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Chapter Eighty-Seven: A Night To Remember

(pre-Suzie, Do You Copy?, Pt. 6)


Prom night arrived with startling swiftness.

March and April blurred past, spring break and finals bleeding together into one indiscernible mess. Rowan spent the time not studying for her own tests helping Eddie and Steve study for their finals. And after that explosive first meeting with the assholes that were Steve's parents, Rowan hadn't gone back to Steve's house to study together, which now felt weird—like the time they spent together at Steve's house made it feel like their own private space, just like their spot in the woods did, too.

But now, finals were over, graduation was only a few weeks away, and Rowan was getting ready for prom.

When Rowan had asked Chrissy if her best friend could help her go dress-shopping, Chrissy had been ecstatic. She'd roped in Robin, Nancy and Valerie, and all four of them made a day out of it, shopping for 50s-style dresses—the theme of the prom was 50s—for Rowan, going through what felt like hundreds of dresses before Rowan found the one, then deciding on accessories—Rowan wanted to... personalise her dress—before just spending the rest of the day shopping together, getting something from the food court and finishing it off by spontaneously watching a movie before heading back home, Rowan's prom outfit in several bags.

As fun as it was, it felt odd, since this wasn't her prom, that she was going to Steve's as friends, like she'd gone with Eddie last year—she'd worn one of her aunt's dresses then—but it felt... nice.

And as Rowan stared at herself at the mirror in her bedroom, having just done her makeup—Aunt Aco had done her hair up—Rowan saw how gorgeous she looked, and hoped Steve's jaw would drop when he saw her. At the thought, Rowan felt something in her go funny at that, at the thought of getting herself ready for prom with Steve, at going to prom with him, even if they were going as friends.

She'd been feeling something funny for a long time. Rowan hoped it didn't mean she'd contracted some disease from the Upside Down or those freaking ash or spores or whatever and was slowly dying from it. That would fucking suck.

The rumble of an engine cut through her reverie and Rowan recapped her lipstick just as it cut off, making sure her hair looked okay as the door opened and her aunt shouted, "Rowan! Rich boy is here!"

"I know, I'm coming!" Rowan shouted back as she walked out of her bedroom and down the hallway, seeing Steve talking with her aunt—Alistair was at El's, having a sleepover—wearing a suit with his hair styled as always, an unguarded smile on his face.

Aunt Aco noticed her first and she smiled. "Rowan! Oh my God, you look beautiful, kid!"

Rowan smiled. "Thanks, Aunt Aco."

Steve noticed her then. And his mind must have went blank with the way he was staring.

"Graveswood..." he breathed, eyes wide as he stared at her.

Rowan smirked. "See something you like, Harrington?"

"I... I..." Steve stammered, still staring at her in that stunned way, jaw hanging open.

Rowan smiled and walked up to him. "Close that mouth, Harrington. You're gonna swallow a fly."

Steve's mouth snapped shut, eyes never leaving her as he finally managed to stammer out, "You... y-you look beautiful, Rowan."

Rowan smiled as red flushed her cheeks. "Thanks. You don't look half-bad yourself."

A smile worked its way on Steve's face, still looking at her like he couldn't stop staring at her, as he cupped her cheek. A shiver went through her at the touch.

"Shall we go to prom, King Steve?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah, we will," Steve said, fumbling slightly over the words. His hand left her cheek and held her hand, but before they could leave, Aunt Aco shouted, "WAIT! Photos! I need to get photos!"

Steve gave a raised eyebrow and questioning eyes to Rowan, who only smiled and muttered, "She does this every time Al and I go to a dance or it's Halloween," before Aunt Aco bustled back in with her Polaroid, raising it as she commanded, "Smile!"

They did, staying close together as the camera flashed and the photo shot out. Aunt Aco lowered it, a grin on her face.

"Okay, kids, get out of here and have fun!" Aunt Aco exclaimed, shooing at them as Rowan fought back a laugh.

"We're already gone, Aunt Aco!" Rowan shouted over her shoulder as she opened the door, she and Steve leaving and heading to his car. Rowan noticed that Eddie's van was already gone, her friend already at prom. Like she knew he would be, he was cool with her going as Steve's date, half-joking that she better save a dance for him and that if Steve tried anything Eddie would deck him, before they went back to talking about his campaign while sharing a joint together.

As the doors closed and the radio started up, Rowan looked out the open window, the warm May air whipping past her face, heralding summer. She watched as Hawkins went past, eyes straying on the shape of the new Starcourt Mall, almost done with being built, and said, "This is gonna be scandalous."

"What is?" Steve asked, almost absentmindedly.

"Steve Harrington, the former King of Hawkins High, going to the prom with Rowan the Freak Graveswood the Second. It's some real Carrie and Tommy shit," Rowan elaborated, looking over to Steve.

"Yeah," he murmured as he side-eyed her and joked, "You're not gonna snap and murder everyone like she did, right?"

"As long as no one pours pig blood on me, then there will be zero murder," Rowan joked right back.

Steve snorted before he looked at her and said, "Hey, I don't care about that anymore. You're my friend, Graveswood. Screw what they're gonna say."

"Damn straight, Harrington," Rowan replied with a grin as she looked out the window, seeing Hawkins High get closer and closer, until they arrived.

By some miracle, Steve managed to find a park. Turning the car off, he got out and opened the car door before Rowan could, a hand out for her.

Smiling at the gentlemanly act, Rowan took the offered hand, letting Steve help her out of the car. He soon had an arm around her shoulders they headed together to the gym, Rowan feeling the wide-eyed stares and hearing the hushed whispers of Steve Harrington and Rowan Graveswood heading to prom together, but Rowan didn't care, sliding her hand into Steve's when he'd let go of her shoulders as he gave the tickets to Mr. Hauser and they entered the gym proper together.

Ignoring the jolt that ratcheted up her arm at the contact—like Steve had given her an electric shock instead—not knowing Steve had felt the same thing with her hand in his.

Neither let go as they descended into the mess of teenagers on the floor, loud 50s music coming from the DJ, streamers and balloons and paper stars hanging from the ceiling.

The prom had begun.


Steve felt like he was dreaming.

He felt like he'd been dreaming since he first saw Rowan walk out into the hallway—dressed in a blue dress with short puffy sleeves, but with her own Rowan flair with the skirt's hem torn off and hanging in jagged tatters but still looking nice, black tights, gloves with the fingers hacked off, a belt studded with spikes, and her ever-present Docs, black eyeshadow and dark red lipstick, and her hair piled up in a mess of teased curls—that he'd fallen asleep and started dreaming the moment he saw her, his entire world stopping and his heart ceased to beat when he saw how beautiful Rowan Graveswood looked.

And even now, in the gym where the prom was being held, watching as Rowan animatedly talked to Eddie Munson—who, of course, dressed like a greaser—unable to keep his eyes off her like he hadn't been since he first saw her, like when they had punch and took a prom photo and had something to eat and joked about and talked about his finals—he'd managed to pass them all, barely, thanks to Rowan—and about Rowan's own tests and summer and listened to her excitedly talk about her internship starting next month and a summer job she may have at the record store, and they shared a dance together, he still felt like he was dreaming.

That Rowan looked and sounded and felt like a dream that Steve wouldn't wake up from.

"I can't believe you went with her."

Steve jolted out of staring at Rowan—maybe he shouldn't have stared, she was his friend, that was probably creepy and she would most likely punch him or zap him if she realised he was staring—and looked to the speaker. At that, his good mood popped like a bubble at seeing his former friends there, staring with barely hidden contempt at Rowan and Eddie.

"Yeah, so what?" Steve said, hoping the disinterest in his voice would tell Tommy and Carol to fuck off.

Apparently, it wasn't enough of a hint, because his former friends stuck around as Tommy sneered, "I know you and Graveswood have a truce or whatever, but taking her to prom? What were you thinking, man?"

"Yeah, it's like you're committing social suicide taking that psycho freak to prom," Carol piped up, sending Rowan a venomous look—she'd never forgiven Rowan for breaking her nose two years ago. "Not like you already committed it a few months ago."

"Look, I don't care, okay? Rowan is my friend and I wanted to take her to prom," Steve snapped, glaring at the assholes he'd once called friends. 

"We're just looking out for you, Steve. Graveswood's a freak and a pyscho. I mean, look at what she's wearing," Carol said in false concern.

"Yeah man, did you forget what that freak did to you and my girl?" Tommy piped up, arm wrapped around Carol's shoulders.

"I do," Steve said coldly. "I think it was the best thing she ever did for me."

"Oh God, did she brainwash you or something?" Carol asked as Tommy nodded and said, "Yeah, I hear that freaks like her and Munson do that shit to people. It's all over the news."

"No, she didn't. She just let me know what an asshole I was," Steve snapped out as he stood up, glaring at Tommy. "Now get out of here and stop talking about her like that."

"We're just saying what she is. She's a freak and a psycho bitch. I mean, you saw how she went at Billy Hargrove. She's a complete psycho, man."

"I said stop talking about her like that!" Steve yelled, anger pounding through him. He got into Tommy's space, shoving his former best friend.

Tommy stumbled, shock on his face before he grinned. "Damn, did I strike a nerve, Stevie?"

"Yeah, you have a crush on the psycho freak or something?" Carol asked.

"No. But Rowan is my friend and I'm getting sick of what you're saying about her," Steve growled out, but his former friends didn't seem to listen.

"Whatever. We tried to warn you, but it's your funeral, man," Tommy said, straightening his shirt as he looked at Carol suggestively. "Come on, babe. I think we can get away for a minute alone..."

Carol grinned luridly and went with Tommy, shooting Steve a glare before she and Tommy headed to the doors. Steve looked away, scowling as he sat back down and downed the rest of his punch in one gulp.

God, how was he friends with such assholes, that he had been such an asshole...

"Everything okay?"

Steve looked up and he saw Rowan there, face pinched in concern, a plate of food in her hand. 

She was the reason. She was the reason along with a monster Steve hadn't thought was real and a break-up that crushed his heart and babysitting a bunch of obnoxious kids that he wasn't such an asshole anymore. Just like when he thumped his head as baby and started crawling forward, she'd thumped his head in that alley and he was now crawling forward again. Because of her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Steve answered. He looked at the food and asked, "That for me?"

"No, I was going to steal these and have them for later," Rowan deadpanned, before a grin broke out on her face. "I'm kidding, Harrington. Wanna share?"

"Yes," Steve answered immediately and Rowan sat down, the two sharing food and Steve forgetting the encounter with his former friends—and the weird feeling he'd felt when Carol asked if he had a crush on Rowan.

He didn't, he would know if he was crushing on Rowan.... wouldn't he?

Whatever. It wasn't like Steve was going to listen them. He was going to try and enjoy tonight, with Rowan, his friend.

To have it feel like a dream again.


Rowan stood beside Eddie as the principal and student council stood on the stage, envelopes in hand and tacky crowns and sash and a bouquet on the fold-out table behind them.

The Prom King and Queen about to be announced.

Looking over to Eddie, she whispered, "Imagine if you were Prom King."

Her best friend snorted. "As if that would ever happen. Can you imagine me in that crown? If I'm wearing a crown, it's not going to be something as horrendous as that."

"I couldn't imagine. And yet if it did, I think everyone would riot."

"Definitely. What about you? You gonna be Prom Queen next year?"

"Hardly. Can you imagine me up there in that prom sash and crown? I'd probably get a rash."

Eddie held back a cackle of laughter, an arm wrapping around her.

"Well, next year, we could be the Prom King and Queen. The most metal Prom King and Queen ever," Eddie mused out loud, a grin on his face.

"Most metal Prom King and Queen ever," Rowan echoed with her own grin. "The freaks of Hawkins High prom royalty? I'd commit voter fraud just to see their stupid faces."

"I'd be there right with you. And then we tear it all off—"

"And stomp it into the ground? Hell yes."

Rowan and Eddie shared a grin as the principal announced, "And our Hawkins Prom King this year is... Steve Harrington!"

Shock barrelled into Rowan, before she grinned and clapped for Steve as she saw her date stare at her with matching shocked eyes before he got onto the stage, accepting the crown as the crowd clapped before dying down. The principal cleared his throat and said, "And our Hawkins Prom Queen is... Carol Perkins!"

Rowan choked on her spit as she stared at Carol, pretending to be shocked before she walked up on the stage and accepted the crown, sash and bouquet, grinning while Steve looked visibly uncomfortable. Rowan looked at Eddie and they both made gagging motions.

"You wanna ditch and smoke a joint?" Eddie asked as the principal said the King and Queen would share a dance now.

"Hell yeah."

But as they turned, Rowan heard Steve shout, "Rowan!"

Rowan paused, turning to see Steve on the stage, not looking at Carol at all—who, Rowan saw, had a look of genuine shock now—as he stared right at her and asked, "Wanna have this dance?"

Shock silenced the entire gym as Steve Harrington, the former King of Hawkins High and now Prom King of '85, asked Rowan Graveswood, the freak and psycho bitch of Hawkins High, to a dance he should have shared with his Prom Queen. Everyone staring at them, at her, to see how she would answer—maybe hoping she'd say no and Steve would have the first dance with Carol like it should have been.

But as shocking as it had been, Rowan felt something warm and fluttery inside her, as the memory of what Steve said—that if he cared less about popularity, about social status, years ago he would have asked her to dance at the Snow Ball. And now, here he was, Prom King, asking her to dance. Not a Prom Queen, not his girlfriend, not out of some pity for the freak, but as the girl he was friends with, that he had been enemies with but no longer. That he didn't care about social status and wanted to dance with the only girl he wanted to dance with all night.

So Rowan smiled and answered, "Hell yes."

Steve smiled, the smile as brilliant as sunlight, and he got off the stage and made his way through the still-shocked crowd to her, standing in front of her, looking down at her with that height difference, holding her waist as she put her hands on his shoulders, smiles still on their faces.

"Everyone's staring," Rowan murmured.

"I know. Screw them."

"Screw them."

Rowan heard the principal say something about continuing, before a slow song began to croon from the speakers as Rowan and Steve danced, gently swaying to the music—just like they had in December—the crowd of senior students staring at her and Steve, dancing to a 50s song and smiling at each other.

"I thought Prom Kings were supposed to dance with their Queens," Rowan said, half-joking as they danced to the chorus of the song.

"Yeah but I didn't want to dance with Carol."

"Who does?"

Steve let out a laugh, his smile sunlight on his face as he looked at her and added, "And I wanted to dance with you—make up for what I should have done on the Snow Ball years ago, and screw what people thought like I should have back then."

"Oh really?"


"Well, I can say it definitely makes up for that."

"Glad it does. And..." Steve's face grew soft as he murmured, "And you're kinda the only girl I wanted to dance with all night."

Rowan's breath held kidnapped in her throat as she stared at Steve, her heart pounding faster and that funny feeling squirming inside her. Oh God. I really am sick with some fucking Upside Down disease.

She pushed it down, focusing on dancing with Steve, saying, "Really?"

"Yeah," Steve muttered, holding her closer. Rowan could smell the Farah Fawcett hairspray and cologne he used. She liked it.

"Well, you're... you're kinda the only boy I wanted to dance with all night," Rowan confessed. "Except for Eddie, of course."

"Of course," Steve muttered, but she could feel his smile, as they kept dancing, the King and the freak, not caring at all about the stares and whispers, the song and their closeness lulling Rowan into feeling like it was just them dancing in the middle of the gym.

In this moment, right now... Rowan could see why everyone said prom night was the most magical night ever.

It felt pretty damn magical right now.


Rowan: Falling in love with Steve

Rowan, an asexual demiromantic who's never fallen in love before: IS THIS AN UPSIDE DOWN DISEASE?? AM I GONNA DIE??

Steve, meanwhile: *completely oblivious* Yeah, this is what dancing with a friend is like and defending a friend and completely normal staring at a friend and not at all romantic and falling in love at all—

But seriously, I loved writing this so much!! Steve being utterly enchanted by how beautiful Rowan looks—and yes, Rowan put her own flair for her prom dress and would you really think she'd go to a prom wearing anything but her beloved Docs?—and feeling like he's dreaming ever since he saw how stunning Rowan looked?? Them 🥺 And yes, Steve defending his future gf to Tommy and Carol 🥰(and Carol seeing that Steve has a crush he doesn't yet know he has on Rowan 😂)

And Stowan dance!!! Yes, Steve wanted to dance with Rowan even though the Prom King should share the first dance with the Prom Queen, and she said yes and they had another sweet dance and aksksjsjs I love writing them so, so much in this arc 🥰 (can't wait for you all to see them when we get into s3 proper)

Next chapter will be soon!

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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