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"What's that word again? Contee, Congo, Concepteary-"

"Contemporary?" I replied to Ai as she was writing an email. She's still struggling with her English and I'm the only one who can help her out in the house.

"Right! Thanks Jane!" I smiled and went back to helping Li get ready for bed. I tucked him in then kissed his forehead.

"Night Jane," he yawned.

"Goodnight Li," I replied back then exited the room.

The house was cozy as it bathed in the warm light of the lamps. You could hear Ai typing in the computer quietly and the soft crackling of the fireplace. I felt so warm and content but yet at the same time I felt crushed by the ache in my heart.

On days like these Mom would always try so hard to make me warm as the wind swept through the house through the holes. She'd wrap me up in blankets and even sacrifice her own warmth for mine. Then she'd boil me some mint tea by warming water then putting crushed up mint in it. Sometimes if Manny were there he'd bring his laptop and we'd all watch a movie together.

I went outside on the porch and sat down on the bench swing. Memories swirling through my brain making me choke up. I've been trying to keep it to myself and it's been getting harder each day.

Knowing I was alone and that Ai couldn't hear anything from inside I let it out. I cried for my mom and Manny. I cried for old life. I let the tears flow into my hands oblivious of a door opening.

My heart felt heavy and tired body slouched forward into my hands. I felt someone sit next to me and since I was sure it was Ai I wrapped myself in their arms and crying into their chest.

They held me close to them, the warmth radiating off and onto me. Soon my eyes started to grow heavy and my body felt exhausted. Ai started running her hands through my hair and I melted into her chest. Her hands felt a little different but still soft but I didn't pay attention for I was so tired. Soon I fell into a deep sleep.

"Rest well Jane," was the last thing I heard before I succumbed to the dark.

When I awoke the next morning I found myself in my bed. Confused, I got up and realized I was wearing a large shirt over the tank top I was wearing last night.

Li was running around and you could hear the pitter patter of his toys behind him as I opened the door. My feet walked on its own accord to its first stop, the kitchen. Ai was there making a fruit platter for a lunch meeting at work.

"Good morning Jane!" She said as she cut some strawberries.

"Good morning," I responded quietly as I sat at the counter staring at my hands.

"Why were you out late last night? When I opened the door to see a boy holding my passed out Jane I almost had a stroke!"

I stopped fiddling with my fingers and looked up.

"Huh? What are you talking about? You were with me right?" I asked confused. She shook her head no and continued chopping up the fruits.

"Who was the boy?" I asked, my nerves growing.

"I think that kid across the street, the one with the green eyes."

Oh god.

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