Yoongi Being a House Husband and Counselor

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I woke up and looked at the time on my phone, 7:30 am. I'm normally not up this early unless there was work to do. I saw that it was our day off based on the date. Eunji wasn't awake which didn't surprise me because she was looking after the maknae line the entire time yesterday. I got up and got ready for the day in the bathroom. Once I was freshened up, I went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. Thankfully, there were enough ingredients for breakfast, but we needed groceries for lunch and dinner.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N: This is the breakfast that Yoongi makes for him and Eunji.)

I wanted for Eunji to wake up, then I heard her walking toward the table. Eunji looked at me and smiled, "Good morning, Yoonie."

I laughed, "Good morning, Eunji. We need groceries for lunch and dinner."

Eunji groaned, "I meant to get groceries yesterday."

"You were playing with the kids all day. It was unavoidable," I said while handing her the dish.

Eunji smiled, "You don't have to cook for me every time we have time off."

"It's the least I can do, especially since you deal with us all the time," I told her.

Eunji smiled, then started eating. She smiled, "This is really good! Why aren't you running a restaurant with Si-Eomeoni?"

(A/N: That is Mother-In-Law in Korean.)

I smiled, "It feels good that you can call her that now. Also, I couldn't do that to Eomma. She would get unwanted attention."

Eunji nodded, "True."

Once we finished eating, I gathered up the dishes and Eunji said, "Let me wash dishes. You cooked breakfast."

I moved away so she could wash dishes. I started to put on my shoes and coat. I said, "I'm off to get groceries. Do you want anything in particular?"

Eunji smiled, "Just blackberries. I have a new idea for a dessert."

"Do I need to let Jungkook know?" I asked her.

Eunji laughed, "Sure."


When Yoongi walked out, I began to clean up the house. Thankfully, there wasn't much to clean since we tend to keep it that way. I finished cleaning in about 20 minutes. I was able to sit down when my cell phone rang. It was Soo Ji which is weird since she rarely calls in the morning. I answered the call, "Hello?"

I heard crying on the other line and I asked, "Soo Ji, are you alright? What happened?"

"He...He...He's been cheating on me, Unni," I heard Soo Ji say.

I didn't need to ask who she was referring to. I asked, "Where are you now?"

"I'm still at the house. He already packed his things and left. Sulli's staying with Eomma and Appa. How can I tell her?" Soo Ji told me.

"For right now, don't tell her. Just come to my place with an overnight bag," I retorted.

We hung up and I set up the bathroom to take her of her hair. Whenever Soo Ji was having a hard time, I would wash and style her hair as a symbolic "reset". When I heard the doorbell rang, I looked through the peephole. It was Soo Ji, so I opened the door. I let her in and she set her overnight bag down. I lead her to the bathroom and started washing her hair. I asked, "So, how did you find out?"

"He left his phone at the house last month. When it rang, I saw a man's name on the caller ID that I've never met. I answered the phone and it was a woman's voice on the other line. He was seeing her for at least 4 years and he never told her that he was married with a 6-year-old daughter. The worst part is he didn't even deny it. He just packed his things, told me that he's filing for divorce and walked out. Deep down, I wanted him to fight a little," Soo Ji explained.

I finished shampooing her hair and said, "Wow, I knew that he was insensitive, but I didn't think he was that cold."

As I was applying the conditioner, Soo Ji said, "In a way, I sort of envy you, Unni."

I looked confused, "Why?"

"When you and your ex broke up, you were able to drop him flat. With me, I have given birth to his child who I love with all my heart. This will be very difficult for her not having her biological father around all the time," Soo Ji told me.

I sighed, "Don't envy me. When I broke up with Jong-Min, he kept trying to win me back, but I burnt the bridge at that point. If he tries to win you back, just let him know that he has already betrayed your trust and you two can never be that way again. Of course, given that he just packed up and left, I don't see that happening."

After the conditioner has had enough time to work in her hair, I rinsed it out and she said, "How can I tell Sulli?"

"I would say give yourself tonight to calm down, then tell her in the morning when you pick her up," I explained.

Then while I was styling her hair, Yoongi opened the door,"I'm back...Soo Ji, I didn't expect you to be here. Did something happen?"

I said, "You may want to put the groceries away and have a seat afterwards. It's a lot to unpack."

Yoongi nodded and proceeded to put away the groceries. Once he was seated, I was finished with Soo Ji's hair, which was only brought out her natural waves. I explained everything to him and he was naturally mad, "Where did he go? I'll take care of him myself."

"Yoongi-oppa, I appreciate it, but please don't waste your energy on him. I'll see him in court anyway," Soo Ji told him.

Yoongi sighed, "You and your sister are too good for this world. Where's Sulli?"

"She's staying with Eomma and Appa for the weekend. I'm picking her up tomorrow afternoon," Soo Ji told him.

Once I was done styling her hair, I said, "All done."

(A//N: This is what Soo Ji's hair looks like.)

Soo Ji smiled, "Only you could make this style look good on me. I could never get this right on my own."

I laughed, "Well, you were my very first client."

"Try test subject," Soo Ji replied giving me a side eye.

Yoongi laughed, "See, you have some of your sass back already."

Soo Ji looked down, "Well, this is better than being alone wallowing in my own misery."

Yoongi said, "Soo Ji, when Eunji broke up with Jong Min, she was ready to give up on love altogether. I didn't exactly help matters because I never told her that I loved her. Thankfully, she didn't give up and look at us now."

Soo Ji looked at him and asked, "What are you saying, Oppa?"

Yoongi stood up straighter and said, "I'm saying that you shouldn't close yourself off. I understand that this is will be difficult, but when you are ready, allow yourself to love again. Your soon-to-be ex-husband is not the only man out there."

Soo Ji gave Yoongi a small smile, "Thank you, Oppa. Thank you, Unni."

Soo Ji hugged us both. I know that Soo Ji will need all the support she can get because things will be rough from now on.

And that's the special chapter! Hello, everyone! I apologize for being absent, but I am grateful for all readers, OG and new. To make up for this, I'm putting up a Reader's Choice chapter. Just like the specials, I'll put in some prompts and you will have the opportunity to vote for the one you want. The one with the most votes will be the one I write. I pray you're doing well, staying safe and I hope you enjoyed the special chapter!

Here are the prompts you can choose from:

Dance Practice of DNA and Sulli is invited to watch

Eunji and Mi Ho go shopping for her wedding dress

Eunji and Jungkook talk about his emerging feelings for Soo Ji

Alisha comes back for visit and dances with Eunji

Minho looks after the group while Eunji and Mi Ho are out sick

Eunji and Yoongi look after Sulli

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