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Chapter Eighty-One: The Snow Ball Dance

(The Gate, Pt. 8)


"Since the release of the incendiary tape, the once quiet town of Hawkins, Indiana, has spent time in a place it never expected—the national spotlight. Under mounting pressure, several high-ranking members from the U. S. Department of Energy have admitted involvement in the death and cover-up of Hawkins resident Barbara Holland, who died due to exposure to an experimental chemical asphyxiant, which had leaked from the grounds of the lab. We sent our own April Kline to Hawkins to speak to resi—"


Rowan turned the TV off, silencing the reporter midway through her sentence, having already heard it before. Standing from the couch, Rowan headed to her brother's bedroom, rapping her knuckles against the closed door.

"Is it safe to come in, squirt?" Rowan asked.

"Yes," came the muffled response and Rowan swung the door open, letting her see her brother.

"Wow, you look really handsome, squirt!" Rowan complimented, grinning.

Alistair flushed, fiddling with his collar. "Thanks, Rowan. You think Cami will think I look handsome?"

"Al, she'd have to be blind to not see how handsome you look right now," Rowan assured, while also thinking, Will would probably think you look handsome, too. "Now, c'mere and let me fix your collar up."

As Rowan kneeled down and adjusted her brother's collar, Alistair asked, "Hey, was that another report on Hawkins Lab?"

Rowan stilled, before she nodded. "Yeah. Yeah it was."

It had been a month since a tape sent anonymously to multiple papers had exposed the truth that Hawkins Lab was responsible for Barb's death, and that plus the resulting media storm and pressure forced the lab to close for good—Rowan had even accompanied her aunt and Murray to gleefully farewell the last of the Hawkins Lab military personnel. That Nancy, Jonathan and Aunt Aco and Murray were responsible for.

The chemical leak that was the cover up for Barb's real death, but had still resulted in justice for her, and closure for her parents. They'd finally been able to know what happened to their daughter, and as much as it wrecked them, Rowan knew they were at peace knowing Barb's fate instead of tearing themselves apart trying to find her when they couldn't. Rowan, Alistair and Aunt Aco had attended her funeral, and after the funeral service, Alistair had gone quieter than he already had and wandered off before he came back and pulled Nancy aside and talked to her, which Rowan had eavesdropped on.

"Nancy, I saw Barb."

"What? You... you saw her? Really?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Is... is she okay? Is she... is she still mad at me?"

"Nancy, she's happy. She wanted me to tell you... she knows you're the reason she got justice, and her parents got closure. That she... she doesn't blame you, or Steve, anymore. She forgave you. She's not angry anymore. She's at peace. She's finally at peace."

"Wait, what do you mean? Is she... Al, is she still here?"

"Not anymore. This... this was enough for her to move on. To be at peace."

Nancy had cried after that—whether from happiness her friend had found peace and knew Nancy had gotten justice for her, that Barb was no longer in this world, or both—and Rowan had walked away, feeling her own tears at hearing Barb's fate. She wondered if Barb also forgave Rowan for not saving her. She wondered if she deserved that forgiveness. But she knew Nancy had deserved hearing that—to know her best friend would, finally, rest in peace, both in body and spirit.

But now, it was a month later, and while Rowan had felt vindictive joy that Hawkins Lab finally saw justice, that Barb had gotten justice—that, in the confines of the trailer home, Rowan, Alistair and Aunt Aco knew they had received justice, that their family and hers and Alistair's parents had received justice, as did El receive justice for the years of pain and trauma—she had grown sick of the constant news reports about it, something that Alistair and her aunt had gotten sick of, too.

"They've gotten their news story, now they should leave it alone," Aunt Aco had said one night, but Rowan knew she didn't imagine the wicked smile on her aunt's face at witnessing the lab that had caused her family so much pain and heartbreak be torn down and ripped open again.

But Rowan decided not to focus on that. She had to focus on the more important matter of helping her brother get ready for the Snow Ball.

"Okay, I think your collar's all fixed up!" Rowan declared, moving away as Alistair turned to the mirror on his desk to check. He was wearing a button up shirt, a vest and a jacket and some nicer looking jeans and sneakers. The collar, which had one side sticking up, was now tamed. 

All that was left was a tie and getting her brother's hair under control.

He turned to her and smiled. "Thanks for the help, Rowan."

"No problem, Al," Rowan replied, ruffling her brother's hair one last time before it had to be brushed, as footsteps and wingbeats sounded down the hall.

"Is the kid dressed?" Aunt Aco called, a hand over her eyes and the other holding a tie. Hugin flapped up onto her shoulder, a hairbrush in his beak.

"Yes I am, Aunt Aco!" Alistair assured.

"Okay, good," Aunt Aco said as she lowered her hand and walked up to her nephew, bending down as she put the tie around Alistair's neck. "Now, hold still. It's gonna be a little bit tight."

Alistair waited patiently as Hugin flew to his desk, claws clacking on the wood as he croaked, slightly muffled by the hairbrush still clamped tight in his beak. Rowan leaned against the doorframe as Alistair questioned, "Aunt Aco, how do you know how to tie a tie?"

"Plenty of experience helping your uncles and grandfather with theirs, kid," Aunt Aco answered, brows creased together. "Now, just... there!"

Aunt Aco stepped back, smiling proudly at her work as Alistair turned around, seeing the tie Aunt Aco had tied for him. Rowan could see it looked good, and her brother smiled. 

"Thank you, Aunt Aco!"

"No problem, kid. Though you won't be thanking me after this."

At that, Alistair's face curdled as he eyed the hairbrush, but sat on the chair anyway, grimacing as Aunt Aco stood behind him, hair brush aloft like it was a dangerous weapon—maybe to Alistair's unruly curls, it was.

Rowan didn't stick around to see the so-called torture that was her brother getting his hair brushed—his whines and complaints were enough as Rowan stifled a snort and rolled her eyes as she headed outside the trailer, leaning against the wall and taking a moment to relax.

She still couldn't believe it had been a month—a month since the lab's exposure and fall, since setting those tunnels on fire, since exorcising the Mind Flayer out of Will and closing the gate, since finding out El was still fucking alive and kicking (though still in hiding, until it was certain she could be safe) Rowan's concussion, split lip and broken nose and bruises had healed and faded in the month since she received them, and Alistair was fully crushing on Cami while still trying to figure out what he had done that night, with Will and the Mind Flayer a month later, and it...

It had been a month since their family reunion, since Rowan and Alistair agreed to a month of training at the Graveswood manor after Christmas. Since they would have to leave Hawkins.

Alistair had told his friends immediately—they'd been shocked, but excited, and demanded that he tell them all the super-cool powers their family had and all the super-cool training he and Rowan would go through. Rowan had waited, first telling Nancy and Jonathan, who'd been surprised but happy for her, then Eddie and Chrissy and Robin and Valerie, with the lie that it was just a family reunion and her and Alistair getting to know their broader family after eight years of no contact. Eddie had been suspicious, Robin had been cynical, Chrissy and Valerie had been happy for her. All told her that if she decided to stay and leave them behind, they would do a cross-country trip to Lynn and either stay with her or bring her back to Hawkins (the latter was mostly Eddie and Robin, as they "couldn't survive another year of high school without her"—their words not hers, but to be fair, she couldn't survive high school without them and Chrissy and Valerie and Steve and Nancy and Jonathan either), but had shown her support for getting back in contact with the rest of her family.

And Steve...

Rowan hadn't told Steve.

She knew her time was running out—Christmas and the day after it was approaching quickly—but every time she tried to tell him, the words dried up in her throat and she ended up talking about something else. And Rowan knew it was better to tell him than leave and have him hear secondhand where she and Alistair were—especially after everything they went through in the second round of battling the Upside Down. Steve deserved to hear it from her.

She just... hadn't found the proper time.

Rowan sighed and pushed herself off the wall and walked back inside, mostly because of the chill—winter had arrived, and Indiana winters were brutal. 

But the minute she was inside, Rowan was treated to the sight of Alistair dragging Aunt Aco by the hand to their small living room, curls brushed and somewhat tamed, Hugin flying overhead, Aunt Aco's face twisted between amused and mock-annoyed.

"What is happening?" Rowan questioned, leaning against the door with a grin.

Alistair's head snapped up. "Rowan! Great! Can you teach me how to dance?"

"Haven't I, Aunt Aco and Max been teaching you all week to dance?"

"Yes, but I need a refresher course."

Rowan rolled her eyes, but a fond smile played on her lips. "Sure, squirt. Want me to jump in or stay back and let you and Aunt Aco have the first dance?"

"The latter," her brother responded before he turned back to their aunt, face serious. Aunt Aco's face was serious too, but a smile threatened to break out as she instructed, "Okay, first rule is put your hands on a girl's waist, never on her hips. Got it?"

"Got it," Alistair said solemnly, putting his hands on Aunt Aco's waist.

"Okay, good. Now, you just sway like this..."

They swayed like that before it dissolved into just dancing along to some imaginary beat, laughter and smiles on aunt and nephew's faces. Rowan joined in, instructing Alistair to never step on his partner's foot, demonstrating with some useful kicks in her little brother's shin, but it soon dissolved into them just messing along as well.

"I don't know if people dance like this, Aunt Aco!" Alistair exclaimed as they shimmied along to some ghostly music.

"Who cares if they don't? Just dance like nobody cares!" Aunt Aco yelled, grinning. Their aunt looked over to the clock on the wall and stilled.

"Oh shit. Kids, we've gotta go," Aunt Aco said, ending the impromptu dance lesson/party. "Get into the car, Alistair don't wrinkle that tie or mess up your hair, are you wearing cologne or at least deodorant?"


"Good. Now go! Chop, chop!"

Rowan and Alistair didn't need to be told twice, racing out the door and into the car, where a minute later Aunt Aco was in the car. Another minute and they are zooming down the street, heading toward Cherry Road.

When they pulled up to Max's house, they all hopped out, Alistair jittery with excitement and grinning at seeing his friend. Aunt Aco rang the doorbell and the three Graveswoods waited, until the door clicked open and a man with a moustache appeared. He looked them up and down, judging Aunt Aco's thrift store blouse and jeans and faded boots, Rowan's ripped jeans, Docs, leather jacket and Metallica shirt, and Alistair's Snow Ball outfit curated from multiple thrift stores and his nicest pair of jeans and sneakers he owed, and said in an equally judging tone, "Can I help you?"

"We're here for your stepdaughter—I'm dropping both her and my nephew off at the Snow Ball down at their school," Aunt Aco explained, flashing an artificial smile. "Is she ready?"

Max's stepfather gave them another judgemental look before he shouted, "Maxine! Your... ride is here."

"I'M COMING!" Max shouted, before she came into view, a part of her wild mane of red hair clipped back and wearing a black shirt with a yellow, blue and pink pattern and corduroy jeans. She grinned at the sight of Alistair, who waved excitedly at her.

"Hey," she greeted, waving back. "You look nice."

"Thanks! You do too," Alistair replied, returning the compliment, before he gave a knowing grin. "Lucas' jaw is gonna drop when he sees you."

Max's cheeks heated even as she tried to play it off by rolling her eyes and muttering, "Yeah, I know," but she couldn't hide the tiny, hopeful smile that Rowan instantly caught. She and Alistair shared a knowing look as Aunt Aco said, "C'mon kids. Fashionably late is always the best course, but not tonight. Let's get a move on!"

Alistair and Max rolled their eyes in unison, but went to the car and got in, Rowan following a step behind. In the shotgun seat, Rowan frowned as she saw her aunt and Max's stepfather share what seemed to be a heated conversation before the door slammed close and her aunt delivered both middle fingers before storming to the car and wrenching the door open and slamming it closed with a lot of aggression.

Sighing, Aunt Aco ran her fingers through her hair, messing it up even more, before twisting around to where Max and Alistair were sitting.

"Okay, kid. What do you want to listen to? You get first pick," Aunt Aco inquired to Max.

Max tilted her head up, thinking over it before she gave a sly grin.

"Radio," she answered and Alistair and Rowan groaned.

"No, not the radio! Anything but the radio!" Alistair protested.

"Aunt Aco, please, don't do the radio! It has nothing but pumped-out songs to force conformity on the young and impressionable," Rowan pleaded, gesturing to Alistair and Max to illustrate her point of "young and impressionable."

"Sorry, but that's Max's pick, so that's what's playing," Aunt Aco said firmly.

Alistair and Rowan groaned again before Alistair turned and muttered, "This is revenge for that prank, right?"

"Maybe," Max replied with that still-sly grin.

"Could you have picked a least torturous one?"


Alistair buried his face and groaned, the cheesy pop song coming over the speakers muffling it. Rowan tried to ignore it as best she could as Aunt Aco drove away from Max's house and toward the Snow Ball, Alistair and Max behind her arguing about most likely turning off the radio and putting something else in and Max remaining stubborn to fulfil her revenge, before something niggled in Rowan's brain about her aunt and Max's stepfather's conversation. She turned back to Aunt Aco, who despite looking casual, the knuckles of the hand gripping the steering wheel were white.

"Aunt Aco, what was that with Max's stepfather?" Rowan asked.

Her aunt shrugged. "Just a bullshit threat that if I didn't pick up Max on time, he would have his son pick her up. Which won't be happening, especially after our little talk."

Rowan snorted. "I doubt Billy would ever want to  do that and risk seeing you again, Aunt Aco. He avoids me enough in school."

"Good. If he hadn't, I would carry out what I promised on that day, remember?"

Rowan nodded; she remembered that day very well.

It had been a couple of days since the tunnels and Will's exorcism and closing the gate and the unexpected family reunion, when Rowan told her aunt and Alistair what Billy Hargrove had almost done to her on Halloween night. Alistair had been furious, eyes flashing white and the trailer suddenly frozen and the woods and ground rumbling with the dead trying to burst from it, but Aunt Aco had been frighteningly calm, only laying a hand on Alistair's arm to stop him from losing control and saying in a flat voice, "Kids, get in the car." They had done so, and their aunt joined a minute later before driving them to the now-familiar house on Cherry Road, where the equally familiar blue Camaro car was sitting.

There, Aunt Aco had parked the car, told Rowan and Alistair to stay inside, and got something from the trunk as she marched up to the door and rang the doorbell.

When Hargrove answered, he frowned. "Who the hell are you?"

Aunt Aco had responded by raising a loaded crossbow to his face.

"Jesus, what the fuck are you doing you crazy bitch!?" Hargrove yelled as inside the car, Rowan and Alistair's eyes widened in shock.

"My name is Aconite Graveswood," Aunt Aco had said, voice eerily calm, frigid with anger. "You know who I am, and I know about you and what you nearly did to my niece. And now, you know this: I may be a fake, but this crossbow is very real. And if you ever lay a hand on my niece again in any way, I will shoot you in the face. And if you ever not only hurt my niece, but my nephew and his friends, including your stepsister and Lucas Sinclair and Cami Martinéz, or any other girl again, they won't even find your body. And if they do, they will never be able to identify it. Do I make myself understood?"

Hargrove had responded with a nod and a muttered, "You're just as much of a psycho bitch as her."

"Who do you think she got it from?" was her aunt's response.

They'd driven away after that and Aunt Aco had comforted Rowan with pancakes and watching her favourite horror movies. And in the past month, Hargrove had given her glares and dirty looks, but stayed away, the combined threat from both Rowan, Max and now Aunt Aco enough to keep him from doing anything.

Still, Rowan hoped it was enough, even a month later. Hoped that it would be enough to have him stay away from her, her brother, Max and Lucas and Cami. That it would be enough for him to not say anything about her... sparky abilities. She'd deny, of course, but denial and threats weren't enough to ease the stone of fear weighing down in her stomach.

He's graduating in spring, Rowan always told herself when she felt the fear, the paranoia, that Hargrove would blab her secret to the student body, became too much to swallow and she had to lock herself away and ride out the trembling in her body that couldn't decide if it wanted to unleash a surge or teleport to somewhere safer. Once he leaves after summer, you'll never have to worry about him again. And if he does try anything, you can always punch him again. 

That was enough motivation for the past month—Rowan hoped it would carry for the next eight months.

A wide, screeching turn pulled Rowan out of her thoughts and she gripped the car door to brace herself as Aunt Aco made the corner and continued speeding along the road. In the back, Alistair and Max were pressed against each other before pulling apart, and Rowan wondered if Max had gotten a taste of what she was like when driving.

Instead, Max only asked, "You seriously drive like this all the time, Aco?"

"Damn right, kid. Of course, I never speed to endanger anyone, but what's the point of living if you don't go a little fast?" Aunt Aco answered, a glint in her eye.

Max grinned, obviously thrilled at that answer. "Can you teach me how to drive?"

"I heard you can drive pretty damn well by yourself. But sure I can."

"Aunt Aco, please don't. She's already enough of a speed demon as it is," Rowan griped, but there was a smile on her face.

Aunt Aco shrugged. "Have faith in me, kid. I think I can curb the kid's addiction to adrenaline... but faster is always more fun."

Aunt Aco grinned and Rowan rolled her eyes as behind her Alistair muttered, "I trust you, Max," and the redhead only rolled her eyes before she took the Skittles Alistair had offered and found from when he, Rowan and Aunt Aco had gone grocery shopping and Aunt Aco said they could get whatever snacks they wanted and gorged themselves on them on the seat, the two sharing a contest in how many Skittles they could throw into the other's mouth.

"Hey, squirt, can you give me some?" Rowan said, placing a hand out. Alistair complied and Rowan snacked on the candy, feet on the dashboard as cheesy songs blared through the radio and Max and Alistair played a game of tic-tac-toe on the back of the now-empty Skittles box with markers they'd somehow found and Aunt Aco drove a little bit slower when they got to downtown, Hawkins Middle only a few miles away.

Thankfully, for her ears and the impressionable minds of her brother and the girl Rowan had started seeing as another little sister alongside El, Max leaned forward and said, "I'm getting bored of the radio. Aco, can you put it in?"

Aunt Aco flashed a grin. "Of course, kid. Rowan, put in the tape."

Rowan grinned and fished around in the dark for the cassette tape before she slid it in and clicked PLAY. Immediately, The Chain came through and everyone wore matching grins.

Rowan slapped her hand against her knee as Aunt Aco began singing the familiar song, Alistair and Max grinning as Max whispered, "Revenge complete," and Alistair murmured, "Thank you for your mercy, Madmax," as Max elbowed him and flashed a wild grin. Rowan leaned her head back and joined in with her aunt, before they all sang together for the chorus, loud and slightly off-key but happy and enjoying singing the song together, the first song on a mixtape of everyone's favourite songs and artists—Kate Bush for Max, Elton John for Alistair, Joan Jett for Rowan, and The Beatles for Aunt Aco—that only came out when it was them and Max in the car. But at the top of the mixtape Rowan had made with Jonathan and Eddie's help, was The Chain, as it always would be.

When The Chain ended and Kate Bush's Wow started, Aunt Aco said, "So. Snow Ball. You excited, Al?"

"Yeah," Alistair answered, trying to hide the flush in his cheeks as he knew that Aunt Aco knew exactly why Alistair was so excited tonight.

"What about you, Max? This is your first Snow Ball in Hawkins. Are you excited?"

"A bit," Max admitted. She shot a look at Alistair and added in a wicked tone, "It better be worth it, considering the reason why Alistair asked me to teach him how to dance for it."

Alistair flushed harder as Rowan cackled. "It's not the only reason! I have lots of reasons!"

"Yeah, and they all have curly hair, big brown eyes, a sunny smile that shows that cute little gap in her teeth?" Max asked before Rowan could, saying it in a way she heard it all before as she rolled her eyes. Rowan felt the same, since that was exactly how Alistair had been like all month.

Alistair sunk into his seat, not even trying to deny the crush he had on Cami.

"Well, I think it better be worth it since he also asked me and our aunt all month to teach him to dance too," Rowan agreed, twisting around as she had a sadistic grin on her face. "Especially when he's talked all month about Cami this and Cami that and how Cami is such a good singer, have you heard her sing, Rowan, she's amazing and she's so positive and wonderful it's like having the sun in the same room and Cami's smile is so cute and I love how it shows off that gap in her teeth and I want to smile with her and Cami is such an amazing person I love hanging out with her so much."

"Or how he's talked about how Cami's laugh is so pretty and I want to laugh with her and make her laugh all the time and she looks so cute when she yells in Spanish or when she gets mad or when she gets an idea and Cami looks cute even when she has dirt on her face from gardening and Max do you see when the sun shines on her and her hair she looks so pretty in the sun, and Cami loves to talk about music and gardening she's so passionate and amazing oh my God I am so in love with her and want to kiss her so bad," Max picked up, both her and Rowan making kissy faces as Alistair glared at them despite the blush on his cheeks so bright Rowan could see it in the dark, muttering, "I hate you both so much."

"We're only sharing the truth and commiserating in our misery of hearing you pine like a lovestruck idiot," Rowan said, a teasing grin still on her face.

"Yeah, deal with it, Al. We've dealt with it this past month, so you have to suffer," Max agreed, bringing Alistair in a headlock and making to rub his head in a noogie as Alistair tried to break free and yelled, "Not the hair, Max, stay away from the hair!"

Max laughed, but let go, as Alistair sat back and glared at Max and Rowan, who turned back to the front with a wicked grin still on her face. In the driver's seat, Aunt Aco chastised, "Girls, leave Al alone. It's his first dance where he might kiss the girl he likes."

"Wha—Aunt Aco, that seriously won't happen... right?" Alistair questioned, fumbling over the words.

"It might. At my school dance, when I was thirteen as well, I kissed a boy I liked—Lenny Watkins," Aunt Aco reminisced, smiling wistfully. "Ah, it was magical. Spring of '46, the gym was decorated with paper chains and streamers... a band was playing Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald... I was dancing with Lenny Watkins, a real looker and the one all the girls wanted to dance with and yet he danced with me, and he looked so shy as we danced... we kissed... and I stole his wallet."

Aunt Aco's wistful smile sharpened as she barked a laugh. "The look on his face. I gave it back, of course, after slipping a fifty for myself and for your mom and your aunt and uncles to have something at the store, Rowan and Al. Still, it was pretty memorable. The kiss wasn't half-bad either."

Turning her head, she looked at Alistair and Max and added, "You may not steal Cami's or Lucas' wallets, but that doesn't mean you can't steal their hearts with a kiss. But remember—don't kiss if you don't want to. If everyone is doing it and you don't want to, don't bow into the pressure. Just do what feels right, okay kids?"

"Yeah, we will," Max promised with an eye roll and a fond smile while Alistair still tried to recover from how he might kiss Cami at the Snow Ball. Rowan decided to not tease her brother for that; their aunt had done plenty damage on her own.

When they arrived at Hawkins Middle, Rowan could see it was already busy, the parking lot filled with parents dropping their kids off, just like Aunt Aco was doing. As Aunt Aco crawled to a stop, Rowan saw Will already there, looking smartly dressed in a knitted sweater and bowtie. She gave a little wave to Will, the young boy waving back, smiling when he saw Alistair in the back of the car.

He has it bad, Rowan thought, feeling a pang of sympathy for Will. Rowan knew her brother liked Will in a more than platonic sense, but she also knew Alistair had fallen hard for Cami, especially over this month. She didn't want Will to get hurt, especially if Alistair and Cami did kiss.

Still, Rowan buried it as Aunt Aco said, "Have fun, kids! Remember: Do what feels right, dance like there's no one else, don't drink too much of the punch if it's spiked, and just have fun! I'll pick you up in a few hours, okay?"

"Okay," Max and Alistair chorused.

"And Al, remember what I told you on the train tracks about girls!" Rowan shouted from her position in the shotgun seat.

"I will!" Alistair promised, before he and Max walked up the steps to the gym, joining Will and talking animatedly before the three headed inside.

"Hope those kids have fun. God knows they deserve a night of fun, especially Will," Aunt Aco murmured as she watched them go inside.

"Me too," Rowan muttered in agreement. The kids all deserved this night of fun, and Rowan hoped one other kid could come tonight.

Stretching her arms, Rowan rolled out a crick in her neck and said, "Hey, Aunt Aco, you mind if I get some fresh air?"

"Not at all, kid," Aunt Aco said as Rowan opened the door. "Just try to get back here before I go!"

"Sure, Aunt Aco," Rowan promised as she slammed the door shut. Sticking her hands in her jean pockets, Rowan walked up to the gym, breathing in and out as she continued walking along the wall of the gym. From the gym, she could hear music, loud and poppy and energetic. Rowan smiled. It sounded like a fun time.


Rowan stiffened, turning to see Joyce Byers standing by her car, smiling.

That was another thing. Rowan had been avoiding Joyce as much as she could—even a month later, Rowan couldn't bear to be near Joyce, not after Bob, not when Rowan knew she was responsible for his tragic death and that Joyce must hate her as much as Rowan hated herself for being unable to prevent the death of such a kind, gentle, selfless, heroic, good man. 

But now, she and Joyce were metres apart, and the woman obviously looked like she wanted to talk to her and Rowan couldn't teleport out of there. So, swallowing her guilt, she walked up to Joyce.

"Hey, Mrs. Byers," Rowan greeted, voice quiet.

"Hey," Joyce responded back, still smiling. "How are you, sweetheart? I don't think I've seen you around for a while."

That's because I've been avoiding you. "No, I've been busy, with... stuff," Rowan answered, hedging around it.

Joyce frowned. "What's wrong, Rowan?"

"Nothing's wrong," Rowan replied, voice too-light.

"Rowan," Joyce murmured, and she reached a hand out, gently placing it on Rowan's shoulder, a gentle kindness and the look of wanting to know what was wrong that was both gentle and firm and so motherly. "I know something's wrong. What's going on?"

Rowan pulled away roughly from Joyce's touch, hugging herself as she said, "Nothing's wrong! I'm just busy, that's all."

"Rowan," Joyce said, in that tone.

And like that, Rowan cracked.

"You don't need to pretend to care about me, I know you hate me," she mumbled.

"Hate you? Rowan why would you ever think that?" Joyce questioned, sounding genuinely confused.

"Because I... I could have prevented what happened to Bob," Rowan whispered, voice cracking, tears at the edge of her vision. "I could have saved him, but I couldn't, I just stood there and you had to watch, and I know you hate me for not being able to save him, so just stop trying to pretend to care. I know you don't and you blame me, because I couldn't save him. And I'm so, so sorry I couldn't. I'm so sorry."

"Oh. Oh, Rowan..." Joyce murmured and she pulled Rowan into a hug. Rowan didn't try to fight it, crumpling into it as she stifled her sobs in Joyce's jacket, Joyce running her hand through her hair.

When they pulled apart, Joyce brushed back some of Rowan's hair.

"I don't hate you, or blame you," Joyce said, a sad smile on her face. "It's not your fault—it was that place and that thing's fault. You did everything you could to save him. Everything. So don't blame yourself, because I don't, and I don't hate you. I never could."

Rowan sniffled, feeling something in her ease at Joyce's forgiveness, at knowing she didn't hate her, or blame her. "You... you really don't?"

"I never had," Joyce assured. 

Rowan inhaled a shaky breath, wiping away her tears.

Joyce looked at her, that motherly love and concern in her face, and she murmured, "Rowan, if you and Alistair ever need anything, and I mean anything, or if your aunt ever needs help, I'm happy to help."

"I know. Thank you," Rowan replied. "And same if you, Jonathan or Will need anything."

Joyce smiled, brushing another strand of Rowan's hair back. "Don't blame yourself, sweetheart. I don't."

"I'll... I'll try," Rowan murmured. Sighing, she turned to Joyce's still-parked car and asked, "Are you waiting for Will and Jonathan?"

"Yeah. Will wanted me to give him some space, so I'm giving him a few feet," Joyce answered and Rowan chuckled, Joyce breaking out in a small smile.

"Well, I better get back—my aunt will probably be wondering where I am," Rowan said, raising a hand to wave goodbye at Joyce. "Bye, Mrs. Byers."

"Bye, Rowan," Joyce replied, returning the wave as Rowan turned and headed back to the gym entrance where her aunt was waiting.

As she did, Rowan noticed Nancy, at the table serving punch to the kids. The brunette turned, noticing Rowan and giving a smile and wave. Rowan waved back, knowing Jonathan was inside photographing the kids' Snow Ball photos. She also knew that Nancy and Jonathan had become an item in the past month, and Rowan couldn't be any happier for them. They seemed to work and were happy, and that was all Rowan wanted, especially when she was a witness to their painfully awkward flirting last year.

Rowan turned, ready to hop into her aunt's car and watch some movies or read some Stephen King and psychology books, when she saw a familiar maroon BMW roll up and her eyes widened at the sight of Dustin stepping out and with his hair styled exaggeratedly high, higher than she thought possible his hair could go. She had zero guesses on who had influenced this hairstyle change, and as ridiculous it looked, she found it cute Dustin was mimicking Steve's hairstyle.

"Hey, Dustin," Rowan greeted as she waved.

Dustin, noticing her, grinned and waved back.

"Hey, Rowan!" he greeted back, twirling as he asked. "What do you think? Followed Steve's advice, even the hairspray part!"

"Yeah, I can tell," Rowan remarked, nose wrinkled as the overwhelming smell of hairspray collided with his nose. Jesus, how much hairspray had that kid used? Hiding her reaction, she said, "Well, I'm certain some girls are gonna be gobsmacked with how you look. And if they don't, that's their problem."

"You think they will?" Dustin asked, sounding self-conscious.

"'Course they will, menace," Rowan assured, smiling. "Now, knock 'em dead."

Dustin's grin returned. "Thanks, Rowan! Good night!"

"Night! Have fun!" Rowan shouted as Dustin raced up the last few stairs and headed inside. The music Rowan could faintly hear blared slightly louder when Dustin opened the door, and became muffled when it closed. Smiling and shaking her head, Rowan muttered, "He better only have followed Steve's hair advice tonight," before she looked over at the maroon car still there, at Steve looking through the window, at only one girl.

It was ironic. Once, years ago, Steve had been the one all the girls wanted to dance with—she hadn't; Rowan had preferred to dance with Eddie, who had been her date, and Chrissy—but now he was on the sidelines, watching in and unable to dance with the girl he once wanted to dance with. Rowan's mouth twisted, her heart aching for Steve and the heartbreak he'd suffered.

So, hands in her jean pockets, Rowan walked up to the car before it could drive off, rapping her knuckles against the window.

Steve jumped, whirling around, but his expression softened when he saw her and he rolled down the window.

"Hey, Graveswood," he greeted as Rowan leaned on the window.

"Hey, Harrington," she replied. "I see you got coerced again."

Harrington rolled his eyes, but a smile came on his face, the inside joke. "Yeah, don't know how that happened. I was chilling at home for one minute and then the kid came smelling of hairspray—I told him to use only four puffs—and I ended up here. Honest. Really don't know."

"Uh-huh, sure you don't," Rowan snarked, a teasing smile on her face. Steve didn't have her fooled for one second.

Steve looked at her and asked, "Hey, you okay? You're not cold or anything?"

"My soul's colder than winter," Rowan deadpanned before she grinned. "I'm kidding. I'm freezing, actually."

"You wanna hop inside?" Steve offered.

Rowan blinked. "Uh, yeah, sure. I've gotta tell my aunt first, but that would be fucking great."

Rowan turned, ready to tell her aunt before she paused. This was an opportunity to tell Steve about her going away to train with her family for month, possibly her last opportunity.

Turning back, she said, "Wait here," and jogged up to her aunt's green car, leaning over and rapping her knuckles against the window.

Her aunt turned and rolled down the window, letting Rowan talk to her.

"Hey, Aunt Aco, Steve's here. I'm going go with him for maybe a few hours," Rowan informed.

Her aunt blinked, obviously stunned, but nodded. "Okay. He gonna drive you home?"

"Yeah, he will."

Aunt Aco shrugged. "Okay. See you in a few hours."

"Thanks Aunt Aco!" Rowan exclaimed, grinning and racing back to Steve's car. She opened the door and hopped in, ordering, "Drive, Harrington."

Steve blinked at her. "Okay. That was fast. Everything okay?"

"Everything's fine. Now, drive. Please," Rowan answered, beaming as Steve sighed and muttered, "You're impossible, Graveswood," but turned the wheel and drove out of the parking lot.

As they went downtown, Steve asked, "Do you have a place you wanna go to, or are we gonna drive around all night?"

"I have a place," Rowan assured, before she leaned forward to fiddle with the channels.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing?" Steve demanded as he slapped at her hand. She slapped back. "Stop trying to change the channel!"

"Harrington, your mainstream radio songs are making my ears bleed. I need to change it to something more tolerable," Rowan responded as she kept fiddling with the channel until she landed on one that had the strains of a Queen song coming through. Satisfied, Rowan let the channel be and sat back, putting her feet on the dash.

"Okay, the music was one thing, but your feet down, Graveswood!" Steve ordered.

Rowan kept them up, grinning.

Steve sighed, looking heavenward. "God, you really are impossible."

"And yet, we still hang out," Rowan sniped as she leaned back. "Oh, make a right here."

Steve did so, only giving Rowan a look but not questioning her.

They kept driving, until they left town and entered the woods, the stretch of road familiar to Rowan.

When they came to the spot, the familiarity registered with Steve at last. 

"Wait. This is the place you took me to on Halloween," Steve realised, eyes wide.

"Yeah. I... I want to talk to you about something," Rowan admitted, picking at her nails.

"Okay? Is everything all right?" Steve asked, concern having his brows dip together.

"Everything's okay. I just..." Rowan started, then blew out a sigh, the words failing her. God, why was it so hard? She didn't have any problem telling Eddie and Chrissy, and they were her childhood best friends.

So why was it so hard talking about this to Steve?

"Hey, Graveswood," Steve said, placing a hand on hers. "Take your time. I'm not going anywhere, especially when it must be something super important or you wouldn't have me drive to the middle of nowhere."

"I know. I... it's just hard to talk about," Rowan admitted, breathing in and out before she finally forced out: "I'm leaving."

Steve's eyes widened. "What? You're leaving?"

"Me and my brother," Rowan answered, not looking at Steve.

Steve stared at her, then ran a hand through his hair, obviously shocked. "Graveswood, you... you and your brother are leaving Hawkins? For good? I thought..."

He trailed off, jaw tight.

"Not for good," Rowan confessed. "Al and I... we're leaving for a month and then we're coming back."

"Why?" Steve demanded.

"After... after we set fire to the tunnels and El closed the gate, me, Al and our aunt came back home, and... and our grandmother was there, along with our other aunt and our cousin," Rowan revealed.

"Wait, really? I thought you didn't keep in contact with your family."

"Apparently it was now safe for them to make contact with us," Rowan said bitterly, pushing a strand of hair back. "Our grandmother said they were here to have me and Al train our powers at our family's manor in Massachusetts. It will be for a month, but... yeah. We're gonna be leaving."

Steve didn't say anything, digesting what Rowan had said. Then, he asked, "When are you leaving?"

"The day after Christmas," Rowan said.

"That's soon," Steve muttered, finally looking at her, something like hurt in his eyes. "And you're telling me now?"

"I know, but Steve... I've been trying for the past month, but every time I do, I can't speak the words or I forget what I'm telling you and... and it's another instance where I tell myself I'm gonna tell him tomorrow, and I don't. So, this was my last chance," Rowan admitted.

Steve didn't speak for a while, before he sighed and said, "Well, I guess I'm happy for you. You haven't seen your family in years, right?"

"Right," Rowan confirmed, looking over to Steve. "Hey, I did want to tell you. Like I said, it was hard to tell you."

Steve looked at her, brown eyes dark in the night. They held each other's stares as he put his hand on hers and said, "Rowan, I am happy for you, and I'm glad you told me. I... I hope it goes well, for you and Al. Really."

"Thank you," Rowan murmured, the two words saying everything.

"It's fine," Steve responded, the softness in his eyes dispelling the detached nonchalance in his tone. "Just gonna miss you."

"I'll be back before you know it," Rowan promised, a grin on her face. "Besides, who else is gonna keep your ego in check?"

Steve huffed out a laugh. "Yeah, and who's gonna keep up with your annoying sarcasm?"

Rowan chuckled. "Touché."

Steve smiled. She smiled back.

Things were quiet between them, as Steve kept his hand on Rowan's and neither pulled away, the teen boy gently running his thumb over the back of Rowan's hand in slow circles. Looking out the window, Rowan asked, "Hey, remember when I said we had to come out here to do some stargazing together? And prove it isn't boring as shit?"

"Yeah, I remember," Steve muttered, still rubbing his thumb in slow, languid circles over the back of her hand.

"Well, we're here. Wanna do some stargazing?"

Steve looked up at her, night-dark eyes meeting her night-bright eyes. "You're sure?"

"Yeah. I mean, what else are we gonna do tonight?" Rowan asked.

"You have a point," Steve mumbled. "Okay. Just... let me get something first."

"Sure," Rowan said.

He let go of her hand, and Rowan instantly missed it, as insane as it was to her brain, watching as Steve got something from his glove box and put it in his jean pocket. He twisted over and grabbed what Rowan was surprised to see was a stereo, before he said, "Ready."

"I am curious to see what you have that you need a stereo, Harrington," Rowan noted.

"It's a surprise. I promise it's worth it," Steve said, the seriousness in his voice halting Rowan's questions. Noticing she hadn't opened the door, he asked, "Are we gonna walk there?"

"Who needs to walk when you're with me?" Rowan said, grabbing his arm. She closed her eyes, imagining the clearing with its fallen log, tree trunks blackened by her powers, the stars overhead. 

When she opened them, she and Steve were in the clearing.

"Oh, wow, that is so weird..." Steve muttered, stumbling slightly when Rowan let go, looking a bit sick.

"Sorry. It's a very weird thing for someone else," Rowan apologised as she headed to the fallen log. Sitting with her back against it, she patted the ground and Steve joined her, looking slightly less sick.

Looking up, Rowan pointed. "Do you see that cluster of stars?"

"Uh, I think so? What exactly am I looking at?"

"Well, I did some research, and apparently that's the Big Dipper. And over there... that's the Little Dipper. And in between them, there's Draco. Look, can you see them?"

Steve squinted. "No, I can't."

"You can't see them? Look, the Little Dipper is right there. See?" Rowan said, pointing. Her shoulder brushed with Steve's as she leaned closer, fighting a smile. 

"Yeah, I don't see it, Graveswood," Steve said, also fighting a smile.

"Okay, you must be pulling my leg. The Little Dipper is like, one of the most obvious constellations in the sky."

"Well, I guess it mustn't be that obvious," Steve remarked, shrugging. "You can show me."

"Oh, I am," Rowan promised, scooting closer, her head touching Steve's as she pointed, making sure it was in his line of sight. "See? It's right... there."

Steve squinted, staring a long time before he said, "Oh. Oh, I can see it now. It's pretty obvious now."

"See? I told you," Rowan said, bumping her shoulder against Steve's as she smiled. Steve returned it.

"Okay, but I think I can see something like... a dog in the sky," Steve said, pointing.

"A dog?" Rowan asked, skepticism fighting with her smile.

"Yeah! A dog! You don't see it?" he asked, looking at her, a smile on his face too.

"Nope," Rowan confirmed, shaking her head.

"Really? It's right... there," Steve said, pointing. Rowan followed it to a group of stars. She squinted, and could discern a vaguely doglike shape.

"I think I can see it. I don't think it's meant to be a dog."

"What do you think it is then, Graveswood?"

"A duck."

Steve snorted. "No way that's a duck."

"No way it's a dog either."

Steve gave her a mock-glare that Rowan returned, before they dissolved into a fit of laughter, shoulders shaking and gripping each other as they laughed and laughed, the act of laughing feeling so normal and freeing.

When the laughter died, Rowan looked up at the stars and said, "I think we're both wrong anyway, but I don't care. It's funner to do this."

"It is," Steve muttered, agreeing. "And I guess I'm wrong. This isn't lame."

"Oh, really?" Rowan said, brow arched and a smirk on her face.

"Yeah. It isn't lame," Steve confirmed, looking over at her. "Not when I'm with you."

Rowan stared as her breath hitched as Steve's eyes widened and he looked away, mumbling, "Sorry. That was so cheesy."

"It's fine," Rowan assured, smiling as he looked over to her. "I don't think this could be lame with you, either."

Steve returned the smile, before he looked up at the stars. Rowan looked up, conversation fading as the sounds of the woods at night filled it up, minutes stretching before Rowan asked, "You think they're having fun?"

"Yeah, I do. There's no way they're not," Steve said without hesitation.

Rowan chewed on her lip before she asked, "You remember our Snow Ball dance?"

"Uh, yes. I do," Steve answered quietly, not looking at her. "You went with Munson, right?"

"Yeah, he was my date. We went as friends," Rowan confirmed. "You danced with a lot of girls that night—I didn't think no girl said no to you. Even though you were a bit of a dick and your asshole former friends didn't leave Eddie and me alone for the entire night."

Steve winced. "I'm sorry, Graveswood. If I could go back in time, I would have them stop."

"It's okay. Me and Eddie eventually found Chrissy and we just danced in one of the hallways outside, so it saved it from being a completely terrible night," Rowan said, shrugging.

"Yeah, but I would still stop them," Steve said as he got on his side, earnestness in his brown eyes. "And I... I would have asked you to dance that night."

"Really?" Rowan asked, skepticism in her face.

"Yeah," Steve replied, nodding. "In fact, I was thinking..."

He pulled out the object he'd hidden, the surprise—a cassette tape.

Rowan stared at it, slightly confused, before Steve put the tape in on the stereo he put on the log. He pressed PLAY and Rowan's eyes widened as the familiar strains of Time After Time came through.

Steve stood up, and said, "I know you don't like pop songs, but I saw you singing along to this when it came on when I drove you back home on Halloween, and I asked Chrissy and she said you like to secretly dance to this so I thought... I thought I'd play you this at first so we could dance to it, but then I made you some other songs that we could also dance to, if we could go to the Snow Ball again and I wasn't a dick and I asked you to dance like I should have."

He stretched a hand out to Rowan, who was still staring at him, as he finished, "So... do you wanna share this dance with me, Rowan?"

Rowan stared at Steve, before she smiled and took his hand. "I'd love to, Steve."

He helped her up, put his hands on her waist, and they began dancing just as Cyndi began singing.

Lyin' in my bed, I hear the clock tick and I think of you...

As they swayed, Rowan asked, "You said if you weren't a dick, you'd ask me to dance at the Snow Ball. Is that true?"

Steve stared at her, as if not expecting that, before he nodded. "Yeah, it's true."

Flashback, warm nights almost left behind...

He sighed and admitted quietly, "I think, even back then, I always wanted to dance with you, or at least talk to you. But I was obsessed with popularity and I didn't want to to talk, let alone dance, with Rowan 'the Freak' Graveswood. And that's my biggest regret because... because if I had, maybe I would be friends with a really amazing person sooner."

"I didn't know that," Rowan whispered.

"I'm full of surprises," Steve said, smiling.

"You are," Rowan replied, returning the smile. "I guess it's two-way on that. If I saw you and decided to suck up my pride and ask, maybe we could have danced together. But, I didn't, and we became enemies instead of friends. But... we're friends now, so I guess it all works out in the end."

"Yeah, I guess it does," he murmured.

Sometimes you picture me, I'm walking too far ahead...

As they swayed, Steve moved closer, resting his head on Rowan's head. She let him.

"I guess it's better that it works out this way," she muttered. "I liked it, this way."

"I guess I like it, too," Steve replied, voice slightly muffled. "But I'm glad we got this dance."

"Me too," Rowan whispered. Pulling away, she smiled.


"Nothing. Just... I think this song is really different now."

"In what way?"

"I just think, after everything we've been through... you're the one I look too, Steve. It's surprising, but every time I need you, you're there for me. Every time," she murmured, resting her head against his chest. "It's... it's really nice. And surprising because I didn't expect it to be you."

Steve didn't say anything for a while, but then he mumbled, "I think it's the same for me."

"Really?" Rowan asked, looking at him.

You're wondering if I'm okay...

"I... I think, when I need someone, you're there. Like, you're leading me out of my stupidity or assholery or just leading me through the dark and being there, no matter what," he elaborated. "It's really nice. And I didn't expect it to be you, either."

Rowan smiled. "I guess it's a shared feeling. But... but I like that it's you, Harrington."

"I like that it's you, too," Steve said, voice soft. "And I'm always gonna be there for you, no matter what. Every time."

"Same here. Every time."



If you're lost, you can look and you will find me, time after time...

Steve laughed softly, holding her closer as they danced gently to the music. "That's a surprise, given who we were last year."

"Yeah, but it's a nice surprise. But... but you promise to do that? To catch me?"

"I promise. Can you do the same?"

"Of course."

If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting, time after time...

They stayed silent, dancing together. Keeping her head pressed to Steve's chest, Rowan noted, "You're a better dancer here than on Halloween, Harrington."

"Told you I was," Steve said. "You're not so bad yourself tonight."

"Thanks. Takes two to tango, after all," Rowan replied with her usual sarcasm and Steve looked at her, softness in his brown eyes.

"I love it," he whispered.


"Your sarcasm. It's... it's nice," he murmured as he brushed away a strand of her hair from her face. Steve looked at her and added, "You're nice."

"Really? I thought I was a psycho bitch."

"Yeah. But I like it when you're nice as much as I like when you're psycho or sarcastic. I like all of you, Rowan."

Rowan smiled, something warm unfurling inside her, her electricity singing at this. Rowan felt her eyes half-close, then widen when she felt her eyes burn, saw the tendrils of blue-white lightning dance along her arms.

"Shit, I—" Rowan started to pull away, but Steve pulled her close, even as lightning hummed across her body, drifting lazily across her and twining through her hair. "Steve..."

"Rowan, I said I like all of you," Steve murmured, looking at her. 

"I know. But you like even this?"

"Especially this. You're my friend, Graveswood. A little lightning isn't gonna scare me away."

"Careful, Harrington. You know storms destroy people if they get too close, right?" Rowan said, a playful smile on her face.

"Maybe I'm safe in this storm," Steve replied.

Rowan couldn't reply, instead letting her lightning play across her skin before it disappeared, Steve not letting her go as they danced under the stars, Time After Time playing softly in the background as it faded out, a Snow Ball dance they never had because of their reputations and enmity, but could now because in the end... what were reputations? And they were both good people, Rowan knew Steve was a good person underneath "King Steve" now, and Steve knew the same under her psycho bitch persona, who found each other when lost, where Steve caught her when she was free-falling and she had done the same. Who had fought beside each other and almost died together hundreds of times, had each other's backs when fighting monsters and assholes, and comforted each other after, and now had peace to dance under a starry sky in the woods as two, close friends.

It was perfect.


Alistair sat on a chair, between Max and Will, animatedly talking with his best friend about the latest campaign. Around them, middle schoolers danced under blue and silver streamers and shiny snowflakes as pop music radiated from the DJ, and at the table was the rest of the Party. They'd talked and ate food, waiting for their last member to arrive, Alistair feeling happier than ever, and looking at Will, his best friend was, too. Which was good. His best friend deserved happiness.

When the final member of the Party did arrive, Alistair couldn't help but stare at Dustin as he almost materialised out of the crowd of students, beaming as he twirled, showing off not only his suit but the tower that his hair had become.

"Holy shit, what happened to you?" Mike asked in shock as they all stood up, staring at Dustin and at what had become of his hair.

Dustin's smile fell. "What do you mean 'what happened?'"

"What?!" Mike questioned in disbelief.

"Dude," Lucas muttered as Max said, voice barely able to keep from laughing, "Your hair."

"Is there a bird nesting in there?" Lucas wondered, a teasing lilt to his voice as he  touched the hair monstrosity before them, Alistair adding with a teasing grin, "I was wondering where Hugin had been..."

"What do you mean 'what's wrong'? There's no bed nesting in here, assholes, okay?" Dustin snapped as he slapped Lucas' hand away, before he touched the side of his hair. "I worked hard."

"Well, I think it looks good. Don't let them tell you otherwise," Cami said, smiling as she linked arms with Dustin, who grinned. Alistair looked at Cami, amazed at how pretty she looked—the sides of her head were braided while the rest flowed free in a riot of curls, chunky bangles were on her wrists, and she was wearing a blue dress with big, poofy sleeves, a chunky belt, and the flat skirt filled out with a bunch of colourful skirts underneath, tights and her Converse with doodles on them—the Cyndi Lauper look, she'd said proudly when she arrived.

She looks so beautiful. I wish I could ask her to dance...

Suddenly, as if he willed it, there was a record scratch and the song that was playing changed to something slower, something that Alistair recognised—Time After Time, a song he caught his sister sometimes singing and dancing to, a slow song, a romantic song.

It was a perfect song to ask Cami to dance too.

Apparently, he wasn't alone, as on the dance floor couples paired up and swayed softly to the music. Beside him, Lucas huffed out a breath before he said, "Max?"

The redhead turned, giving a look to Lucas.

"Hey. Um, it's nice, right?" Lucas went on, smiling as Alistair watched his best friend attempt to ask Max to dance, but fumbling over the words. "You want to, um... Y-you want to, like, you know? Like, just you and me?"

Max, who'd been staring incredulously at Lucas, asked, "Are you trying to ask me to dance, stalker?"

"No! No, of course not," Lucas defended, before he added on softly, "Unless you want to?"

Max only smiled before she grabbed Lucas' hand. "So smooth. Come on."

As they walked onto the dance floor, Alistair watched them go, happy for them. Max and Lucas liked each other, and he knew Lucas had been wanting to ask Max to dance—and he knew Max had secretly wanted Lucas to ask her—so he hoped it would lead to good things.

And now, his turn.

Taking a moment to brace himself—Alistair reminding himself he talked to ghosts, raised the dead, fought monsters and exorcised a demon out of Will, he could ask Cami to dance—when someone said, "Hey, Zombie Boy."

Alistair whirled, a glare already on his face, ready to defend Will, but the girl who said it only asked, "Do you want to dance?"

Will's eyes widened, looking like a deer in headlights as he stammered, "Um, I-I don't..."

Alistair frowned as Mike whacked Will's arm, giving him a look, before his friend looked back to the girl and said, "I mean... I-I mean, yeah. Sure."

The girl smiled. "Cool."

Together, they headed out onto the dance floor. And while Alistair was happy that his friend got the chance to dance, he couldn't help but remember Will's face and feel as if Will had been... uncomfortable with that, and look at them dancing awkwardly with a frown and something ugly curling in his stomach.

"Al?" Alistair heard and he looked to Cami, staring at him. Alistair's heartbeat spiked.

"Hey," he mumbled.

"Hey," Cami replied with a grin.

Swallowing, Alistair asked, "Do you, uh... d-do you wanna dance? With me?"

Cami stared at Alistair.

Oh God, she doesn't want to dance I'm so stupid of course she doesn't want to dance with you!

"I'm sorry, you don't have to dance with me, I just thought I might ask and you can just say you don't want to dance with me, that is completely cool and—" Alistair rambled, stopped by when Cami placed a finger on his mouth, a smile on her face.

"I would love to dance with you, Al," Cami said, still smiling.

Alistair's eyes widened, and he smiled. "Oh. Cool."

"Cool," Cami replied, her hand reaching for Alistair's. 

They headed out and found a spot, Alistair placing his hands on her waist—like Rowan and his aunt told him—and Cami put her hands on his shoulders, gently swaying to the music.

"I love this song," Cami said. "It's so nice and sweet."

"Me too," Alistair replied. "It's like you."

Cami looked at him, frowning. "What?"

Alistair's eyes widened. God, why the hell did he say that?! He can already hear Max and Rowan ruthlessly teasing him for his lack of a filter around Cami.

"I-I mean the song!" Alistair fumbled, trying to recover. "The song is, definitely the song, I don't even know what I'm saying, my brain seems to be not functioning tonight. Sorry."

Cami smiled, that smile that showed the gap in her teeth that Alistair found adorable. "It's okay. I think you're nice and sweet, too."

Alistair's brain short-circuited, and a dopey smile spread on his face. "Oh. O-Okay."

Cami smiled. "Okay."

The conversation petered out as they danced, gently swaying to the music. Through the crowd of students, Alistair could see Lucas and Max dancing together, smiles on their faces, and Will and the girl, dancing more awkwardly. Again, a pang of that ugly, bitter feeling and the confusion of why Will looked so uncomfortable struck Alistair, before he gave a mental shake of his head. Cami. Focus on Cami. You're dancing with Cami, the girl you've been crushing on since you saw her in Mr. Clarke's class. This is amazing! She's amazing!

Alistair turned back to Cami, a smile on his face, but it dropped when he saw her frowning.

"Cami? What's wrong?" he asked.

Cami looked back at him before she smiled. "Nothing! Head lost in the clouds, y'know?"

"Yeah, I know," Alistair replied—he felt that way whenever he looked at Cami.

They kept on dancing for the rest of the song—where Alistair noticed, to both his and Cami's surprise, Dustin dancing with Nancy; Alistair could imagine how Mike reacted to that—moving along to the music and feeling like it was only them in the world. At times, Cami gently sang along and Alistair was floored again by how beautiful Cami's voice was, how she would be an amazing singer, as he looked at her, at her lips.

I wonder what it would be like to kiss them... he thought before he gave himself a mental slap as he realised what he thought. No! Remember what Rowan said. Don't kiss a girl without asking her! Follow Rowan's advice!

"Everything okay, Al?" Cami questioned.

"Y-Yeah! All fine!" Alistair stammered, grinning. "You have a lovely voice."

Cami smiled. "Thank you, but you don't have to say that. I probably don't sound that good..."

"Are you kidding? You sound incredible, Cami. You'll be an amazing singer," Alistair complimented.

Cami ducked her head down, smile bigger. "Thanks."

As Time After Time ended, another song took its place. It had a slightly faster beat than the previous song, but Alistair didn't mind, as he watched Cami's eyes widen and she grinned.

"I love The Police!" Cami exclaimed. She bopped her head to the music, curls flying, and Alistair couldn't help but grin and head-bang as well, his own curls flying free and wild. As they bopped to the music, Alistair's mind got an idea.

Grabbing Cami's hand, he twirled the girl, Cami laughing breathlessly as she whirled around the dance floor before colliding against Alistair as they resumed their earlier positions.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Cami inquired, brow arched and a grin on her face.

"I have many surprises," Alistair answered, sharing the grin.

As they kept dancing, Alistair looked to his friends, saw Lucas and Max dancing even closer, Will still with that girl, Dustin and Nancy grinning, and... El and Mike! His eyes widened, and he grinned as his friends noticed him. Both beamed, El's smile wider than Mike's. Both looked incredibly happy to share that promised Snow Ball dance, and El looked really pretty tonight and Alistair couldn't be happier for his friends—they deserved it.

"El got to come!" Cami exclaimed, as happy as Alistair was even though she'd only known El for a month.

"She did!" Alistair agreed, giving a little wave to them. El returned it enthusiastically, still wearing that sunny smile, before she looked back to Mike, love in her eyes as the two stared at each other like they were the only people on the planet. Alistair smiled and turned away, letting them have this moment and look at Cami again.

They kept dancing, Alistair sometimes twirling Cami as she laughed in delight, her skirts and hair flying with her twirls but she didn't care, before they collided softly against each other at the end. And as Alistair did another twirl, the song in the midst of its chorus, his eyes widened as on the dance floor, Max and Lucas were close, closer than they had been all night, faces inches apart... and then they weren't apart as Max leaned in and kissed Lucas. On the lips! When they pulled apart, Max was smiling, broader and happier than any smile Alistair had ever seen her wear, and Alistair knew Lucas was smiling, too, both deliriously happy. And as Cami collided gently against him, Alistair saw Mike and El share a kiss, too, both smiling as they pulled apart.

Alistair looked at his friends, happiness bursting inside him for them, for the love they found in each other, before he looked at Cami, at her beautiful brown eyes and wacky, colourful clothing and the smile on her face that showed the gap in her teeth, at her lips, and he remembered what his aunt had said.

"Um, Cami?" he mumbled, eyes never leaving her as he thought, Should I?


Do it now.

"Do you... w-would you mind if I kissed you?" Alistair asked, voice soft and quiet.

Cami looked at him, not speaking, and Alistair lost his courage.

"It's okay. I-I just wanted to ask you, and—" Alistair began, only for Cami to softly whisper, "Yes."

Alistair blinked, barely believing what he heard. "What?"

Cami smiled. "Maybe a demonstration would be better?"

Before Alistair could ask what the hell she meant, Cami leaned forward and pressed her lips against his.

Alistair's eyes widened, and he sank into the kiss. It was kinda awkward—Alistair could feel his teeth clacking against Cami's, their noses were smooshed together—but neither cared as they kept kissing, eventually losing the awkwardness. Alistair could feel something like sparks skittering through his body, his heart slamming against his chest and breath tight in his lungs, before they pulled apart, staring at each other, dazed smiles on their faces.

"Wow," Alistair breathed.

"Wow," Cami murmured in agreement.

The two looked at each other, smiling softly, and Alistair wondered if this was being in love was like as he stared at the girl he'd been crushing on for so long and had now kissed—he actually kissed her! Well, she kissed him, but it was still a kiss! Wow.

He looked at Cami, Cami looked at him, and Alistair tilted his head as he said, "That was... wow."

"I know," Cami whispered.

Alistair swallowed, and asked, "And Cami, I've liked you for a while, a-and I was wondering if you would, um... i-if you want to go out with me?"

Cami stared at him a breath before she smiled. "I would love to!"

Alistair beamed, deliriously happy. "Great!"

"Great," Cami repeated, and Alistair leaned in to kiss Cami again, the curly-haired girl reciprocating.

As they kissed, Alistair felt the same sparks exploding in him, more than before because Cami was his girlfriend now, holy shit, they felt... duller, somehow. Like the kiss, the fact he and Cami were together... it didn't feel right.

But that was weird. Because he liked Cami, he got to be with the girl he'd crushed on for so long, a girl he liked and wasn't scared of what he could do when he'd been terrified she would be, that he was kissing now, he liked Cami.

And yet, as they pulled apart, smiles on their faces, Alistair's eyes wandered briefly to where he'd seen Will dancing earlier. Surprise jolted in him at seeing Will wasn't on the dance floor, and neither was the girl he was dancing with.

Where was Will?

"Al? You okay?" Cami asked, and Alistair turned to his girlfriend—his girlfriend, holy shit!—who was staring at him inquisitively.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Just really happy," Alistair replied, and he was. He was so, so happy. He was with Cami! The Upside Down was gone and El was okay and she and Mike were dancing together and Will was okay and finally free of the Upside Down at last! He was happy.

Cami looked at him, head tilted, before she looked past the crowd, at the bleachers. "Hey, why's Will there?"

"What?" Alistair breathed, head whipping around to the bleachers. Sure enough, there was Will, sitting by himself, away from the dancing.

"You think he's okay?" Cami questioned, brows dipped together in a frown, and Alistair's heart melted at the concern his girlfriend held for his best friend, even as it squeezed in worry.

"I'm gonna go see. I'll be back in a minute," Alistair said, giving a quick kiss on Cami's cheek as he made his way to Will, not noticing the sad, knowing smile on Cami's face as she watched Alistair head to Will's side.

When he arrived at the bleachers, he said, "Will? You okay?"

Will's head jerked up and Alistair felt surprise lurch in him at seeing tears in Will's eyes.

"O-Oh, yeah, I'm okay," Will answered, turning away as he rubbed the tears away Alistair had already seen.

"You sure? Will, did... did that girl say anything to you?" Alistair asked, as surprise shifted into anger. "If she did, I'll—"

"No, she didn't say anything. I left her a bit ago," Will admitted and Alistair's anger deflated.

"Oh," he said quietly.

"To be honest, I'm kinda relieved I did. I don't think either of us were really enjoying dancing together," Will confessed, hunching in as he kept his head down, not meeting Alistair's eyes. Why? Why wasn't his best friend looking at him?

"Hey. Will, you sure you're okay?" Alistair questioned, sitting down beside Will.

"I'm fine," Will mumbled. He finally looked at Alistair and asked, "Did... did you ask Cami to dance?"

"Yeah. We... we kissed," Alistair confessed, a smile on his face again as he remembered the sparky feeling of the kiss. "And I think we're dating now."

"Oh," Will murmured, so quietly Alistair didn't hear it. "That's... that's amazing! I'm happy for you, Al. She's really nice."

"She is," Alistair agreed, a dreamy smile on his face. Will was smiling, too, but Alistair could see something like pain in his eyes. Maybe he was more hurt that he left that girl behind than he showed? Or maybe that the Snow Ball wasn't going as well as he wanted?

Well, Alistair wasn't having that. It was not fair that his best friend would be miserable while he and everyone else were having fun.

"Come on," Alistair said, standing up and holding Will's arm, pulling him up from the bleachers and walking.

"Wha—where are we going?" Will questioned as Alistair lead Will out into the hallway connecting the gym to the cafeteria. It was darker, and smaller than the spacious gym floor, but Alistair didn't care, not when two boys dancing together would be seen as weird.

"We're dancing," Alistair announced as he put his hands on Will's shoulders, his best friend looking perplexed.


"Because you look miserable and I'm not letting your Snow Ball end without one happy dance," Alistair argued.


"Cami would want you to be happy, and would know that aside from her, there's no one else I want more to dance with tonight than you, Will."

Will stared at Alistair, and in the slanted light from the gym, Alistair thought he could see red dusting his friend's cheeks, the hope in his eyes. "Really?"

"Yeah. You're my best friend, Will. I want you to be happy, and I would always dance with you."

Will smiled in the darkness. "Me too."

Alistair returned the smile as together, they danced, the music faint and the air cold, but neither caring as they danced in the quiet solitude of the shadows, two best friends sharing a dance together.

"Al?" Will whispered.


"Thank you, for... for saving me," Will went on, voice soft and quiet.

Alistair looked at Will, knowing what he meant. "Of course. I'll always save you, no matter what."

"I need to return the favour," Will mumbled. "Because I'll always save you, too. No matter what."

"Then a good thing neither of us need saving," Alistair remarked and Will chuckled. 

Somehow, they ended up dancing closer, and Will murmured, "Al, I... Thanks, for this."

"Anytime, Will," Alistair replied, smiling in the dark. "You're my best friend, and I want you to be happy tonight. Wait, are you happy? If you're not, tell me and I'll dance even harder. I'll even pull out some moves my aunt showed me."

"I am, don't worry," Will answered with a chuckle.

"Good. Because despite what my aunt said, her moves are terrible."

"I think I can say the same about my mom's."

The two boys smiled, and kept dancing, quiet except for the faint music and the chatter of middle schoolers past their small bubble.



"I... I kinda wanted to do this all night," Will murmured, voice so quiet Alistair had to strain to hear it. "I wanted to dance with you all night. Even... even when that girl asked me to dance."

"Well, good thing we're dancing now, huh?" Alistair replied, looking at Will with a look he hoped his best friend could feel in the dark.

"Yeah, guess it is," Will murmured, and pressed his head against Alistair's chest. Alistair let him before his chin rested on Will's head, the two of them smiling, two best friends dancing together and enjoying the hard-earned peace and happiness.

Because now, after everything, Alistair did think that his birthday wish he made two months ago had come true. That it was all finally over. 


Hmmm, is it Al? Is it?

AHHH I LOVED WRITING THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH!!! Even though it was a BEAST of a chapter! This was a whopping 12K WORDS, so, uh... *chuckles nervously* 

ANYWAY, I had a LOT of fun with this chapter, even if it was a MAMMOTH of a chapter to write (possibly the longest in this entire book) with a lot of parts I enjoyed writing!

First: The part with Hawkins Lab, the tapes and Barb. Yes, Barb has moved on, finding peace and closure with getting justice thanks to Nancy, and has forgiven Nancy... with Nancy knowing because of Alistair 

Second: The part with Rowan and Aunt Aco helping Alistair get ready for the Snow Ball. I loved writing their goofiness so much :3

Third: The bit with Rowan telling her family what Billy had nearly done to her on Halloween and Aunt Aco's reaction. I loved writing Aunt Aco in that scene—it was so fun and so satisfying to write her threaten Billy with a crossbow and a promise she would brutally mutilate his body and hide his body so well no one will find it if he ever tried to hurt Rowan, Alistair, or the kids again 😌

Fourth: The entire car trip. I loved writing Max's dynamic with the Graveswoods—Aunt Aco has definitely adopted her as another niece and Rowan and Alistair do see her as like a sister, so it was REALLY fun to write! And yeah, Aunt Aco would kiss a boy and steal his wallet 😂

Fifth: The bit with Rowan and Joyce. Rowan needed to hear that, to know Joyce doesn't hate her or blame her for Bob's death (which she doesn't), and maybe so she can forgive herself

Sixth: Stowan. Just... Stowan. I loved writing them so much 🥹 Btw, Steve IS happy for Rowan and Al to finally be able to reconnect with their family and train their powers, he just was surprised and shocked and a little bit hurt Rowan didn't tell him sooner. But then their hand touch, the stargazing date... THE DANCE TO TIME AFTER TIME AND THEM ADMITTING BOTH REGRETTED NOT DANCING WITH EACH OTHER AT THE SNOW BALL AND HOW THEY BOTH CONFESSED THEY LIKE THAT THE OTHER COMFORTS AND "CATCHES" THE OTHER AND THEIR PROMISE TO KEEP DOING IT AND STEVE SAYING HE LIKES EVERY PART OF ROWAN AND HE FINDS SAFETY IN HER STORM!!! AHHH I loved it so much!!! Also, I can now finally say Time After Time is Stowan's song, it's so them and I love it so much!!! And while the original is their song, the Boyce Avenue cover also fits because I can imagine them singing it together as a duet!!

Seventh: The Snow Ball dance!!! I loved writing it so much, loved Cami and Alistair dancing together and then kissing!! The kiss was really great to write, they've both crushed on each other for a month and are now together. Also, just want to clarify: Alistair DOES have a crush on Will, he is oblivious to it, but he does have a crush on Cami, and that doesn't negate either crush. Maybe the crush he has on Cami isn't as "deep" as the one he has on Will, but it's still a legitimate crush and both deserve to be together, even if it will be for a short time. Honestly, if I hadn't already planned for Alisill to be endgame, Alistair and Cami would be together. But the dance that Alistair shared with Will... 🥺

ANYWAY... with this chapter, it concludes s2!!!! I had a BLAST writing this arc, and I hope you all had just as much of a blast reading it!! But with this, we move onto s3!! (And onto Alistair's and Valerie and Cami's seperate stories!!!) I can't wait to write s3, to develop some relationships, both romantically and platonically, and get into the more comedic and lighthearted tone of s3, with some horror and some plot twists... 😈

Anyway, see you all for s3!!!! Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter even as colossal as it was!!!

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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