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Chapter Fifty: Happy Halloween

(Trick Or Treat, Freak, Pt. 2)


"Kids, are you ready?!"

"Almost, Aunt Aco!" Rowan and Alistair yelled back in unison, before Rowan muttered, "Hold still, Al."

Alistair complied, staying perfectly still as Rowan touched up her brother's makeup. On his shoulder, Hugin rustled his wings, feathers ruffling over the exposed rib cage, talons digging into Alistair's shoulder, but Alistair didn't mind and Rowan tried to ignore Hugin and tried to keep the makeup from sticking to the fake blood on both her dress and arms as she touched up the makeup.

"And done!" Rowan declared as she finished smudging Alistair's eyeshadow and liner, smiling. "You look dead again, squirt!"

Alistair looked back into the mirror and grinned.

"Thanks Rowan!"

"Don't mention it."


"COMING!" the siblings yelled back, Alistair hopping off the seat and running out as Hugin clung to him, cawing and flapping his wings. Rowan rolled her eyes as she looked back into the mirror, checking to see that no makeup got on the fake blood spotting her arms and dripping down her face, or on the sash and dress drenched in it.

Satisfied at seeing no makeup on her costume and adjusting her bloody tiara, Rowan got out of the bathroom, the clunk of her Docs thumping on the floor of the trailer. Logically, her boots wouldn't go with it, but she decided to just screw it. Besides, she was more comfortable wearing them anyway.

Walking into the main space, she saw her brother standing next to her aunt, Hugin looking very annoyed as Aunt Aco put a piece of tape on Hugin's feet, taping him to Alistair's shoulder as her brother held a sack, looking at Hugin in a way that told Rowan he was communicating telepathically with the undead bird.

When her aunt put another piece of tape on, Hugin pecked Aunt Aco's fingers, who yelped and quickly glared at the bird.

"Hey, bird, I don't want to do this either, but if you want to stick with Al all night, you gotta play the part of puppet," Aunt Aco said as she kept glaring at Hugin, wagging a finger in front of his beak. Hugin glared back, but gave a disgruntled caw and ruffled his wings, allowing Aunt Aco to finish taping him to Alistair's shoulder just as an obnoxious honk came.

"That's Eddie," Rowan said. Taking her brother's free hand, Rowan opened the door as their aunt shouted, "Bye kids! Have fun! Al, don't get too sick from candy and Rowan, don't get too drunk! Remember what I taught you both!"

"We will!" the siblings promised as they walked down the stairs, Hugin staying obediently still. "Bye Aunt Aco!"

"Love you!"

"Love you too!" they shouted back as they ran to Eddie's van, Alistair getting into the front before Rowan could.

"Al!" Rowan shrieked as her brother gave her a triumphant grin. "You little shit!"

"Too slow!" her brother crowed, sticking his tongue out. Rowan flipped him the bird but clambered inside, grumbling.

"Hey Graveswoods!" Eddie greeted with a grin before his eyes landed on Hugin. "Whoa! Sick zombie raven puppet, mini Graveswood! Are those bones sticking out?"

"Yup!" Alistair said proudly, beaming.

"Awesome! It looks almost real."

"Well, it is definitely not real because wouldn't that be insane if ravens and shit could come back from the dead?" Alistair said, laughing nervously as Eddie gave him a quizzical look and Rowan resisted the urge to smack her forehead.

"Shut up," she mouthed. Alistair stuck his tongue out at her.

"Your costumes are awesome," Eddie complimented, grinning. 

"Thanks. Yours is too, Munson," Rowan returned, her and Alistair smiling. "Where'd you get it?"

"This old thing? This is just part of my personal wardrobe," Eddie said, waving a hand to it as he grinned. 

Rowan rolled her eyes. "Yeah, devil horns, fake fangs and wings are so part of the Eddie Munson look."

"Hey, you never know, Graveswood," Eddie said, shrugging, the fake devil wings attached moving as well. "You never know."

Rowan rolled her eyes again as Eddie finally turned the van on, Alistair leaning across as he asked, "Hey, can I pick the music?"

"Sure! Go ahead, mini Graveswood," Eddie said as Alistair leaned down, scrabbling for a tape. When he popped back up, he took out the tape that was in earlier and slid his choice in.

Dio's We Rock came through the speakers, and Eddie and Rowan turned to Alistair with big grins.

"Excellent choice, mini Graveswood," the metalhead said as Rowan began banging her head to the music and they sped out of the trailer park. "Excellent choice!"

Alistair grinned, and as the album played, he and Eddie rambled about Dungeons and Dragons while Rowan tried and failed to understand what the fuck her nerdy best friend and nerdy brother were saying—actually, could she call them nerds now that she was a technically a nerd as well because she was now into psychology and wanted more than decent grades to go to Harvard or something?—before Eddie asked if Hugin was meant to be Alistair's character's undead raven familiar and Alistair could only say a strained, "Yes?"

Eddie had grinned and said, "Major respect," while Rowan glared holes into her brother's head and wondering why the hell her brother had Hugin be part of his fictional character and if anything else was part of his fictional character. The way he wasn't looking at her told her she was right, and it was all Rowan could do from lunging over to the passenger seat and strangling him.

As long as it's just with his friends and doesn't translate to when he actually joins Hellfire, Rowan told herself, right as a pesky voice whispered, You could tell Eddie the truth right now. Rowan decided to ignore the voice and give a mental middle finger to it.

The conversation, thankfully, shifted into her brother asking questions about last night's gig, Eddie's eyes practically shining as he told Alistair all about it, Alistair's own eyes sparkling as he listened, before he said, "Man, I wish I could go to one of your gigs! Rowan, could you let me come with you next Tuesday? Please?"

"Sorry squirt, but that's a hard no. You're literally a child."

"You're sixteen!"

"I can pass for older!"

"Your sister's right, mini Graveswood. As much as I would love having you there as well, until you're a bit older, you can't come," Eddie said, making Alistair glare at him.

"How come Rowan can go!?"

"Best friend privileges," Rowan and Eddie said in unison.

Alistair grumbled and Hugin rubbed his head against Alistair's neck when Eddie wasn't looking, going back to puppet-stillness when Eddie looked back and asked, "Hey, Graveswoods, where'd you get that fake blood? And Graveswood, where in the hell did you get that dress? It looks creepily like the one from the movie."

The rest of the ride to Robin's house continued with the siblings talking about their costumes, until they pulled up to the Buckley residence and Eddie began to honk the horn obnoxiously. Alistair lifted a hand to clamp on Hugin's beak as the bird began to caw while Rowan thrust her hand out and held the undead raven's body and wings in place with telekinesis when he began to wiggle in agitation at the loud noise, the siblings struggling on keeping Hugin quiet and still as Eddie kept honking before, finally, stopping, to which Alistair and Rowan both dropped their hands and Rowan wiped away the blood dripping from her nose; thankfully, it didn't look too out of place from the fake blood on her hands. And even more thankfully, Hugin was once more still just as Eddie turned to look back at them, a frown on his face.

"You good, Graveswoods?" he asked.

The siblings nodded. "We're fine."

A door opening silenced any further questions as Robin headed to them, practically throwing the door open as she said, "What's up dinguses?!"

"Hello to you too, Buckley," Eddie responded as Rowan helped Robin inside, the taller girl saying, "Awesome Carrie costume! How'd you find a dress like hers?"

"Lucky, I guess," Rowan replied. "You look nice too! Calvin from The Apartment, right?"

Robin grinned. "Yes!"

Alistair twisted over. "Hey, Robin!"

"Hey Ali—WHOA!" Robin exclaimed, eyes going wide. "Is that a freaking dead raven?!"

"Yup! Don't worry, it's a puppet," Alistair lied, a fake smile on his face.

"Uh-huh," Robin said, eyeing Hugin. "Looks really real. How the hell did you make that, Al?"

"Shop class," Rowan and Alistair said in unison, the siblings sharing a look before Alistair went on, "Also arts and crafts and a lot of feathers and paint. Rowan and Aunt Aco helped."

Robin and Eddie shared a glance and another look at Hugin, before Eddie turned back to the road and said, "Okay, mini Graveswood. Where I'm dropping you off at again?"

"The end of the Maple cul-de-sac," Alistair answered, Eddie nodding before the wheel skidded under his hands and he jerked the van back onto the road, roaring down it and sending Robin and Rowan careening in the back.

"Jesus, Munson! Are you trying to give me and Robs a concussion here?!" Rowan yelled as Alistair snorted and Robin pressed herself flat against the back, muttering, "Why do I always forget Eddie drives like a lunatic?"

"Sorry ladies!" Eddie called back. "Hang on tight!"

"What do you think we're doing back here?! Mashing faces?!" Rowan shouted as Robin snorted.

Eddie chose to ignore that, continuing to drive as Alistair excitedly babbled about how much candy he and his friends were gonna get and how many kids he'd scared earlier in class with his costume and "puppet"—Eddie had worn a proud smile and ruffled her brother's hair and said, "Nice kid! Get that proud freak rep early", and had to have both hands back on when Robin screeched, "Eddie, turn! TURN!" while Rowan braced herself and Robin in the back with a slight bit of telekinesis—before Rowan leaned forward to turn the music up until it felt like the entire van was shaking from it and Robin mock-groaned that Rowan and Eddie had bad taste in music to which the two metalheads rolled their eyes and Eddie exclaimed, "This is music, Buckley!" which Robin ignored before she pulled out a Uno pack from somewhere—Rowan believed that either Gareth or Frank left it behind when Corroded Coffin plus Rowan took a road trip into Indianapolis a couple summers ago—the two girls plus Alistair playing a round—one that got very heated and involved lots of yelling and accusations of cheating—while Eddie drove before saying, "Deal me in next round, Graveswood."

"YOU'RE DRIVING MUNSON!" Rowan hollered.

"Alistair can play my cards for me!" Eddie reasoned.

Alistair only shrugged and said, "I could."

"You're not, squirt!" Rowan yelled while Robin shuffled her cards, then got a devilish smirk and pressed a card onto the pile.

"Hah! I skip you, Rowan!" Robin exclaimed. "Also, Uno!"

"How did you get Uno?! You literally had to draw four last time!" Rowan yelled, glaring at her best friend suspiciously.

"Luck of the cards, Rowan. Don't complain because you're a sore loser," Robin said, smirking.


"I play reverse!"

"What?! Who's side are you on, Al?!"


Robin cackled. Rowan glared, gripping her cards so tight they wrinkled. Alistair smirked and Eddie also cackled like a demented cat before Robin shrilled, "Eddie, brakes! BRAKES!" and they skidded around a corner before continuing to drive.

It was sheer chaos. Rowan loved it.

When they finally arrived at the Wheeler house—Robin declared as the winner while Rowan demanded a rematch and Alistair accepted his loss graciously—Rowan could see that Will hadn't arrived yet, that only Mike, Lucas and Dustin were there.

"Okay, mini Graveswood," Eddie said, parking the car. "We have arrived."

Robin crawled forward so that she could peer out between the seats. "Still can't believe one of Al's friends is the little brother of Prissy Nancy Wheeler."

"Hey, Nance's not so bad," Rowan said, also sidling up next to Robin. Her friend hummed, before she turned and screeched, "Rowan! Your fake blood's sticking to the suit!"


As the two girls pulled away, Rowan noticed her brother was getting out.

"Have fun trick and treating, squirt!" Rowan said, smiling. "Make sure Will's okay! And remember—no one touches the puppet!"

"I will to all of that, Ro!" Alistair promised as he climbed out.

"Enjoy trick or treating, Al!" Robin exclaimed, grinning. "Don't eat too much candy!"

"And save some for us!" Eddie interjected. Robin shot the shaggy-haired older teen a glare.

"Hey! I was gonna say that!"

"Sorry, Buckley. You were too late," Eddie said with a shit-eating grin.

Robin flipped him the bird, before she squawked as Rowan pushed her best friend aside and climbed into the front seat. "Hey!"

Rowan only smirked as she got herself settled in the front, flipping down the sun-blocker as she fixed up her hair, tiara and dress, before she heard Eddie say, "Hey, who's the fairy princess next to your friends, mini Graveswood?"

Alistair, who'd still been with them, turned. A minute later, a big grin came.

"Cami!" he exclaimed. "She made it."

"Cami?" Robin repeated. "As in Cami Martinéz? Like Valerie Martinéz's little sister?"

"Yup!" Alistair confirmed as he hurriedly waved to someone. "There they are!"

Robin's eyes went wide and she ducked behind the seats, mumbling, "I am not here and never have been here."

"Okay," Rowan said, turning back as she saw Valerie's little sister, dressed in a sparkly dress with wings, tiara and wand, waving enthusiastically at Alistair who waved back and took off running to her and the rest of the Party. On the other end, Rowan could see a sleek, blue car, with who Rowan assumed was Valerie at the wheel. At seeing her sister was okay, the car drove away to where Rowan assumed was to Tina's house.

Rowan saw her best friends looking at her as Eddie asked, "So. We ready to head to this party?"

"I think we are," Rowan said. "But I think some ground rules before we go."

"Sure," Robin and Eddie said in unison.

"First—we don't drink or get high enough to be completely wasted," Rowan began, looking right at Eddie who held his hands up.

"Hey, I would usually, but I'm not gonna put you guys in danger tonight," Eddie said, at which Robin rolled her eyes at but made no comment.

"Okay. Second—we all watch each other, make sure no one does anything stupid or dangerous," Rowan said, to which her best friends nodded, like they'd already thought the same. Rowan didn't think she needed to add, We watch Chrissy and Valerie too, just in case. The three of them knew they would without speaking it. "I think that's it for the ground rules. So let's go and show them who the fucking best partiers are in this entire town!"

Robin and Eddie grinned, a moment before Eddie reversed and spun out of there, plumes of smoke rising up as Rowan braced herself, propping her feet up on the dashboard as Robin once more pressed herself flat against the van's side.



The party had already begun when the trio arrived.

Loud music thumped from speakers and stereos inside, people thronged about dressed in costumes, and there was toilet paper thrown about. Cars lined every inch of the curb outside the house, and Rowan could instantly tell it was gonna be one of those parties that would amp up more and more the later it got.

Robin grimaced, eyeing the party and mass of students. "That's a lot of people."

Rowan twisted around, grabbing Robin's hand to give it a comforting squeeze. "I know. But me and Eds are gonna be with you as much as possible."

"Yeah, and if you want, I can just drop the weed off to Tina and we can bail and watch cheesy horror movies," Eddie offered, at which Rowan elbowed her friend and hissed, "We watch good horror or no horror at all."

Robin gave a tentative smile. "I'm okay. I think I can handle this."

Eddie and Rowan frowned, but Eddie shrugged before leaning down, scrounging for the bag of weed Tina wanted, Rowan still looking at Robin as she said, "Okay, but Robs, let me know if it's a lot, okay? I'll find Eddie and we'll drive out of there."

Robin nodded. "Sure. Will do."

Rowan smiled, before Eddie popped back up and turned around. "Hey, Buckley, any weed back there?"

When Robin found the bag and handed it to Eddie, he pocketed it before turning to Rowan, who was grinning.

"Okay. Showtime."

As one, the trio hopped out of the van, striding up to the house. Rowan could feel the eyes of her fellow students on her, could even see a couple of them give her a wide berth—whether it was the bloody dress, sash and tiara, or the blank-eyed stare she'd been perfecting for a Halloween like this, Rowan didn't know and she didn't care. When they got to the house, Rowan saw Robin brace herself before Eddie opened the door.

Inside was louder, the music seeming to come from all directions, and it was crowded. There were people everyone, filling up every inch of the first level, grinding bodies together, shouting and drunkenly singing along to whatever was playing on the radio, with some couples either slinking off or full on making out on the dance floor. Rowan could see a sliding glass door, where more people were, shouting and yelling. The dark-haired teen thought she saw the asshole who nearly ploughed her over, Billy Hargrove, outside, swaggering around and heading to a keg of beer, Tommy H and the other meatheads already around it, practically flocking to the mullet-haired dickhead.

Rowan rolled her eyes at the display of masculine stupidity and ego that was going to come any second now. God, this party was full of idiots.

"I'm gonna look for Tina and give her the weed," Eddie shouted over the music. Rowan nodded and gave a thumbs up while Robin smiled thinly. Eddie gave his own thumbs up back before he began moving through the crowd, people making way for him like they didn't want Eddie to touch them, the metalhead muttering something under his breath that Rowan knew was possibly a diss at the music. Honestly, Rowan felt the same.

Turning to Robin, Rowan shouted, "Hey, let's go find Chrissy and—"

"Rowan! Robin!"

Rowan whirled and saw Chrissy standing there, beaming. Unfortunately, she was not alone. Jason Carver was standing right next to her, arm draped over her shoulders and glaring a hole into Rowan's skull. Rowan returned the glare.

"Hey Chrissy," Robin responded, smiling at the cheerleader.

"You're both here!" Chrissy exclaimed, grinning. "And you look amazing!"

"Thanks," Rowan and Robin chorused.

"You look great too, Chrissy," Robin said, making Chrissy smile even more.


"Hey, Chris, you seen Harrington or Nancy yet?" Rowan asked, to which Chrissy shook her head.

"Nope, haven't seen them."

"What about Valerie?" Rowan pressed. At seeing the confused frown, Rowan elaborated, "Valerie Martinéz. The other new kid."

"Oh!" Chrissy exclaimed, recognition finally dawning. "I think she's over there by the stairs."

Chrissy pointed and sure enough, Valerie was there, wearing an outfit that looked similar to Princess Leia's from the second Star Wars movie. Rowan still remembered when Alistair, Will, Dustin, Lucas and Mike had begged her to take them to see Return Of The Jedi last year, before...

Before Will disappeared. Before all the Upside Down shit. Before El. Before Barb.

Rowan shook her head. No. No focusing on that. It was done. It was over. It was over.

It was over.

"Rowan, you okay?" Rowan heard someone ask, and the dark-haired girl looked to see Chrissy in front of her, brown eyes full of concern. She felt someone's hand on her shoulder and saw Robin staring at her with similar concern.

Jason, however, could barely keep his contempt for freaks like her and Eddie hidden under a veneer of false concern since Rowan was childhood best friends with his girlfriend, but Rowan could feel it.

"I-I'm fine," Rowan said, smiling in a hope to assuage her friends' worry. "Hey, why don't we talk to Valerie? I think she's noticed us."

Robin looked like she much rather be on the other side of the room—or other side of the planet—instead of going up to Valerie and risk talking too much to her, but Chrissy was already smiling, obviously thrilled with the idea and potentially having another person added to their friend group, dragging Robin with her as the band geek tried to protest, leaving Rowan and Jason behind, glaring at each other.

"Nice costume, Graveswood," Jason said. "Very... bloody."

"Thanks," Rowan said through gritted teeth, the smile on her face feeling so painful she was surprised the muscles weren't tearing. "Yours looks great too. Very rebellious for a God-fearing rich asshole."

Jason glowered at her. "Why are you even wearing that, freak? Are you some psycho prom queen?"

"I'm Carrie, you moron," Rowan snapped, her own glare intensifying as she imagined barbecuing Jason Carver's hair off. "And she's awesome."

Jason looked at her, a bit of trepidation in his eyes. "Carrie? Really? Aren't you tempting fate there, Graveswood. What if you got her... powers."

"Trust me, if I had Carrie's powers, your brains would be just the extra touch I needed for my costume. If you had any."

Jason's nostrils flared as he looked at her like he wanted to explode her brains—the irony—but she could see the fear in his eyes, which Rowan would be lying that she didn't revel in, before he turned on his heel and stormed out into the backyard, where Billy was on top of the keg drum.

Rowan rolled her eyes. "Prick."

Seeing her friends were now preoccupied with talking to Valerie—and Robin seemed to lose some social awkwardness while Valerie seemed to gain some, smiling and probably praying the drinks would conceal why she was blushing, they were so obvious—and that Eddie was nowhere to be seen and was probably still dealing, Rowan gravitated to the kitchen where a bowl of alcohol-laced punch was. As she did, she pushed aside a drunken senior, who glared at her and slurred, "Watch it, C'rrie! Hey! Y'u're not even a blonde!"

"She's a brunette in the book, dipshit!" Rowan yelled back, scowling as she grabbed a cup and scooped some punch and all but sculled it, grimacing as it burned down her throat, the cheap alcohol mixing disgustingly with the overly sweet fruit punch. However, she found she didn't care and got another cup, sipping it as she squeezed through the crush of bodies to the slightly more breathable space around the stairs where Chrissy, Robin and Valerie were still standing, the three girls turning and smiling at her arrival.

"Hey, Rowan!" Valerie greeted as she smiled. "Also, I didn't know you were friends with Chrissy!"

"Yeah, I am. Been best friends since middle school," Rowan replied, standing next to the strawberry blonde and throwing her a smile. Chrissy eagerly returned it.

Valerie nodded. "Right, right."

"Why'd you ask?" Rowan questioned, head tilted. Her tiara almost slid off, but Rowan pushed it back into place.

"Well, I... I was actually a cheerleader," Valerie revealed.

"Wait, really?" Rowan asked, and she grinned. "And here I thought you weren't taken in by the dark side."

"Hey! I'm standing right here, you know," Chrissy muttered, glaring but the smile threatening to break through dispelled any real heat.

"Yeah. I was a cheerleader back in my old high school—a flyer," Valerie explained with a smile, oblivious to the way Robin was looking at her and obviously now imagining her in a cheer uniform. "I don't think I'll try out here, but it was pretty great, so I might."

"I think you'd be great," Chrissy encouraged Rowan and Robin nodding as well.

"Yeah. Just don't get brainwashed too much," Rowan teased, Chrissy rolling her eyes as Valerie chuckled.

"Trust me, I won't. Not any more than I wasn't."

"So... Star Wars, huh? Bold choice," Rowan said, shifting the topic onto costumes.

"Hey, Leia's a badass. Who else could I go as?" Valerie replied, shrugging as Robin and Rowan nodded in agreement, the loud music hiding Robin's muttered, "Not to mention she's really hot." The curly-haired girl looked at Rowan and said, "Carrie's a bold choice too."

Rowan grinned. "She's my favourite horror movie protagonist. If it wasn't her, it'd be Ripley."

Valerie grinned. "Nice."

She raised her hand to fist bump. Rowan complied.

"Oh my God. They're bonding," Chrissy stage-whispered to Robin, a look of faux horror on her face. "I'm surrounded by movie lovers."

"Don't worry. You have a fellow cheerleader in Val," Robin stage-whispered back, both girls laughing after as Rowan and Valerie shot them looks, but couldn't keep grins of their own off their faces.

Before the four girls could speak, obnoxious yells came from the backyard, loud even over the music—which had blissfully changed from a pop song to Shout At The Devil. As her friends looked in that direction, Rowan just rolled her eyes at the stupidity that had happened.

"Boys," she muttered in a disgusted tone. Robin, who'd heard, gave a hum of agreement. They held out their cups in a mock toast to the stupidity and took a drink.

 As Billy and Tommy H and another goon walked out, the mullet-headed asshole swaggering like he was some sort of god or something similarly vainglorious, Chrissy tapped her shoulder and jerked her head to the front door, as it opened and two teenagers stepped through—two teenagers that Billy and Tommy H and the goon were walking right towards, smug looks on their punchable faces, two teenagers that Rowan could recognise anywhere, even in a crowded room like this and with one wearing sunglasses.

Steve and Nancy were here.

And Rowan would yet learn just how disastrous things would turn out in a couple of hours.


AHHH THE HALLOWEEN EPISODE!!! Honestly, I love the Halloween episode a lot! As painful as it is, it's nice to see the kids and teens unwind and relax for a bit, and be normal kids. So, I had a LOT of fun

The mental image of Aco taping and glaring at an annoyed Hugin is very fun to imagine

Eddie's costume... we love foreshadowing heheheh (even if it's sad and not really what happened :( )

And Rowan, Eddie and Robin! I love one (1) chaos trio with the extra addition of Alistair to add to the chaos. Honestly, the whole van scene was my fave part to write, just because of the chaos, second to the party!

And the party! That was fun, especially the character interactions! (also, we love Rowan hating both Billy and Jason) And we saw Valerie and Cami again! For clarification on their outfits—Valerie's Princess Leia, wearing a costume like her outfit from Empire Strikes Back and Cami is a fairy princess. Also, Valerie is both a former cheerleader and a science fiction movie nerd. We love that.

And Jason... I hate Jason. So. Much. Honestly, he gives the name "Jason" a bad rep, and that if Jason Grace were to ever meet Jason Carver, he'd punch him for bringing such shame on the name. But I loved Rowan being so sarcastic to him

And the last part with all the girls!! I love their friendship so much! (even if things might be less platonic between Robin and Val...)

And now, Steve and Nancy are here. And ✨ things ✨ are gonna happen...

See you all next chapter!

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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