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✯ Caution ✯

~ Adult Situations ~
~ Blood/Gore ~
~ Police Brutality ~
~ Death ~
~ Suicidal Thoughts ~
~ Suicidal Discussion ~
~ Possible Suicidal Actions ~
~ Self Harm ~
~ Abuse ~

✯ Time Period ✯

~ 2092 ~

✯ Name ✯

~ Dazai Osamu ~

✯ Nicknames ✯

~ Bandage Wasting Idiot ~

✯ Gender ✯

~ Male ~

✯ Species ✯

~ Unknown ~

✯ Sexuality ✯

~ Bisexual ~

✯ Nationality ✯

~ Japanese ~

✯ Age ✯

~ 28 ~

✯ Height ✯

~ 5'11" ~

✯ Weight ✯

~ 153 lbs. ~

✯ Blood Type ✯

~ AB ~

✯ Birthday ✯

~ June 19, 2064 ~

✯ Occupation ✯

~ Mafia Head Leader ~

✯ Affiliation ✯

~ Port Mafia ~

✯ Eye Color ✯

~ Brown ~

✯ Hair Color ✯

~ Brown ~

✯ Skin Tone ✯

~ Tan ~

✯ Looks ✯

✯ Appearance Details ✯

~ Dazai has mildly wavy, short dark brown hair and narrow dark brown eyes. His bangs frame his face, while some are gathered at the center of his forehead. He is quite tall and slim in physique. For his attire, Dazai wears a long jet black trench coat that reaches almost down to his ankles, the belt of which he leaves untied. Under it is a black vest over a white dress shirt. He wears a regular black neck tie. He also dons black dress pants, black shoes, and has bandages wrapped around his entire body and over his right eye. Only areas of his face, hands, and feet are left uncovered. The reasons for the bandages are yet to be discovered. ~

✯ Personality ✯

~ Dazai is a rather rash and uptight individual. His very name strikes fear into those around him. He's very serious about what he does. He won't hesitate to order people around and knows how to set things straight. He is one to tease those he's close to, and has a lot of sarcasm. He can be a rather pleasant person to be around when you get to know him. He's undyingly loyal to his friends and comrads, and would easily take a bullet to save the one he loves. Dazai is a mysterious person, his true intentions are never revealed unless he himself reveals them. He has complete confidence no matter what type of situation he is dealing with, be it combat or simply bad situations he himself created in the first place. In most occasions, Dazai is overly dramatic, he takes most of his actions as a joke, and although they are very thought out plans, he does not credit himself for most of what he has done. Aside from his quick thinking, Dazai is the comic relief in some situations and at times Dazai's soft side can be seen. Dazai is a very suicidal person, and even described death as a way to free himself from the oxidizing world but strangely enough he could not die no matter how hard he tried. In addition, he is extremely brutal and methodical, setting up traps to catch captives alive to torture the of information and often beat his apprentice for disobeying orders and in order to push him to the limits to improve his abilities. He is extremely confident and is a terrific planner, coming up with long run stratgies to subdue his enemies. There was a saying in the Mafia that the worst thing for Dazai's enemies were the fact they were his enemies. He is willing to use dirty means to achieve his goals. Nonetheless, he does care for his teammates and watches out for them. ~

✯ Powers ✯

~ His Ability, known as No Longer Human, lets him nullify others' Abilities on contact. His Ability relies on skin contact and is always active. As such, he can nullify any Ability even while restrained as soon as it touches him. ~

✯ Weapons ✯

~ Pistol ~
~ Dagger ~
~ Machine Gun ~

✯ Strengths ✯

~ Hand-To-Hand Combat ~
~ Gun Fights ~
~ Arguing His Point ~

✯ Weaknesses ✯

~ Being Suicidal ~
~ Bullets ~
~ Talk About His Past ~

✯ Flaws ✯

~ Won't Hesitate To Kill ~
~ Can Be A Bit Aggressive ~
~ Is A Bit Over-Protective ~

✯ Likes ✯

~ Getting His Way ~
~ The Port Mafia ~
~ His Partner, Chuya ~

✯ Dislikes ✯

~ People Who Oppose The Port Mafia ~
~ Most Of His Subordinates ~
~ Dull Situations ~

✯ Turn Ons ✯

~ Neck Kissing ~
~ Roughness ~
~ Taking Things Quickly ~

✯ Turn Offs ✯

~ Being Too Gentle ~
~ Innocence ~
~ Weakness ~

✯ Backstory ✯

~ Dazai was born into the Port Mafia since his mother and father were both apart of the organization. A few years after he was born, his parents had another child, Dazai's sister, named Mika. At the age of thirteen, his parents were killed right in front of him in a raid. He vowed to get revenge and worked hard to become the best Port Mafia member there ever was. His hard work payed off at the age of sixteen, when he became the youngest Port Mafia Executive in history. At the age of seventeen, he met a girl named Asuramaru. They fell in love and some said they were soulmates, destined to be together. At twenty three years old, he proposed to Asuramaru. A few months after being engaged, they went for a walk in the woods. Little did they know, an agent from the Armed Detective Agency was watching them when he stumbled upon them. He made his move to attack and shot Asuramaru, then was quickly killed by Dazai. Dazai comforted Asuramaru as she laid dying in his arms, when Asuramaru told Dazai that she was expecting their child. Soon after confessing her pregnancy to Dazai, she perished along with their unborn child. Since that day he became extremely suicidal, and made multiple attempts to kill himself, but never succeeded. At the age of twenty four, he then recieved a partner to fight by his side named Chuuya. The two were instantly friends and they cared deeply for each other. At the age of twenty six, Dazai and Chuuya formed a plan to kill their leader. They succeeded and became the new joint leaders of the Port Mafia. Only a few months ago, his dear childhood friend Oda died after being shot. He became even more so depressed, and built a hard shell. He's afraid of becoming close to someone he may lose one day. ~


✯ Name ✯

~ Chuuya Nakahara ~

✯ Code Name ✯

~ Ability User A5158 ~

✯ Gender ✯

~ Male ~

✯ Species ✯

~ Unknown ~

✯ Sexuality ✯

~ Bisexual ~

✯ Nationality ✯

~ Japanese ~

✯ Age ✯

~ 27 ~

✯ Height ✯

~ 5'3" ~

✯ Weight ✯

~ 142 lbs. ~

✯ Blood Type ✯

~ B ~

✯ Birthday ✯

~ April 29, 2065 ~

✯ Occupation ✯

~ Mafia Head Leader ~

✯ Affiliation ✯

~ Port Mafia ~

✯ Eye Color ✯

~ Blue ~

✯ Hair Color ✯

~ Orange ~

✯ Skin Tone ✯

~ Tan ~

✯ Looks ✯

✯ Corrupt Form Looks ✯

✯ Appearance Details ✯

~ Chuuya is shown to be quite short. He has blue eyes and orange hair that frames his face, and a longer section that falls just past his left shoulder. He wears a black hat with a red hatband and a thin silver chain that hangs over the brim. His outfit consists of a white button up shirt, a black choker in the style of a pet collar, a black ribbon bolo tie held together with a small silver buckle, an open black cropped jacket with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows, a charcoal grey vest, black slacks, a black belt hanging off his right hip and black low-arch shoes. Chuuya also sports an ankle-length black coat with light-coloured lining and lapels that he wears around his shoulders like a cape. ~

✯ Personality ✯

~ Chuuya can be a bit stubborn and hard-headed at times. He always thinks that he's right, and will rarely agree with someone on certain matters. He takes his job very seriously and is extremely loyal. He can be extremely possessive of what he thinks is his, and will do anything to protect those he's close to. He does have a soft spot, but he only shows it to a few people. Chuuya is hot-headed and quick to act on his temper, but can analyze situations well enough given that he calms down and with enough time. He is inclined to taunt other people into a fight with him, probably because of his confidence in his martial arts skill and his Ability. He can be quite gullible as well, falling for Dazai's tricks most of the time. He also bears great loyalty for the Mafia. Despite being in the Mafia, Chuuya seems to care a lot for his subordinates. ~

✯ Powers ✯

~ His ability, known as For The Tainted Sorrow, revolves around gravity-manipulation, allowing him to manipulate and make gravitons, as well as alter the gravity of anything he touches, keeping it that way until a certain period of time.

Corruption is the true form of Chuuya's ability and is exceedingly dangerous. It is activated by the verses:

"Grantors of Dark Disgrace,
You Need Not Wake Me Again."

This ability allows him to manipulate the gravitons in his surroundings. By increasing his own density, he is capable of crushing a tank with his bare hands. He is also able to shoot balls of compressed gravity that act as black holes that swallow anything. However, he has no control over his Ability's true form; he will continue in that state if his Ability is not nullified. ~

✯ Weapons ✯

~ Pistol ~
~ Swiss Army Knife ~
~ Shotgun ~

✯ Strengths ✯

~ Martial Arts ~
~ Using His Ability ~
~ His Loyalty To The Port Mafia ~

✯ Weaknesses ✯

~ Dazai's Ability ~
~ Certain Insecurities ~
~ Bullets ~

✯ Flaws ✯

~ Hot-Headed ~
~ Will Make You Fight Him ~
~ Is Very Touchy ~

✯ Likes ✯

~ Hats ~
~ Fighting ~
~ Alcohol ~
~ Music ~
~ His Partner, Dazai ~

✯ Dislikes ✯

~ Loosing Fights ~
~ Being Ordered Around ~
~ People Taking What's His ~

✯ Turn Ons ✯

~ Gentle Hair Tugging ~
~ Taking Things At A Reasonable Pace ~
~ Loyalty ~

✯ Turn Offs ✯

~ People Who Are Dishonorable ~
~ Going Too Fast ~
~ Teasing ~

✯ Backstory ✯

~ Chuuya wasn't born into the Port Mafia, nor did he join by choice. He lived a normal life with his family and friends. He had heard about the Port Mafia before, and he honestly was terrified of the organization, though he lived around two hours away from the Port Mafia Headquarters so he thought he never had to worry about ever coming into contact with a Port Mafia member. Around the age of fifteen, he got into a fight with one of his siblings. He didn't even know about his ability at the time. When the arguement between him and his sibling got heated, he lashed out at his sibling using my ability without realizing what he was doing. His father and mother came into the room when he used his ability. They became afraid of him for because of his ability and they abandoned him. Somehow, word of Chuuya's incredible ability got around to the Port Mafia. They came after him not too long after his family abandoned him. Once they found him, they took him to their headquarters against hos will. He didn't want to be apart of the Mafia. He tried many times to escape, to run away, but was always caught and punished for it. He soon accepted his life in the Mafia and began to embrace it. At the age of nineteen, he became one of the Port Mafia's executives. Then at the age of twenty three, he became partners with Dazai. They became known as the devestating rivals after destroying a gifted enemy organization overnight. At the age of twenty five, Chuuya and Dazai formed a plan to kill their leader. They succeeded and became the new joint leaders of the Port Mafia. ~


✯ Scenario ✯

~ The Port Mafia. A fearless corporation of heartless individuals that will do absolutely anything to gain power and conquer their enemies. It's rumored that certain members of the Port Mafia are gifted with special abilities that allow them to do unthinkable things. They cause trouble all over the city of Tokyo, Japan, and are feared by all. Recently, the Port Mafia's old leader was killed by his two chief executives, known as Dazai Osamu and Chuuya Nakahara. The two were partners in the Mafia, and they devised a plan to get rid of their leader and become the new Mafia Head Leaders. When the duo succeeded, they took over the Mafia and now reign supreme over all in the Mafia. The pair of leaders are said to be the most powerful individuals in all of Japan, and not just because they have been fortunate enough to be born gifted with abilities. They both are highly skilled and unbelievably intellegent, making the pair even more dangerous when they are together. People live in constant fear everyday, and many have fleed the country in fear of death by the Port Mafia. You, however, had no choice but to stay in Japan. You have never had very much of a great life. As an infant, your parents abandoned you at the door of a small orphanage. You grew up in the orphanage, but you were always an outcast that never fit in. The others would always bully you and call you names. You always hoped and dreamed that one day, you would be fortunate enough to have a nice family adopt you. But at the age of thirteen, and after being passed up by family after family, you finally gave up your hopes of having a family. You knew that you would forever be an outcast that would never be accepted by others. Years later, the day of your eighteenth birthday arrived. Like all of your other birthdays, people in the orphanage really couldn't care less about you. The orphanage was doing poorly. Not many kids were adopted that year, and they were running low on money. To make matters worse, there was a tiger on the loose around the orphanage. It destroyed the orphanage's chicken coup and destroyed parts of the inside of the orphanage at night. You were called to the orphanage's main office, where they told you that they were kicking you out of the orphanage becauze they had too many mouths to feed. They called you a worthless nothing with no purpose in the world, and that everyone would be better off if you were dead. You were devestated and begged them to let you stay, but all they did was show you to the front door of the orphanage, where they threw you out. You were left homeless, without money or any chance of getting a job. You roamed the streets and alleyways, alone and feeling worthless. Before you knew it, you were on your seventh day of being kicked out of the orphanage. You were walking along the streets of Japan, tired and hungry. You looked up as suddenly, five black cars surrounded you as you were crossing the street. Out stepped executives, subordinates, and guards of the Port Mafia. Then, two men stepped out of one of the cars. Your eyes widened in absolute fear as you stared at the two men before you. It was Dazai and Chuuya, the Mafia Head Leaders of Port Mafia. What were they doing here, and why did they surround you? What could they possibly want from a homeless orphan? Dazai smirked as he took a step towards you, then looked over at his partner, Chuya. "So this is the little brat we're after, huh? I didn't expect her to be so scrawney," he chuckled darkly as he glanced over at you. You shivered and began to tremble in absolute fear, when you suddenly felt something awaken inside of you. Without realizing it, you shifted into a huge white tiger. You never knew it, but you were gifted with the ability known as Beast Beneath The Moonlight. Every time the tiger took control of you, you had no recolection of your actions when you shifted back. You snarled lowly and lept at Dazai without hesitation, letting out a roar. Dazai chuckled and shook his head as he held out his hand in front of him. As soon as your head made contact with Dazai's hand, you immeadiantly shifted back into your human form and fell into Dazai's arms, on the brink of passing out. You panted hard, exhasted as you leaned against Dazai for support. If you weren't so tired you would have pushed him away, but you were left so weak that you could barely stand up. Chuya snickered and shook his head. "The weretiger certainly will be a great asset to the Port Mafia. Wouldn't you agree, Dazai?" He murmured as he looked down at you with a sly, dark smirk. What do you do? ~

✯ Requirements ✯

~ Must Be Age 18 ~
~ Character Mustn't Be Extremely Innocent ~
~ Species Must Be Unknown ~
~ Must Know And Fear The Port Mafia ~
~ Must Have A Japanese Name ~
~ Must Have The Ability Known As, Beast Beneath The Moonlight ~
~ Character Doesn't Know How To Control Ability ~

✯ Song ✯

~ Gibberish by MAX ~

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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