Chapter 1 - Joana's POV

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Comment suggestions!

Also! All of the pronouns (comment if I did any wrong) for (Y/N) are feminine, if y'all want them to be nonbianary just comment and I will go back and change it. Again, if I do change it please tell me if I miss any.

And without further ado, enjoy!

I walked to school with my very best friends.
Well, they walked. Juliet was carrying me on her back. I love Juliet.
Then there was Quinn and (Y/N), who were holding hands. They're so cute together.
And then there was little Carlos. Carlos held Juliet's hand as she carried me. -Another reason why i love Juliet- He's still in elementary school so every day once we get to the high school Quinn walks the rest of the way with Carlos to the elementary school before walking home. Did I mention that Quinn is home schooled? No.
Quinn is home schooled.
Anyways, once we got to school i got off Juliet's back and hugged her. We stayed in our hug for a few moments before pulling away and grinning. Did I mention that I love Juliet? Because I should say that, I love Juliet.
Carlos looked up at me and giggled. I picked up his small body and hugged him tightly. "You got this. I love you." I kissed his forehead before setting him down.
He's really small and short for being eight years-old, and I'm worried that he'll get bullied, kids can be cruel.
But nonetheless he grinned up at everyone. Quinn picked him up and yelled "LET'S GO SUPERMAN!!" before running towards his school.
This wouldn't be a challenge for Quinn in the slightest because when they're not doing schoolwork, they're running. And let me tell you, they're a good runner. My school adopted them onto our track team because they're so good.
I giggled once they were gone. (Y/N) playfully pouted due to how she didn't even get a hug before Quinn left, but she quickly shrugged it off.
I giggled and took (Y/N)'s hand, pulling her into the school. Juliet giggled as well, following close behind.
We all got to our lockers. Mine and (Y/N)'s were next to each other, since we're in the same advisory, and Juliet's was across the hall.
I blew a kiss to Juliet and she blew one back as (Y/N) and I walked into Mrs. Curtis's class.
Mrs. Curtis was at her desk grading papers. She was wearing a white dress and a denim jacket, her blonde hair was up in a tight bun. She is actually really pretty and also one of our youngest teachers, which might contribute to that. She is also one of our few female teachers.
But that's irrelevant, (Y/N) and I sat down at our desks and both took out our sketchbooks. We both love to draw and we always compare sketches.
After about seven minutes Mrs. Curtis announced that we were going to the gym for the rest of Advisory. We all cheered as we ran to the gym. However, (Y/N) and I made sure that we had all of our stuff and our sketchbooks before walking down the hall.
Once we got to the gym, we sat in the bleachers and drew the other people who were there.
Suddenly, I felt strong arms around my shoulders. I turned around to see Nick grinning at me. My face fell, I suddenly didn’t want to be here. I’d rather be anywhere, but here.

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