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"And where are you two sneaking off to in the dark?" Mark paused at the tent flaps, then turned to look over his shoulder and give Amy a sheepish grin.

"I promised Jack I would show him the Crystal Springs?" Amy rolled her eyes, but with an amused smile.

"And you were going to go without bringing your mate?" She teased. Mark turned all the way around to crouch at her side.

"Well, if you want to insist on spending time with this meathead," he answered slyly, making the healer giggle.

"Always." She reached up and gently lay her hand on his cheek, which he leaned into with closing eyes. "But if you do not want me to come along, it is alright," she reassured earnestly. "I just worry that someone else may have an uneventful night become very eventful, should anyone awake see you slip away from camp at such a late time." Mark put his hand over hers, removing it only to gently clasp with both hands.

"I have been careful. He remains out of sight until we are past the guard, and I cover my tracks and return prepared with an excuse."

"And what of the cold? And the animals? You do not take him on patrols because of them." Mark hesitated.

"And because of the tribe," he admitted quietly. Amy let out a soft but understanding sigh. 

"Mark, I know we think alike: How long must we keep this secret? We do not know how long he will live, or when his time will pass. Do you intend to hide him from the others until his Last Day?"

"I don't know." Mark let their hands drop and return to their owners, taking a seat as Amy sat up to properly converse with him. "I keep thinking of telling Tyler. But then I worry I have underminded him." The warrior bowed his head with a gentle shake. "I do not mean to, I never did. I just wanted to protect Jack, but... What if he banished me?"

"Mark..." Amy scooted closer, resting her arms on his shoulders and back. "He loves you like a brother," she insisted, "He would never place such a harsh punishment on your head."

"But he should. He's the chieftain! He shouldn't go gentle on me just because I hold the title 'best warrior'." Mark let out a gusty exhale. "Especially because of..." Amy raised her hand to gently pull on Mark, who complied and let himself lean against her within her embrace.

"I know you still grieve," she murmured, "Your father was good. All of your stories honour him well, and so do the ones you continue to walk in." Mark closed his eyes, feeling the warm springs of his own sting his vision.

"I wish he could have met you," he sighed remorsefully. "He would have liked you." The healer smiled and gently lifted Mark's chin, so that their eyes would meet.

"I see him in you," she assured. "His bloodline is with you, and I know you do him proud— with the tribe, with me, with Jack, everything." More tears sprang up in Mark's watery chocolate eyes, and he gave a sad smile with an appreciating nod. Amy nodded back, and then leaned in to give him a gentle kiss. With the contact fled the tension in the warrior's body, and he relaxed as he reciprocated; and then brushed a strand of hair out of his mate's beautiful face, studying her: she was so kind to him, yet always pushing him to be his best.

"Have I told you I love you lately?" He rumbled softly.

"Well, Jeóbien has made a few trips since the last time," she answered with a coy smirk. Mark chuckled warmly, kissing her forehead.

"You are too good to me."

"I do nothing. You are the one who walks your path. I simply walk alongside you... And patch up your trips and falls." Mark chortled.

"Aha, so that is why I vowed myself to a healer." Amy gave him a light shove with a laugh, which the two shared amusement in. "But paths are nothing but dust and shadows without you beside me," Mark added, offering his hand. Amy smiled up at him.

"Are you certain?"

"I am." She took his hand, and they both stood.

"Let me grab my furs then." Mark watched the healer turn and rummage for her fur cloak, until he felt a light weight shove against his chest. He looked down to see that Jack had climbed out of the pouch, and he was smirking very obviously.

Mark gave a harmless scowl and put his hand over the human. "You are as bad as Ethan, you líten chúlba." The only response he got was a not-so-innocent giggle.

"Can you understand his squeakings yet?" Amy asked, turning back to them while nestling a warm fur over her shoulders.

"Not really. But I think I am getting better at reading his body." He gave a brief pause, then added, "And we did learn what to call each other."

"Right: 'Jack'." Mark removed his hand as Amy leaned down enough to smile kindly at the human, who's cheeky humour had dropped to uncertainty. She offered her own petite hand, using the back of one finger to rub his head, gently ruffling his hair. Jack shied down a little, but he also closed his eyes with a little smile, having found the gesture surprisingly soothing.

"I am just glad that he trusts us now," Mark murmured, smiling down at the soft scene. Amy smiled as well.

"Enough to not go running out into a storm ruining my wrappings at least, cha." She gave one more light pat before straightening her spine to meet her partner's fond gaze. Then she gave a small smirk and pat his cheek again. "While Lünâewa is still over our heads then." He chuckled, letting the ardor in his eyes simmer down.

"Of course." He took the lead and peeked his head out of the tent, looking to and then fro before quietly emerging. His mate followed close behind, her steps light and quiet despite the snow beneath that usually had a habit of crunching. Mark was a heavier build, but his steps were still calculated, carefully placing his weight.

"The issen still falls," Mark whispered, "It will cover our tracks tonight." A simple nod was all Amy had to give, and they kept carefully trudging along the shadows. Mark stopped at the bush at the edge of camp, as he often did, and he had to say nothing for the healer to do the same. A careful peak over the top, and Mark grimaced. "Ethan is guard tonight."

"Ethan is no worry," Amy reassured. "We can tell him part of the truth." Mark tilted his head at her, but she gestured for him to follow and walked past the bush. He did so, murmuring to Jack to make sure he hid before watching as Ethan turned and noticed them both. The blue-haired advisor gave a friendly grin and dipped his head in acknowledgement.

"Amy! Mark! What are you two doing out?" 

"Tëjiláh, Ethan," Amy politely greeted in return. "I finally talked Mark into bringing me to the Crystal Springs. I wished to visit while it is still cold out." A cheeky grin found its way on the advisor's countenance as Mark closed the distance between them to give Ethan a proper nod.

"Ahhh, of course!" Ethan realized with a sly tone. "And while Lünâewa still shines brightly too. Enjoy yourselves then— but be sure to return before Jeóbien does Mark, we'll need you for more hunting."

"Da." Mark gave another nod, though his cheeks felt warm as Amy moved her hand to hold his.

"I will be sure to return him before then," she laughed sweetly, pulling him past. Mark gave Ethan a playful scowl as he was urged along, but the blue-haired giant simply chuckled and dipped his head. It was only once they were away from any prying eyes and in the cover of the forest that Amy finally slowed and let them both stop.

"I would not have thought of that," Mark admitted sheepishly. Amy glanced to him with a little smile.

"Well, the Crystal Springs may not be as sacred as your usual trips, but it is still a place held dear to us; and he knows that."

"It is," Mark agreed. Then he finally let go of her hand, but only to pull open the flap of his pouch and check up on Jack. "Líten hána?" The little folds of the blankets inside rustled, and Jack's head poked out to look up at Mark with rounded eyes. Mark smiled and gave a nod. "You are safe now." The human let out a relieved sigh and sat up, clawing out from under the rest of the folds before stretching up to glimpse the outside world. "We are not there yet," the warrior added, "But the tribe is behind us now. We only have to walk." Jack looked back up at him, gave a nod, and plopped back down into the safety of the pouch.

"It still awes me how well you communicate with him now," Amy remarked as her mate let the pouch close once more.

"It took great time and practice," Mark admitted. "But once we found a way to connect, it made it much easier."

"The drawings?" The two giants started walking again, side by side in the cold snowy forest.

"Cha. I have described them to you before, but... They are incredible." Mark gave a small shake of his head. "He draws in strange symbols, with even stranger pictures of falling from amongst our ancestors. But his people are not so, I'm sure. It's more like they left their own world to travel through the same space that our ancestors rest within."

"That is strange," Amy agreed.

"It is. But even stranger is that he fell in... Something, like a-an egg? Of hard shiny material."

"But not the same as skyfÿre? Nor our guards?"

"Much different. But also..." Mark hesitated and glanced down at the pouch. "He told me his name, in his tongue."

"With strange symbols, you said?"

"Da. They were like..." He did his best to recreate the same gestures in the air that the letters had used. "Lines and swoops. I do not know what they are called, but after drawing them he had pointed to himself and said 'Jack'. And then he drew my name in his tongue and spoke it."

"So he understands what you are called, and how to call for you." Amy's thoughts were racing with intrigue, he could see it in her eyes. His thoughts were too, so he certainly did not blame her. How could he? They had never met someone like Jack before.

"I think he knows what you are called too," Mark added, "But I do not think he is familiar with the others, with the tribes or the animals."

"And the Pänthéo, you said?" He nodded. The air had begun to grow heavy with humid mist, and beneath their feet the snow had given away to thawed ground. "I still hold difficulty believing it, but I saw him depicted with my own eyes. There's no way Jack could have drawn him if he had not met the Pänthéo... But their encounter was far from friendly."

"Perhaps," Amy thought aloud, "He is the one who wanted your paths to entwine?"

"Maybe... But why hunt Jack? Why try to kill him?"

"I do not know. But I do know that you saved him." Amy had paused right at the edge of a snow-free tree grove, turning to give Mark her solemn attention as she put a hand over his heart. "Whatever the gods have in mind, their actions brought Jack to you— in the embrace of hot burning tongues, remember? If that is not a sign from your patron, I do not know what is." Mark exhaled through his nose and gave his head a slight shake, resting his hand over her's. 

"I just do not understand their reasoning... But they do work in mysterious ways, ways we might not yet comprehend," he murmured, "My only concern is 'Why threaten his life?' "

"Perhaps it was the spark you needed to meet?"

"Perhaps..." Amy looked toward their destination, then back to Mark to lightly gesture her head.

"Come, perhaps the waters will ease your worries." Mark nodded, letting her lead the way into the throngs of the grove as he gave the pouch a gentle tap.

"We are here now, Jack." 

The air further increased in warmth and humidity as Jack poked his head out, and then they were entering a very small clearing. But instead of meadow-y grass, at the center of this strange place lay gurgling puddles and craters of steaming water; some were large, some small, but the water within the hot springs all glistened and shimmered, as if made from the magics of pure starlight.

"Whoa..." Mark lifted the pouch from its position slung around his head and shoulder, and he took to a crouch as Amy moved to the side to remove her extra pelt.

"This is the Crystal Springs," Mark announced as he set the pouch down, lifting the flap for Jack to step outside; which he did so, but cautiously as he looked around at the verdant pocket. "It can be a place of meditation, or a site of solace for those who wish to feel closer to the gods. But for us, the issen never falls here, so you should be safe from the cold." Mark unclipped his accessories and removed his leg guards, setting them beside the pouch where it was dry and not too close to the waters. "It should not burn you, but we'll be careful in making sure," Mark promised. Jack turned his attention from the blooming trees and grass and looked over at the hot springs.

"The water looks so clean," he wondered out loud, cocking his head. He watched as Amy stepped in to the largest spring, seeing the calm that stole over her expression as she submerged herself into the soothing waters. Jack looked back up at Mark, and attempted to gesture.

"You're keeping all those furs on?"

"No, you do not have to remove anything," Mark reassured, "We only take off what is unnecessary." Dubious, Jack glanced down at his own heavy furs and shuffled back to the pouch. He proceeded to 'take off what is unnecessary' and remove all but his trousers. Just before he'd turned back to Mark, the giant's gaze had softened when he caught sight of the huge gashes that were still angry despite remaining unbandaged this time to breathe in some fresh air, and ran down deep within the skin from his shoulderblade to all the way past his waist. When Jack rubbed his pale arms and shivered, whilst looking up to the giant to let him know he was ready, Mark reached down and gave Jack's head a ginger pet first. Again, Jack closed his eyes and let out the tense breath he'd been holding.

"It's alright to worry," Mark murmured, "But scars speak stories of triumph and survival over hardships; they are nothing to be ashamed of, visible or not." The human blinked up at him, surprised by that remark, but Mark simply gestured his head. "Let's make sure the water is safe for you first." Jack nodded as the gargantuan hand lowered, and he allowed himself to be scooped up and carried closer to the springs. Mark held a crouched position beside the largest spring, but held his hand beside a much littler one for Jack to give a try. He slipped off of the giant's hand and mirrored his crouch, wincing as he had to heavily lean to one side before resorting to a simpler seat.

With a shallow exhale, Jack let his hand snake closer to the edge, and he gave one last hesitation before testing the water... He had expected it to be boiling hot, but was instead surprised to find it felt... Silky? He wasn't sure how to describe it, but it was like tasting no flavour where expected, in the form of touch. It was hot, but somehow not overwhelmingly so, not to him at least. He let his hand submerge, then felt a shiver go down his spine as he let out a relaxed murmur. It felt really nice, and so he scooted closer, shifting to put one foot in first, then the other, and then he allowed himself to slide all the way in. His pants did of course immediately get soaked, but it was far better than being indecent, especially with company. The bottom of the little pool was also sooner than he expected, yet the glimmering surface reached up to his ribs with warmly lapping waters. He found a space that felt like a steep but smooth shelf, and found that it made the perfect spot to sit down and lean back in, just like Amy had done.

"It appears he likes it as well," the healer remarked.

"It appears he does," Mark agreed, smiling softly as he watched Jack shimmy into the warm embrace of the burbling waters, with eyes closed and shoulderblades relaxed against the edge. The warrior soon moved away once he was certain their diminutive companion was alright, and he stepped in alongside Amy to join her in a warm embrace of their own. "I was worried it might boil him," he confessed. Amy huffed a gentle breath through her nose, turning to push a raven tuft out of his eyes.

"You know the Crystal Springs do not work like that. And besides, he's spent a great deal of time with you, I'm sure he can handle it."

"But am I too warm for him?" Mark mused, perhaps fretting just a mite. Yet he felt his own heart hum with warmth as he recalled their time spent together already: So many cycles of Jeóbien's diurnal journey had been passed sitting in that tent, watching over Jack in his nest despite remaining immobile with rest under the healing eyes of the best. And when he woke and got lost in the snow... Oh how cold and frightened he'd been. He hadn't strayed very far from camp, but those eyes so big and bright, a white blue that seemed to glow as strongly as Jeóbien himself; they had been clouded with fear and confusion, questions, doubts... And Mark understood them now. Learning to understand Jack, to respect and communicate with him, it... Well, it certainly took time, and the warrior knew he had much yet to learn, but he was still making an effort to try. Did that make him a bad person?

"Of course not." Amy let her head rest on the broad shelf of his shoulder. "Without warmth, all creatures and plants would not be here. And you, like Jeóbien, are not so overwhelming that you burn him— but instead, you are there for him when he needs you. Just as I am here for you, if you ever need me." Mark's eyes pulled away from their solicitous stare on Jack, and he gave Amy a fond glance before cocking his head to give her a nuzzle.

"And I you, until and beyond my last breath."

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