0. | Prologue

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0. | Prologue

" It's a long story. "

A defeated voice sighed out her woes as she tried to avoid every prying question that the agent in front of her tried to pull. The interrogator sat back in her chair, arms crossing as she tried to figure out the creature in front of her. Amanda Waller was infamous for getting whatever she wanted, however extreme she needed to be to get it. A crack of a smirk brushed her red lips as the crows feet in the corners of her eyes creased. Waller liked her determination.

The newest addition to her gangly new squad of misfits was sitting still, her body unwavering, mid-back length raven hair was still dripping wet and had begun to pool beneath the cool metal chair she was sitting on. Her Ivory skin contrasted hard against her dark features, as she sat almost shivering from being transported from one end of the country to the other in nothing more than a crumbling truck bed.

" Listen, Amila, " she tried to speak to her like a person, like an equal. Amila tried not to snicker as she knew it was anything but. She was a weapon, and one that could be twisted into whatever sick fantasy a person in power could imagine. That's why she had hid for so long, the normal life with a wonderful man ripped from her long ago. Amanda Waller had big plans, and she could feel the uneasiness ripple under her skin the longer their conversation remained stagnant. " We can help you here. Help you control your abilities, give you another life. One with purpose."

Amila's misted eyes narrowed for just moment, her lips pursing into a frustrated thin line as she felt an overwhelming feeling to crawl across the table between them and smother the bitch who had scooped her up and put her in a water tank like a pet fish and carted her halfway across the country.

" Tell me everything. " Waller spoke with a determination and confidence that made Amila's body tense. She knew how absolutely dead-set Waller would be on her, she'd managed to track her down, and judging by that thick Manila folder in the desk next to her, Amila had a feeling she knew more than she was letting on. Her mouth tugged at a smile, knowing that this routine was a rouse for her to get more information from her.

" You can"t control it, " she finally gave in, pearly white teeth gleaming in defiance as she grinned at her captor. " The beast, that's what you really want, right? Bigger men than you have tried and every one of them has failed. "

" Lucky for me I'm no man. "

Waller's eyes deepened, igniting a fire within her as she rose to the challenge, slapping down hard on the thick folder next to her. " Tell me everything that they did wrong, this is a win-win for you too Amila. You could have a normal life, a life that was unfairly ripped from you. " Waller's words resonated with her, heating her cool skin as the true monster began to swell within her. Waller's wrist began to chirp and vibrate as Amila's sheer hatred began to bubble to her surface. Her body in danger of damaging the safety chip in her neck. Waller swallowed hard, not willing to show an ounce of compassion for someone who had a sea demon lurking within them. She prowled over her prey, resting her weight on her palms, flat against the steel table below her, Amila pushed back in silence.

" You'll crack, they always do, " frigid and uncaring, Waller hastily picked up the folder that had most of Amila's life in it. Public parts of her that Waller had gathered, some private bits that Amila was unaware anyone even knew of. In a fine black marker the words THE KRAKEN was written atop the folder, as though her entire identity was based around the nickname the papers had given her, and it looked like Waller had to.

Waller shared one last look with Amila, the look on her face showing she wasn't done with her just yet. Amila sat back in the stiff steel chair that she was cuffed to. The thought of reminiscing about her past gave her a rush of nausea, thinking about the people she'd maimed, the love she'd lost or the life that had been cut from her. All of it was turning her blood cold, but the more minutes that rolled by, her head hung a little lower until it finally pressed against the bolted table in front of her, forcing her to remember where all of this had started.

Amila Damgaard | The Kraken

" I have sea foam in my veins, I understand the language of the waves. "

Robert Dubois | Bloodsport

" I know my worth, I've paid dearly for every ounce of it."

Featuring the cast from the 2021 film
Suicide Squad

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