Movie night

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(These characters belong to JustWritingMyDreams )

Emily and Steven were at her house watching Bambi 2. Emily didn't wanna watch it for one reason. The tickle scene. It lasted for a moment but she knew Steven was going to get the idea. So, she thought of a plan. She'll say she'd never seen it before and say she needs to go to the restroom. That way, she'll miss it and Steven won't have time to chase her.

The scene was getting closer and Emily began to sweat. She cleared her throat and told Steven that she had to go to the bathroom. Steven shrugged and said, "Alright." Emily rather quickly left and closed the bathroom door. She sighed in relief. "Just stay in here until it's over. Okay?" She asked herself as she her the tv I. The other room. The scene was beginning and the tickle part were almost there. When she decided that she'll come out now, she slowly opened the door and noticed that Steven wasn't there. "Strange." Emily said as she tickle scene began to start. She sat on the couch and giggled as she watched Bambi being tickled by his father.

What she didn't expect however was Steven's hands lightly tickling her sides. Emily squeaked and giggled more. "So, you thought you could trick me did you?" He whispered in her ear. Emily only stuck her tongue out. "No! I just needed to go."

"Then you won't mind if I do this." Steven said as he turned her onto her back and ever so slowly lift her shirt up. Emily began to struggle. "No no no! Steven, no!"

"You brought this on yourself sweetie." Steven replied holding his giant breath in his face and slamming it down on Emily's tummy. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Emily only laughed and laughed in his grasp. And when Steven ran out of breath, he kissed Emily's little nose and did it again.

Steven had to stop because he was laughing along with her. Emily was breathing in so deeply she thought her body was going to explode. She lazily turned to the TV that showed Bambi and his father hugging each other under the cliff. She smiled sweetly at that scene as Steven noticed it. He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "Who's my cutie pie?" He asked as Emily giggled and kissed his own cheek. "Thanks for coming here tonight."

"Who knows, maybe I'll tickle you again." Emily laughed at that. Of course he would.

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