Dinner with Jin

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(A/N: This is the first time I'm doing Mi Ho's point of view. I hope you enjoy!)

Jin-oppa opened the front door for me. I said, "Thank you."

He walked in behind me and took my light jacket off for me. I was blushing by this point and I was hoping Jin-oppa wasn't looking at my face. He said, "If you'll follow me..."

I followed him to the table. As we were walking, I was looking around the place. He must have cleaned up everything before I got here. Then he pulled out a cushion for me to sit on and said, "I'll be back with dinner, my lady."

Is he trying to make me more than he already has? I asked, "Are you sure I can't help?"

He peaked his head from the kitchen and said, "You already do a lot for me, Mi Ho. Let me care for you."

I took a deep breath, then he started to pull out the dishes one by one. It all looks so good!

I was awestruck by the spread that was presented. He chuckled, "Like what you see?"

I looked at the food and looked at him. I said with smile, "Yes I do."

He asked, "What would you like to drink? There's water, milk, apple juice..."

I replied, "Apple juice will do."

He poured two glasses of apple juice and handed it to me. We wished the food well and I took my first bite. My eyes widened and I grinned, "Daebak!"

He laughed, "I'm glad you're enjoying the food."

I tried my best to not just eat up everything since Jin-oppa had to eat as well. He picked up a napkin and carefully removed some sauce from the corner of my mouth. I smiled at that. He's always been such a gentleman and yet he can make me blush without trying too hard. I said, "So, why dinner with just me and not the rest of the Styling Trinity?"

He sat up straighter, took a sip of apple juice, then said, "Well, Eunji-ah has her heart set on Yoongi, Minho-hyung keeps his life very private. When it comes down to it, I wanted to spend some private time with you. You're the only one who massages my shoulders when there's a costume change."

We both laughed at that. I replied, "Well, you deal with a lot as well. While you're not the leader, you're still very important to the group. Someone has to help Namjoon keep the younger ones from wandering everywhere and causing chaos, right?"

We finished up the dinner and he started washing the dishes. I found some extra gloves and begun to help him. He looked at me and said, "You don't have to help, Mi Ho."

"You cooked dinner for me. It only makes sense for me if I help with dishes," I told him, picking up a dirty plate.

He didn't try to stop me and we were done with the dishes in less than 5 minutes. I looked around and noticed the trophies that they won over time. I said, "You'll add another one to your collection soon."

He chuckled and asked, "You think so?"

I nodded and looked up at him, "Yes, I do. You've worked hard since you've debuted. It's bound to pay off."

I leaned against his shoulder. I almost moved off, but he wrapped an arm around my shoulders to keep me in place, "I hope so too, Mi Ho."

Then he went for a full back hug. How am I not dead yet?! I leaned my head back to look at him since I'm shorter than him, "I'm glad you invited me here."

He smiled, "I'm glad you came. I honestly thought you would reject this."

I scoffed, "Reject you? I've been interested in you ever since we first met in the practice room. Do you have any idea how much effort it takes to not act on my impulses?"

He gave me a teasing look, "Why don't you?"

I turned around and said with a smile, "It would be very unprofessional."

"Well, we're not in a work environment now. Why not do what you please?" Jin-oppa asked.

I chuckled, "Is that a challenge, Kim Seok Jin?"

He shook his head, "More like an invitation, Kim Mi Ho."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and said, "You could sell a burlap sack and convince people it's the most fashionable thing on the market."

He leaned in closer to my face, our lips almost connected, then replied, "I do my best."

Then he closed the distance. His lips are soft and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I just want to stay like this, but because we needed oxygen, we stopped kissing each other. We still held each other and looked in each other's eyes. I asked, "Why didn't you invite me sooner?"

He chuckled, then responded, "I've worried about Yoongi and Eunji."

I laughed, "Those two need to get together. It's obvious Eunji wants it, but Yoongi is not so obvious."

He moved me to the couch and said, "It'll happen. They just need a little push."

Then I gave him a wide smile, "I'm more than willing to push them."

He noticed the intent behind my smile and shook his head, "We'll worry about that later."

He pulled me into a kiss. I could really get used to this.

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! I pray you're doing well and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I really had fun writing this chapter and here's Do You!


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