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Chapter Fifty-Two: Trouble At The Party

(Trick Or Treat, Freak, Pt. 4)

*trigger warning: acephobic language, attempt at sexual assault*


The party was... surprisingly fun.

Rowan spent the first hour or so talking to Chrissy, Robin and Valerie, taking sips from her cup as they all took turns in talking to each other and spearheading conversations and just getting to know each other—Robin even lost all of her awkwardness at some point during a conversation about movies, genuinely smiling as Valerie seemed to make the transition into being the awkward and shy one, drinking more as if to avoid making herself look idiotic in front of Robin. Rowan could only smirk and hoped that they both could admit their feelings to each other while Chrissy smiled, slightly oblivious to the romantic connection happening.

At some point, some girls on the squad had to talk to Chrissy, though the strawberry blonde promised she'd come back to talk to them all as she left. At that point, Valerie seemed to latch onto Rowan, staying close to her as she talked to Robin, who'd asked her if they might rent out some movies and watch them together. Valerie had agreed, blushing furiously as she did, and Rowan, seeing the chance to be a good wingwoman, made up a half-lie about finding Eddie, leaving the girls behind and descending into the chaos of the party to find him.

As she did, she saw Steve and Nancy, smiling and dancing like the regular teenagers they were, Nancy holding a plastic cup sloshing with the alcohol-punch concoction. Rowan hoped Steve was watching Nancy and made sure she wasn't drinking too much—or, if she was, that he wasn't and he could get her home safely.

They seemed preoccupied, so Rowan decided she wouldn't start a conversation with them and returned to the search of finding Eddie—which, considering his reputation, was surprisingly hard.

She finally found him outside, where after briefly enjoying the moment of cool air after the stuffiness of inside, she saw Eddie giving some juniors a couple of joints, murmuring in a low voice about what to do. The juniors nodded, but were obviously ignoring Eddie, passing him a couple of twenty-dollar bills before walking away with their joints, grins on their faces.

Rowan watched them go before she walked up to Eddie as he pocketed the money, asking, "Hey, Munson. How's business?"

Eddie jolted, staring at Rowan. "Jesus, Graveswood! You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry," Rowan said with a completely not-sorry grin. "Like I said, how's business? And I thought that bag was for Tina. Couldn't find her?"

"Surprisingly good," Eddie replied, leaning against the wall. "And it is. I found her, but she said that I should use it to just deal at the party. Which would have been really helpful to know beforehand."

"What?" Rowan breathed, eyes wide before she shook her head in disbelief as Eddie nodded.

"Wow. Just... wow," Rowan said, amazed at the total arrogance of it, like Tina expected Eddie to know that. "At least you're doing good?"

"Yeah, at least," Eddie affirmed with an eye-roll. The metalhead looked at her and added, "Hey, Graveswood, I'm probably gonna be here all night. Sorry. I thought I could hand the bag off to Tina and enjoy the party despite its horrible music taste. With the obvious exception of Mötley Crue."

"Absolutely. And it's fine, Munson," Rowan assured, punching him in the arm. "But I might join you when I get annoyed and need someone to talk shit with about parties and popular assholes."

Eddie grinned. "Looking forward to that, Graveswood."

Rowan grinned, before her nose wrinkled and she coughed at a familiar smell. "Jesus, is there a wildfire or something?"

"No. Hargrove's been smoking all night," Eddie explained, giving a dirty look at the asshole. The dirty look shifted into a concerned one as he asked, "Hey, you good?"

"I'm fine," Rowan assured, smiling even as she felt the cigarette smoke attack her lungs, the thick haze of it kindling the spark of her addiction, her craving for it, even a year after she quit. "But I think I might head back inside."

Eddie frowned deeper. "I'll go with you."

"What? Eddie, your weed—" Rowan protested, but Eddie interrupted, "Can wait. Besides, I need a break."

Rowan frowned, but accepted it. "Okay, fine."

Eddie was immediately at her side, a hand at her back as they walked back into the house, the smell of smoke lessened the minute they stepped inside. Rowan turned to Eddie, a grateful smile on her face. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it. You feeling better?"

Rowan nodded. "A lot more."

Eddie smiled in relief, before he looked around and frowned. "Hey, where's Buckley?"

"She was with Valerie earlier. I left them alone to chat."

Eddie smiled a knowing smile, instantly getting what Rowan meant.

Rowan looked at the dance floor and grabbed Eddie's hand. "Come on, let's dance."

Eddie mock-groaned. "Graveswood, you know I don't dance to mainstream."

"Too bad. Besides, this song sounds pretty great. Let's go!" Rowan said, dragging Eddie as her best friend rolled his eyes, but a minute later he was moving his head to the beat as the two danced as much as they could, ignoring the looks given them by people not too drunk to not recognise the presence of Hawkins' resident freaks dancing among them—she also ignored the grins and mutters about "Morticia and Gomez". Not true, but she'll take that as a compliment.

During a song change, Rowan felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Robin, Chrissy and Valerie standing there. They all looked a bit more drunker than she last saw them—Robin was practically leaning on Valerie's shoulder and Chrissy was slightly swaying, her face flushed as she beamed.

"Rowan! Eddie!" she cried, grinning as she grabbed Rowan's hands. "Wanna dance with us?"

Rowan grinned. "Hell yeah!"

Turning to Eddie, she asked, "You dancing?"

Eddie shook his head. "Sorry, Graveswood, but I gotta head back out. I'll be back in a minute."

"Nuh-uh. You're dancing with us, Munson!" Rowan exclaimed, grabbing her best friend's hand and dragging him back, Eddie rolling his eyes as he fought back a smile.

"Okay, but one song, Graveswood," Eddie said, holding a finger up to demonstrate.


Rowan threw her head back after, smiling broadly as she, Robin, Chrissy and Valerie danced to the music, throwing their hands up and laughing, feeling like it was a sleepover and they were dancing in their pyjamas and singing into hairbrush mics instead of at a Halloween party. And beside them, Eddie was dancing, a bit more awkwardly than them, but it was obvious he was having fun, and while Rowan knew this was just a party and technically didn't count, it felt like the first time all her friends—including Valerie, because she was her friend now, had won her friendship with her lighthearted teasing and love of science fiction movies—had all hung out. And despite the bodies pushing against them in an almost claustrophobic way, despite the smell of body odour mixing with alcohol and fruit punch and perfume and deodorant, despite the couples all but grinding on the dance floor, despite the loud music and the fact most of these people would either sneer at her outright or mock her and two of her friends behind her back during school hours, Rowan was having fun.

Here, with her friends, at a stupid Halloween party wearing a stupid costume, a year after the shitstorm that was the Upside Down, Rowan was having fun.

The hours blurred after that—it wasn't because of the alcohol; Rowan only had two cups—but at some point Eddie had left to continue dealing with the promise he'd be back and when Chrissy and Robin had gotten queasy, Valerie had helped them to the bathroom, saying she had experience due to parties like this in New York. After, Rowan found herself briefly alone, swaying along to the music, not knowing she was heading toward Steve until she bumped into him.

"Hey, watch where you're dan—Graveswood?"

"Harrington?" Rowan said back, staring at Steve, before grinning. "Hey!"

"Hey," Steve replied.

Rowan inclined her head at his costume. "Nice costume!"

"Uh, thanks. Yours looks great too," Steve returned, frowning as he asked, "Carrie, right?"

"Yes!" Rowan exclaimed. Heading even closer to Steve, she smiled and asked, "Wanna dance, Harrington?"

Steve looked at her. "I thought you didn't dance, Graveswood."

"'Course I can dance! Can you?"

"Hey! Who's been Homecoming King for four years straight?"

"Yeah, yeah. That sounds like all talk!" Rowan challenged, grinning wickedly.

"So does you saying you can dance," Steve returned, eyebrow arched and smirking.

Rowan gasped dramatically before she grabbed Steve's hand. "Okay then. Guess I'll just have to show you I can dance, Your Majesty!"

Steve didn't say anything, a grin on his face as he let Rowan lead him before they spun as much as they could in the crush of bodies, and began dancing. He chuckled. "You're a terrible dancer, Graveswood!"

"Shut up! You're literally stepping on my feet every two seconds, Harrington!" Rowan shouted back, tossing her hair as she grinned. Steve returned the smile as the two kept dancing—terribly, but right now, none of them really cared that they were terrible or not as great as they claimed they were. Only enjoying dancing together, something that both of them would have laughed at a year ago.

Now, they were smiling and laughing together, being terrible dancers together.

When they stopped dancing, they were panting as sweat dripped down their foreheads, making the fake blood on Rowan's skin feel sticky and gross, but she was smiling. They were both smiling.

"That was fun, Graveswood," Harrington said. "Even if you were a really terrible dancer."

"Right back at ya, Harrington."

They grinned, before Steve's eyes widened and he looked around.

"Shit, I can't find Nancy," he said, looking back to Rowan. "I'm gonna go find her and see she's okay. You good to stay here?"

Rowan gave a thumbs up. "Yup. I might go and find Robin, Chrissy and Valerie, too. Make sure Robs and Chris are okay."

Steve nodded, grabbing her hand to give it a squeeze before he left to find Nancy. Rowan watched him go before turning, heading to the stairs so she could find Robin and Chrissy and make sure they were okay.

Before she could, she saw a familiar person standing awkwardly in the crowd. Rowan's eyes widened and she immediately made a beeline toward him.

"Jonathan!" she yelled, startling him as he turned to face her. Rowan smiled. "Hey! Didn't expect to see you here."

"Didn't expect to be here," Jonathan admitted. He looked at her costume and added, "Hey, great costume. Carrie, right?"

"Thanks, and yep!" Rowan exclaimed, looking at him before frowning. "Who are you going as?"

"I'm going as the guy who hates parties," Jonathan said with a grin. Rowan snorted.


The two stood in silence before Rowan frowned and asked, "Hey, aren't you supposed to be trick or treating with Will?"

"Yeah, I am, but I thought... I think he deserves me not hovering over him for tonight," Jonathan said, and Rowan nodded; she understood perfectly well.

"Well, I hope you have fun! I am and I wasn't honestly expecting to," Rowan admitted, and Jonathan smiled.

"Thanks, I'll try."

Rowan returned the smile, before she noticed a girl staring at them—or, more specifically, Jonathan.

"I think you got an admirer, Byers."

Jonathan looked back. "Oh, yeah. She's supposed to be KISS, right?"

Rowan stared at him in disbelief. "Please tell me you're joking."

Jonathan frowned, telling her he was not, and Rowan sighed.

"Byers, after this, I am so giving you an education on the difference between KISS and Siou—" Rowan started, but before she could finish, loud yells came, originating from the kitchen.

Rowan turned and she gaped at seeing Nancy and Steve, Nancy's top soaked in punch. The brunette girl glared at Steve, and Rowan could see Nancy must have had a lot of drinks by now as she said in a slurring voice, "The hell?" and stumbled away, heading to a bathroom.

Rowan frowned, concern rising in her.

"Hey, I'm gonna go check on Nancy," Rowan told Jonathan. The elder Byers nodded, and Rowan hurried to the bathroom Nancy and Steve had ducked into, ready to either help wash the alcohol off or help Steve take Nancy home, since it was definitely clear Nancy needed to go home now. Thankfully, what had happened earlier, and Rowan's costume and reputation, helped clear her path a little.

However, before she could reach the door, she bumped into someone. Scowling, Rowan growled, "Get out of my fucking way, asshole!"

"Hey, sweetheart," the asshole said, and Rowan tensed, as she recognised the voice.

The dark-haired girl looked up and sure enough, Billy fucking Hargrove was there, a dickish smile on his face. Rowan's scowl deepened. Of course. Honestly, she should have realised he was there just by the cloud of smoke and smarmy assholery around him.

"Move, dickwad," Rowan ground out, but the asshole didn't budge.

"You know, I've heard a lot of things about you, Graveswood," Hargrove mused, that smile not falling.

"Wonderful things, I hope," Rowan said through a forced grin, the sarcasm so thick it would take a truly oblivious person to not register it. "Now, I need to go see if my friend is okay so you better move, dickhead, or I'll push you out of my way."

Hargrove eyed her up and down, again in a way that had her skin crawl and want to tear off his mullet and shove it down his throat, that smile twisting into something slimier. "No."

Rowan's face twisted into a glare so fierce, it was like she was making good on her earlier words to Jason. "Move, Hargrove."

Hargrove shrugged. "Okay."

His hand grabbed Rowan's arm before she could process it, gripping it so violently it almost hurt. He pulled her away from the bathroom—and the party—heading into a secluded hallway and pushing her against the wall, so violently Rowan's head knocked back against it.

"One of the rumours I heard, Graveswood, aside from you being a psychopathic freak, is that you apparently hate sex," Hargrove said and Rowan felt every cell in her body freeze at the words, at the look in the asshole's eyes. "That you've never done it or even kissed a guy. Which, I'm surprised. I didn't expect you to be a prude."

"Let go of me," Rowan hissed, glad her words were more steadier than she felt, didn't betray the fear churning inside her.

"Oh, I will. After I... change your mind," Hargrove said, grinning as leered at her, dragging his tongue across his teeth in a way that made Rowan want to recoil and teleport at once, but it felt like she was frozen, even as her mind screamed at her to do something as he leaned in closer, to not let this bastard do anything to her.

At the thought, anger came, and her power responded to it. 

The bastard let go of her and leapt away with a pained yelp as Rowan backed away to where the party was, veins fading as sparks dissipated, before he looked at her, a stunned look on his face.

"What the fuck did you just do?!" he yelled.

Rowan glared at him, rage erupting in her, smothering the fear.

Never was she so glad to wear Doc Martens tonight than when she aimed a swift kick at Hargrove's family jewels, the bastard howling in pain as he doubled over.

"Touch me like that again," Rowan hissed, "touch Robin or Valerie or any girl like that again, and I'll kill you. I'll fucking kill you, you son of a bitch."

Through watery eyes, Hargrove glared at her, rage making his body shake as he growled, "You fucking bitch, I'll—"

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing to Rowan, Hargrove?"

Rowan turned, and almost broke down in relief at seeing Eddie there, wearing an expression more murderous and angry she'd ever seen him wear before as he marched forward, stepping in front of her protectively.

Hargrove glared at her like he was plotting her murder—as if Rowan wasn't going to kill him first and make it as gruesomely painful as possible—before he straightened, face a contortion of pain and anger as he gritted out, "Nothing. We were just... chatting."

If anything, the words made Eddie even more angry as he stepped closer and snarled, "If you try to do anything to my best friend again, I'll make those rumours about me true. We both will."

Hargrove glared at Eddie before he stormed out, pushing roughly against the both of them as Rowan and Eddie glared at him as he rejoined the party, walking slightly stiffly due to the kick Rowan had given him.

When he left, Eddie whirled to her, concern mixing with the fury and protectiveness. "Are you okay, Rowan? Did that son of a bitch do anything to you?"

Rowan shook her head. "No. He... he only grabbed my arm and moved closer. I kicked him in the groin and threatened him."

Relief flickered in Eddie's eyes before rage came back, and he growled, "I'm not a violent person, but if that asshole ever fucking dares do anything to you or Buckley or Martinéz..."

"I know. Trust me, I'll be right there with you," Rowan murmured darkly, trying to hide the fear in her—at what could have happened. 

It didn't though. It didn't.

I'll fucking kill him if he does that to me again.

Looking at Eddie, she asked, "How did you find me?"

"Chrissy. She, Buckley and Martinéz came down right before Harrington spilled punch on Wheeler. She saw Hargrove grab you and drag you away, and when she noticed me she told me," Eddie explained. He looked in Hargrove's direction and said angrily, "I'm glad she did. I know you can handle yourself, but if he had done anything to you, I would have killed him. I would have killed him right there."

"He didn't," Rowan assured, leaning against Eddie, leaning against her best friend. "He didn't, and if he tried to do anything more, I would have fucking murdered him myself. But.. thank you, Eddie. Thank you."

Eddie looked at her, wrapping an arm around her. "You want me to take you home? Buckley's pretty wasted right now and I think Carver is too. Martinéz isn't and she said she'll drive Chrissy home."

"That would be really fucking awesome," Rowan muttered, feeling exhaustion crash down on her. She wanted to go home, take a shower and wash the fake blood, cigarette smoke and Billy Hargrove off, see if Alistair and Aunt Aco were still up and watch a horror movie and eat Alistair's candy together, then collapse into bed. But... "Hey, did you see Nancy and Harrington, before you found me?"

"Uh, yeah, I did. I saw Harrington come out of the bathroom right before Chrissy found me and told me what she saw," Eddie said. Her best friend frowned and added, "He also looked pretty upset, for accidentally spilling punch on Wheeler."

Rowan's brows pinched together, her anger and fear fading and replaced by worry for Steve. "He did?"


Rowan bit her lip. "Hey, could you drive Robin back to her house? I think I need to get some air."

"Of course I will, but Graveswood, you sure?" Eddie asked, the picture of a concerned friend, especially after what Hargrove had nearly done.

Rowan looked at him. "I'll be okay, Munson. I have my Docs and my fists if Hargrove or any other dickheads want to try something."

And my powers.

Eddie frowned, obviously not wanting Rowan to go by herself, which Rowan thought was fair. Meeting Eddie's gaze she sighed and confessed, "And I also want to check on Harrington, make sure he's okay."

The frown didn't leave Eddie's face, but he stepped away, saying, "I'll come with you until you're outside, and stick around until you see him."

Rowan nodded, accepting that condition as she and Eddie left the hallway.

Immediately she saw Chrissy, Robin and Valerie, all three girls' expressions a picture between worry and rage. Rowan gave a small smile to let them know she was okay as she walked past them. When she saw Hargrove, her face darkened and she glared at him murderously until she was at the front door, and it dropped into one of concern.

There, she saw Steve sitting in his BMW, face twisted into an expression of heartbreak. Rowan frowned, both in concern and confusion.

What the hell happened in the bathroom?

"Harrington!" she shouted and Steve turned to her.

"Graveswood?" he said incredulously, and Rowan's heart twisted at hearing the crack in his voice, like he was trying to keep himself from crying.

Still, Rowan headed closer as she asked, "Mind some company?"

Steve hesitated, before he shrugged. "Sure. Hop in."

Rowan obliged, sliding into a car a year ago she'd thought she never willingly get inside. Her nose wrinkled at the nearly overpowering smell of hairspray, but it was a better smell than what was lingering over the party.

Settling in, Rowan braced herself for Steve's driving as he pulled away from the curb and down the street, hoping he wasn't too drunk to drive.

And that she could find out what the hell had happened and see why he was so upset.


... Yeah. This chapter... this was a lot

The first half of the chapter was really enjoyable to write; I loved writing Rowan letting loose and having a fun time with her friends. And then the scene where she and Steve were dancing, being terrible dancers but not really caring and enjoying dancing together 🥺

And then, the punch scene... *sigh* Rowan absolutely was coming for Nancy and comfort her, but that would have quickly switched to Steve if she heard what was happening behind the door, if Billy hadn't been in the way 🤢

And Rowan and Billy... look, I know Billy's past. I know his dad abused his mom. But Billy is a racist, abusive asshole who, in Max's own words, made her life a "living hell", I wouldn't put it past him to try and sexually assault a girl who's rumoured to be disinterested in sex to "change her mind". And, as an asexual woman, it was a really difficult scene to write :( Rowan was definitely lucky, not only with her powers and kicking Billy in the groin—like she should and like he deserves—but that Chrissy saw them and was able to tell Eddie, who came just in time (and is, appropriately, fuming) But yeah, it was really difficult and hard to write and made me boil with anger too. I just... hate Billy so much 🤢😡

But now, Rowan's going after Steve, after hearing about how upset he apparently looked and wanting to know why and help him, which is gonna lead into one of my favourite Stowan moments in this arc...

The next chapter will be soon

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GhostWriterGirl out

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