yes."

I'm not this formal most of the time, but given the situation, I don't know what Bang PD-nim will do. He continued, "I've been going over all the possibilities on whether or not I should let you and Mi Ho-ssi move with them and be in the same hallway. I thought that wouldn't be necessary."

I was shocked by this and was about to protest, but he raised a hand to stop me. I leaned back and let him speak, "That won't be necessary because you'll be in the same space as them."

I was shocked. Me and Mi Ho-unni live in the same space as the guys? I asked, "But would that be all right with you? I distinctly remember you being against women in the dorm."

"Yes, women that I've never met, but you and Mi Ho-sii are exceptions because you work with the boys all the time and they really respect you. They would be grateful to have you in the dorm with them."

I smiled and said, "Thank you, Bang PD-nim."

I bowed respectfully and walked out of the office. I looked for Mi Ho-unni and I found her looking through costumes for the next comeback. I said, "Unni!"

She jumped, nearly dropping a jacket. She looked my direction and sighed, "Please don't scare me like that."

"Sorry, but I have some news," I replied.

Mi Ho-unni hung the jacket up and asked, "Will I lose my senses?"

"Probably. We'll be moving in the boys' dorm when it's time to move," I whispered.

She looked at me in disbelief, then when she realized I wasn't pranking her, she squealed, "Seriously?! For real ?!"

"Yes, but I want that to be a surprise for the guys. I have to help me plan everything," I retorted.

"Eunji, in case you haven't wondering, I'm the queen of planning," she told me with a smirk.

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! Sorry I've been gone for so long. I pray you're doing well and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Here are some ideas for the next special. Vote for the one you want to see the most and I'll make it happen!

Eunji and Yoongi Fight and Make Up

Mi Ho and Eunji Surprise BTS at the new dorm

Eunji Goes with Jungkook To The Gym

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