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Chapter One-Hundred-And-Fifteen: Contacting The Party

(The Bite, Pt. 3)


Rowan jimmied the handle with her mind, pushing it open and whispering, "Okay, let's do this."

The minute they were inside, Dustin put his backpack down and whipped his walkie out, pulling the antenna up, yelling, "Mike! This is a Code Red! I repeat, this is a Code Red! Mike, are you there? Does anyone copy? This is a Code Red!"

Rowan frowned, before she crouched down and held the walkie. "Dustin, let me do something."

Dustin's brows dipped, but he let her hold it as Rowan concentrated, summoning her electricity to the surface. But instead of crackling along her skin, Rowan siphoned it into the walkie, juicing up the batteries inside it. Dropping her hands, Rowan sucked in a breath and said, "I don't know how long that is gonna last, but you better make it worth it, Henderson."

Dustin nodded, before he raised the walkie to his face and yelled, "Mike! Mike, are you there! Does anyone copy? This is a Code Red! I repeat, this is a Code Red! This is a Code Red!"

"Dustin?" crackled over, Mike's voice clear and unmistakable and goddamn relieving.

"Mike?" Dustin questioned, half-disbelieving it.

"Dustin!" came over again, stronger this time.

"Mike!" Dustin yelled, grinning. "Oh my God, you have to listen. I know I've been MIA, and I'm sorry, it's not because I'm mad. I mean, I actually was mad."

"Dustin, get to the part where we need a ride," Rowan hissed—time was crucial here.

"I'm getting there, jeez! Anyway, it's also because I was trapped underground in a secret Russian base with Rowan and Steve and Valerie and Robin," Dustin explained.

"Dustin, you're—ng way to—can't underst—ou," crackled over, static clipping the words and worry spiked in Rowan. Shit, maybe her electricity wasn't enough to juice up those batteries yet.

"I know that sounds insane, but the Russians have infiltrated Hawkins! The goddamn Russians!" Dustin shouted, oblivious to how Mike was cutting out. "And now, they're using this machine or something to open the gate!"

"Dustin, you're—you're break—g up," Mike said over the walkie, the static worse.

"Dustin," Rowan hissed empathetically.

"And now, they're after us and we don't have a way out of here, so I need you to come and get us. Can Nancy drive?" Dustin finished off, finally getting to the reason why they needed to contact the Party.

But instead of an answer confirming Nancy could, Mike only said, "Dustin, you—uttin—ut."

Dustin, now realising the problem, asked, "Mike?"

"Dustin, you there?" came over but it was scrambled with static.

"Mike? Mike, do you copy?" Dustin demanded.

"Dustin," was the only thing to come through before a whining noise came and Rowan and Dustin saw the blinking red light.

"Oh, fuck," Rowan said, knowing what that red light could only mean.

"Shit! Not now. Please, not now. Mike!" Dustin yelled. When no response came, he yelled again, "Mike!"


Dustin lowered the walkie, looking at Rowan with panicked eyes.

Their plan on getting out had failed again.

"Shit," Rowan whispered. "Come on, we need to get back to the others."

Dustin needed to be told twice, and they rushed back to the front row of seats, rejoining Erica who looked at them quizzically. Dustin turned to her and immediately asked, "Do you have any batteries? Double-A?"

"Why would I have batteries?" Erica asked back.

"I always carry batteries," Dustin answered.

"Not everyone carries batteries around, menace," Rowan chimed in with a roll of her eyes.

"Yeah, but not everyone is you, Rowan," Dustin retorted back as Rowan ignored it. "And it's also being prepared."

"Then what's the problem?" Erica inquired.

"I need eight," Dustin revealed.

"Eight?" Erica echoed incredulously, before she jabbed her finger at Rowan. "Why not ask her?"

"Tried to juice them up earlier. Didn't work," Rowan revealed under her breath.

Erica stared at her as Dustin sighed and muttered, "Shit. Guess we'll have to go to Plan B."

"Plan B? What's Plan B?" Erica asked.

"Yeah, I didn't know we already had another plan, Henderson," Rowan said pointedly.

Dustin didn't answer, because he'd noticed something and leaned forward. Rowan frowned and looked in his direction, as did Erica.

When she did, her jaw dropped and her eyes bugged out of her skull as panic sprung to frantic life in her.

The chairs Steve, Robin and Valerie were sitting in were vacant, with her friends and Steve nowhere in sight.

"Where are they?" Dustin said as he, Erica and Rowan shared panicked looks.

"Shit!" Rowan cursed as they scrambled out of their seats and ran to the exit, ignoring the angry shushes and dirty looks.

They had to find Steve, Robin and Valerie right now. 

Before the Russians did.


Short, I know. But I hope the slight chaos makes up for it

This scene is honestly so iconic, especially with that Back For The Future music used for it. Top-tier music choice and placement 👌

Now, Rowan, Dustin and Erica are on the hunt for high!Steve, Robin and Valerie!

Also, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 5K!!! Thank you for getting thunderstruck so far! I'm wishing you all the love! <3333

Next chapter will be soon! And it will have some stuff in it ;)

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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