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Juliette was in a world of darkness, and in the darkness, voices echoed – called to her. 

They wove spells over her. 

They spoke of ancient things – of worlds long past and yet to come. Something magical stirred in the darkness - the ember of a dying star. In here, the expanse of the universe was being made and unmade inside of her. 

It was painful. So painful. 

Was this hell? 

Someone called her name through the darkness, through the pain. A small light flickered, a world beyond the darkness – it was waiting for her. Juliette stretched her spark of consciousness out for it, clawing her way through the unending black sea. Someone was waiting for her, needed her. 


Juliette's eyes snapped open and she was choking. There was something in her mouth – in her throat. She reached up with shaky hands and grabbed hold of the tube and pried it away from her lips, gagging as she freed it from her throat. 

Her heart was racing and the machines measuring her vitals began to beep, buzz, ring – which only frustrated the fierce pounding in her skull. There was much time for her to think, not that she would have thought much of anything if she did have the time, other than if her sister was okay. Juliette was tearing at her skin, ripping and pulling wires and needles away. 

Her eyes scanned the room as she grabbed onto the edge of the bed with a trembling hand, digging her fingers in deep. 

A hospital?

Her vision blurred for a moment and she blinked a couple of times, setting the images right again. No, not a hospital. Too many glass windows for observing. The door looked too high tech – the lock too sturdy. It was meant to keep people inside. She didn't know where she was but getting out was her only priority. 

Shelby was waiting for her. 

It was a struggle to get out of the bed. She nearly falling out of it several times, catching herself with weak hands. Her strength was almost non-existent. Which was why Juliette felt relief when she set her bare feet on the cool floor, standing on wobbly legs like a child first learning to walk. A rush of cold air raced across her back and she grimaced. 

Juliette reached back and gather both sides of the hospital gown and bunched them together. She took a couple of faltering steps toward the door, freezing up as a woman with a clipboard in hand, dressed down in medical scrubs entered. 

A doctor? 

No, she didn't seem like a doctor. There was no air of confidence or arrogance hanging around her that Juliette had come accustomed to. 

A nurse then. 

It didn't matter much which, Juliette reminded herself. All that mattered was getting to Shelby. She would fill in the missing gaps in her memory later or never. 

It took the nurse a heartbeat of time to notice her. She jumped back, surprised. They stared at each other in silence. 

Juliette stepped toward her. 

The nurse's hand on the clipboard tightened and her chest inflated with a shallow breath. 

"You shouldn't be out of bed." 

She shouldn't be here at all, Juliette replied silently. 

"Where is Shelby?" 

"Who?" The nurse's eyes fluttered to the red button by the door. A panic button no doubt. 

"Shelby. My sister." Juliette clenched her teeth as she took another step, getting between the nurse and the button that would bring more people into the room – maybe even lock them in. She narrowed her eyes – not in this lifetime. "Where is she?" 

"I don't know what you're talking about." 

"My sister." Juliette fisted her free hand and shifted a foot forward. "She's sick. She needs me. Is she here?" 

She began to flip through the sheets on her clipboard. Her nervous gaze scanning line after line. 

"Tell me." 

Sweat began to gather on the nurse's brow as she flipped page after page. Almost dropping it a couple of times because her hand trembled. She was scared of something, but of what? Of her?

"I don't know. I don't know..."

"If you're lying—" The anger flashed through her like lightning – quick and biting. A pulse of energy blasted through the room and one of the fluorescent lights overhead exploded. The nurse dropped her clipboard and turned away with a small scream. Juliette ducked her head, heart racing from the sudden shock. 

She needed to get out of this place – out of this room. The panic gripped her. Juliette took the opportunity of surprise to edge her way toward the open door. She only got a few steps. 

"Wait." The nurse tried to stop her, grabbing onto her arm. Juliette turned and pushed her away. 

It happened too fast. 

The nurse went surging backward, feet coming off the floor as she slammed into the wall behind them. She hadn't meant to hurt anyone – hadn't noticed the strength she'd put into the movement. Juliette stood shocked for a moment at her lifted hand and flexed her fingers. 

Where had that strength come from? 

The nurse looked up at her, shaken and wide-eyed, almost as if she were some kind of monster. Juliette opened her mouth to apologize only to snap it closed when the sound of an alarm erupted. 

She cast a look over her shoulder to find another nurse in the room, hand on the red button. Damning red button. Several men in black clothing moving in their direction, fast. They had guns in hand. They rushed into the room. 

Their barrels pointed at her chest. The panic was acid on her tongue. The anger burned in her chest, white hot. They shuffled closer as more men moved into the room with more guns. What did they think she was going to do to them? What kind of place was this?

And where the hell was Shelby? She would turn this whole building to ash, including the people inside of it if they tried to keep her from her sister. Juliette was breathing heavy, completely surrounded – entirely on the edge of reason 

"Juliette Stone." A firm but gentle voice cut through the tense silence. 

She turned her face in the direction, finding a man in a pressed suit. His dark hair was combed and neat. His eyes were trained on her – calculating. He may not have been dressed like the other soldiers in this room but he was just as deadly. 

His lips curved up into a hollow smile and he raised his hands, a gesture of peace. "I'm agent Coulson. I'm with S.H.I.E.L.D—" 

"My sister—" I interrupted.

"We picked her up a couple of days ago." 

Days? She had been out of it for days...How many? 

Her heart began to beat harder as panic gripped her. What if they had hurt Shelby? She must be so scared. Sparks of blue light danced at her finger tips, outside the room there was the distant sound of an incoming storm. Agent Coulson's eyes drifted to her hands before meeting her gaze. 

"Shelby is safe." He lowered his hands. 


Her shoulders sagged and her legs wobbled.

Shelby was safe and she was still alive. 

The fire that had heated Juliette's veins cooled and her lungs heaved the breath she'd been holding. It took all her strength to remain standing. 

"Take me—" She took in a shaky breath. "to her." 

"We will." There was a pause in Coulson's statement that had her eyes narrowing. "but first there is something that we need to discuss, Miss. Stone. The reason you're here in the first place." He tucked his hands into his pockets. This was because of what she had seen – what had happened on the hillside. 

Juliette let out a bitter laugh. "If you want me to pretend that I didn't see anything, fine. I promise that whatever I did see, which wasn't much – it ended in a flash. I don't remember anything else." 

"I really think we should discuss this somewhere more private." Coulson's eyes turned to pity. "If you would..." 

He turned and motioned with his hand for her to come with him. 

"Fine." she walked to Agent Coulson, feeling the heated stares for the other agents in the room. They still had their guns fixed on her, waiting for the order. Juliette stopped and focused her attention on Coulson, leaning toward him. The room seemed to hold its collective breath. "We talk then you take me to Shelby." 

There was no room for debate. She would give him a few moments of her time, play nice with the agent, but if he went back on his word or had lied about Shelby. Her blood heated in her veins – she wasn't quite sure what she would do but she knew it wouldn't be pretty. 

He gave a grin. "Of course, Miss. Stone. You have my word."

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