Wake Up: Open Your Eyes Tour Part 2

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We were in Osaka for the next show. I bought some sweets for everyone to raise up some morale. Little did I know, Hobi and Jungkook would be enjoying them too much. I was doing Jin-oppa's makeup when they were being absolute goofballs. I said, "I'm not buying them sweets again. I've spoiled them too much."

Jin-oppa looked at me, "It's not your fault. They're just children after all."

After finishing his makeup, I noticed that Jungkook was working on something, but I just continued getting the others ready. Once that happened, the show in Osaka began. Minho-oppa was right. ARMY love in Japan is powerful. After the show, Yoongi just falls to the floor. I said, "And they say I'm dramatic."

I helped him up anyway and he told me, "Osaka is the best."

I laughed, "On that much, I agree with you."

I notice Jin-oppa go to Mi Ho-unni and smile at her. I didn't hear what was said, but she was blushing afterward. Namjoon walks over to me and smiles. I guess he's too tired to even speak. Jimin walks over and told me, "My throat was hurting before, but after performing, I feel better."

I looked in his eyes and said, "Why didn't you say anything? I would've bought you some tea with honey."

"I didn't want to trouble you, Noona," he answered. I swear this guy is such a sweetheart. Whoever becomes his girlfriend, they will both be very lucky people.

I squeezed his shoulder, "Jimin, you should know I'm always here for you, no matter how small the problem might seem."

He smiled at me, "Thanks, Noona."

Then Jungkook entered by doing somersaults, then Hobi pulled me into a bear hug. Then the maknae line joined in. I laughed, then Sejin-oppa walked over to us and said while chuckling, "Alright, let her breathe."

After they all let me go, he said, "If they become too much, you can tell me."

I laughed, "It's fine."

We got to the hotel. While I was in the shower, I looked at my hair. I've kept it my natural hair color for so long because of the blonde disaster. Now that I have more knowledge in hair color, I wanted to color my hair red.

(A/N: This is the shade of red she had in mind.)

When I finished my shower, I put on a white T-shirt and black shorts. Mi Ho-unni decides to tease me and say, "How long was he touching your thigh when you surprised him?"

I shook my head, "It wasn't for very long. He was just trying to figure out who was in bed with him. Anyway, what was Jin-oppa telling you that made you blush?"

She smiled, "He invited me to a home-cooked dinner once we get back to Seoul."

I jumped up and hugged her, "That's great! You did say yes, right?"

"But of course. The details we have to figure out is what to do with the rest of the members," she told me.

I smiled, "I'll take the guys off your hands."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

I nodded, "Hobi keeps me and the younger ones entertained and at their performing best. Knowing Namjoon and Yoongi, they'll be busy working on music in their studios. Jimin will be practicing choreography, and Taehyung and Jungkook will be practicing songs."

She laughed at me, "You have them down to a science, do you?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Sejin-oppa sometimes ask me to look after them. I get the feeling he's trying to recruit me," I explained.

Mi Ho-unni laughed, "I wouldn't put it past him."

The next day, we were in Nagoya. We were getting everyone ready as usual, but Jungkook and Hobi were bothering a sleepy Yoongi. I chuckled and touched up Jungkook's hair since he was moving too much. He stopped when my rat tail comb reached his hair. I glanced at Yoongi and he muttered, "Thanks."

I nodded. Then the boys had to hit the stage. During the concert, the fans and the Styling Trinity had a birthday surprise for Hobi. As we expected, he was very surprised by this. The cake was pulled out and I enjoyed seeing Hobi smile. Once everything was over, Yoongi was hanging on me again. I looked at him and wondered if I should appease him or let him drop. Then I decided to have a little fun. After making sure no one was looking, I "accidentally" kissed the corner of his lip. He looked shocked by this, then he looked away. I have a feeling he'll get me back later. When he walked away, Mi Ho-unni smirked at me, "You sneaky devil, you."

I smiled at her. We were back at the hotel the moment we finished cleaning up our stations. I was about to shower when I received a text. It was Yoongi, "When did you start getting so touchy?"

I chuckled, then replied back, "When you decided to use me as a human crutch."

I can picture him laughing at me now, then he sent, "But you're the best one."

I texted, "Because I'm the perfect height for it?"

It took him two minutes to reply back, "Because I know you'll always be there."

I felt my heartbeat quicken from that statement. Yoongi may not be the best at expressing his emotions, but he always knew what to say. Mi Ho-unni was looking at me with a wicked grin. I asked, "Do I amuse you?"

She nodded, "Immensely."

The next morning, we were in our last city in Japan, Hukuoka. I was expected a full house given that this is the last concert. While I was doing Yoongi's hair, he was looking at me with a playful glint in his eyes. I asked, "Have I done something to entertain you?"

He smiled, "You always entertain me, Eunji-ah, and you don't even have to try."

He's not even being subtle right now. I looked at him, "What's on your mind?"

He whispered, "If you're going to tease me, at least aim properly."

I discreetly gave his shoulder a hard squeeze, "If I was teasing you, you wouldn't even realize if I was."

After that, they had to go on stage. The energy in the concert hall was electric. Towards the end, I was still scared for Jimin getting pulled away by his loving fans. When it was over, Yoongi leaned on my shoulder. I laughed, "Are you sure you're not an actor?"

He said, "The tour was great."

Everyone agreed with him. When we got back to the hotel, we had to pack up everything. Mi Ho-unni said, "I'm going to miss Japan, even though I didn't get to visit the places I wanted."

I smiled, "Look on the bright side. You're having dinner with Jin-oppa when we get back."

She smiled at that, "That's true. Now that I'm getting a date, you better get one, too."

I laughed, "I will, Unni."

Then my phone buzzed. It was Hobi calling me. I answered the phone, "Hello, Hobi."

"Hey, Noona! Can you and Mi Ho-noona come by our room?" he asked.

I asked, "Did something happen or is this another prank?"

"No, it's nothing like that. Can you two please come?" he asked.

I had my phone on speaker, so Mi Ho-unni heard what he was saying. She nodded and I replied, "We'll be right over."

We took our card keys and went to the rooms that Hobi was staying in. Mi Ho-unni whispered, "Is this when they finally kill us with their amazing looks and skills?"

I shrugged, "I don't know."

I knocked on the door. Whatever conversation they were having was silenced because all I heard was "Shh." 

Then I heard Namjoon say to me in English, "Is this the ladies of the Styling Trinity?"

I replied in English, "Yes, it is. Are we welcome inside?"

The door opened and I noticed it was dark. Then the lights came on and we noticed a cake that said in Japanese characters, "Thanks for being with us, Styling Trinity."

I got confused, "Where's Minho-oppa?"

Then he walked in with drinks, thankfully non-alcoholic. Jungkook smiled, "You've been with us for almost 2 years and for that, we wanted to thank you."

"Of course, this cake doesn't compare to yours, but we did our best," Jin-oppa said.

We hugged everyone and me and the Styling Trinity said in unison, "Thank you, BTS."

Then Hobi stood up, "Now let's eat cake!"

Everyone laughed and Jin-oppa began to cut the cake. Everyone was having a great time. I stepped outside to get some more ice because we ran out. Thankfully, there was an ice machine on the floor we were staying in. I came back and the guys and Mi Ho-unni weren't to be seen. I look around and there is Yoongi on the couch with the two remaining sodas. I sat down and asked, "Where did everyone go?"

"They went out to get food. Anyway, there's something I want to talk to you about," he told me.

I sat up straighter, "What's going on?"

"I've been thinking about what the name of the mixtape and the stage name for me. I thought about it and while I love being a part of the group, this mixtape is just me. I've been struggling to find a name," he explained.

I nodded, "Well, like you said, you love this group and from the tracks I've heard, you never forget who you are and where you come from, D-boy."

He laughed, then he said, "I'll keep that in mind."

Then he began to tickle my sides and I pushed him off, "You know I'm ticklish there, boy! Keep your hands on your sides or I'm cuttin' them off!"

He was guffawing at this point, "I was wondering what it would take for the satoori to slip."

Eventually, I laugh as well. The last night is Japan was very memorable and I would love to come back.

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! I pray you're doing well and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

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