And so the adventure begins.

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It was a warm and sunny Thursday afternoon when I decided to take a stroll at a nearby mall, hoping to somewhat cool myself down. I walked right by a toy store, then I saw him looking right through me from his shop’s glass front panels.

With a plastic cup of iced flat white coffee on my right hand, my left hand holding on tightly to my canvas U2 printed bag, I was absentmindedly staring at a Venom action figure displayed on the shop’s front window when I’ve noticed him staring at me. I felt the curiosity in his piercing gaze. Feeling somewhat hypnotized by this man, I had the urge to go inside the store after I have finished sipping the final drops of my iced drink.

When I went inside the shop, I saw his eyes flicker with my “surprise” visit, and he gave me a smile. He is, no doubt, more attractive and sexier up close, that I couldn’t help myself but admire his tattoos.

“Hi. Uhm, mind if I take a look at your items on sale? I might see something that I might like,” I greeted awkwardly, while biting my lower lips.

“Hello…um, yeah sure. We have new toy arrivals so help yourself.”

I have noticed that he was smiling at me and so I gave him a little smile and a nod too.


While I was holding and checking out the articulation of a Batman figure, “K” by Cigarettes After Sex blasted loudly from the speakers.

Oh, this dude knows how to tickle one’s imagination with a furry flogger alright, I thought to myself.

I caught him looking at me and so I couldn’t help but play staring contest with him; the intensity in his eyes was shattering the glass shelves between us.

“You have nice tattoos,” I blurted out, clueless as to how he would react to what I said.

“You got nice tattoos yourself. How many do you have?”

As if I was prompted by my teacher to present my favorite toy for a show-and-tell, I bragged and blurted, “A lot,” and let out a chuckle.

He stood up from his seat and walked over to my direction to look at my tattoos up close. God, he’s fucking hot. Couldn’t help but fan myself even if the A/C was in full blast.

“I actually have ten, but this one’s my favorite,” I pulled my shirt down quickly to show him my Bible verse tattoo.

“Wait, that was quick. I wasn’t able to catch that. Let me take a glimpse so I can see it.”

To my surprise, he moved even closer that I can feel his warm breath against my face, and he hooked his middle finger on my shirtdress’s neckline to pull it down, his hand brushing my chest; his wrist resting on it. An electric current was flowing through my whole body.

“What’s your Psalm 27 tattoo all about?” he asked with a smirk. I think I’m going crazy at this point because all I wanna do right then and there is to lick his face while pulling his hair in delirious pleasure.

“When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, they will stumble and fall.”


He paused and bit his lower lip, then he quipped,

“that sounds more like a challenge to me though.”

He flashed his pearly whites as he said this and I felt the heat wave becoming more intense inside that shop. I think I'm going to have a heat stroke.

Since I don’t know how to react to that, I let out an awkward laugh and tried to change the subject. 

“Um, do you happen to have, by any chance, the Sentinel Build-a Figure one? I’ve long been wanting to have that toy for quite a while now.”

“Oh. The 16-inch-figure. Follow me.”

He walked towards the back part of the shop that is somewhat hidden in plain sight, and then I followed suit.  Then he asked me to wait for him a little bit while looking for the Sentinel figure for me. I turned my back on him to check out the other toys displayed on the glass shelf.

A couple of minutes after and I felt that he was standing right behind me. He then whispered something into my ear, which changed the whole mood inside the store. From a heatwave to a stormy weather leading to a flood.

“Would you be interested if we play a little?”

I felt a lump in my throat, and at the same time I was feeling thrilled and frisky at that moment and so, after taking a deep breath, I said my sweetest yes.

Then, I felt a hard object stroking the back of my thighs and my a** in slow motion, and he’s doing a figure eight with it. I trembled a little and let out a little moan when the said object was rubbed hard on my crotch part. He then whispered into my ear,

“Do you like it?”

“Uh-mmm.” I was trying to control myself and not let out a loud moan.

I was an Energizer bunny loaded with a new battery as he slid up the figure inside my dress, the object being rubbed against my panties. It got me so excited that when he cupped my chin, I licked his middle and ring finger, and lead the other hand to join the party down there. He played my pu**y with so much gusto, as if it was a prized toy, a rare collectible.
I then took the liberty to insert my hand inside the waist band of his walking shorts. I took the wholeness of his hard, throbbing c**k with my hand and stroke it in different tempos. We were pleasuring each other in the same beat, as if following a metronome’s tick. Tac. Tac. Tac. Tac. All eyes from the action figures were upon us while the glass shelves tremble in a fast rhythm.

As I’ve felt an org**m coming, I made my strokes a bit faster so we can c*m at the same time. When he came, a thick, rich amount of his load were dripping from my right hand. I was out of breath and ecstatic, my knees weak and trembling from all that finger fucking. I have excused myself to go to the restroom to clean myself up and I’ve noticed that the glimmer in his eyes didn’t even dim one bit.

When I stepped out of the restroom, I took my bag that I have absentmindedly dropped onto the floor, and then grabbed the Batman figure I was holding onto earlier. I walked with wobbly knees towards the counter where he was standing and smiling from ear to ear, waiting for me. I paid for the Batman figure and said our goodbyes.

“Well...thanks, Sir. I guess I’ll see you around.”

He gave me a sweet smile and did a salute and said, “You’re the real trooper.”

I let out a chuckle while I was shaking my head, as if in disbelief on what had just happened. I left the shop as if I had just stepped out from a rollercoaster. What a wild adventure that was with …, oh shit, I even forgot to ask him his name. Never mind, he didn’t even bother asking for mine either, I thought to myself.

As I was walking on the side of the road while waiting for a taxi cab, I have noticed a difference in the weight of my bag. I opened it and to my surprise, the Sentinel figure's head was peeking in the bag’s opening, glimmering with moist under the afternoon sun.

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