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We see two young men hiding in a destroyed weapon shop grabbing weapons off the shelves

Ashton: The son of a biscuit is closing in.

Dimitri: Hurry up and grab some rifles, man, before they show up.

Ashton: I'm sorry, do you want to be fed to the Crows?!

Dimitri: You're right. I'm sorry, it's just after Mom and Dad...

Ashton: We'll avenge them little brother. Wayne will pay for his crimes. We will have our revenge. Grab the ammo and we'll hightail it to my time tunnel.

Dimitri: Alright.

They then grabbed the ammo and were running to an old mansion and slid down two poles to a cave as a machine was seen

Ashton: The year 2019 has been punched in we just need to give it time to warm up

Dimitri: Alright, then we need to destroy the tunnel in the past so-

A loud boom is heard as Ashton grabs a rifle and loads it

Ashton: He's here.

Dimitri: We just need to keep him away from the tunnel until it's done.

BWL: Honey I'm home! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

They looked and saw the Batman who Laughs come in to the cave

Ashton: Wayne.

Wayne: Gasp! Is that anyway to greet the man who liberated you?

Dimitri: Liberated? YOU KILLED OUR PARENTS!

Ashton: (whispers) Keep him talking D. I'll grab the morphers and the other weapons.

Dimitri: (whispers) Alright. (To Wayne) You know something Wayne. I used to look up to you when you were Batman but now I hope to pee on your grave. Cause now you are nothing but a complete monster just like Joker and the Reverse Flash.

Wayne: I am ten times the man Joker was!

Dimitri: That's bullcrap and you know it Wayne! Your parents would be disappointed and disgusted with you if they were here.

Wayne: I wouldn't care! I would've killed them anyway!

Ashton: That's the difference between us Bruce. (Points a bright yellow and black pistol at Wayne) We loved our parents. BTW it sounds like our time is up.

The time tunnel activates as Ashton throws a large bag of clothes through it

Ashton: Dimitri go on through I'll be with you in a second.

Dimitri: Alright.

He then ran to the tunnel and turns to Wayne as he then flipped him off with both middle fingers as he disappears

Ashton: It's been fun, gruesome. But I've got a date with destiny. UnleashTyranno power!

He then fires the pistol as a glowing Tyrannosaurus head covers him in an armored red suit as he grabs a giant penny and throws it at Wayne distracting him long enough to both destroy the controls for the time machine and use it before it was destroyed as he appears next to Dimitri.

Dimitri: Good to see ya made it Ash.

Ashton: I told you I would be following you. Quick destroy the controls now before he can follow us.

Dimitri: On it.

He then grabbed a gauntlet shaped like a T-Rex head and smashed the console permanently destroying the time tunnel on both ends

Dimitri: There, now Wayne is locked out of the tunnel for good.

Ashton's suit then disappeared as he hands Dimitri the pistol

Ashton: Get changed. We have to get out of here so we can find the Justice League.

Dimitri: Right.

They then changed to different clothes as we see them walking out of the cave.

Ashton: First order of business: Food.

Dimitri: My thoughts exactly.

We then see the two as they were in a nearby bar

Ashton: Excuse me can we get some buffalo wings please?

Bartender: Sure thing.

Dimitri: Ash, you sure this is a good idea to come here?

Ashton: Yeah.

Dimitri: Look it's just I get this kinda feeling that something really big is gonna happen.

Ashton: Name one big thing that can happen.

Dimitri: Someone starting a bar fight, the possibility of us getting drunk and doing god knows what.

Ashton: Bro. You worry too much we are just getting a well deserved meal.

Dimitri: Alright, well if you end up waking up in some bed with a woman you've never met don't come crying to me.

Ashton: Wimp.

Dimitri: Oh I'm a wimp? We'll see. Bartender some of your hardest booze please.

Bartender: Are you sure about that?

Dimitri: (looks at Ashton) A hundred percent.

Bartender: Your funeral.

Ashton: I protected you from Wayne and now I'm gonna kick your little ass.

Dimitri: We'll see about that.

We then see two glasses of blue liquid are put in front of them as the bartender lights them on fire


The bar patrons and the bartender hid behind the tables as Ashton grabbed his glass

Ashton: Last chance to back out kid.

Dimitri: No way, and stop calling me a kid.

Dimitri grabbed his glass and blew the flames on his drink out

Ashton: You'll wish you backed out.

Dimitri: I was gonna say the same to you.

The two then started to drink as we went to the next day  as we saw Dimitri waking up in a bed.

Dimitri: (rubs his head) Man, I knew that it was a bad idea to challenge Ash to a drinking contest.

Ashton: Shut up I have a headache.

Dimitri: Correction, you have a couple of cuddle buddies.

Ashton then looked to see that on his left and right arms were two beautiful woman cuddling him while one woman was tanned with black hair the other was blue and scaly with bright red hair that was slicked back


This caused Ashton to fall down off the bed and hit the ground face first.

Dimitri: And I am guessing right, I am assuming that the same has happened to me.

He then looked to see that he had a wedding ring in his hand and saw two girls cuddling him as they had long bright red and blond hair

Dimitri: I was right. And Ash, I hate to say that I told you so but.... I TOLD YOU SO!

Mystique: Ashton tell your idiot brother to be quiet.

Superwoman: We're all trying to sleep.

Ashton: Define "We".

???: She means us.

Ashton then saw from out of the blanket was a fox woman with blue hair, a Portuguese woman with mint green hair, a Chinese woman, and a woman with long red hair wearing purple gloves

Beatriz: (says swear words in Portuguese) If I don't get my sleep I'm frying you both.

Dimitri: Dare I must know who was with me.

He then looked to see a woman on his bed was a Japanese woman cuddling a blond with a robot arm along with a woman with white hair, a woman with red hair and a weird symbol tattooed on her, a woman with red hair that was pulled into a ponytail along with a blonde woman that had her hair pulled into two long braids.

Dimitri: Of course.

Ashton: Ok, there is one thing that's buzzing in my head right now. What the heck happened?!

Dimitri: If I may guess, I say that we both had gotten drunk, and have wound up getting married to six beautiful ladies each.

Carmelita: If you're going to keep making noise PUT SOME PANTS ON!

They then looked to realize that they were butt naked

Cammy: Oh god is Carmelita screaming again? Bloody hell.

Chun-Li: Carmelita please stop shouting.

Dimitri: And something tells me that there is an explanation on why we are all nude.

Mirajane: Oh you boys were great.

Ashton: Man, we must have been so drunk, I don't even remember why we are even here.

Dimitri: "Getting a well deserved meal." Truly spectacular idea Ash.

Ashton: I will hurt you. Just because you're my brother doesn't mean I won't hesitate to break your bones.

Erza: Boys, no fighting.

Ashton: Can this day get any worse?

Then knocking was heard in the door of their room.

???: Yang? Are you in there?

Dimitri: Who's that?

Yang: Uh oh, it's my friends.

Ashton: Dimitri quickly grab me and you some pants and a weapon. Just in case they try to hurt us.

Dimitri: Alright.

They then both grabbed some pants and before they could grab a weapon we see the door was kicked down as they looked to see a girl with black hair and wearing a gothic version of a Red Riding Hood outfit as Ashton pointed the dragon dagger at them

Ashton: Put down your weapons!

Yang: Hey they're ok, and that's my sister you're threatening.

Ruby: Yang, what are you doing here? And more importantly why are you naked?

Yang: I got married last night. (points at Dimitri and Ashton) So they are both your new brothers in law.

Weiss: You got drunk and got married.

Dimitri: More like technically me and my brother married six ladies each Yang being one of my new brides apparently.

Ruby: But what did you all do in here last night?

Ashton: You don't wanna know shorty.

And done!

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