MAMAs 2016 Part 1

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It's time for MAMA in Hong Kong. While I was on the plane, my mind was going a mile a minute because of everything that we had to do. I tried to relax, but it was difficult. Thankfully, Yoongi was sitting next to me and he held my hand, "I can hear the gears in your head. Relax, Eunji-ah."

I chuckled, "Well, I guess it's just that you all have performed on many stages, but this is a big one. You're nominated for more than one award, the biggest one being Artist of the Year. It's nerve-racking."

Yoongi chuckled, "I expect Jimin to be nervous, but this is a surprise."

Then Yoongi pulls me close and kisses me gently, "Things will be fine."

I smile and kiss him back, "Alright, I'll try to relax."

Then Jungkook popped his head above me, "We'll be fine, Noona."

I looked up and smiled, "You say that, but you'll be suspended several meters in the air at the beginning of the performance."

Jungkook smiled, "I'll take every safety precaution, Noona."

I nodded, "Thank you. I feel better now."

Then Jungkook sat down in his seat. Yoongi laughed, "Don't worry. Your youngest son will be fine."

Then we landed in Hong Kong. The guys got out first, then we had to surround them to make sure no very excited fans grabbed. I was behind them since I'm short and could easily be pulled. Sejin-oppa and Hobeom-oppa were the primary protectors of the guys. When we got to the hotel, we helped everyone get checked in and assigned rooms. Sejin-oppa put me with Yoongi and Mi Ho-unni with Jin-oppa. I looked at him, "Why?"

"Because you'll switch rooms if I don't," he told me with a smile.

I looked away blushing. I keep forgetting Sejin-oppa is very observant. We got to the hotel room and Yoongi immediately laid down. I just let it happen because it was a 4-hour flight. I decided to explore the hotel and I saw Gfriend in the foyer eating. I've worked with Gfriend before when they and BTS did the uniform commercial. They saw me, then stood up and bowed, "Hello, Eunji-unni."

I smiled and bowed, "Hello. Don't let me interrupt your meal."

"Unni, you're not interrupting anything. Say, will you be able to choreograph us next year?" Eunbi or SinB, her stage name, asked.

I smiled, "I don't know. We'll see."

Then I checked the time, "Oh, I need to go. See you later!"

"See you later, Unni!" they replied in unison.

I walked back to the hotel room I stayed in and woke up Yoongi. He looked at me and smiled, "Am I to expect a prize?"

I shook my head, "No, we need to rehearse today."

Yoongi groaned, "Right. That was a glorious nap."

I smiled, "Don't worry. I'll be there."

Once he was awake, I changed into something else.

(A/N: Eunji is wearing the third outfit from the left.)

After I changed, I went to different rooms that were assigned to the guys, I started with Jungkook and Jimin's room and it was surprisingly quiet from the other side. I knocked on the door. Jungkook answered and smiled, "Hello, Noona."

"Hello, Jungkook. It's time to leave for rehearsal," I told him.

Jungkook nodded, "Alright."

Then Jungkook turned to Taehyung, "Hyung! We need to get ready!"

I laughed, "I'll leave you to it."

I closed the door and knocked on Namjoon and Taehyung's door. Namjoon answered, "Good afternoon, Noona."

"Good afternoon, Namjoon. It's time to rehearse on the stage," I told him.

Namjoon said, "Alright. Let me get Taehyung."

I nodded and went to Hobi's room, but he already stepped out of the hotel room before I could get to it. I laughed, "Did someone text you in advance?"

Hobi smiled and said, "Yoongi-hyung texted me."

I smiled, then I saw Jin-oppa and Mi Ho-unni step out of their room. I noticed that Mi Ho-unni's shirt was slightly wrinkled, so I walked over to her and whispered in her ear, "Your shirt is a bit wrinkled."

Mi Ho-unni looked down, then zipped up her jacket and whispered, "Thanks for the warning."

Once everyone was in the hallway, I said, "Alright, let's prepare to dazzle people."

Yoongi chuckled, "So, you're fine now."

I nodded, then we all went to the foyer in caps, masks, and sunglasses. When we got to the car, Namjoon picked the passenger seat. I was seated between Yoongi and Taehyung. Mi Ho-unni was seated between Jin-oppa and Jimin. Hobi and Jungkook sat in the back seat. On the way, Taehyung asked, "Noona, am I your favorite little brother?"

I laughed, "Taehyung, all of you are my favorite."

Then Taehyung pouted, "No, your ultimate favorite little brother. Who is he?"

I just shook my head. Jungkook said with an evil smile, "It's me!"

I sighed. Only Jungkook would instigate. Taehyung hugged me closer, "I'll be number one little brother in your heart."

I looked at Yoongi, who was trying not to laugh. I must admit I was surprised seeing Yoongi smile at this. Most of the time, he seemed annoyed with the maknae line vying for my attention, but now he finds it amusing. When we got to the venue, we stepped out of the car and we looked around the stadium. I said, "This is bigger than I thought."

Mi Ho-unni nodded, "Indeed, but we can puzzle this place out for the performance. Speaking of, I need to see if the performance outfits have arrived."

Mi Ho-unni left me for a moment to make a phone call. I saw that Jimin was working on his dance from his side of the stage. He asked, "Noona, I will be blindfolded for this part. Can you watch me to make sure I don't fall?"

I nodded, "Sure."

I moved over to the side of the stage where Jimin is. He put on a blindfold and started dancing. He was fine until the end when I said, "You're too close to the edge."

Jimin managed to move backward while he was dancing. When he was done, the guys went over Blood, Sweat, and Tears. I smiled because apart from a few things to fix here and there, the guys had it down pat. Then they had to rehearse Fire without the backup dancers since they haven't arrived yet. I smiled, "Well, this will be a great show tomorrow."

Hobi smiled, "I think so, too."

Then the backup dancers showed up and the guys were able to rehearse the whole show without issue. After that, I said, "That's all for today. Everyone, it's dinner time."

The guys yelled happily and ran toward me. Yoongi was the loudest and said, "Meat! Please let it be meat!"

I laughed and walked out the door with them.

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! Thankfully, I have a little free time before things at my job pick up, so there will be more updates. I pray you're doing well, staying safe and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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