Rough Day

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Okay here we go with my second request chapter this time it's requested by bronyellis. This peek into the daily life of Tenma and his girlfriends will focus on when our hero has just had a tough day. Will some of his girlfriends in a similar situation be able to help him?
Tenma was just not ready for what today threw at him, first he got up early and went to the Sleeping Panda and worked from four to twelve like usual. During that period of time he had to defuse an argument that broke out between his coworkers over who forgot to put the icing in the fridge. Then he had to make a whole new gallon of icing to replace the one that got ruined. After that he had to prepare four sheet pans worth of cookies for the front of the house before opening time. Lastly as if to test his patience even further he had to finish decorating a Wedding Cake because the coworker that was supposed to do it was out sick.
             Tenma loves his job, but he was happy to be clocking out for the day, it was only noon so he still had a decent amount of daylight left. Tenma hopped on his mountain bike and made his way back to Hanzo Ultimate. That was another thing Tenma had his motorcycle license, but he still was working towards getting the money to buy one. Sure he could use the money he got from the government, but he liked to save that for emergencies. The blonde haired boy flew down the street as he tried to hurry back so he could relax after the bullshit he went through at work.
                 Ikaruga was patient person, she could keep a level head in the worst of situations, but even she has her limits. Aside from the usual sexual harassment from Katsuragi, Ikaruga felt like the world was trying to test her today. First Hibari and Asuka had went a little to far during training today, which led to multiple craters in the training ground. Ikaruga was happy that Hibari could hold her own in a fight now, but ever since Tenma taught her Thunder Style she has become quite destructive. Then Yagyuu ended up in a heated argument with Mirai over who would get to spend time with Tenma when he got back from work.
               Ikaruga sighed in frustration after she just got finished diffusing the argument between Yagyuu and Mirai. "Why can't we go one day without someone arguing over Tenma? We are all his girlfriends so what is there to fight over?" Ikaruga thought to herself as she made her way back to her room in hopes of getting a moment of peace and quiet. "Ikaruga senpai!" Ikaruga turned to see Hijikata running up to her with a look of urgency. "Yes Hijikata." Ikaruga asked hoping she would make this quick so she could rest. "Senpai Shikawa seems to be avoiding me and the rest of the freshmen, what should I do?" Ikaruga sighed as she got ready for a long conversation with underclassmen.
Yumi was known for staying cool as ice in the worst of situations and could get through the day no problem. Although that doesn't mean she was immune to stress, she was just good at hiding it. Today was in particular an interesting turn of events for the ice Shinobi. First Yozakura had completely lost it on Minori for making a huge mess of the kitchen. Murakumo has been thrown into one of her freak outs when she couldn't find her mask. Finally Shiki and Katsuragi had gotten into a serious argument over who Tenma likes better.
"I swear Shiki just can't bite her tongue at all when she's around Katsuragi, I need a break." Yumi thought to herself as she made her way to Tenma's shack in hopes of finding him there. Yumi was surprised to find Ikaruga was also standing in front of Tenma's shack waiting to enter. "Ikaruga? Why are you here?" Yumi asked her friend as she gave her a worried look. "It's been a long day for me." Ikaruga said as her shoulders sagged as if to prove her point. Yumi gave her friend a pat on the back in understanding before leading her inside Tenma's shack. The two girls waited patiently for their boyfriend to return.
Tenma could see Hanzo Ultimate coming up as he sped up in order to get home quicker. Once he got through the gate he was greeted by his girlfriends who gave him quick pecks on the cheek before letting him go. Tenma parked his bike behind his shack before heading to the front door so he could finally relax. Tenma entered his shack before putting his bag down on the table and shedding his jacket. "What a day." Tenma said in an exhausted tone as he walked towards the living room. "Tenma." Tenma turned to find his girlfriends Yumi and Ikaruga sitting on his couch.
"Hey girls, what are you doing here?" Tenma asked as he gave his girlfriends a curious look. "Tenma we've both had a rough day, would you mind, you know." Ikaruga said as a light blush spread across her face. Tenma took a moment before realizing what his girlfriends were asking for. Tenma sat down on the couch in between them as both of them hugged one of his arms. Both of his girlfriends let out content sighs as they snuggled into his sides even more. Tenma closed his eyes and smiled as he began to drift off to sleep along with the two girls.
Hibari entered Tenma's shack in hopes of finding Ikaruga so she could apologize for what happened earlier today. As he Hibari looked around the shack, she eventually spotted Tenma's head leaning against the back of the couch. Hibari slowly approached her boyfriend, Hibari opened her mouth to ask him a question, but quickly shut it when she found him asleep. Hibari was also surprised to find Yumi and Ikaruga cuddling into his sides, also completely asleep. Hibari smiles before grabbing a blanket and placing it on top of of the three. Hibari slowly made her way to the door before turning around. "Sweet dreams you three!" Hibari whispered before exiting to leave them in peace.

Okay so another request down! Please tell me what you thought in the comments below! Also feel free to leave your own request in the comments for future chapters. What will happen to Tenma and his girlfriends next, find out next time! See you guys there!

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