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You wake up in a room you are unfamiliar with,you get up with a pain in your head but it quickly went away,you notice your clothes are tattered with scratches on your arms,you check the drawers for clothes,you find some of your clothes from your foster parents house so you put them on and they seem to fit you quite well then you try to open the door but it was locked but someone heard the door fiddle because you heard someone say "over here,I think he's awake."You panic so you push the bed near the window,grab the curtains and tie them together and use the curtains as a rope down but you saw the reject joker and The black and white clown open the door and look at you,but  you didn't care as you climb the ladder and jump down.When you get down you run in a direction away from the mansion and into a forest.When you're far away,you climb a tree and think your safe for a little bit,but you heard chopping from down below and sees the Orange goggles person chopping the tree down so you grabbed a tree branch and jumped to another tree and she kept following your every move until she chops the tree where you stand on but you jump at the last second ,but there wasn't any trees below so you fall down but a least far away from her.You land on the ground but not harmed at all (Dude you fell off a 27th Foot Tree,how are you not hurt at all?)You stand up to run away but a bullet hits your knee and you fall,you look behind you and see a person with a Orange hoodie,A pistol,and a Black mask with a red face on.walking towards you then everyone you saw at the house were there with some new start crawling away,but you hit a tree then they started circling you.This was the first time you felt Deathly scared,afraid for your life then Your eyes started glowing brighter every time they came closer until A more powerful Field blasted all of them away from you.You open your eyes and sees that everyone was blasted away and some trees were knocked down then out of nowhere The faceless Business lady appeared in front of you
???:Hmm you seem more powerful.She said as she walked towards you in a soothing tone
Y/n:what do y-you w-ant with me,Who are y-you
???:To come live with us,andIntroductions later Y/n
Then you felt a needle inject into you and you felt Dizzy.
Y/n:how d-do you k-know my n-name.
Then you pass out
Sally's POV
I watch from afar as Y/n Blasts everyone away then Jane Flys towards me and she hits a tree,I run towards her to see if she's ok then she wakes up
Jane:How powerful is he,Does he have the power to rival Slenda's?
Sally:Don't know but we need to get everyone up.
I get Jane up and sees Y/n pass out .I walk Jane over with me to talk to Slenda
Sally:so what are we gonna do with him?
Slenda:we bring him back,it's too dangerous to keep him out here
She teleports away and carries people back to the mansion,I look at Y/n and carry him back to the mansion. We get back into the mansion and sees everyone recovering from the explosion,I quickly go to the extra room and lay him down to recover,then I went back to down stairs and sees everybody is ok Then Slenda came up to me
Slenda:Sally,I need you to got to Y/n's room and check,on him then bring him down here.
I just nod and go into his room to check on him and see him open his eyes.
Y/n's POV
I wake up in the same room I was in before,then I heard a voice from the doorway
then she runs up to me and hugs me.
Y/n:who are you?
Sally:It's me Sally!!
Y/n:wait your friends with them?
Sally:Yep,Oh yea I need to show them to you,she drags you out of bed
Y/n:wait Sal-,
you felt your leg beginning to move then Sally dragged you out side of the room and to the living room,Everyone stared at me when I came in then they all stood up and walked in my direction.I quickly bolted out to find a hiding spot to hide in.I decided to hide behind the tv then you hear a crackle from the tv and two pale hands come out then the Link cosplayer came out
???:Y/n,Come out come out wherever you are~.
You quickly hold your breath and waited till she was gone.She went out the door and you came out of your hiding spot but the other door opened and the Black and white clown and Joker reject was there then everyone was there except Slenda And Sally.You screamed as they lunged at you
Slenda's POV
I teleport everywhere in the mansion for Y/n worrying about him then I heard a scream so I teleport to Sally and teleport to the scream.We make it there and sees everyone Tickling him.Me and Sally look at each other and join in.He was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes then I picked him up with my tentacles and everyone Awed
Jess:Come on Slenda let us play with him
Slenda:No,you can play with him after you meet with him.
Then I teleport (Y/n) to his room and set him down to rest then I teleport back to tell them to sleep,I teleport to Y/n's Room and wait for him to wake up,But he kept saying"Pls don't go away"and"Why do you have to go"Then I doze asleep.

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