Soo Ji's Head Stylist Audition

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I have seen your requests and I will deliver! Here is Soo Ji's audition to be a head stylist!

(A/N: Soo Ji's outfit for the day.)


I arrived in front of the building with my hair and makeup kit. I took a deep breath because I had no idea what would happen. I sent in my portfolio as instructed and was told to show up this morning. I walked into the building and noticed a girl walking out of the building in tears. I noticed the kit that she was carrying and realized that she was auditioning as well. I walked toward the reception desk and said, "Hello, I'm here for the audition for the head stylist position."

I heard footsteps and saw Mi Ho-sunbae, who I recognized from Unni's wedding. She gave me a warm smile and said, "I'm glad you made it. Follow me."

I nodded and followed her. As we were walking, she said, "So, for the first time since BTS, we will have a new boy group. There's a lot of excitement and anxiety, but this is great because it took years for this to happen. We need someone who can handle the pressure."

I nodded, "I understand. I saw someone crying on the way out."

Mi Ho-sunbae nodded, "Yes, she couldn't get past the questioning."

We reached a dance room which was arranged as an interview room. On the panel of three people, there was Son Sung Deuk and Bang PD-nim himself, but the third chair was empty. Mi Ho-sunbae said, "Gentlemen, she is here."

She sat in the third chair. I sat in the chair in front of them. Bang PD-nim said, "Good morning. May I have your name, please?"

"My name is Park Soo Ji, a freelance hair and makeup artist," I answered.

Mi Ho-sunbae asked, "What made you pursue a career in hair and makeup?"

"I would contribute that to my time as a competitive dancer. A lot of the time, I didn't have someone who could do my hair and makeup, so I had to learn to do it myself. When I got older, I wanted to learn how to create the looks I see on TV, movies, fashion runways, and music shows," I explained.

Son Sung Deuk asked, "I noticed that you have a daughter in kindergarten. Does she like your career?"

I smiled, "Yes, definitely. She's in competitive dancing herself and I'm always there to do her hair and makeup."

Then Bang PD-nim asked, "I noticed that a lot of the customers that you have serviced are very young, at least 16 years old or younger. Do you enjoy working with younger customers?"

I nodded, "I do because the younger customers have so many ideas on how they want to look and I help them show their ideas in a cohesive manner."

They all smiled at me, and then they turned away from me to talk among themselves. I waited for 5 minutes, then Mi Ho-sunbae said, "Soo Ji, we appreciate the fact that you are well-spoken, now we need to see some of your skills. Bring in the model!"

I heard the door open and a young man walked in. I honestly thought he was really cute.

(A/N: Imagine he is wearing more casual clothes.)

He stood in front of me and bowed, "Hello, my name is Choi Yeonjun."

I stood up and bowed in return, "Hello, my name is Park Soo Ji."

I was given a card with a description of the makeup look. It was a fresh-faced look for every day. Mi Ho-sunbae said, "You will have to do this kind of makeup and hair for us. Let me lead you to the hair and makeup room."

We all followed Mi Ho-sunbae to the hair and makeup room. When I walked in, I noticed that the room was mostly purple, which is Unni's favorite color. Mi Ho-sunbae chuckled and said, "As you already figured out, this was the room that Park Eunji used, but because she now has a different room where she takes care of BTS, this room will be for the head stylist for the new group."

I thought about the possibility of me being in this room. It had a sink for washing hair, a large mirror with lights, and two couches for the guys while they were either waiting to get ready or for their hair to process. Then I thought of a younger BTS sitting on those couches waiting their turns for their hair and makeup. Yeonjun sat down on the chair in front of the mirror and I put the materials I needed on the table. I put some hand sanitizer on my hands before I touched the makeup. I mixed up some foundation and concealer to match his skin tone and brighten certain areas. Yeonjun asked, "Noona, am I the first boy you've done?"

I looked at him and smiled, "No, you're not. I've had many male customers who wanted to experiment with makeup. It was mostly during Halloween, though."

Yeonjun laughed, then asked, "I don't mean to sound rude, but is Park Eunji-noona your sister?"

I knew this question would come up eventually. We look so similar that people think we're twins when they see us. I answered, "Yes, she is. That's why I was able to figure out that her favorite color is in this room."

I started working on the skincare for Yeonjun. He already has good skin, but it is always necessary to prep the skin before applying any makeup. Once I was done preparing his skin, I started applying a light layer of foundation. Yeonjun didn't move at all, which was helpful for me. Once the foundation was applied, I put a small amount of concealer on him for any small imperfections. After applying the concealer, I applied loose powder to set the foundation and concealer. Yeonjun said, "Noona, you have a gentle touch."

I smiled, "Thank you. You have such nice skin."

Yeonjun blushed a little. I picked up some clear mascara and applied it since his lashes were already dark and some tinted lip balm that had a matte finish. I nodded, "I'm done."

Yeonjun looked in the mirror and smiled, "It looks great! Thank you, Noona!"

I smiled, "You're welcome."

Yeonjun walked outside the room along with Son Sung Duek, Bang PD-nim, and Mi Ho-sunbae.


We were outside the room and Yeonjun said, "She's great! She has a gentle touch and she's friendly!"

Bang PD-nim nodded, "I can see that. Apparently, kindness was heavily taught in their household."

"After everyone we have seen, she's the best. What do you think, Yeonjun?" Son Sung Duek asked.

Yeonjun nodded, "She's great. Let's keep her."

I smiled, "Let's tell her."


I waited on the couch for them, then the door opened. I stood up as they walked in. I was trying to not look expectant, but I'm sure I was failing miserably. Mi Ho-sunbae smiled, then said, "Park Soo Ji, congratulations! You are the head stylist for the new boy group."

I was shocked, then I cried tears of joy. I wasn't sure if they would hire me, but they did. Yeonjun said, "You were great, Noona. We've had others come in, but they weren't half as considerate as you were. They made me look like a clown when they put makeup on me."

"And I have the photos to remember them by," Mi Ho-sunbae said with a large grin.

Yeonjun looked embarrassed, but I said after calming down, "Thank you so much. I look forward to working with all of you."

Son Sung Deuk chuckled, "You'll be working with the boys mostly, but welcome to the Big Hit family."

Bang PD-nim chuckled, "Thank you for stealing my line."

I bowed and thanked them again. Then I heard a familiar voice behind me, "Well? Is she with us?"

It was Unni, it looked like she had run several miles to get here.

(A/N: Eunji's outfit for the day)

Mi Ho-sunbae chuckled and said, "Yes, Eunji. Your little sister made it."

Unni gave me a crushing hug and said, "I'm proud of you! Finally, me and Mi Ho-unni have more than men to talk to!"

Bang PD-nim and Son Sung Deuk joking gasped. Unni laughed, "Not that I don't enjoy your company."

Bang PD-nim chuckled, "Nice save."

I laughed at their banter. I'm glad I have this job now so I can support Sulli. It doesn't hurt that Unni is here with me in case I have questions.

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! I know I say this all the time, but I truly thank everyone who reads, votes, and comments on my stories, both OG and new readers! It gives me a reason to continue writing! Also, I'm know I'm late in this, but I wish Jin, J-Hope, and Suga the best while they are serving. We will continue with the filming of DNA after this chapter. I pray you're doing well, staying safe and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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