My day today ;)

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So guys! Whats up? How was your day? I bet mine was crazier than yours ;)

SO today was just a normal day. Just as normal as any day in tornado alley. But just then, in 7th period, the intercom sounded 

" Attention middle and elementary school students and staff, we are in tornado warning, this is not a drill, please head to shelter."

I'm like phhhhh nah. Because every time we do this its a drill or something. So My class *Including Plasma aka Starfaze12 and Lightning aka bballplayer2514* headed down to the locker room (The girls locker room to be exact) and we sat on the bench. 

We had to wait at least about an hour and a half before we were out of the warning to go home. And its 30 minutes school after was supposed to be over. And we headed out to the gym, and you could hear the punding of the rain, it was loud. Like louder than an air vent.

And just to scare us more there was hail too.  

Crazy right? Just wait.

According to my teacher, there were 2 tornado's very close to my town. Too close -_- One I think is still alive. I think it didn't hit a nearby town but I think a farm or something. And the other one was actually coming towards my town but had dissipated.

So anyway it was still raining quite a bit, and we had to head to our homerooms. And the teachers were just freaking out! My teacher said, "SHUT UP! SIT DOWN!" Louder than she usually yells. Louder than the rain XD. WE asked if we could go to our lockers and get our stuff, you know because its about 45 minutes after school was supposed to be out. But noooooo my teacher said, " NO BECAUSE YOU ACT LIKE IDIOTS WHEN YOU GO OUT IN THE HALL!!!!" Of course that was not true.

But anyway thankfully my sister was working with the kindergarten when the storm hit, so we got to go home with her. And we're driving home, and I happened to look out the window, and I saw the ditch, FLOODED! But not like flooded like a little puddle, I MEAN FLOODED LIKE RUSHING WATER FLODDED. 

Anyway now back to now, where I'm typing this on my computer, I have a hammer with me for some reason..... And theres no rain anymore but there still is thunder. Wait

THUNDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok peace out guys.

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