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Taehyung's POV

The night went pretty successfully, Jungkook and I did a lot of small talking, him occasionally standing up to just check we weren't heading for land before sitting back down in my arms again.

His body warmth was amazing and I loved the trust he had in letting me keep my arm around his shoulders, my hand falling near his pec.

Nothing too exciting happened as I didn't successfully get Jungkook to take me to his bed but I felt like we mutually bonded more as we began talking about comparisons in our lives.

I may have had a rich upbringing but it was interesting how much was similar in both of our lives.

Even when I went to bed, Jungkook must not have found the others because of the dark and distance as we'd probably talked for a couple hours so our plan succeeded.

I'd just finished pulling the pillows out from under everyone's blankets as a crew member walked in.

His eyes furrowed as he looked at me.

"Good morning." I chirped trying to hide the truth that others were gone.

"Morning to ye, where's everyone else?" The male asked.

"Showering and using the toilet and such." I replied.

But I was quick to speak again, "What's the captain's orders for today?"

"Rowing." The male simply replied.

"Alright, let's go, the others can find us when they are done showering. I showered last night when I left the banquet." I told the male who nodded.

We both headed to the rowing room, the male sitting on the stairs while I began rowing.

"How long have you been working on the ship for?" I asked the male curiously while I continued rowing.

He looked at me suspiciously before speaking, "About ten years." He replied.

"What made you want to be a pirate?" I asked after.

"Urm, I worked as a fisherman, our ship was hijacked by pirates but they let me live, giving me a chance to join them and then I found our old captain and he gave me a role on this pirate ship which was more well known and here I am today." He replied.

"Wow, that's a long time." I replied.

He nodded, "Someday I hope we hit a big load of gold, then I can stop my sea journeys and settle down with enough to sustain myself." He replied.

This male likely is in his 30's but it seems he's also looking at what he wants to do in the future.

The male then cleared his throat, "I think the others likely have gone and had breakfast, you head on up to eat Taehyung and bring the others back down when you're done."

"Alright." I replied simply, standing up while feeling a bit nervous.

I think this male will soon realise that I am alone and I'm not sure what he will do about it.

Jungkooks POV

I sipped some coffee that my crew member just brought me before he burst back into the room.

I looked up at him, almost spilling my hot drink onto my lap from where I sat by my desk.

"Why didn't you knock!?" I shouted at the male before he could speak.

"Ah sorry Captain, I just have some urgent news." The male told me.

He panted as though he'd been running around the ship.

"They're gone sir." My crew member replied.

My eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"The royals. They are gone. They are not on the ship." He said again.

"Are you kidding me!?" I shouted, rage erupting inside of me.

I just spoke to Taehyung for hours, barely slept and they are gone? Even Taehyung?

"But they attended the banquet? And I was talking to Taehyung last night." I said, standing up, slamming my fists on my bench.

"Find them." I demanded.

"We've looked sir." My crew responded.

Before I could start yelling at him, my eyes landed on a stunning male who was pushed inside my room by one of my other crew.


My eyes slightly softened.

"Go. Search the boat again." I directed.

"Now." I demanded as I saw both crew members still standing inside my room.

They rushed out, leaving me alone with Taehyung.

Why just Taehyung though?

I know he mentioned not wanting to go home but was he that serious?

I think he'd be a great ruler so he deserves to go back at some point.

"Are they actually gone?" I asked Taehyung, walking over to him as he stood not far from my door.

"Yes." He answered honestly.

"How long ago?" I asked him while placing my hands on my hips.

"Early morning, about 1am. When I was with you." He replied.

"You distracted me." I gasped out.

He nodded.

Did him cuddling with me under a blanket not mean something to him?

"Fuck," I whined knowing that they likely have made it back to Korea.

"But why didn't you go?" I questioned in confusion.

"I think you already know." He replied.

"Know what? All I know is that you desire another type of life? Taehyung, they will come looking for you because they know you are alive." I shrieked.

"That's not the only reason I stayed." He replied.

"Then why?" I asked, my eyebrows staying knitted together.

"Will you calm down first, you look like you're about to have a mental breakdown." Taehyung calmly said, approaching me closer to shake my shoulders.

"I've just never been played like this before. I mean, I have from the male you met the other day who tried to kill me, but I didn't expect this from you's." I choked out.

Taehyung's arms tightly wrapped around me, pulling me into a hug which I honestly did need.

He was right, I am freaking out.

Mostly because the royals could be looking for Taehyung right now even.

The entire navy of South Korea could be looking for him.

His embrace made me feel so much better within seconds but I also wanted to push Taehyung away because he is my weakness.

"I stayed here also because of you." Taehyung hummed in my ear.

"What? Because of me? I don't understand." I mentioned.

Taehyung broke the hug a little, his hands lightly still on my back.

My eyes met with his but I watched his honey orbs flickered down my face.

My breathing came to a halt as his thinner pink lips pressed gently against mine.

They brushed against my lips with ease, his eyes fluttering closed as my eyes stayed open in shock.

However I tightened my arms around Taehyung's waist, holding him close to me as I let him kiss me.

His body eventually pulled back and we made eye contact as my heart melted.

"Your-" I began, "Gay, yeah." Taehyung finished.

I stood in shock, breathing deeply.

"How did you know I was gay?" I asked him.

His eyes lit up a bit now that I said it out loud.

"I wasn't certain honestly, but you gave me signs." He told me.

"I mean you gave me signs but I wasn't sure if you have relationships with some friends back home where you seem a little flirty because it could've just been you being overly nice." I replied.

He laughed, "Ah no, you're the first person I have actively tried to flirt with." Taehyung commented.

Well, holy shit.

I had a crush on Taehyung's looks from the newspapers, but meeting him and seeing his personality was such a massive tick.

I dreamed of him being gay since he arrived and when he mentioned finding me attractive, I could only hope he was and the fact he is gay is astonishing.

"You actually want a partner out of me?" I asked him, remembering the day I teased him about being his partner and he nodded.

"I don't want a girlfriend or wife. I want a boyfriend or a husband. And I want a place where I am safe to have that kind of relationship with someone." He muttered.

"And you want that with me? Of all people?" I choked out.

"Yes, I am falling for you Jungkook. I want nothing more than you. You are my future." He told me.

Fuck, I am lucky!

I pressed Taehyung's back up against the wall behind him, pressing my body against his as I pressed my lips hungrily against his.

His lips felt as passionate as mine did as they slid together, our eyes closed as we moved our lips in sync.

It was an amazing moment that was controlled by rushes of adrenaline.

It'd been so long since I kissed another guy, or one that I was super attracted to.

However I had to pull back from the kiss.

I saw Taehyung pouting a little but I spoke with clarity, "As much as I'd love to continue kissing you right now, I think it's best to come back later for that because we need to get this boat moving out of here," I began.

"Especially if you want to stay here a bit longer because they definitely are gonna be looking for you. So I'd say we are going to need all man power." I told him.

He nodded.

He grabbed my wrist, leading me with him out to the deck where we saw the rest of his crew, talking through possibilities.

When they saw us though, they quietened.

"As ye are aware, the other royals have left us," Jungkook announced.

"And now we need to get out of here because they'll be looking for Taehyung." Jungkook explained.

"Cap, why is Taehyung still here?" I heard the crew member who told me about the missing royals ask.

"Why aren't we returning Taehyung?" Dawon asked.

I looked at Taehyung.

What excuse do I use?

"No secrets?" Taehyung hummed.

I gulped.

Will they take me seriously if they know I'm gay?

God, I'm likely to die anyways at some point because of kidnapping Taehyung and the others so it probably doesn't even matter if I tell them.

"Okay... This may come as a surprise to some of you," I began.

"But I am gay," I began saying and a few people whistled.

"Yeah, I am gay, Taehyung is gay, we just kissed before and I want to be with him so he's staying a bit longer." I said very quickly.

"Aye!" Dawon cheered.

Others cheered too as though they already knew.

Honestly they probably knew from how much we looked at one another.

"Now everyone but Dawon, to the rowing room. Dawon steer the boat!" I demanded.

"Aye aye captain!" They shouted, all rushing down to the rowing room with Taehyung and I.

Today will quite possibly be the weirdest day of my life... But also quite possibly the greatest because Taehyung, the Prince of South Korea, or should I say the soon to be King of South Korea, wants me in the same way that I have been craving him...

Thoughts? Feelings? Concerns? Ayo!!! They have revealed the truth! They have kissed tooooooo. Like finally!!! What yal reckons gonna happen next?

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That's all for now... Enjoy!!! Stay safe, healthy and warm my lovely readers... Byeeee :)

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