Blood, Sweat, and Tears Day 3

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It's the beginning of Day 3 and I'm brewing the coffee. Mi Ho-unni walked in and smiled, "Good morning, Eunji."

I looked at her and smiled, "Hello, Mi Ho-unni. Are those bites on your neck I see?"

"What?" Mi Ho-unni said in a shocked tone. She pulled out a compact mirror and saw the marks on her neck.

I looked at her, "Please don't kill him."

"Oh, I won't kill him, but I need your help to cover these up," Mi Ho-unni told me.

I laughed and pulled out my makeup. I applied some foundation first, then concealer on the actual bites themselves. After that, I applied a little powder to set everything. When I was done, Mi Ho-unni looked at her neck in the mirror and nodded, "You can barely tell they are there. Thank you."

I shook my head smiling, "Anything for a friend."

Then the guys walked in and I said, "Good morning."

"Good morning," they all said tiredly.

"Hey, cheer up. This is the last day of shooting. The hard part is over," Mi Ho-unni told them.

They managed to smile, then they are drank some coffee except for Taehyung and Jungkook, who drank tea instead. I said, "When you're all finished, it's off to set."

They ate a light breakfast, then we went into the van. Hobi was riding shotgun this time. On the front row, Namjoon was on Mi Ho-unni's left while Jin-oppa was on her right. In the middle row, Taehyung was on my right and Yoongi was on my left. In the back row was Jimin and Jungkook. I said, "It's the last day of filming!"

Everyone cheered and Hobi said, "This will be great!"

I smiled, then we arrived at the set. I pulled out my tools and waited for Jungkook to set in my chair since I was in charge of him today. When he put on his costume, he sat down in my chair and I started doing his makeup. I smiled, "Ready for today?"

Jungkook smiled, "I am. It's the last day, so we don't have to do too much. We really just have to dance, walk around the museum, and watch Jin-hyung kiss a statue."

I laughed at that. I didn't write the script for this music video, but I appreciated the work put into it. When I was finished with his makeup, I started on his hair. I was picturing his hair for the next comeback already. I couldn't dye his hair in any crazy colors, but I could sneak in a pink streak in there one day. When I was finished, the guys were talking to the director about the scene, then Jin-oppa was in front of the camera facing the statue. I was watching it with everyone else. Jimin was giggling the whole time. After the kiss scene, Jin-oppa had to stand in front of the mirror. After that, the guys had to get ready for the first time they walk around the museum. I asked, "Why are you the only one on a bike, Yoongi?"

"Because walking is overrated," he said with a smile. I chuckled and watched the guys walk around and look at the art pieces being displayed. It was funny and heartwarming. After that, they had to walk around a second time, only this time, Yoongi was supposed to cover Jin-oppa's eyes. The problem was it was way too funny and none of us could take it seriously. I said, "How about we use someone else?"

The director nodded, "Taehyung, you cover Jin's eyes."

The scene was shot again with Taehyung covering Jin-oppa's eyes. It made more sense for the scene. After that, the guys had to change costumes for the choreography scene which is the last thing we had to film. I was closer to the monitor for this one. Seeing the guys do it once, I noticed that they took my notes to heart and it was better than the last time. After that, it had to be filmed again so different angles could be caught. I smiled and asked, "Are you alright, everyone?"

They looked at me with tired smiles, then Jimin asked, "One more take?"

"If it's alright with everyone else," I said, looking at everyone else.

They all nodded and they went back into position. Once the dance was over, the director said, "Cut! Good job, everyone!"

Yoongi was the first person to run toward the changing room to put his regular clothes on. Once the guys were changed and we cleaned up the set, we all went home for dinner. I cooked ginger-stuffed chicken with vegetables. Jin-oppa helped despite me saying that he didn't have to. Once dinner was served, we all sat down, wished the meal well, and began eating. I said, "This is honestly one of my favorite comebacks."

Taehyung looked confused, "Really? I thought Just One Day was the favorite."

I chuckled, "That was because we didn't have to use more than one set."

Yoongi chuckled, then Namjoon said, "We had to be economical back then."

"Yes, but we made it through," Jin-oppa retorted.

I looked at Jimin to see if he was eating and thankfully, he was. I guess our conversation actually got through to him. After dinner, we cleaned up the table and kitchen, showered, and went to our respective bedrooms. I laid down on the bed on my back. Yoongi laid down with me and said, "I'm glad that's over."

I laughed, "Now we just have to do music shows and the like."

Yoongi sighed, "Why did I choose this life?"

I looked at him, "Because music is your passion and this is the best platform to let people listen to it."

Yoongi looked back at me, "You're right and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way."

I took his hand and said, "Neither would I."

We kissed each other good night and cuddled until we fell asleep. This is the life we chose, but because of it, we're all together and helping each other grow more and more.

And that's the last chapter! Hello, everyone! This is the final chapter, but Through It All will be getting another season. There's no way I could let it end like this! I can't thank the OG readers, new readers, comment makers, and voters enough for all the support over the course of this journey. I pray you're doing well, staying safe, and I hoped you enjoyed the story!

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