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Juliette's feet were killing her - it had been a long eight-hour shift at the Diner. She'd love nothing more than to be at home in bed, but even with tips, her diner job wasn't enough to hold down her side of the rent. She squinted against the sunlight as it broke through the late afternoon haze. The smell of the Hudson river drifting in a gentle coastal breeze.

This was the address that Chloe had given her when she'd called - she looked down at the scribbled ink on the inside of her palm, double checking. Juliette had to admit this wasn't what she had been expecting. The building looked like it was on the edge of being condemned. Most likely an old fishing warehouse converted into a bar. She doubted it drew in the type of crowd she would be comfortable surrounding herself with - but they needed the money.

Juliette rubbed her forehead, feeling the echoes of an oncoming headache.

"We don't open for another hour or so."

She turned startled to find out she had an observer. The young woman looked like she had been cut from obsidian - her skin smooth and dark, while the angles of her face were sharp. Her eyes were a rich brown like coffee, with a glimmer of hidden wisdom. She laughed at Juliette, looking a little apologetic. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"You didn't..." She mumbled, furrowing her brow.

"That's not what your face said." The woman approached the door, opening the side bag that hung from her shoulder. She pulled out a key ring. "So, why are you standing out here like a total stalker?"

Juliette grimaced - She should've gone home and showered before coming here. "I heard you guys were looking for more help."

The woman worked with the lock, the door opening with a heavy groan. She turned to Juliette with a curious gaze. "I'm Aisha. I'm the main bartender here."


She nodded her head. "You ever work at a bar, Juliette?"

Her lips pursed and shook her head. This was not off to a good start.

Aisha snorted then smiled, waving her free hand. "Wonderful. Come on, you can wait inside - Jimmy should be here soon if he isn't already here."

Juliette hesitated for a moment before crossing the distance and walking through the open door. It slammed heavy behind them, darkness falling. There was the rush of hurried footsteps before the room was illuminated by large hanging lights from rafters. "So, what made you want to work at The Kraken? You don't look like the type - no offense."

Juliette looked down at herself, smoothing out her blouse before tucking some stray hair behind her ear. "None taken." She watched as Aisha walked to the bar, dropping her bag on the counter. "I need money, my other job doesn't pay enough. Beggars can't really be choosers."

"I hear that." She gave Juliette a sympathetic smile. "I work here most nights, but I just got my masters and I'm working on my Ph.D. while I'll part-time at NYU."


Aisha laughed as she moved back behind the bar. "That's the response I usually get, but bartending pays well if you're good at it." She winked.

Juliette gave a faint smile. The tenseness in her muscles dissipating, thanks to Aisha whimsical personality. It made her think a bit of Shelby and Chloe - that lifted her spirits.

"What are you getting your Ph.D. in?"


She nodded her head. "I was going to school to be a nurse, but as you can see that didn't really pan out."

"Why not?"

She pulled at the strap of the purse that hung from her shoulder. "What else? Life."

Aisha blinked, giving a slight nod of her head. Their conversation was cut short when a back door opened and a large man entered - well his stomach entered first and he followed after. There was sweat dripping down from his brow, which he dabbed away with a piece of cloth. He was wearing a stern expression as he huffed and puffed his way toward them.

"Good evening Jimmy." Aisha greeted him, casting a quick look in Juliette's direction.

"What's good about it?" He grumbled, stuffing the cloth into the pocket of his pants. "Go help Darius unload the truck. He was late on his delivery today."

Aisha cleared her throat. "Jimmy this is Juliette. She heard we were looking for help."

His blue eyes skimmed over Juliette with disinterest. He let out a small huff, reaching for his cloth. "Follow me." He dabbed his forehead as he turned away from them.

Juliette felt a wave of uneasiness. It wasn't that she couldn't handle someone with such a gruff personality. That was something she could probably do blindfolded with her hand tied behind her back. It was the fact that she sensed the looming "No" that had hung over his head.

Still, with a bit of reluctance, she followed after him getting a sympathetic look from the girl who had originally greeted her.

"Aisha." He said her name.

"On it. You don't have to yell." Juliette didn't have to turn to know that her new acquaintance was moving to do as she had been ordered.

Jimmy walked through another door into a small room, that had a couple of metal filing cabinets lining the wall and a desk in need of some serious organizing. There wasn't much space in the room, and it was beyond hot - no wonder the poor man was melting. It was like a sweat lodge.

Juliette followed him into the room, watching as he squeezed back between the cabinets and the desk with difficulty before plopping into the chair on the other side. She hesitated in the doorway. "You got a resume?"

She moved into the room, letting the door close as she pulled the folded resume from her purse. Juliette handed it over. He unfolded it with a grumble - eyes roaming over the page. Chloe had helped her type it up last night, after a bottle, or two, of wine.

"Do you have any experience working in a bar?"

"Well, no but as you can see I do have a lot of experience with customer service."

"But you've never mixed drinks before?" He arched a thick brow.

"Do frat parties count?" She attempted to make herself more appealing with a joke. When he didn't respond Juliette dropped her gaze and cleared her throat. "No, I don't have experience with that but I -"

"Thank you for your time Juliette, but I don't think this is going to work out." He interrupted before she could finish.

"Please." Juliette clutched her purse, knuckles turning white. She needed this job - there weren't a lot of options. She lifted her face to meet his gaze.

"I'm sorry-"

"I know I don't have the experience but I'm a hard worker, a fast learner, and I'm desperate." She pressed, leaning forward. "Give me a chance, just one. If you decide I can't keep up or whatever you can tell me to go."

"I'm not interested."

Juliette stepped up to the edge of the desk. "You don't understand. I need this job. My sister is sick and -" She stopped speaking when she caught herself in his Stoney gaze. This man was not going to be moved. Life was hard and unforgiving and he didn't care about her problems, that much was clear. Anger rushed through her but she quickly capped it, forcing a harsh smile to her lips. "Sorry for wasting your time."

The door opened and whatever other words she had planned to speak evaporated as a beautiful woman walked into the room. She moved with a confidence that Juliette had never known and probably never would. Each step - solid and graceful. Jealousy fluttered in her stomach, crawled up her throat, and sat on her tongue like spoiled milk.

"Miss. Ramirez." Jimmy seemed anxious by the mysterious woman's sudden appearance. "I didn't know you were coming in today."

"I wasn't." The dark-eyed, curly-headed beauty glanced in Juliette's direction for a moment, before snatching the resume from his hand.

Juliette shifted, the room suddenly too small, too warm and the skirt she couldn't get her mind off the fact that the skirt she was wearing kept riding up to reveal the tiny run in her pantyhose. She tried to discreetly pull at the hem, the tips of her ears turning red. This skirt was the nicest one she had, but it was a few years old. The style was out of date and too many washes had faded and shrunk the material beyond repair.

"You've got an extensive and rather impressive resume..." She remarked as she dropped it down on the desk. "We open in a couple hours - Aisha will give you the rundown of how we do things here. I expect you to keep up and not cause any trouble or you're out."


"Do I look like I'm joking?" She thrust out a hip and arched a shapely brow.

"No." Juliette swallowed the need to proclaim her relief. "Thank you. You won't be disappointed."

Miss Ramirez smiled, and it sent a chill through her. "I rarely am."

And Juliette had a strong feeling that was true. She didn't seem like a person anyone should want to disappoint.

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