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Jungkook's POV

"Today will forever be known as the day that you almost captured and killed CAPTAIN JEON JUNGKOOK!"

My hands moved quickly as I launched the blade towards the microphone speaker, slicing through the back of his skull while I removed my head from the rope.

A high pitched scream came from a female journalist in the audience from my actions.

I ran over to pull the knife out as a different guard chased after me.

Thankfully I freed the blade from the male's head just in time to stab the guy behind me.

Guard after guard filed one by one up to the stage, attacking me as I killed them with a kitchen knife.

If they let me go free, then none of them had to die, but because they simply wouldn't stop, I did what I had to do.

Body after body fell to the ground as I made my way slowly towards the stairs to get off the execution stage.

A guard managed to grab my wrist to stop me stabbing him, so it became a defence of who was stronger.

However I don't think I am the stronger one.

My eyes glanced behind him at the guard that approached us.

My heart sank to Yoongi's familiar face.

Is he likely to kill me? Or would he be willing to protect me?

He knows Taehyung and I are a thing, I'm sure of it, but I am not sure which side he is on right now.

To my surprise Yoongi grabbed his ninja looking sword out of his belt, it slicing through my enemy's neck, his head falling into my hands which made me shriek as I dropped it on the ground.

I furrowed my eyebrows at Yoongi before he began fighting to save me against his own guards.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him when I had my back turned to Yoongi.

"Taehyung has been crowned and is on his way here, he is King now so I will follow the rules that he'd order if he was here." Yoongi explained.

I felt relieved because I could have died without Yoongi's help.

I am concerned about what would happen to Yoongi once Taehyung and I leave, yet he could easily argue he was listening to Taehyung's orders.

We'd got rid of many of the guards now, all risking their lives against a young pirate who they should just give up on fighting.

I have years of experience fighting whereas many of these guards probably just had to push criminals around and not actually fight.

There were one or two guards left on the stage which felt like victory.

The guards on the ground I think were now intimidated by the amount of bodies slain and had given up.

A loud clunk of the execution door being swung open caught my attention as my blade cast aside a guard.

My mouth fell open as my eyes landed on Taehyung.

His blonde hair was neatly gelled back, while he wore the most stunning white suit with gold and silver brooches all over it.

He seriously is the most handsome man I have ever laid my eyes on.

I can't believe such a stunning attractive man could want a messy pirate.

Yet he does, which shows how courageous and rebellious this man is.

Which is absolutely perfect for the style of life I live.

I never knew how attractive it would be to see a prince, or should I now say King, fight in stunning suits.

"I order you all to stop!" I could only just hear Taehyung shout to the guards that were below the stage.

His deep toned voice melted my heart as I got lost looking at Taehyung's golden honey orbs.

A soft smile appeared on his thinner lips, which was enough to pull my lips into a smile.

I swooned over Taehyung.

I can't wait for this all to be over so he can embrace me again while his citrus scent surrounds us, his luscious lips pressing all over mine once more.

However, it was not over yet.

I just wish I wasn't reminded of this fact by the piercing bang sound that echoed the room.

My lips fell agape while the room fell silent.

Only the sound of the metal bullet shell bouncing up and down on the wooden stage was heard.

My hand slowly raised up to my chest, staining red from blood as my legs gave way.

I have been shot...

Taehyung's POV

I screamed as Jungkook's body fell forward onto the execution stage.

Maybe my orders weren't loud enough for the guards on the stage because a guard that stood a couple metres behind Jungkook raised a black shot-gun, shooting Jungkook while our gazes met.

I sprinted up to the stage as Yoongi laid Jungkook down on his back, crouching beside him.

I fell to my knees beside Jungkook's head, my hand placing against his handsome cheek as my lips quivered.

Tears spilled down my cheeks as Yoongi ripped the bottom off Jungkook's shirt, exposing some of his milky white tummy before trying to hold pressure on the wound with the fabric.

The ripped white-shirt soaked crimson in seconds while all I could mutter on repeat was "No."

Had I been here any earlier and maybe I could've saved him.

But it seems I am Jungkook's weakness.

Because of me, he got in trouble the first time, being brought back to the palace because we slept together instead of him returning me.

And I know he would've returned me if I didn't say I was gay.

And now he has been shot in the chest, because of me.

He got distracted looking at me, and I cannot reverse time to fix these mistakes.

"Tae... Tae... Save my crew..." Jungkook panted, trying to get his words out, his soft voice making my heart skip a beat as I savoured his nostalgic voice.

I nodded while tears cascaded down my cheeks, dampening my white blouse and jacket.

"Is there a medic in here!?" Yoongi shouted even though we all knew it was too late for Jungkook to be saved.

Jungkook was shot at a very close distance, the wounded area of his chest either being beside his heart or his actual heart.

Jungkook's left hand was shaking as he raised it to touch my cheek, wiping away the reoccurring tears that fell down my cheeks, his thumb running over my bottom lip before his arm fell weakly towards his body.

"I love you Taehyung."

My heart was racing, but racing with sadness as I responded, "I love-e you too, Jungkook."

He gave me a faint smile as his skin grew paler while his body bled out.

"Don't-" Jungkook began but paused to cough, mentioning 'ouch' before he finished his sentence, "Forget me."

Blood ran down his lip now as his lungs must be pooling blood.

He coughed again, more blood was spat out of his mouth.

My hand shakily fell into his hand, holding it tightly as I patiently waited for my lover to die in front of me.

And when he did, I leaned over pecking his forehead for the last time.

I wailed, my heart snapping to pieces.

I did this all for Jungkook, and now it feels like my efforts are over.

Thy Saviour is a saviour, but a saviour that cannot be saved...

Thoughts? Feelings? Concerns? Yal are gonna hate me so much for killing off a main character.... But if you are feeling upset or shocked by this chapter, then it is good because it means you have established feelings and shared feelings with the characters and I was able to create an emotional response out of you through writing which is dope. I did cry writing this chapter tbh. Get tissues if you need it. This isn't the last chapter btw! There is more to come! What will Taehyung do now? Will he save Jungkook's crew? Will he be too emotionally drained to do so? What impacts will Jungkook's death have on Taehyung? 

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That's all for now... Enjoy!!! Stay safe, healthy and warm my lovely readers... Byeeee :)

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