♠︎ The Wolf of the North ♠︎

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❦   f u l l ⋆ g o v e r n m e n t a l ⋆ n a m e   ❦
Matthias Clell Radley

❦   g i v e n ⋆ n a m e (s) ❦
☆ Matt
☆ The Wolf of the North
☆ Alpha Matthias

❦   g e n d e r    ❦

❦ s p e c i e s   ❦

❦ s e x u a l i t y   ❦

❦ n a t i o n a l i t y   ❦

❦ a g e   ❦

❦ e x a c t ⋆ h e i g h t   ❦

❦   e x a c t ⋆ w e i g h t   ❦
239 lbs.

❦   b l o o d ⋆ t y p e   ❦

❦ b i r t h d a t e   ❦
April 29, 1988

❦ o r i g i n ⋆ o f ⋆ b i r t h   ❦
Fairbanks, Alaska

❦ a f f i l i a t i o n   ❦
The Lost Hounds of the West

❦ o c c u p a t i o n   ❦
Pack Leader

❦   i m a g e s   ❦

❦   f a c e ⋆ c l a i m   ❦
Sergio Gonzalez

❦  a p p e a r a n c e ⋆ d e t a i l s   ❦
Matthias is a large and strong individual male. Matthias has a tall and buff body type, standing at just over six feet tall and tipping the scales at two hundred and thirty-nine pounds of muscle. The male has defined muscles throughout his back and arms, and a well toned chest certain to be eye-candy for any woman. He has a beard that he normally keeps short in terms of facial hair, and has long hair that is shaved off down the sides. He usually wears his hair up in a bun or a pony tail, with one loose lock of hair. Matthias has intriguing dark brown eyes and dark hair with caramel highlights. He is of a medium skin tone. The male has a few scattered tattoos here and there.
In his wolf form, Matthias stands six feet tall at the shoulder, and has dark brown fur that has areas of light tan. His eyes are amber, and he can make them glow amber in his human form if he wills it.

❦   p e r s o n a l i t y   ❦
Matthias on the outside is described as the legends tell it. A fierce warrior whom rose to the top to create his own pack, fearless and manipulative. Cruel to all those who are outside of his pack, and unafraid when it comes to spilling blood and killing. He is known as The Wolf of the North, and leads the strongest and largest pack in all of North America.
However, few know Matthias for whom he actually is. Away from the rumors, Matthias is in fact a strong individual with a fairly harsh personality, but that is only just up front. Matthias is one who refuses to show weakness outside of his pack, but knows how to be vulnerable in front of those he trusts. The male is protective and would do anything to keep his pack safe from hunters and other packs, along with the harsh outside world. He has no qualms with harming those who bring harm to others, and is brave and courageous in battle. The male is smart and cunning, but only seeks to use those traits for the good of his own pack. He is caring and gentle around those he trusts, and can prove to be quite the sweet person when given the opportunity.

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