The Reception

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Once Yoongi and I got in the car that would take us to the reception venue, I was struggling to get the veil off. Yoongi chuckled, then proceeded to help me, "You style hair and makeup daily, but you're bested by a veil?"

Once the veil was off, I gave him a sarcastic look, "Keep it up. You'll be bested by my manicured hands."

"I look forward to it for the rest of my life," Yoongi replied, pulling me in for another kiss.

He's officially my husband now. I pulled him in closer, then we separated for air. Yoongi smiled, "We're married. Now no one else can have you."

"You sound like the maknae line now," I told him.

Yoongi laughed, "They're only afraid you'll adopt new ones."

Then we reached the reception venue. I said, "So, what to see our Eommas cry again?"

"I'm sure they're alright now," Yoongi said.

The car slowed to a stop and we knew that everyone was waiting inside. Yoongi helped me out of the car and we walked inside. There was applause once we were seen. Naturally, both our Eommas hugged us first. Auntie Min said, "Look at them. I told you we didn't have to arrange their marriage."

Yoongi looked away sheepishly, "Eomma..."

I laughed, "I'm glad you didn't."

"You and me both," Soo Ji said to me.

Sulli was smiling at me and ran to me. I picked her up and hugged her, then asked me, "Is Yoongi-oppa my uncle now?"

I laughed, "Yes, he is."

"And if you need anything at all, just ask," Yoongi told her.

Soo Ji chuckled, "You mean you'll spoil her, Uncle Yoongi."

"Hey, I won't spoil her. The rest of BTS might though," Yoongi replied.

I set Sulli down on her feet gently, then we entered the ballroom to see everyone else.

(A/N: Imagine the floors are hardwood and the stage is completely empty.)

Yoongi and I were seated at the head of the table. Namjoon was standing on the stage with a microphone, "Hello, everyone. First of all, congratulations, Yoongi-hyung and Eunji-noona on your marriage. You both deserve this."

I smiled, "He's about to make me cry already."

"As per tradition, the bride and groom will have their first dance," Namjoon said.

Yoongi stood up and helped me to my feet. He lead me to the center of the dance floor and the song started playing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yoongi had us in the waltz position used in the ballroom. As we were dancing, I finally figured out why Soo Ji was in the practice room that day with the boys. She was teaching the boys how to dance. I looked into Yoongi's eyes and I saw nothing but love in them. While the song was going, I noticed our parents dancing, then I noticed Jin-oppa and Mi Ho-unni dancing as well. After a while, I noticed that Soo Ji was not dancing. I realized at that point, her husband wasn't here. When the song ended, everyone was seated and I saw my Appa stand on the stage with a microphone, "Hello, everyone. I just wanted to welcome everyone. My daughter is now married to a man we have watched grow up with her, Min Yoongi. Yoongi, welcome to our family and we are more than happy to be a part of yours."

Appa raised his glass of champagne and we all raised our glasses, Sulli with juice in her glass. Then the wedding feast began.

(A/N: This is the food and the wedding cake. The cake is strawberry.)

Once everyone was given a serving, there was a light conversation among everyone and Sulli even came over to us. I looked around and asked, "Where's your Appa?"

Sulli looked down and frowned, "He said he was too busy. I'm upset with him."

Both me and Yoongi looked at each other. We have the same suspicion, but I know that we would speak to Soo Ji later about that. Then I heard Hobi announce, "Now it is time for a moment that every man looks forward to; the father-daughter dance."

I immediately felt bad because I knew that Sulli was looking forward to this. My Appa and Jungkook walked over to us. Appa told me, "Jungkook requested to be Sulli's prince for the dance if she wants to."

We all looked at Sulli. She smiled and took his hand. They joined us in the middle of the dance floor and the song began playing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I looked at Appa and said, "This is it. Your first daughter is married."

Appa smiled, "And you couldn't have picked a better man."

I looked over to Jungkook and Sulli. I chuckled because Jungkook practically towers over Sulli, so he had to lift her and hold her in his arms in order for her to see him at eye level.


I felt horrible that Sulli didn't have her Appa here. I know I can't replace him, but I couldn't leave her crying. Sulli said to me, "Thanks for dancing with me."

I smiled, "No problem, Sulli."

"Say, can you dance with Eomma later? I know that she wanted Appa here too," Sulli asked me.

I didn't have the heart to tell her that Soo Ji-noona probably wouldn't want to, so I said, "I'll ask her and see what she says."

Sulli seemed to accept that and we kept dancing.


I looked at Appa and said, "If you're afraid I'll abandon you, I won't. I'll always need you, Appa."

Appa nodded. I knew he was holding back tears, so I told him, "I won't think less of you if you cry joyful tears."

Appa laughed, "You're ruining my tough image."

Once the song ended, I hugged him. Taehyung got up on stage next, "Alright, everyone! Now, Eunji has a gift to give to Mi Ho-noona. Come on up, Mi Ho-noona!"

Mi Ho-unni looked confused and walked toward the center of the dance floor. Taehyung handed me the microphone and a bouquet that Jin-oppa ordered.

I walked over to Mi Ho-unni and said, "Unni, you and I started our careers at Big Hit together and you have been nothing but a great presence to have around since. You're a warm and giving person and you barely ask for anything in return. Well, it's about time we did something for you."

Mi Ho-unni asked, "We?"

Then Jin-oppa walked behind her and said, "Yes, we."

Mi Ho-unni turned around. I handed the microphone to him and he said, "Mi Ho, your kindness is one of the many things I love about you. When we met, you were always a listening ear whenever I needed it and a voice of reason when the situation called for it. I honestly don't want that to end."

Then Jin-oppa got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box, "Kim Mi Ho, will you marry me?"

Mi Ho-unni gasped, then said, "Yes."

Jin-oppa put the ring on her finger and kissed her. Everyone cheered and yelled, "Congratulations!"

I smiled and said, "It looks like we'll be planning another wedding."

Mi Ho-unni laughed and hugged me. Then Alisha walked over to us. I said, "Unni, I would like you to meet Alisha, my friend and homestay sister from Los Angeles."

Alisha bowed and said in Korean, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Mi Ho-unni smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you too."

Now the real festivities began with everyone eating or dancing. Yoongi did not move from his seat despite the other members trying to persuade him. Hobi and Alisha did dance with each other and I could tell they would get along just fine. What surprised me was Jungkook walking toward Soo Ji who was sitting down clearly still upset about her husband not being there.


I walked over to Soo Ji-noona. She was swirling the champagne in her glass, but she wasn't paying attention to it. She was looking at her phone with a sad expression on her face. I asked, "Would you like to dance, Soo Ji-noona?"

Soo Ji-noona stopped swirling the champagne and looked at me with a confused expression on her face, "Why me? I thought you would've danced with Unni."

"Well, you're the only one not having a good time and no one wants that," I replied.

Soo Ji-noona put her phone in her purse and asked, "Sulli asked you to dance with me, didn't she?"

I looked away when she asked. Was I that obvious? Soo Ji-noona chuckled, "I should've known. She's more worried about my feelings than her own."

Then I heard a familiar song play.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N: Imagine this is playing in the background.)

I held my hand out and asked, "Will you allow me to be your partner for one day?"

Soo Ji-noona chuckled and said, "Sure."

She stood up and took my hand. I led to the dance floor where Hobi-hyung and Alisha-noona were. I pulled her close and we started dancing. At first, Soo Ji-Noona was tense, so I sang my own lines in her ear as they played in the song. After that, she became more comfortable and was enjoying herself.


I looked at Jungkook and Soo Ji and smiled, "I know he could cheer her up."

Yoongi nodded, "If only Sulli's appa was here."

I sighed, then Sulli walked over to me, "Eomma and Jungkook-oppa is dancing! It looks like Cinderella and the prince!"

I laughed, "Yes, it is."

The festivities continued until it was time for me and Yoongi to leave for our honeymoon. As usual, Yoongi didn't tell me where we were going. I was out of my gown and I was wearing a simple white dress with wedges. I was led to the car, then I saw the maknae line on the verge of tears. I walked over to them and gave them all a hug, "We won't be gone forever. We'll be back before the next comeback."

"Anytime is too long, Noona!" Taehyung told me, dramatically crying.

I laughed, then Jimin said, "You and Yoongi-hyung have fun."

I smiled, "Thank you, Jimin."

Then Jungkook gave me a hug, "We'll look after the apartment while you're gone."

I nodded, "Thank you, Jungkook."

Then I turned to Mi Ho-unni and Jin-oppa and hugged them, "We're planning your wedding next."

"And how do you plan on paying for it?" Mi Ho-unni asked.

Jin-oppa chuckled, "Don't worry. After I informed my family that I was proposing, Eomma told me she has no problem paying for whatever you want done or rather, she's more than willing to be your fairy godmother-in-law."

I laughed because I know how much Jin-oppa loves his Eomma and I was sure that she and Mi Ho-unni would have a good time planning. Then, Hobi and Namjoon hugged me. Namjoon said, "Don't be gone too long. Keeping those three from missing you too much will be a challenge."

I chuckled at the statement. Then Alisha said in Korean, "I'm definitely coming back to see you, once I can afford it again."

I hugged her and asked in Korean, "Are you sure you don't want me to fly you out?"

Hobi said, "I could do that. She's a great dancer."

"We know. You danced with her for most of the night,"Yoongi said, wearing a more toned outfit instead of his wedding tuxedo.

Sulli came to me and gave me and Yoongi a hug, "Have fun! Eat lots of yummy food!"

Yoongi looked at me with a mischievous grin, "Oh, we plan to."

I gave a look that said, "Don't corrupt this child."

Then we got in the car. The driver asked, "Ready to go, newlyweds?"

We smiled and Yoongi said, "We were born ready."

Yoongi held my hand and we were off to our honeymoon.

And that's the reception! Hello, everyone! I had a hard time writing this one due to my busy schedule, but I made it! Thank you so much for your patience, both OG and new readers alike. The next chapter will be the honeymoon, then back to business with comebacks! Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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