Chapter 9

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"Congratulations on winning the Chrysanthemum Ribbon, May!!" Caroline said happily. "Two more to go!!"

"Did you ever figure out if Drew was the one who sent you the card with the rose?" I asked, doing my best to keep the bitterness out of my voice.

"Actually, no," she told me.

I let out a sigh of relief - it was bad enough that he gave her roses in person.

"I asked him when we ran into him while Ash was almost yelling at Sceptile to get his game together and use bullet seed. He walked up warning Ash that that would only make Sceptile stress more, and make him even more unlikely to preform the attack properly."

Well... He has that much correct. That would stress any Pokemon!

"It turns out it came from this girl named Brianna. She had just forgotten to sign her name. Apparently, she was a really big fan of Drew!"

(A/N I don't hate Brianna, and honestly I doubt she'd do those horrible things to May that people write in fanfics...)

"Then Brianna wanted to meet him, so we eventually found him relaxing in this pool/hot spring area. I told him what had really happened with the letter, and Brianna apologized for the confusion."

Wait. Pool/hot spring as in bathing suit? As in, no shirt?

(A/N ah, yes. This scene.)

"He said that it was okay, and May had just made another silly mistake. Then I teased him saying that you couldn't really blame me, Mr. Rose." She giggled. "He blushed at that."


"He walked off after Brianna shook his hand. Then... It was kind of weird. She turned competitive on me and said that she was aiming for me."

Oh, please don't be like Harley...

"I asked her why, and... She kind of gave me a weird response," she said with a thoughtful look.

"What did she say?"

"She said she was going for me, because she knew for a for a fact that I was the only female co-ordinator that 'Mr. Drew' had for respect for. I don't really get it..."

I bit the inside of my lip. Was she saying that in a competitive way, or had she noticed too?

"And... Then... She said something later that... I'm still kind of thinking about."

"What's that, dear?" Caroline asked, secretly smiling as she probably guessed the same as me - it was something to do with Drew.

"Well... We had just found out that we both made it into the second round, and... She said that 'it seems to me that you like Mr. Drew way beyond contests and rivalry. I want to know if you like Mr. Drew.'"

My lips formed a scowl. He likes her, and it's appearing more and more that she might like him back.

This guy is going to be so dead when I meet him.

"So... I answered her honestly - that I hadn't really thought about it. But now that she's said it... I've just been thinking about it a lot. I mean, I don't hate him, but I don't think I like him like that... I'm just confused right now," she said with a sigh.

Warning lights went off in my head - she wasn't sure if she liked him, which was a bad thing. For me, anyway.

She didn't answer no.

"Later he walked up to me and Brianna with Ash, Brock, and Max while we were on the beach. Brianna fainted when he was walking over to us, but he talked to me for a minute before leaving."

She finished the story, but she was lost deep in thought.

"We have to go now, honey."

"Bye mom. Bye dad."

Caroline squealed the moment the screen turned black. "MY BABY GIRL'S GOING THROUGH HER FIRST CRUSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

And I'm going to crush him.



...I have nothing to say.


See ya!

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