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Taehyung's POV

I really can't keep my gayness in check anymore.

As soon as the captain came down to the rowing room to watch some of our progress, I couldn't help but stare directly at him.

I've never felt so attracted to anyone before.

It sort of reminds me that I will really struggle with seeing males over years while growing up as king, because I am certain I will encounter a lot of attractive men.

But the captain would definitely have to be the pinnacle of an attractive young man. There isn't a chance of anyone taking his spot.

I keep looking at him, taking in his beauty because I am not sure how long seeing him will ever last for and if he looks over in my direction, then I just shift my view to the back of Jimin's head.

Only it's so hard to look away from his face because I noticed earlier that he's got brown smokey eye make up on which entices me to look deeply into his dreamy doe eyes.

"Jimin and Taehyung, you can stop rowing. You both can sort out some clothes for Taehyung. Just use the room beside where you sleep, the doors open." I heard the Captain announce after what felt like 30 minutes of rowing.

I feel bad for anyone doing over an hour of rowing without a break so I will happily take a rest while Jimin provides me clothes.

Jimin and I got up, and I stretched my arms while walking past the captain, heading for the stairs to avoid getting arm cramps.

"I'll just grab the fabric, I put the suitcase under my bed." Jimin coed when we approached the door that was beside where we slept last night.

Thankfully Jimin and I weren't accompanied by anyone which allows us to just be ourselves until we get disturbed.

I peered inside the room, noticing it was basically empty except a liquor cabinet, a mat and one single chair.

"Tae!" I heard Jimin call out.

Jimin never calls me your highness when I am alone with him. It is honestly nice to have a normal bond with one person where my status is not treated as a way of approaching a person.

Possibly that's also what captivates me about the captain, because while he notes my status in society, he treats me the same as others and speaks very informally.

"Yes?" I questioned while walking over to Jimin.

"Look." Jimin said pointing at my bed.

To our surprise, two brown boots sat on top of my bed sheets.

They obviously weren't my original shoes but they were shoes.

Pirate shoes to be exact.

And they looked new.

"Someone gave you shoes." Jimin went on.

"I mean thank goodness because my bare feet are cold and sore but who?" I choked.

"I mean the only one listening to us when you complained earlier would've been the pirate who collected us this morning from the showers, but he was so short and his feet wouldn't have been my size." I began to speak out loud while putting on the shoes which fit pretty much perfectly.

"It was probably the captain then. He seems rather fond of you." Jimin hummed while grabbing the suitcase out from under his bed.

I was caught by surprise as blush spread across my face like wild flowers, "Why would you say that?" I choked out.

"Well he knows who you are. Maybe your importance even over Jin makes him feel some responsibility to take care of you on board, even though he acts a bit menacingly." Jimin explained.

Great so I have a protective crush. That's something to work from right?

"Ah true." I answered, standing up now in the boots.

They were pretty comfortable with some soft fabric lining the bottom.

I'd say that over time the softness will wear away but hopefully I am not here long enough to encounter that problem.

We then wandered into the next room where Jimin set up, pulling out fabrics from out of the suitcase.

"How did the captain know you make clothes?" I asked, breaking the silence.

Jimin looked up at me with innocent sparkling eyes before answering, "He took me to where we sleep so I tried to make conversation with him," Jimin started.

"So basically I explained that I make clothes for royalty because he was interested in my reason for being with you guys. Obviously, me calling him a bitch pointed out that I am not royal," Jimin went on, which made us chuckle.

"But then he was very interested in what clothing I make so I may even make him a piece of clothing if he treats us well enough." Jimin explained.

"A pirate seemed interested in clothing?" I wondered aloud.

"He does have very striking fashion for a pirate. His attention to detail and styling is immaculate. I mean have you seen his jewellery, it's gorgeous. I'd love to go through his wardrobe and examine all of his jewellery." Jimin coed.

Of course Jimin noticed how nice he looks, just not how nice the man behind the clothing and accessories looked.

"I have noticed." I sighed while sitting down on the chair.

Jimin then chuckled, making me look over at him.

"What?" I questioned.

"Why are you sighing like that? I heard that sound that came out of your mouth when you answered me." Jimin remarked with a smile.

"I think you have something for him, don't you?" Jimin coed quietly while rolling out some baby blue fabric.

My cheeks violently grew red.

"Is it that obvious? I don't want other people to be able to tell." I gasped out.

"It's not obvious, just I know you are more open to me so I can tell when you seem interested in males rather than females, I have witnessed your disgust towards females a lot so it is nice to see you interested in someone for once. I doubt the others would notice though because they don't expect you to be gay." Jimin replied in a soft voice so that anyone who randomly walks closer to us without us being aware wouldn't hear.

"That's true." I commented.

Jimin placed some blue fabric around my neck after cutting it with scissors that he had in the suitcase too.

"I suppose we know nothing about this man, so he could potentially be homosexual. I mean why flee out to sea, the furthest place away from meeting people if you weren't scared of homosexual land punishments? However he would not expect you to be gay so you'd need to make first moves." Jimin explained.

I bit my lip and nodded while Jimin started pinning fabric to my body.

"Stand up for me." He directed before I could say anything else.

I did as I was told before speaking after some minutes of silence.

"I've never actually flirted before though. I feel like I may make a fool of myself." I whined.

"Well there's a first time for everything," Jimin explained.

"Look, we are the same age. If I can find a girlfriend who I am missing a bunch right now and am not seen as homosexual even though I make clothing and females are beginning to do that role now then you can get a pirate boyfriend, even if it's just for the time being," Jimin explained, making me consider it more.

"Just try to get closer to him, be his friend first or something, and then try for more when the time is right." Jimin suggested.

Me, having a boyfriend? Me, dating the captain of a pirate ship?

It would be the biggest scandal of my century if we were caught... But what if we don't get caught? Could it all be worth it after all to be saved by a charming prince- er- I mean pirate?

Hello, what do yal think? Taehyung's falling for a pirate stranger, just over his looks so far and he's expressing his crush to his best friend. However... Could someone be listening? How did the captain (if it was the captain) know to bring Taehyung shoes when he wasn't with them when Taehyung complained? Lemme know what yal think.

If you like my writing, feel free to comment as you read my book or vote. It will really inspire me to keep on writing for you guys. Also add this book to your reading list/s so you get the updates and can help me promote my book.

That's all for now... Enjoy!!! Stay safe, healthy and warm my lovely readers... Byeeee :)

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