Please be Careful Tenma!

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Alright so this was Requested by kane140324 and I just wanted to let the rest of you know that requests are open for this story! The rules are simple you can pick up to four of the girls and a scenario that they get into with Tenma! Post it in the comments of this chapter and I'll try to write it to the best of my abilities.  On with the story!
Tenma sat on the rooftop of a building in the shopping district as he watched the bar from across the street. From the outside it looked like any normal self respecting bar, but it was secretly an underground drug smuggling group. Tenma wasn't alone this mission he had his girlfriends Miyabi, Yagyuu, Yozakura, and Yomi with him as well. Tenma jumped down from the roof and walked towards the bar in his normal clothing. Tenma entered the bar as the bartender and patrons all turned to look at him. "You lost or something kid?" The bartender asked in his gruff voice as he glared at Tenma.
                   "Oh no I was just wondering if I could buy some quality sugar from here if you catch my drift." Tenma said as the bartender pulled out a gun and pointed it at Tenma. "If you know what's good for you kid, you'll walk away before you get hurt." The bartender said as he aimed at Tenma's forehead. "Oh come on man I just want to get my fix! Do you really have to threaten a customer like this?" Tenma said as put his hands up at the man pointing a gun at him. "You really aren't that smart are you kid!" The bartender said as he pulled the trigger, but the bullet never connected with its target as it was blocked by a red umbrella. "Are you okay Tenma?" Yagyuu asked as she looked over her shoulder at her boyfriend with worry.
                 "Yeah I'm fine Yagyuu, although I can't say the same about the rest of the room. Tenma said as the rest of the people in the bar began to surround them. One of the patrons lunged at Tenma with a knife. Tenma pulled out Kasharashi, but before he could attack Yozakura punched the attacker away with her gauntlets. "Don't worry Tenma I'll cover you!" Yozakura said as she began to fight the rest of the enemies. "Okay I guess?" Tenma said as he turned to face another enemy as he got ready to attack. Although Yomi came in an struck down the other attackers. "You won't touch him!" Yomi shouted as she struck the rest of the enemies with her sword.
Tenma sighed in slight annoyance as he turned to look at all of the defeated enemies lying on the ground. "Well let's get the illegal products out of the hidden room and head home I suppose." Tenma said in slight irritation as he made his way to the wall in the corner of the room. "Not one step further you brat!" Tenma turned to see the bartender was still kicking and was pointing his gun at his head. "Finally I get to have some fun!" Tenma thought to himself as he got ready for the bartender to fire his gun. Although the Bartender froze as he had a blade pressed against his neck.
"If you wish to keep your head, you'll drop the gun." Miyabi said in a dark voice as she pressed her katana's blade against the man's neck. The bartender dropped the gun before Miyabi used the butt of her Katana to knock him out. Tenma simply turned and opened the hidden door and went down to check what they came to confiscate. Although secretly he just wanted to get away from his girlfriends. Tenma could feel his frustration building at the fact that his girlfriends treated him like a child that couldn't defend himself. "Hey babe everything secure down here?" Miyabi asked as she walked down and looked around the room.
                  "Yeah everything is secure down here." Tenma responded as he walked past her and the others and began to walk up the stairs. "Sweetie where are you going? The mission isn't finished yet." Yomi said as she watched him walk up the stairs. Tenma whipped around and glared at his girlfriends, which surprised the four girls. "Oh now I'm allowed to do something? From what happened upstairs I thought I was just supposed to standby and do nothing!" Tenma growled out as he began to turn around and continue up the stairs. "Tenma we didn't mean it like that! We just didn't want you to get hurt that all!" Yozakura pleaded as she began to tear up at her boyfriend's obvious anger with them.
              "I can take care of myself you know! I'm not some little kid that can't fight!" Tenma fires back as he felt his blood start to boil as this argument went on. "Tenma how many times have you jumped head first into a dangerous situation? Sometimes I wonder if we can trust you to look after yourself!" Yagyuu shouted at her boyfriend in anger as she didn't think about what she just said. Tenma's hair cast a shadow over his eyes as he looked down at his feet. "T-Tenma I'm sorry I didn't mean that!" Yagyuu stuttered out after realizing what she just said to him. "Oh I see how it is, I'm heading home after all you don't need my help." Tenma said coldly as he exited the bar and made his way home.
                  The girls finished up the mission as quick as possible and tried to catch up with Tenma. As they ran along the rooftops in search of the Thunder Shinobi they couldn't help but feel guilty about what they did. "Why did I say that? Tenma shouldn't have to feel like we don't trust him." Yagyuu said in a downcast tone as she continued to sulk over what she said to her boyfriend. "He's right, Tenma is apart of the government's top Shinobi team! He knows his way around a fight." Yozakura added as she tried to wipe the tears from her eyes. "I just didn't want him to get hurt, but I ended up hurting him anyway." Yomi said as she started to cry a little herself.
Miyabi listener to what the other girls said and couldn't help but feel guilty as well at her actions. "Let's just focus on finding him for now, we can apologize after that." Miyabi said as they continued to search the city for their runaway boyfriend. "Tenma where are you? Please don't be angry, we didn't mean to hurt your feelings like that." Miyabi thought to herself as she continued to run across the rooftops in silence. The girls combed over the entire city as in a desperate attempt to find Tenma, although they came up with nothing. At the end of their rope, the four girls head back to Hanzo Ultimate in hopes that Tenma was in his shack.
Tenma had just finished getting dressed into his pajamas after the fight he had with his girlfriends. Tenma didn't like arguing with them, but even his patience has its limits to what it can take. As he walked through his darkened shack, Tenma heard a creek from behind him. Tenma slowly pulled out a shuriken and got ready to throw it, but lights turned on. Tenma saw that the people in his house were the same girlfriends he had an argument with not that long ago. "Girls? What the hell?! I was ready to attack, what were you thinking sneaking up on me?" Tenma questioned as he put the shuriken away and faced the girls.
                  "T-Tenma I'm sorry! I didn't mean what I said back there! Please forgive me!" Yagyuu begged as she began to break down into tears. Tenma gently pulled Yagyuu into a hug as she cried into his shoulder and rubbed her back in hopes of calming her down. "It's okay Yagyuu, I'm sorry I yelled, you girls were just trying to keep me safe." Tenma said as he continued to calm Yagyuu down. "Babe we really are sorry, it's just we would never forgive ourselves if you got hurt." Miyabi said gently as she walked up to Tenma and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "We can stop being so crazy about it if it bothers you that much." Yozakura said as she also pulled Tenma into a hug.
                   Tenma was also hugged from behind by Yomi as she buried her face into his back and began to cry as well. "P-Please don't be mad at us, we love you and we would hate it if you were mad at us!" Yomi whimpered out as she tightened her hold on Tenma. "Girls I do appreciate you protecting me truly I do, but please let me protect you while your protecting me!" Tenma said as he pulled Yomi into his arms and began to comfort her. The rest of the girls joined in on the hug and they all let out a content sigh. Tenma loved these girls even when they got on his nerves, he still couldn't help, but absolutely love them.

Alright my first request is finished! Now you don't need to have four of the girls in your idea for me to write it! 1-4 is what your allowed so if you want Tenma to be more one on one with just a single girl that's fine as well. Now I have another two parter planned for this story so in that time I would like to see a few more requests on this chapter and those two when they come out! I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and will leave your requests in the comments! See you next time!

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