Stop stealing Art!

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I'm super sad right now cause there are people like this on wattpad. Bro man! That is not cool! Stop it! stop it! stop it!

I know what you're thinking.

Woah soko calm yourself!

"Dodoodoododoot" News Flash!
Never ever will I ever forgive anyone who claims my art is theirs. Now if you wanna steal art... Stop. Think of what you're doing, you are about to commit a fraud and that is horrifying. That's is bad and now, think about who's art you stole.... Imagine how they feel after they got all they're hard work stolen from them. Now think about this, you will not get the same satisfaction from completing a drawing. And even if you suck. That's ok because I know you can get better and I believe in you to turn yourself around. With two simple steps.

1. Apologize

2. Give it all back.

This is so wrong. Why would anyone ever do this. If you won't do it for someone else. If you won't do it for me. Then do it for yourself, because what you are doing is wrong.

No, it's worse.

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