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Chapter Ninety-Four: Make-ups And Movie Nights

(Suzie, Do You Copy?, Pt. 5)


Eddie was already at Kingston Records by the time Rowan arrived.

Rowan barely listened to her aunt's farewell as she headed into the records store, the box in her hands as she opened the door, the bell dinging as she was met with the smell of vinyl and dust.

"Hi, welcome to Kingston Records, how may I—" Eddie started to rattle off, before he trailed off at seeing her. "Oh. Hi."

"Hi," Rowan greeted back, lifting the lid off the box to reveal the pizza inside, the mouthwatering aroma soon filling the store. "Want a slice before you head off for your date?"

Eddie stared at her, at the pizza, before he nodded. "Sure, Graveswood."

Rowan let the lid fall close, heading inside and putting the pizza box on the counter and opening it again. Eddie took a slice, Rowan taking her own, the two eating in silence accompanied by the background noise of Iron Maiden. 

The silence between them stretched past the song that played when Rowan arrived had ended and switched over into a new one, as the slices were halfway finished, before Rowan lowered her slice and said, "I'm sorry."

Eddie looked at her, a flicker of confusion coming over his face before realisation took over, as Rowan continued.

"I'm sorry for lying. You were just being a good friend, and I—" Rowan went on, before Eddie cut in, "You have nothing to apologise for, Graveswood. I'm sorry."

Rowan blinked, stunned. "What?"

"Graveswoo—Rowan... I get you have shit in your past, shit you've never talked about, and I haven't pressed because I know you don't want to talk about it—you know me, especially with my shit in my past. I should have known you'd be the same about your headache and I crossed a line by continuing to ask," Eddie continued, as Rowan listened to Eddie's apology in stunned silence. "I'm sorry for pushing."

Rowan stared at Eddie, before she shook her head. "No, you don't need to apologise—you wouldn't have pushed if I hadn't lied."

"Yeah, and I wouldn't have pushed if I remembered it was you I was talking to. I don't even know why I did."

The two stared at each other, locked in a stalemate over pizza and mutual apologies, before Rowan said, "Look. Let's say we're both sorry for what happened last night, because we're just gonna go in circles all night."

"That works for me," Eddie agreed, a smile tugging at his lips. Rowan felt one tug at her lips, too.

Just like that, their friendship had been mended.

As a new Iron Maiden song started after the last one ended, the two best friends ate their slices of greasy pizza in a much more companionable silence than before. Rowan reached for another slice when she finished hers, just taking the time to enjoy this—sharing pizza with her best friend after they made up, Iron Maiden playing in the background, surrounded by records in the store they both loved and insanely glad to still be working in despite the looming threat of Starcourt Mall, the store still just a bit too hot with summer heat thanks to that solitary fan. Just like how it should always be, relaxed and fun and normal.

And yet, even though she and Eddie took pride in not being considered "normal" in society's eyes, Rowan was not normal from her best friend in entirely different ways from their choice of style and music tastes, ways that were responsible for her nightmares and lies and childhood trauma. Ways that Eddie deserved to know.

"Eddie," Rowan said and the metalhead turned to her, a string of cheese hanging from his mouth.

"Yeah?" Eddie asked as he pushed the cheese-string into his mouth.

"Eddie, there's something I need to tell you," Rowan began, voice grave.

Eddie picked up on that, face settling into something serious. "What is it, Rowan?"

"Eddie, I..." Rowan went on, words stalling, what she wanted to say flashing in her mind. I have superpowers. I can shoot lightning bolts from my fingers and move things with my mind and can teleport. My brother has powers, too. It's a family trait. I...

I didn't tell you because Hawkins National Laboratory wanted me and my brother to be experiments or weapons or both. Because the reason we're here in Hawkins and that we even met is because my and Al's parents wanted to hide us here and sacrificed themselves to ensure that we wouldn't be found, that we lived normal lives. And we did, until Will disappeared. Until Hawkins Lab pushed a little girl with powers too far and made her accidentally open a gate to a dimension we call the Upside Down, who helped us rescue Will from it. That I dream-walked into the Upside Down and fought monsters from it. That Barb Holland actually died because of those monsters and I couldn't save her. That the reason Steve and I are friends is because we fought monsters together, the same reason why me, Nancy and Jonathan are friends. That Hawkins Lab and the Upside Down is what I have nightmares over. That I have trauma from nearly dying and seeing people die when I could have saved them. That I didn't tell you because the government made us sign these stupid contracts. That... that I don't want you to be dragged into it, even if it's over. Because I don't want you to be dragged into it, or killed because I told you. Because I don't want to lose my best friend.

Rowan's lips thinned, and she looked away as Eddie asked, "What? Graveswood, tell me."

"I... I wanted to say," Rowan tried again, wrestling with herself before she finally said, "have fun on your date with Leo."

Eddie gave her a skeptical look edged with confusion. "Okay? Was that it?"

"Yep," Rowan lied, plastering on a smile she hoped looked real.

Eddie still looked skeptical, but he shrugged, an assuring smile breezing across his face. "I will, Graveswood. You don't need to worry about me. I'm a master at dates."

"Shocking, considering you've never been on one," Rowan remarked, finding comfort in using her dry sarcasm as Eddie sputtered, eyes wide.

"How dare you, Graveswood!" Eddie cried, hands clasping his chest as he fell to the floor. "Right to my poor heart! Carved it out and stomped on it and everything!"

"Just making an observation, Munson," Rowan deadpanned, rolling her eyes at her best friend's dramatics as he stood up, saying, "Okay. But you've never been on a date as well."

"Don't need to be on one to make an observation," Rowan shot back.

"That's fair," Eddie muttered before he said, a glint of worry in his eyes, "You think it will go okay?"

"Eds, if talking about your nerdy game scored that date in the first place, you'll be fine," Rowan assured, a smile on her face as she squeezed Eddie's arm in support. "He's head over heels for you. I think you could be talking about murder and he'd be completely enamoured with you."

"You think?" Eddie asked, still sounding a bit unsure.

"I know, so don't sweat it. It will be fine," Rowan assured, giving a supportive smile.

Eddie returned it. "Thanks, Graveswood. Really. But..."


"Murder? Really?"

"Hey, it's a good conversation starter."

Eddie shook his head, a sardonic smile on his face. "You're a real freak, Graveswood."

"What a high compliment coming from the resident freak of Hawkins himself," Rowan snarked back as Eddie gave a dramatic bow and an equally dramatic, "It's my pleasure, my fellow freak", Rowan returning it with her own dramatic bow, before the two let out snorts of laughter at their own antics. Again, something normal. Something expected for a summer spent with her best friend.

When they'd finished laughing, Rowan and Eddie got back to doing their jobs—Rowan manning the register while Eddie sorted the records—Iron Maiden replaced by Rolling Stones, the upbeat music of Paint It, Black contrasting with the moody lyrics, until Rowan spied Leo walking up to the store, looking incredibly nervous.

Rowan turned to Eddie, a grin on her face. "Lover Boy's here, Eds."

"He is?" Eddie asked, looking over. His eyes widened as he noticed Leo heading closer. "Oh shit."

He sprinted to the cash register, demanding, "Do I look okay?", gesturing to his outfit—a sleeveless Judas Priest shirt, jeans, chain belt and sneakers—looking back to the door as Leo headed closer.

"Relax, Eddie, you look fine. Now be the confident Eddie Munson I know and love and go and get your man," Rowan replied, giving a supportive thumbs up just as the door opened, the bell dinging as Leo poked his head in, smiling and waving to them.

"Hey Rowan. Hey Eddie," he greeted.

"Hi," Rowan and Eddie greeted back in unison.

Leo looked over to Eddie, face growing shyer as he asked, "You ready? Also, are you driving? I, uh, couldn't get my dad's car."

"Yeah, I am," Eddie assured as Rowan piped up, "Write a will fast, Leo. Eddie drives like a lunatic."

Eddie shot her a glare as Leo laughed, before it stopped as he saw Rowan's face. "Wait, really?"

Rowan's grin was her only answer.

"Okay, that's our cue to leave," Eddie said loudly, snatching his keys from where they hung on the hook behind the register. He looked at her and asked, "Are you cool doing this by yourself, Graveswood?"

"Completely. Today's going slow anyway, and I have pizza and Rolling Stones. You guys just have fun hanging out," Rowan replied, winking.

Eddie gave her another look, but he headed over to Leo, who called out, "Oh! Your pay is in the box, Rowan!"

"Thanks, Leo! Bye!" Rowan called back as she waved goodbye as Eddie and Leo left, heading into the van before it peeled out. Rowan hoped it would go well for Eddie, that it would lead to more between Eddie and Leo.

After they were gone, Rowan indeed checked, pocketing her pay—she assumed Eddie already had—and ate another slice of pizza, moving her head to the music as she decided to sweep the shop, moving the broom across the floor as Rolling Stones played.

And if she danced to Lady Jane as sparks twirled around her and the broom and the lights flashed to her movements, or used her telekinesis to move the heavier boxes of records or teleported about to put stock away or clean faster, a rare opportunity to use her powers when she was alone—then that was between her and the store. 


The turn of the key in the lock was a satisfying sound to Rowan's ears. Especially when her other hand was preoccupied holding the box of half-finished pizza.

When the door to Kingston's Records was locked close, Rowan put her copy of the key into her pocket, wiping off the sweat beading on her forehead as she turned and headed to where her aunt was waiting. Inside, the car was marginally less hotter than it was outside, but she took it as a small mercy, putting her pizza box in the back as Aunt Aco asked, "Hey, kid. How was work?"

"Good. Got a lot of work done," Rowan answered as she clipped her seatbelt on. "How was your work?"

"Great. Swindled a few idiots. Got a couple hundred dollars outta them," her aunt replied as she reversed out of her spot, swinging the car around vertically and ripping down the road to the trailer park.

When they arrived, Alistair was there, hoping off his bike. He gave a wave to Rowan, before he noticed the pizza and ran to her, yelling, "Please tell me there are leftovers!"

Rowan lifted the pizza box high and shooting back, "Yes, they are, but they can wait until we're inside and on the couch, so wait a fucking second, squirt!"

Alistair pouted, glaring at Rowan as their aunt chuckled, smiling at their antics as she opened the door, Alistair trying to grab the box from Rowan—the fact he was nearly the same height as her didn't help—before they were inside, Rowan finally giving him a slice the minute the siblings sat on the couch, eating in contentment as Aunt Aco kneeled in front of their TV, holding up a stack of VHS cassettes as she asked, "Okay, Rowan, it's your turn to pick. Which one will it be?"

Rowan scrutinised the movies their aunt had rented out, eyes gravitating to her favourite film, before it landed on a movie, and her mouth tilted up in a smirk.

"Ghostbusters," she said, giving Alistair a look as her brother's face twisted up and he began to protest, but Aunt Aco said, "Okay then. And kid, no arguing with your sister's choice. You know the rules."

Alistair opened his mouth, but closed it at the pointed glare he was getting from Aunt Aco before he sat back, a glare on his face as Rowan smirked at him and Aunt Aco put the movie in, sitting between Rowan and Alistair as she snagged a slice of pizza from the box and Hugin flew out of Alistair's room and alighted on his shoulder, right before the movie started.

But despite her brother's sullenness at how seemingly inaccurately Ghostbusters depicted ghosts, Alistair became enthralled in the movie as the family of three shared pizza and watched the movie that catered to all of their tastes—horror for Rowan, fun adventure and science fiction for Alistair, and comedy for Aunt Aco. They all laughed, they all grimaced, they all enjoyed a movie and ate pizza together. A perfect family night. A deserved family night.

Yeah, this summer really was the best.


Rowan: Enjoying her summer

Dustin with the Russian message and the evil Russians under Starcourt Mall: Allow us to introduce ourselves

In all honesty, I loved writing this chapter. Rowan and Eddie made up and their friendship is back! And Rowan, Alistair and Aunt Aco have a chill movie night together (it's what they deserve) Just one moment of peace and fun before, well... *looks at the rest of s3*

Anyway, next chapter will be back at Starcourt! And with a very interesting message...

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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