Jealous Types

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Alright so now it's time to meet the Girlfriends that are a little more clingy then the others, and they don't take kindly to other girls talking to they're man! Wish Tenma luck with these girls!
Jealousy is not a strange concept in any relationship, but when you have twenty Shinobi girlfriends that became even crazier. Tenma had noticed that a few of his girlfriends tended to get jealous a lot easier then the others. Tenma loved these girls with all of his heart, but sometimes the jealousy could get on his nerves.
Tenma had to say out of all of his girlfriends he did not expect Miyabi to be one of girls that was quick to jealousy. The Hebijo team leader always seemed so calm and collected that something as simple as jealousy was beneath her. Although Tenma was quickly proven wrong when he caught her sending a multitude of girls death glares for looking at him. That or she would tighten her grip on him when they were in a public area in order to send out the message that he was hers. Tenma really did wonder what he was going to do with this girl.
"Tenma why were you talking for so long with the girl at the counter?" Miyabi asked as Tenma approached her with they're food. The two of them had been in the mall and decided to grab something to eat before heading out. "She was just asking me how my day was, that's all!" Tenma said with a nervous chuckle at his girlfriend's sudden hostility. "Doesn't she know that you have a girlfriend?" Miyabi said bitterly as she glared at the counter girl over his shoulder. Tenma sighed in annoyance at Miyabi's behavior, did she really not trust him?
"Miyabi you know I would never go behind you or the other girls backs, so why can't you trust me" Tenma asked in disbelief at his girlfriend's attitude. Miyabi instantly went from angry to worried when she heard Tenma's words. "Tenma of course I trust you! It's just that I don't trust other girls to not hit on you that's all!" Miyabi said sadly as she was afraid she upset him. Tenma's expression softened as he leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips. "Don't worry Miyabi you and the other girls are the only ones for me!" Tenma said Miyabi relaxed and decided to just drop it and eat with Tenma.
Tenma had to say Hibari being quick to jealousy was straight out of left field for him, the clover eyed girl was always so cheery, that it really didn't make any sense to him. Hibari instantly tensed up when another girl got close to him that wasn't one of the others. Tenma actually found her jealous mode adorable because of how she would puff her cheeks out and give any girl this cute glare of hers. Although that didn't stop Tenma from trying to keep her in check when she got like this, after Hibari has really been improving in her training with Thunder techniques.
              Tenma and Hibari were at the arcade playing games and having fun like they usually do. Tenma was busy trying to get the high score on one of the machines when someone else approached him. "Hey mind if I get next game?" A feminine voice said from behind Tenma as he continued to play. "Sure thing!" Tenma said without looking away from the screen. Tenma played for a few more minutes before he finally lost the game. "Darn! So close! Alright the machine is all yours!" Tenma said to the shorter girl as she adjusted her glasses before approaching the machine.
             "Get away from my boyfriend!" Hibari shrieked out as she marched up to Tenma and the other girl. "Oh! I just wanted to use the machine! Sorry if there was a misunderstanding!" The girl said with a nervous laugh at Hibari's reaction. "Tenma common we're leaving!" Hibari said with a huff as she began to drag Tenma out of the arcade. Tenma turned his head and mouthed a "sorry" to the girl who replied with an "It's fine." Before he was finally out of the arcade and staring down an angry Hibari. "Aw, is my little bunny jealous?" Tenma said in a teasing tone as Hibari began to punch his chest in anger at his words.
Tenma wasn't really all that surprised that Mirai was quick to get jealous, after before joining the Crimson Squad she didn't have any friends. Mirai hated being forgotten and it was also her biggest fear that she would wake up and her friends would forget about her. Although strangely enough Mirai actually got jealous of the others more then random girls they encountered. Mirai would always hunt Tenma down when she feels like she's getting ignored and she never fails in cornering him either. For such a small girl, Mirai could be quite intimidating when she wanted to be and she knew it.
Tenma was walking back to his shack after spending time with the Hanzo girls for a couple of hours. Although Tenma got the creeping suspicion he was being watched by someone. Suddenly Tenma felt a weight cling to his back and a pair of arms wrap around his neck. "You've been ignoring me all day Tenma! Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Mirai asked in an annoyed voice as she clung to his back. Tenma chuckled slightly at Mirai's behavior before looking over his shoulder and into her angry face. Tenma continued to walk back to his shack.
                   Tenma pulled Mirai off his back before sitting down on his couch and placing her on his lap. "Is my little Kitten jealous?" Tenma asked in a teasing tone as Mirai snuggled into his chest in an attempt to hide her blush. "I-I was lonely you jerk!" Mirai stuttered out as she tightened her hold on Tenma. Tenma gave her a kiss on the top of her head and began to gently rub her back in order to calm her down. "It's okay I could never forget about you Kitten." Tenma said gently as he deepened the embrace as Mirai seemed to calm down at this action.
Tenma knew Shiki could be a bit possessive when it came to him, but it seems to have gotten worse ever since she started posting more pictures of them together. Shiki was always looking for new things to write about for her blog and she has used they're relationship as inspiration for a few stories. Although a few followers have left comments pertaining to Tenma that just grinds her gears to no end. When Shiki gets angry it's an unpleasant experience for everyone around her and Tenma usually has to fix it.
                   Tenma was making his way towards the Gessen dorm after he got a text from Yozakura. Apparently Shiki has been going completely crazy on a few of her commenters for talking about him. Tenma entered the dorm and made a b line to Shiki's room in order to sort this issue out. Tenma enters her room and instantly spots her at her computer typing away furiously. "Shiki you really need to stop with the whole flame war thing!" Tenma said slightly annoyed at his girlfriend's antics. "Not now babe! I got teach so bitches a lesson for talking about my man!" Shiki said with an edge in her voice as she continued to type.
Tenma sighed in annoyance at Shiki's actions as he walked up behind her so he was standing right behind her. Tenma then wrapped his arms around Shiki in order to calm her down and get her to stop raging on her followers. "Just calm down my little bat! You know I would never trade you or the other girls for anyone else!" Tenma said as Shiki began to relax into his embrace with a content sigh. "You know I can't help but let people know what's mine and not to mess with it!" Shiki said as she got up and from her chair and returned Tenma's embrace. Tenma knew that these girls could be out of control, but he loved them anyway.

Alright so we now have one last group of girls to meet before I start asking for requests for this book! Also I'm sorry I've slowed down, I've been trying to complete Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and I am planning a story about the game! Check out the Character Bio that I published!

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