i. a hit of nostalgia

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Breha Solo had travelled a lot, despite her young age. Her mother and father used to travel a lot, though for very different reasons, and she was often allowed, no, encouraged, to accompany them on their journeys. She had seen many worlds, had often dreamed of seeing every single one in the entire galaxy, though she knew that wasn't plausible. Nevertheless, she had seen the planets her family had begun on, and she couldn't say that Jakku didn't bring back every memory of Tatooine she had.

The sun on the desert planet was blistering. Breha kept her head covered with a scarf that, in addition to covering her head, also covered her nose and mouth, shielding them from the harsh sun. The dark goggles over her eyes allowed her to see despite the bright light that reflected off the sand and made everything seem even brighter.

Like on Tatooine, many people on Jakku made their living scavenging or buying from said scavengers. Also like Tatooine, the world was covered in sand, with extreme temperatures and little surface water.

As she crested the hill she was climbing, a small outpost came into view and a smile spread across her face, hidden behind her scarf. This was the place she was looking for. This is where she would finally find what she'd come for.

Breha jumped and started sliding down the other side of the hill. At the bottom, she stumbled a bit before regaining her footing and began a leisurely pace towards the outpost in front of her. The last thing she wanted was to draw too much attention to herself. No, if her plan was going to be successful, she needed to go as unnoticed as possible.

She walked into Niima Outpost as casually as she could, keeping her eye out for the man known as Unkar Plutt. From the digging she'd done to find her way to Jakku, Breha had learned that Unkar Plutt was the one who mainly ran Niima Outpost. The scavengers in the area would come, clean their findings and then sell them to him in exchange for credits or, more commonly, for food.

Unkar Plutt had a ship that didn't belong to him. Okay, well, technically, it did. But the people he'd stolen it from didn't own the ship and neither had the people they'd stolen it from. And, if she was thinking about it in the technical sense, she had the strongest connection to the owner, so it was well within her right to take it back from Unkar Plutt.

Once under the cover of the settlement, Breha quickly found a small, secluded corner and pulled out her holo-comm. Before opening the call, she pulled the goggles and scarf down so that they weren't obstructing her face any longer and made the call. Within not even a minute, the flickering blue image of her best friend, Enzo Vahl, appeared.

"Bree? Are you okay? Where are you? Did you make it?"

"Yes, Enzo, I am okay, and I made it. I'm in Niima Outpost right now," she explained to him. "I told you there was nothing to worry about."

"Do not sass me, Breha Makaria Amidala Solo," Enzo said.

"Ooh, both middle names, that's serious."

"Given what you're doing right now, I have every right to be worried."

"Don't you trust me?" she asked, giving him a bright smile.

"That's the problem; I do trust you," he told her with a sigh. "You and your adorable smile have weaselled your way into making me trust you unconditionally, even when I should be worried about you. I should come back."

"No! It won't be easy, but I can pilot it myself. I'll be gone before you even got back here."

"That's not true, I could—"

"Enzo, please. Let me do this. I know that I can. There's nothing that could go wrong."


She cast a look around before lowering her voice. "No one will look at me strangely if I just walk in and act like I'm supposed to be there. They'll think I'm doing repairs. So please stop worrying and stay on D'Qar."

"Fine! Fine, I'll stay. But just know that I'm not happy about it."

"Thank you, thank you!" she exclaimed. "You are the bestest best friend in the whole galaxy!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Enzo said, rolling his eyes. "Just, please, be careful, okay? And as soon as you get that ship in the air, you have to call me. And right back to base, alright, no detours!"

"Stop mothering me, Enzo."

"I'm serious."

"I know you are. And I promise I'll be careful. No detours, no pitstops, nothing unnecessary."

"Okay. Then I better see you soon."

"See you soon."

Breha smiled to herself as she closed the call and tucked the small disk back into her pocket. She pulled the scarf and goggles back over her face and turned towards the shipyard next to the outpost.

Many ships were scattered about, but there was only one that she had her eyes on. Just looking at it brought back happy memories of her childhood, of running through the halls, hand in hand with her brother while her mother, father or uncle chased after them.

Eyes becoming misty, Breha looked down for a moment. As happy as those memories were, they had become painful. Her once happy family was divided, parts of it across possibly the length of the galaxy. Even still, she had hope. Hope that they would all be back together and happy again. That one day her family would reunite and things could go back to how they were, happy and simple. She would always hold onto that.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Breha lifted her head and pushed out of her little alcove, heading towards the shipyard, careful not to rush or look like she was in a hurry. She kept her shoulders squared and her back straight, eyes dead ahead of her. She made herself look like a person who was supposed to be there, not a person who was sneaking in.

She reached the gate and passed it, staying calm. In front of her was her prize: an old ship, one she was all too familiar with. Ducking her head as she came around the loading platform, she walked briskly up the ramp until she was inside. Once inside the ship, she immediately pulled off one of her gloves and pressed her hand to the wall, waves of memories washing over her. Once, these halls had been full of life, laughter... love. There had been a family that roamed these halls, a happy one.

This was it. She'd done it. She was one step closer to getting the Millenium Falcon home.

Before leaving for the journey that had ended on the desert planet, Breha had been given a mission. Find the Millenium Falcom and get it for the Resistance. They were in desperate need of ships and this one was well known and in good condition, despite its age. It had taken her some time to be able to track it down because of how many times it had changed hands.

It took only a few steps forward for her eyes to land on the doorway and she turned to look inside, finding it to be the crew's quarters. On the one wall, there were some bunks and even though she knew that she should probably get to the cockpit and actually get the ship in the air, Breha found her feet moving before she could even think about it. She reached a hand out and touched the metal of the bunk before she leaned down and got into it, her eyes going up to some letters scratched into the metal support for the bunk above.

"Ben!" a small voice shouted, laughter quickly following.

A young girl ran after a boy that was a few years older than her, both of them laughing. Footsteps could be heard behind them, and even more laughter. Suddenly, the boy grabbed the girl's hand and pulled her into a room. She followed, happily, as he pulled her into a closet and pressed a finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet.

"Where did you go?" a somewhat distant voice asked.

A young Breha looked up at the older boy, Ben, at the sound of the voice but he simply shook his head. The voice called out to them again but they kept quiet until they heard the person leave the ship. Slowly, Ben pushed the closet doors open and stepped out, looking around. As they stepped out, something clattered to the ground behind them and they turned to see what it was. A small knife now lay on the floor.

"I have an idea!" the boy said.

"Oh, Ben, be careful with that!" the girl said as he grabbed the blade.

"I will, come on!"

He took her hand again and pulled her towards the bunk where he laid down and looked up at the metal bottom of the bunk above them. Slowly, he began to carve something into the metal, and the girl furrowed her brow, unsure of what it was, exactly, that he was doing.

"What are you doing?"

"Just wait!"

"Oh, come on! Just tell me!"

"Hold on!"

She pouted, but it only took a moment longer before it became clear what exactly he was carving. Two letters and one number, carved right in the middle.

"Why B.S2?" she asked.

"Because we have the same initials," he explained.

"Oh!" she said, pleased.

"Ben and Breha Solo have left their mark on the Millenium Falcon!"

Her hand shook as her fingers touched messily scrawled initials that had been carved into the metal. Breha bit her lip and took a deep breath, trying to push away the tears that were threatening to fall. As she traced over the carving, she felt a particularly strong pang of longing in her heart for Ben. Too much time had passed since she'd last laughed with her brother.

Before she had a chance to get too sad over it, the sounds of rapid footsteps running onboard caused Breha to freeze.

Someone else was coming on board. But why?

She pushed herself to her feet and launched out of the crew's quarters, hand going to the lightsaber at her and igniting it as she reached the cockpit. There, sitting in the pilot's seat and beginning to get the ship ready for take-off, was an unfamiliar girl with brown hair tied back into three buns.

Breha lifted the lightsaber, holding it out at the girl so that she could see it.

"Don't move."


an. first chapter!! I'm so excited about this story, I hope to have the next chapter out soon!!

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