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Chapter Ninety: Summer Jobs Are Fun (When You're With Friends)

(Suzie Do You Copy?)


Rowan hummed along to the loud music playing from the boombox as she put in the records that had just arrived in the vinyl record section of 'NEW ARRIVALS'. Behind her, at the counter, Eddie's tongue was sticking out as he wrote something down, brow creased in frustration before he looked up and asked, "Hey Graveswood, can I bounce something off you?"

"Sure," Rowan said as she finished putting the records in, heading over to the counter and leaning on it. "Let's hear it, Munson."

"Okay. So I've got this idea for a side quest for the Cult of Vecna campaign I'll do near the end of spring break," Eddie started and Rowan nodded—this wasn't the first time Eddie had bounced ideas for his campaigns off of her, especially during the summer, and while Rowan still felt clueless, she felt like she'd gotten an understanding of the game and it's logistics by now. Kinda. "I was thinking I'd have the Party talk to and befriend a NPC who is seemingly on their side and helping them stop a vampire problem in the village... but in reality, they're a Vecna cultist and one of Kas' thralls who lures them into a trap against Kas. What do you think?"

"It sounds pretty good. Definitely something that will twist the guys up. Why do you need my input?" Rowan asked as she hopped onto the counter, squeezing into the tight space between the register and where Eddie's beloved notebook for his campaigns was, planting her feet just inches from the notebook.

"I just need some help fine-tuning the character—and for someone who doesn't play D&D, you're scarily good at helping make good NPC mini-bosses," Eddie said.

"Well, thanks, but I can't take all the credit—I did grow up with you as my best friend, after all," Rowan replied, grinning. "Here, let me have a look at what you have."

Eddie surrendered the notebook, letting Rowan see what Eddie had already told her, along with the technical logistics of the character plus some notes and scratched out lines and rewritten lines about the character. It sounded good and Eddie had written the character's more villainous side pretty well and did a pretty good job for when the character was pretending to be good, but Rowan could already see that for the twist to work, the character needed to sound more trustworthy, like he really was on the side of good when in reality he was working for evil. Rowan smirked—the psychologist part of her brain was ticking away.

"Okay, I think I can fine-tune this," she said, hunching over it. "You just need to work on making the character sound like they're genuinely good, but have some elements where they're not good—and if I've learned anything from my psychology books, it's that manipulation, especially gaslighting, works best. Make the character do some things like, I don't know, accidentally lead the Party into a vampire den but then still save the day and claim it was an accident and manipulate them into thinking yes it was an accident, but it wasn't. Do that, make the character as manipulative as possible on the front they're actually good, and it would be great and make the twist even more shocking."

As he listened, the grin Eddie had grew more and more devious. "Oh, I like that. Thank you, Graveswood. You truly have a mind for NPC villains."

"It's just the psychology talking. That, and years of listening to you, Al and the other nerds. Something had to sink in eventually," Rowan said nonchalantly, but a  smile was on her face.

"Still, you're amazing for this," Eddie complimented and that smile grew on Rowan's face.

She lightly punched Eddie in the arm as he took the notebook back, writing furiously, Rowan's suggestions kickstarting his creative juices as he wrote and rewrote aspects about the NPC and side-quest, probably making it more sadistic than he originally planned, thanks to Rowan. Rowan watched him before closing her eyes as she basked in the feeling of the fan whirring lazily above the counter, cooling her face. It was a blessed relief, even though her Ozzy Osbourne shirt, shorts and raven-black hair tied up in a ponytail did a tremendous effort in battling the heat. Eddie's hair was also tied up and he was wearing a Black Sabbath shirt with his battle vest over it. Jeans and his rings and white sneakers, belt with the chain, studded bracelet on his right wrist and black bandanna sticking out from the back pocket completed the look. Neither spoke, letting the scratch of the pencil and Heart's Cry To Me fill up the silence and not expecting the bell above the door to ding. Just an average summer's day working at Kingston Records.

Rowan still couldn't believe she and Eddie still had their jobs here—thanks to Starcourt Mall, every single music lover had gravitated to the records store in the mall instead, which meant little income for Kingston Records, just like every other business in downtown Hawkins. It made something in Rowan boil with anger and she and Eddie had joked about going to the records store in Starcourt just to vandalise it, and dragging along the owner's son to help them, but they'd never do it. If Rowan had any choice, she wouldn't step a single foot into the mall that was sucking the life out of downtown like some consumerist vampire and neither would Eddie, but they did because of a few simple reasons: Eddie's friends. Chrissy. The air conditioning.

 And Scoops Ahoy.

Rowan visited the mall when she got the chance just to see Robin and Valerie and Steve. She'd almost laughed herself to tears when she saw the stupid sailor's uniforms her friends had to wear, but they somehow made it work—especially Steve. Even when she teased him about the stupid hat and gloated her job at the records store meant no uniforms while Steve rolled his eyes and gave her a free ice cream when Robin or Valerie weren't looking.

But, she and Eddie still had their summer jobs at Kingston's, and Rowan knew it was because of those still loyal to the store. But without the occasional regular or teen not blinded by the flashy lights and bubblegum artifice of Starcourt, business was pretty dead. Which meant she and Eddie could do whatever they wanted.

Such as putting on music from a record or cassette and Eddie doing his campaigns or working on the setlists for Corroded Coffin's gigs or practicing a cover while Rowan read either Stephen King or The Brain Eaters or a psychology book, or did some work she needed for Pennhurst. Sometimes they even took a break to smoke some weed out back. For a summer job, it was pretty chill—and even better when it was with one of her best friends.

Rowan watched the ceiling fan rotate, pushing air that did little to cool down the heat filling up the record store. The dark-haired girl could feel a film of sweat developing on her skin and sticking flyaways of hair to her neck and forehead and she grimaced. If she had to give Starcourt's crappy record store a point, it was that it had the miracle that was air conditioning. It was the only reason she would ever go turncoat and work there.

"Why couldn't Jonah get more fans or at least an air conditioner?" Rowan groused, glaring at the fan like it personally offended her.

"Apparently so that the records don't get ruined from the cold," her best friend said. Rowan rolled her eyes before she moaned. "I'm gonna die this summer, Munson. I can feel it."

"And I thought I was dramatic," Eddie snarked with a grin. Rowan punched him in the arm.

"Fuck off, Munson."

"Okay, but you'll miss me too much."

Rowan glared at him and punched him again, but she was smiling. Her smile grew even wider when the last song ended—meaning she could restart the album.

"Oh my God, yes, finally!" Rowan exclaimed as she hopped off the counter, almost clipping Eddie in the head with her  elbow as he best friend scooted back with a yell, but Rowan didn't care as she raced to the boombox, took out the cassette tape, restarted, and pressed PLAY.

Immediately the familiar guitar riff of Barracuda began, and Rowan cackled in delight.

"Oh God, I fucking love this song!" she exclaimed, banging her head to the song and guitar; ever since she'd randomly picked the album out of a dare and was introduced to Heart and this song, it had become one of her favourite songs ever.

"I'm still surprised you like that band, Graveswood," Eddie said, but he was smiling at seeing his best friend dance to the music.

"It's like Stevie Nicks and Joan Jett had a baby, of course I love this band," Rowan said, grinning as she rejoined Eddie at the counter. "Don't worry, I'll put in some Judas Priest or Ozzy after this. Maybe even Twisted Sister."

"Actually I was thinking more Dio."

"Oh yes."

The two best friends shared a grin as Barracuda kept playing loudly, as the lyrics ended and the instrumental picked up.

"I'm still surprised Jonah lets us listen to music and do whatever on our shifts," Rowan remarked as she once again hopped up on the counter.

"He's just a cool boss," Eddie said with a shrug.

"I don't think he'll be cool if he found out you're supplying weed to his son," Rowan exposed, giving a knowing smirk to Eddie who glared at her. "Or that you have a big fat crush on his son and flirting with him every chance you get."

Now her best friend's cheeks flushed red despite the glare he still gave her and he chucked the pencil at her. "Shut up, Graveswood. As if you can talk."

"What do you mean I can talk?"

"Oh, I don't know, Starcourt. Scoops Ahoy. A certain fallen king in a sailor's uniform," Eddie revealed a smirk growing on his face.

Now Rowan was glaring as she chucked back the pencil at her best friend's head. "Screw you, Munson. We're not flirting, we're just friends."

"Really, because Buckley says you do. That she and Martinéz see you two flirt every time you're there."

"Oh come on! We don't flirt, we just talk. Trust me, I know when Steve Harrington flirts and it's not with me," Rowan said, rolling her eyes as she remembered witnessing the failed attempts of Steve trying to flirt with the female customers that came into Scoops Ahoy, only to fail. Miserably. Every single time. Valerie and Robin took turns tallying up each failure. It would be funny if Rowan didn't feel bad for Steve as well—his charms, his confidence, had really spiralled down after high school.

"Well, whatever you say. Just that when you both are not in complete denial—especially you, Graveswood—expect me to say that I knew it, that I called it even though I'll still be shocked you and Harrington got together and that I expect to be the best man at your wed—"

The bell dinged.

"Oh thank God," Rowan muttered as she hopped off the counter and pasted on her best customer service smile as Eddie slammed the notebook closed and tried to look like he hadn't been slacking off with Rowan. The unexpected customer was a blessing—she was just about to strangle Eddie if he hadn't been shut up.

"Hi, welcome to Kingston Records!" Rowan greeted, before her fake smile faltered into something genuine. "Oh, hey Leo."

"Hey Rowan," Leo greeted back, smiling as he pushed up his glasses. He looked to Eddie. "Hi Eddie."

"Hi," her best friend said back, grinning and visibly relaxing. Rowan watched the interaction with a grin. No way could her best friend claim she and Steve were flirting and oblivious about it when Leo always flirted obliviously to Eddie's very obvious flirting.

"What're you doing here, Leo?" Rowan asked as she leaned against the counter. "I thought you were gonna be working at the Post the entire day?"

"Well, Nancy said she could handle the rest of the day so I decided to end it early and come say hi to my favourite people," Leo explained. Rowan cast a look to Eddie, who was wearing a sly smile even as she knew a part of him was malfunctioning.

"Oh really? We're your favourite people, Kingston?" Eddie questioned as he leaned forward on the counter.

"I mean, yeah, you are. Why else would I bother coming in here and talking to you before I did anything else?" Leo retorted.

"I don't know. Maybe because Eddie supplies you with weed," Rowan suggested, giving a raised brow at her best friend. He shot her a look before he turned back to Leo and said, "Speaking of which... you gonna pay for that bag I gave you last week?"

"I don't know. Are you guys gonna stop smoking out back and being high at work?" Leo returned.

"Please, as if you would tattle on us on Daddy, Kingston. He's cool, isn't he Graveswood?"

"Oh yes, very cool. Smokes with us out back and everything," Rowan confirmed with a nod and a grin. Leo rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Okay, I'll pay for the next bag. Just don't tell my dad," Leo said.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Kingston," Eddie said as Rowan patted his shoulder and added, "Yeah, your secret is safe with us."

"I mean, he probably wouldn't care, but... thanks for not spilling," Leo replied, looking at them—at Eddie—earnestly.

"Back at you for not telling him about Graveswood's and I's breaks behind the store," Eddie responded with his own grin, Rowan nodding firmly before she headed to the records to sort through them—and letting Eddie flirt with his crush.

"How's your day been going?"

"Slow, with Starcourt sucking up people like always. You?"

"Hawkins Post was a full day. The guys were sexist asses to Nancy again. Made me want to punch them."

"I'm still surprised Nancy hasn't," Rowan remarked. Given Nancy's aptitude for guns and that murder was illegal, those sexist douchebags were lucky they were still alive.

Leo nodded in agreement while Eddie shot Rowan a glare. She held her hands up and back-pedalled to the backroom to give them more privacy—or as much privacy as she could.

As she grabbed a random box and saw it full of band shirts and patches, she heard her best friend and his crush talking again.

"I'm surprised Wheeler's still working there if they keep giving her that crap."

"I guess that's a point to her. She's tough as nails."

"Nancy Wheeler, tough? Really?"

"Yeah, I know. Sometimes I look at her and I get kinda scared like she'll shoot me with a gun or something if I look at her wrong."

Rowan held back a snort. You have no idea.

"Damn. I never would have thought Wheeler could have that type of look. Then again, Rowan and Wheeler hang out and get along like a house on fire, so maybe I shouldn't say anything."

"Yeah, but Rowan looks like you should be scared of her. Nancy doesn't."

"Silent assassin, huh?"

"Yes! Silent assassin! That's exactly it! Like some sort of rogue or something!"

"Wait, you know what a rogue is? You play Dungeons and Dragons?"

"When I was a kid but I just... I stopped playing. But I liked the storytelling aspect—must be why I was so drawn to journalism in the first place. I like telling the stories."

Rowan could see the smile on Eddie's face, the way his eyes lit up, when he said, "Me too. Sure, playing a character is fun, but creating a campaign, creating the story and the world and what you will do to the characters of your Party with the most devious of twists... it's like getting high. It's the greatest feeling ever."

"It is."

"Hey, if you ever wanna play, Hellfire can always have another member to its Party. God knows I've tried and failed to make Rowan more than an honorary member."

"Will I get one of your cool T-shirts if I join?"


"Then I'll think about it."

Rowan smiled, happy for Eddie. Even if they couldn't be as public as they should be, she hoped this meant Leo returned Eddie's feelings—that they could get together. Eddie deserved it.

Lifting up the box of band shirts and patches, Rowan walked out of the backroom, seeing Eddie and Leo smiling at each other, neither noticing her presence, as Eddie tilted his head, smile turning flirtatious as he said, "But you better bring some skills once you're on the battlefield, Kingston. I'm not giving you special treatment just because you're new and your pretty face."

"Trust me, I can bring it, Munson," Leo replied, a confidant smile slicing across his face. 

"Oh really?"


"Well then, what's your class and level?"

"It was years ago, but pretty sure I was an half-orc level four Barbarian?"

"Hmm, impressive. You might stand a chance, Kingston. But I won't go easy on you." 

"Don't. Make it as hard as you can do it. I like it hard."

"If you insist. I usually want to get dinner first, but for you I'm willing to go second base, pretty boy."

Leo blinked, stunned as Eddie smirked and Rowan rolled her eyes as she put the shirts away in their section of the store.

"I, uh... do you wanna hang out?" Leo blurted out.

Now Eddie was the one taken aback, not given a chance to speak before the taller teen continued, "I like talking to you, and I wanted to ask if we could hang out when I'm not at the Post or you're here at my dad's record store and outside of you selling me weed and do you think we could go to the diner and talk for a little bit tomorrow?"

Eddie blinked, processing as Rowan stared, not believing what had just happened. Until she saw that Eddie still wasn't answering and Leo looked nervous and she frowned—she couldn't let Eddie miss this chance.

Abandoning the shirts, she marched up to Eddie and nudged him in the side.

'Say yes!' she mouthed at him, and the way her best friend got it was by nodding and saying, "Yes! I would love that, actually. Tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorrow. Unless you got a shift—"

"I do, but I can leave early for you, pretty boy."

"Okay, great! I'll pick you up after my shift at the Post."

"Guess I'll see you then, ace reporter," Eddie said, a flirty smirk on his face as Leo tried to hide his embarrassment with a smile, before he looked at them and said, "I need to go—my dad wanted me home right after I finished work. Probably to go over our 'strategy' of protesting against Starcourt. You guys cool to close up?"

"Absolutely," Rowan affirmed as Eddie nodded and concurred with a smile and wink, "You can count on us, pretty boy."

Embarrassment clouded Leo's face and he adjusted his glasses. "I'll, uh, see you tomorrow, Eddie. And don't slack off guys!"

And then Leo was out of the store, leaving Rowan and Eddie alone. The two best friends looked at each other.



Rowan's neutral face split into a grin. "I can't believe I just witnessed you get a date with Leo! Good job, Munson!"

She raised her hand for a high five, which Eddie reciprocated with a breathless laugh.

"I can't believe I actually did," the metalhead said, shock glazing his eyes. "Rowan, can you pinch me to make sure I didn't dream it—or that I'm not high?"

"You're not high and you're definitely not dreaming, Munson," Rowan told him, still grinning. "Who knew your nerdy game was the key to winning his heart?"

"If I knew that, I would have offered him a spot in Hellfire ages ago," Eddie admitted, before he smiled. "Maybe there is a chance for freaks like us."

"Maybe," Rowan said, not looking at Eddie. Bumping his shoulder, she asked, "Wanna celebrate and get high out back and listen to Dio full volume?"

"You read my mind, Graveswood."


Rowan and Eddie with a summer job? It's more fun than you think

I just love the idea of Rowan and Eddie listening to music and doing their respective things when not working and occasionally helping each other when business days are slow or smoking weed out back. I love one pair of besties. And yes, Rowan does listen to Eddie's ideas for his campaigns and help with the NPCs! Rowan still doesn't understand the game, but she understands people—especially now she's knows even more about psychology—and uses it to help with Eddie developing his characters (especially his villainous NPC ones) >:)

And yes, Rowan is a Heart fan. She randomly discovered the album one day, played it, and fell in love the minute she heard Barracuda. She's been a fan ever since

And yeah, Eddie's still not fooled that Rowan and Steve aren't in love with each other (same with Robin and Valerie. He's just waiting to see when they confess—and holding a bet with the girls on who will confess first)

And you met Leo!! He doesn't get much spotlight (he will in my Eddie Munson fic) but I love him so much and he and Eddie are the best 🥰

Next chapter is like the "part two" of this one! And where things get spooky... >:)

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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