Snow Day

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Brandon snored in his sleep not knowing that it was almost 9am. It was the middle of winter and the college semester break was almost over. The best way to spend a college semester while your girlfriend visits your family? Sleep in of course. Unfortunately, two furry little friends would disagree.

Stacy, the King Charles spaniel pup and Chelsea, the white fox cub, jumped on the bed to look at the sleeping man. Brandon, not noticing that his pets were on the bed, still snored soundly. Stacy began to lick Brandon's face from the sleepiness. "Mmm Stacy." Brandon groaned and tried to fall asleep again but Chelsea decided to join the fun and started to lick his face too. "Chelsea no, not you too." Brandon's eyes didn't open but he was annoyed by the two girls. "Come on lemme sleep. Gah! Okay okay okay I'm up." Brandon suddenly cried and rubbed his nose from where Chelsea bit him a little. It didn't hurt though.

Chelsea and Stacy cheered happily but barking and laughing. "You girls are so needy." Brandon replied as Stacy ran over to the window and began to pat her paws on it. Brandon chuckled. "First you wake me up and now you wanna go outside?" Brandon uncovered the window shallows and saw something he never thought he'd see. Snow.

It was falling. Slowly. The snow was a little deep and some flowers were still blooming a bit. Brandon smiled. "Well I'll be damn. It's snowing." He said as he turned to Chelsea, who spun around and fell over on her back but kept laughing anyway. Brandon giggled and walked towards her. "What is it girl? What is it? You wanna go play in the snow? You wanna go play in the snow?" Brandon cooed at the tiny vixen. Chelsea laughed more at his teasing and nodded her head. "Okay you two, gimme 10 minutes."


After Brandon was warmed up, he put on Stacy and Chelsea's collars so he won't be able to loose them. "Okay, you ready?" He asked as Stacy and Chelsea twirled around and nodded there heads. "Okay. Snow day here we come!" Brandon opened the door and the cold breeze swept right over him. The two girls ran outside and there bodies immediately sunk into the snow around them.

Brandon couldn't help but laugh. Apparently the snow was indeed to deep for the pups. Stacy shook off some of the snow and laughed too. She kept running into more snow cause she liked it so much. Chelsea, on the other hand, was trying to make paw prints in the snow. The prints were deep which made Chelsea laugh too. Brandon, deciding to join in on the fun, buried his head in the snow like a dog sniffing for its bones and nuzzled his way towards Chelsea's paws. Chelsea was startled at first, but giggled when it was just her owner. "Why so jumpy?" He asked while shaking the snow from his face and hair.

Stacy jumped and jumped through the snow like a leaping grasshopper. She twirled at each jump, laughing happily as she sunk into the snow even deeper. She didn't look where she was going and bumped right into Brandon's giant head. Stacy whimpered and fell down into the snow. Brandon looked right at her with curiosity, worries, and revenge. He smirked. "You're trapped now my little puppy. I'm gonna get you." Brandon wiggled his fingers and planted them right into Stacy's belly.

Stacy giggled and laughed trying to flee from her owner's tickle attack, by being trapped inside snow was not going to save her now. "You're a sneaky girl aren't you. Yes you are. Yes you are!" Brandon cooed at Stacy this time. Stacy wiggled and squirm so being a good sister, Chelsea tried to save her but ended up getting turned over on her back by Brandon. "Chelsea." He smirked at her this time while burying his face in Chelsea's little furry belly. "Mmm this belly is so warm. Reminds me of a warm bed two little girls woke me up from."

Brandon stood up, still having the pets in his hands and tossed them in the air and caught them again. "Now you two reek with dirt. I think a nice hot bath would do right?" He asked the girls nodding at the idea. Brandon chuckled and kissed both of there heads. "Alright. Time to wash up."

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