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Chapter One-Hundred-And-Twenty-Two: Trapped At Starcourt Mall

(The Battle Of Starcourt Mall, Pt. 4)


Rowan marched toward Nancy's car, Nancy, Jonathan and Will, Lucas and Cami with her. Behind them, Max, Mike and Alistair helped El as Hugin roosted in Alistair's hair. Tension and the fear of the Mind Flayer finding them before they could get to Murray's safe-house crackled in the air, and Rowan resisted the urge to look over her shoulder to make sure the four behind them were indeed following, her stomach twisting into itself as that fear buzzed in her bloodstream.

It's going to be fine. It's not gonna find us. We're going to be fine, and they're going to be fine, Rowan tried to remind herself, but it did little to help ease the fear.

"El, you're bleeding," Rowan heard Max say, and Rowan looked over to see El grimacing in pain. Rowan's eyes tracked down to the bandage and saw fresh spots of blood blooming on the white. Rowan's gut twisted, and she saw similar worry in the eyes of those who cared the most about El. 

"Are you okay?" Mike asked.

Despite the grimace of pain twisting her face, El nodded and said, "Yeah."

Rowan didn't know whether that was the truth, or if El was putting on a brave face, but Rowan hoped the other girl was in less pain than she had been in earlier.

As they reached the car, Nancy and Jonathan got in the front while Will, Cami, Lucas and Max piled into the back. Rowan let them go first, murmuring, "Get inside, gremlins," before following. Since the back seat was already crammed with the four younger teenagers, Rowan sat on the floor, feeling like a can of sardines. In the back, Mike and Al helped El inside, Mike murmuring, "Here, lay down."

Once they were all inside, Nancy turned on the keys to start driving, but a stuttering noise came.

"Uh, Nance, now would be the time to go," Rowan said, but the noise had stoked Rowan's worry from embers to a flickering fire.

"I know," Nancy replied, teeth gritted as she twisted the keys again, but only that noise came back while the car remained stationary. Rowan's worry increased.

"What's wrong?" Jonathan asked, sounding as worried as Rowan felt.

"I don't... I don't know," Nancy answered as she wrenched the keys again. Again, that noise came, and now dread was rising up to join her worry.

"You can't be serious. Come on!" Nancy yelled at the car.

"Didn't your mom just buy this car?" Lucas asked.

"Yes. I'm sure it's fine," Nancy responded, sounding like she was trying to convince herself too.

"Brand new cars don't make those noises, Nance," Rowan pointed out.

"I know, Rowan!" Nancy snapped.

"Did you leave the lights on?" Will asked.

"No!" Nancy exclaimed.

"Do we have gas?" Lucas questioned next.

"Yes!" Nancy yelled as she turned the keys again with enough force Rowan thought they were going to snap off. "Come on!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Just stop, stop!" Jonathan ordered. Nancy did so, giving her boyfriend a frustrated look.

"Pop the hood," he said, and the two got out to do so as Rowan leaned forward, watching as Jonathan lifted the hood to see what the hell was going on with Nancy's car.

Through the open driver's side door, Rowan heard Jonathan mutter, "What the hell?"

"What?" Nancy questioned.

"The ignition cable's gone."

Rowan's blood froze. Shit.

A loud, familiar revving noise came—a noise Rowan would recognise anywhere.

With ice in her veins, Rowan, Max, Lucas, Will and Cami turned to the left and saw the source of the noise—and the thief of the ignition cable that stranded them here.

There, like a scene out of Christine, was the blue Camaro that belonged to Billy Hargrove, lights piercing the night. It was too far to see Billy exactly, but Rowan could see his silhouette past the cracked glass of the windscreen, and that was enough to inject fear into her veins.

Because if Billy knew they were here... then the Mind Flayer would, too.


Rowan cast a look to Max. All the kids in the car were scared, but Rowan knew she would be the most scared. She held the redhead's hand, trying to mask her own fear because these kids—especially Alistair and Max—needed her to be strong, she had to be strong for them, to show that Flayed or not, she was going to fucking kick Billy's ass to protect them.

A slam banged on the window, jolting Rowan as her heart ratcheted against her rib cage. She, Max, Lucas, Cami and Will whirled to see Nancy there, shouting, "Back in the mall! Back in the mall!"

There was no need to be told twice, as Lucas opened the door and Rowan pushed the kids as best she could, shouting, "Go, gremlins! Move, move, move!"

They scrambled out of the car, Rowan a second behind them. She sprinted to the back along with Jonathan and Will, opening the door and as they helped Alistair and Mike with El to get her out of the car, Max right behind Rowan as the younger girl took over Rowan's place in helping El as Will said, " Be careful."

"Come on, let's go!" Rowan shouted as they sprinted back to Starcourt, Nancy shouting, "Go! Go, go, go!"

"Back inside! BACK INSIDE!" Rowan hollered.

"Go! Go, go, go!" Nancy and Jonathan shouted, and as they raced back into the mall, Rowan risked a look back, seeing Billy still revving his car, not having moved an inch since they realised he was here, that he left them stuck with no way to safety.

That they were now trapped at Starcourt Mall.


"Scoops Troop, do you copy? Scoops Troop, do you copy? Scoops Troop, do you copy? Scoops Troop, I repeat, do you copy?" Mike spoke into the walkie, something he had been doing for the past half hour since their group that was supposed to be in Murray's safe-house was left trapped inside Starcourt, trying to get in contact with Dustin's group that had been code-named Scoops Troop—fitting, Rowan thought—but so far, none of them had picked up.

Around the gangly teen, Alistair and Cami stayed by El's side while Lucas pulled out his wrist rocket and Jonathan stood next to Nancy as she took a gun from a dead Russian. Rowan, just like Lucas and Nancy, was prepping her own weapon, summoning sparks of lightning to her hands before letting them fade away and repeat the process. And every time she summoned sparks, she increased the voltage and heat, the sparks burning a brighter and brighter blue-white as her veins and eyes burned.

When the sparks she summoned were so bright it was almost blinding, hissing wildly and burning so hot even Rowan felt their heat, she let them fade away, confident she could unleash that strength of lightning—that she had recovered enough to do so. Wiping away the trickle of blood, Rowan looked back to Mike as he paced around, saying into the walkie, "We're trapped in the mall, and in need of emergency transportation. Scoops Troop, do you copy? Billy has found us. He has disabled our car, and we are trapped in the mall. Repeat, Billy has disabled our car and we are trapped in the mall. Scoops Troop!"

As Mike went to repeat the same message again, Rowan looked back over to Nancy and Jonathan—with Max and Will standing in front of Nancy. Rowan went to join them, seeing Nancy begin to prep the gun she'd taken as Max asked, "You and Rowan are gonna kill him, aren't you?"

"This is just a precaution, okay?" Nancy answered.

Rowan nodded in agreement. "If it comes down to it, then yeah, we will."

"And not just against Billy. If he knows we're here, so does the Mind Flayer," Will said, reminding Max of the grave danger they were in of Billy knowing where they are—better than anyone, given Will's previous connection to the son of a bitch.

"Exactly, and if we can't get the guys to come, we'll have to fight," Rowan concurred, her face grim, hiding her confusion bordering on worry. Where were they? Why weren't any of them picking up Mike's transmission? 

They're fine, Rowan tried to tell herself, but she, Nancy, Jonathan and the gremlins were trapped in Starcourt thanks to a Flayed Billy Hargrove, with the Mind Flayer either seconds or minutes behind. Despite herself, she feared something bad had happened to them, to Steve.

Rowan looked at the group, at seeing the fear Will and Max were trying to hide. She looked back to her brother, saw the grim look on his face. The siblings both knew if it came to it, they were the best chance of fighting the Mind Flayer with El's battery so low. And Rowan herself would expend all her newly-recovered strength to make sure everyone—including her brother—got to safety.

"Scoops troop, I repeat, we are in need of emergency transportation! Do you copy? Scoops Troop, do you copy?" Mike exclaimed into the walkie.

"Mike, just give it up already. We're on our own," Rowan told him, but Mike ignored her and kept trying to contact Scoops Troop. But her words seemed to get to Nancy, as she looked at the totalled car El had used to bowl over the Russians and asked sarcastically, "No chance that thing'll drive, right?"

"We don't need it to drive," Jonathan said. "We just need the ignition cable."

Rowan's eyes widened, then she grinned. "Byers, you genius."

"Steve, do you copy? Dustin!" Mike shouted, and as he began trying to contact them again, Rowan took the walkie. "Hey!"

"Quit it, Wheeler. They're not picking up," Rowan said. She pointed behind her to the car. "Besides, we've got ourselves another way out."

Mike looked confused, before understanding dawned. He made for the car as Nancy, Jonathan and Rowan spread the plan among the other kids and they—with the exception of El and Will—gathered behind the car.

"On three," Jonathan said as they all put their hands against the car. "One, two, three—push!"

They pushed, grunting and heaving. Rowan gritted her teeth as she planted her feet and pushed with everything in her, as they all pushed, with even Hugin pushing against the car, but it wasn't moving.

"Push!" Jonathan shouted again, and they all pushed with a grunt, but the car only moved a few inches before it ground to a stop.

"Shit!" Lucas cursed as Hugin gave an exhausted croak, her brother murmuring something to his raven.

"Let me try," El offered.

"El," Mike went to protest, and Rowan came to agree—no way could El have recovered enough to move as something as heavy as this—but she only stepped forward and said firmly, "I can do it."

They all looked each other, Mike the most hesitant—and Rowan couldn't blame him—but she also knew El understood her powers and her limits the most, that it was her decision.

So they all got out from behind the car and gathered behind El as she stretched out her hand and forced her will onto the car. It rattled, metal groaning as El tried to pull it forward and onto its wheels, but it wasn't budging.

Something about it had a spike of worry grow in Rowan. Even as injured as she was, El had moved heavier things than that car. It shouldn't be giving her any trouble at all. 

What's wrong with El?

After another minute of trying to move the car, El's hand dropped with a grunt. And while Rowan couldn't see El's face, she could tell the telekinetic girl must be shocked and confused that she couldn't move the car.

Her brother was instantly there, murmuring, "It's okay, El. You did your best."

El didn't say anything, as if her powers failing her had stunned her into silence. Rowan could feel the question about to form, so she said, "My telekinesis is still pretty low. It'd be the same result."

To prove it, Rowan focused her mind on the car, trying to move it forward. It scraped by a few inches before stopping. Rowan wiped the blood from her noise and pointed to it.

"Okay. We can still move it. I have an idea," Mike said.

So that was how they were all behind the car again, counter stools in their hands and braced against the car—according to Mike and physics, this could get the car on its wheels.

"Alright, on three. One, two, three, push!" Jonathan commanded. They did so, using the stools to push against the car. It shook, moving forward and Rowan felt hope burn inside her.

"All right, great. All right, now all the way. Ready?" Jonathan said, and they all nodded.

"Three, two one. Push!"

They pushed, grunting and heaving as the car groaned, metal scraping, but finally, it flipped back over onto its wheels.

Rowan panted, leaning on her pilfered stool as Mike said, "Told you. Physics."

Rowan rolled her eyes as she hopped off the counter, standing next to the car and watching as Nancy and Jonathan went to the crumpled hood, ready to steal the ignition cable.

"How do we get it open?" Nancy asked, after trying to pop the hood and now seeing the car was a different model from hers.

"Uh, there should be a latch. Check under the wheel," Jonathan informed as Nancy did so, Rowan choosing to help as she summoned a ball of electricity to provide some light. Nancy smiled gratefully as she looked for the latch, Rowan also peering in to look.

"You two see it?" Jonathan asked.

"I don't know, hold on. Rowan?" Nancy replied, and Rowan made the light burn brighter, squinting as she said, "I don't see it either, Byers. Not yet."

After another few seconds of searching, Nancy found it. She twisted it and the hood popped open. Rowan dispelled the ball and the two girls walked over to it, watching as Jonathan leaned forward to find the ignition cable.

"Do you see it?" Nancy asked, and Jonathan shook his head. 

"I don't know," he mumbled. "It should be right here."

"Fuck, if this thing doesn't have it, we're screwed," Rowan said, worry visible in her voice.

"It will, trust me," Jonathan assured. "Distributor, distributor..."

Rowan bit her lip and looked away.

Which was how Rowan noticed Will freeze up, a hand to the back of his neck as look of terror slowly dawned on his face—a second before something prickled against Rowan, a frequency that wasn't the wrong one of the Upside Down, but frighteningly similar enough.

She looked up, and her blood froze as she saw a dark shape over the glass ceiling as it wobbled, before she locked eyes with Alistair.

"Got it," Jonathan said, ripping the ignition cable out, but it was too late.

And as Mike shouted, "NANCY!", Rowan screamed, "ALISTAIR!", just enough warning before the ceiling shattered.

Rowan grabbed Cami and Lucas and they, Will, Jonathan and Nancy sprinted behind the car—hiding just in time as the Mind Flayer landed in Starcourt Mall with a roar. The lights went berserk, and as Rowan pressed herself against the car, in the middle between Nancy and Lucas, she prayed that Alistair, Mike, El and Max had managed to hide in time.

Rowan's heart pounded inside her chest, the Mind Flayer's snarls chilling her blood. Her lightning flickered uneasily under her skin as Rowan forced herself not to breathe too loud, forcing herself not to risk looking to see if her brother, Mike, El and Max had found a hiding spot as the Mind Flayer searched for them—for El—the lights flickering above maniacally, exposing anyone who could try to take a chance and run.

Beyond the Mind Flayer's bulk of flesh and bone and organs, was escape. But if they chanced it, they would all be killed.


The monster's heavy steps rumbled in Rowan's ears like a death bell, its gargantuan weight shaking the floor beneath them. But even without its snarls, its heavy footsteps, Rowan would know it was there by its smell—turns out, melted people smelled atrocious. It took everything in her not to vomit. 

Around her, Rowan could hear the hushed, frightened breathing of Lucas, Nancy, Cami, Jonathan and Will—Will, oh God, this must be traumatising for the poor kid, to relive the fear of the Mind Flayer possessing him, hunting him down until it did—as Rowan risked a look in the car's side mirror, seeing a fleshy tentacle appear out of one of the monster's legs pick up the corpse of a Russian and fling him into the wall with enough force that if the Russian wasn't dead already, it would have killed him.

Rowan gulped, the sight of it intensifying the fear.

It was then that the walkie Rowan had abandoned on a bench when they did the first attempt at pushing the car crackled to life—Scoops Troop answering at last, and far too late.

"Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Over!" Dustin's voice yelled through the walkie. 

Rowan bit her lip as her heart thundered against the bones of her rib cage with enough force she was surprised they didn't break. She didn't want anything more than to pick up that walkie and scream at Dustin they needed help, but she couldn't—none of them could. Not with the Mind Flayer who didn't notice the walkie. Yet.

"Griswold Family, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Griswold Family, do you copy? DO YOU COPY?!"

Someone picked up. Except it wasn't anyone human. 

Rowan watched with mute horror as the Mind Flayer snatched the walkie up with its flesh tentacle and roared into it. The roar was nothing like Rowan heard—it was loud and screeching and, to her horror, full of dozens of agonised screams, screaming over and over and over, but the Mind Flayer's roar was the loudest, and it was full of an alien, incomprehensible vengeance that had terror freeze Rowan's bones. And when the Mind Flayer's roar ended, it flung the walkie against the car, smashing it. Its message clear.

A warning, and a promise of death.

From the destroyed walkie, Dustin's voice came in, choppy from both panic and the destruction.

"Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Please confirm your safety! Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Please confirm your safety! Are you en route to Bald Eagle's nest? Please confirm your safety! Someone, please, just answer! Is anyone there? Just answer!" Dustin yelled, his voice growing more and more desperate. "Anyone, please—Griswold Family, do you copy? Griswold Family, do you copy? Griswold Family, do y—

Then it cut off completely.

Icy fear chilled Rowan as the Mind Flayer continued its search, the slow way it lumbered making the fear of being hunted even worse. Rowan's heart was beating so fast, she wondered how the monster hadn't heard it, and God, were the others okay, could they get to safety, was her little brother okay!?

Rowan saw Nancy look up, using the car's mirror to see the Mind Flayer. They both watched as the Mind Flayer picked up another corpse and flung it across the mall. Nancy quickly ducked down, and she and Rowan shared a look—both feeling the fear only older siblings felt of their younger siblings being in danger and unable to protect them.

The Mind Flayer continued searching, turned away from their hiding spot and whatever place the other four were hiding in, and Rowan wondered if this was the chance to escape and run the fuck out of here before it could find them, to—

A loud noise shattered the tense, terrified silence.

The Mind Flayer screeched and Rowan watched to her horror as it scuttled over to The Gap, way too fast for a creature its size. It stopped in front of the store as a tentacle shot out and grabbed something wearing a black and yellow shirt. El's shirt.

For a heart-stopping moment, Rowan thought the monster had found El, but the barest flicker of relief burned through the fear when she saw it was a mannequin, wearing the same shirt El was wearing.

The Mind Flayer realised this too, and it quickly threw the mannequin into the wall, screeching in anger. The screech made Rowan's heart stop again. If Alistair, Mike, Max and El were in that store...

There was no way they could escape from the Mind Flayer in time.

True enough, two  tentacles tore out from the mass of melted flesh that made up the monster and headed into the store, beginning the search. Rowan's heart was in her throat, fear strangling her.

If they didn't do something—if she didn't do something—the four of them would be found. They would die.

That couldn't happen. She promised she would protect them. No matter what.

But as Rowan made to teleport and electrocute the bastard, something twitched. Something behind the Mind Flayer.

To her shock, Rowan witnessed as a Russian the Mind Flayer hadn't flung across the mall like a careless child with a toy got to his feet. For a moment, Rowan wondered if the Russian had come to consciousness, but the movements were too jerky, too stiff. And the Russian wasn't speaking, wasn't panicking at the sight of the monster.

The Russian was acting like he was still dead.

That was when Rowan registered the unnatural chill in the room—the cold that came when her brother used his power of raising the dead.

Holy shit.

Alistair could raise dead people.

That was why he didn't want her there for his final test—why he was so secretive about it. He didn't want her to know about this, that just like animals Alistair could reanimate dead humans with his powers. And as Rowan saw the shocked look on Lucas', Cami's and Will's faces, his friends hadn't known as well. And Rowan had a feeling as to why.

When they got out of this alive, Rowan was having a talk with her brother. And giving him the biggest hug in the world.

But right here, right now, Rowan watched as the reanimated corpse her brother was controlling like a puppet was doing what she was about to do, raising the gun in its hands to the back of the Mind Flayer, hesitating for a second before it pulled the trigger and fired at the monster.

The Mind Flayer shrieked as bullets struck its body, black blood spraying. It whipped around and a tentacle lashed out and caught the corpse by the head. Alistair's zombie kept firing, but the Mind Flayer didn't give it a chance to empty the gun's chamber before the monster threw the zombie against the escalators. And from the way it didn't get back up—that no other corpses got up—Alistair must have exhausted that power to try and buy him, Mike, Max and El more time.

But it didn't work, as the Mind Flayer only resumed its search, snarling. And Rowan knew that this time, it would find them.

Lucas seemed to realise this, too, because he hurriedly grabbed his wrist rocket and a projectile. Nancy noticed and she hissed, "What are you doing?"

"Don't worry," Lucas whispered, before he stood up.

"Lucas!" Rowan and Cami hissed in unison, the older girl watching in mute panic as Lucas aimed his wrist rocket, focusing, as the Mind Flayer snarled louder, the snarl almost sounding like triumph—


A balloon exploded and Lucas ducked down as Rowan peered around and saw the Mind Flayer whip around, screeching as it raced over to the balloons. A decoy—and distraction.

Jonathan and Nancy realised this too, because the former immediately yelled, "Go! Go, go, go, go, go, go!"

Rowan, Lucas, Cami and Will didn't need to be told twice, scrambling away from the car and over the counter. Jonathan slammed open the door and they bolted into the delivery corridor and up the stairs.

When the exit appeared, Rowan thrust her hand forward and the door flew off the hinges, skidding across the concrete as the group of six bolted across the asphalt, Jonathan screaming, "Go, go, go!"

When they reached Nancy's car, Rowan threw the door open and shouted, "Inside gremlins! Get inside right fucking now!" 

They listened, scrambling inside, and as Rowan slammed the car door and Jonathan replaced the ignition cable with their stolen one, revving tore through the night and Rowan looked up to see the blue Camaro still there.

Fuck. Billy.

"Shit," Jonathan muttered as Rowan raced to join the two other older teens, watching as Hargrove continued revving, and Rowan knew he wasn't going to remain parked now.

"Get the car started," Nancy ordered. "Go!"

Jonathan obeyed, slamming the hood down and bolting to the driver's side as Nancy marched in front of the car, cocking the gun and raising it. Rowan was at her side, fists full of crackling electricity.

And as Jonathan started the car, it stalled again. Rowan pushed down the panic as Jonathan tried again, and Hargrove put his car into drive and raced toward them.

Nancy didn't hesitate to shoot, firing off the gun the minute Hargrove had started driving. And as Nancy fired bullets into the windshield, Rowan fired bolts of electricity at the car. Lightning snaked across the cracked windshield, hissing as it came in contact with the metal, but even with electricity that burned blinding, incandescent blue-white and kissed Rowan's skin with heat, even with the bullets Nancy was firing point blank, Hargrove wasn't slowing down. In fact, he seemed to be speeding up.

And Nancy's car still hadn't started.

So as Hargrove was seconds away from colliding into them, Rowan grabbed Nancy and shielded her with her body as much as she could as both stopped attacking and Rowan braced herself for the collision—

And an ear-splitting CRASH came.

Tyres screeched on asphalt, the Camaro and whatever had crashed into it skidding across the parking lot before both came to a stop. And as Rowan looked up, her heart almost gave out from relief.

Because, driving a completely wrecked yellow convertible, was Steve. Robin and Valerie were with him, dazed by the wreck, but Rowan could only look at Steve.

He had saved them.

Rowan pulled away from Nancy and teleported to the car right as Steve asked, "Are you two okay?"

"Ask me tomorrow," Robin responded weakly, as Valerie only groaned.

"Steve!" Rowan exclaimed as Steve turned. Relief blossomed on his face.

"You're okay," he breathed, letting go of the wheel to touch her face, like he needed to touch her to know she was real and okay.

"I am. Are you okay?" she asked as she held Steve's face.

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay, Rowan."

That was enough for Rowan. 

As she looked at her friends, about to ask the same, she heard a roar from the mall behind her.

She turned as Steve, Robin and Valerie stood up inn the car, their faces morphing into horror and shock as the Mind Flayer crawled on top of the shattered remains of the glass ceiling, a horror movie monster moment come to frightening life as it gave a bone-chilling roar.

"Holy shit," Robin breathed.

"Dios mío," Valerie whispered, eyes as round as moons.

A horn honked and all four teens whirled to see Nancy's car there, finally working and Jonathan in the driver's seat.

"Get in!" Nancy yelled.

Rowan didn't need to be told twice, grabbing Steve's hand as they, Robin and Valerie rushed to the back, opening the door and clambering inside. Rowan slammed the door just in time, as the wheels screeched against asphalt as they peeled away, watching with horror as the Mind Flayer climbed down and chased after them, screeching.

"Go, go, go, go!" Rowan, Steve, Robin, Valerie, Cami, Lucas and Will screamed and Jonathan increased the speed, rocketing down the road.

But the Mind Flayer was fast, gaining ground on them. And Rowan knew what she had to do to slow it down.

Twisting around, she locked eyes with the approaching form of the Mind Flayer as she raised her hands, stretching her senses to both the one crackling inside her and the one threatening to break, summoning all her strength as she tugged on an invisible lock and snapped it with a feral scream.

And with that snap, the storm was unleashed.



This chapter was a long one, but it was a BLAST to write! I loved writing it so much and had a lot of fun with it—even though it's the opposite for Rowan in this chapter

The mall scene is one of the most tense things in all of the show, if I'm being honest. Every time I watch it, I get scared the Mind Flayer actually is gonna find Mike, Max and El, so I hope I conveyed that tension well!

Something I've been keeping secret for a long time is that, yes, Alistair CAN raise dead people, too! He kept it secret from everyone except Vervain, Hazel and Percy, because he doesn't want people—especially the people who care about him—to be scared he can do that. But it couldn't stay a secret for long (and I can't WAIT to show you how more badass he gets with that power...)

Nancy firing that gun at Billy was such a badass scene, so I had to add the other badass that is Rowan to it. I hope I did it justice

AND STEVE'S BACK!!! Him and Rowan got to share a moment of relief that the other's okay—Steve was definitely panicking that Rowan was hurt or dead since he heard the Mind Flayer's roar—before the Mind Flayer had to interrupt.

Also, that ending... you'll see in the next chapter ;)

Spanish translation:

Dios mío: Oh my God

Next chapter will be soon!

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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