[Morning cuddles]

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[7:30 Am in the morning]

As the sun rose in Trollstopia, giving its friendly morning of the day:

Sun:" GOOD MORNING!!" It shouted with glees

The suns sunny raise shine all through the towns.

[Camera zooms around Pop village]

The light of the sun shines through all around Pop village, trolls waking up from their tiny hut homes hanging from the trees, yawning, along with smiling as a new day has just began.

Poppy stretches as she gotten out of bed, she sighs.

Poppy:" a new day to start a brand new day in Trollstopia!" She shouted with glee.

All the pop trolls shouted with glee with the Queen of Pop, happy to be awake and uprising in Trollstopia.

[Camera soon zooms out of Pop Village, as it zooms around Rock Hollow]

Rock Hollow shined with its red glow. Speakers glow bright like the rising sun, as Rock trolls came rushing out, of their own resting areas, some crashing into one another, they laughed ever so brightly

Random Rock troll:" OH YEAH!!" The female rock troll shouted as she staged dived of the stage, cheers of laugher shined through the crowd of Rock trolls.

[Camera soon zooms out of Rock hollow, as it zooms around Country Coral]

As the sun shines through, tons of "Yeehaw!" Can he heard amongst the Town, country trolls hoping our plant-base homes with smiles.

Fun Deputy sheriff Gust hops out of his office, fixing his twisted hat into place.

Gust:"Another day in these parts." he gave a calm smile.

Holly as well walked out of her home, a smile so bright and blue.

Holly:" Whooohooo!!" She shouted happily as she raised her fist in the air, another day in trollstopia.

[The Camera soon zooms out of Country Coral, and zoom to Classical Crest]

Inside of Classical Crest, music playing around the bedrooms of The classical troll's rooms, playing the beginning of Beethoven. Tons of smiles appeared on their faces.

Dante:"Ahh.. simplify marvelous!" Dante spoke as he sits up, turning off his alarm clock.

Tons of classical trolls flew out of their homes, smiling as they attended to their morning tea.

[Camera zoom in.. well- we never know what's happening in funk anyway. To funky.]

[Camera finally zooms into Techno Lagoon. Into a special room with two special trolls]

In a big bed, two techno trolls, one male, and one female, facing each other, very close as well. the male was none other then Synth, the Ambassador of the techno trolls, his wavy string hair of purple, his slim and thin body, align with his purple body resting in bed, sleeping with someone. Non other then Laguna Tidepool.

Laguna Tidepool was a unique troll....Well techno that is. She was also a TROLLpologist! (eh? Get it? Troll-pologist? No? I need to stop.) She was quite smart and nerdy, but brighter then glow sticks. She had more thin tip fins then any other troll. With more dark blue hair like a pop troll, but it goes down her back then upwards. Her light purple skin, with her curvy and long body. With a string of hair sticking upwards, so very cute. Her own glasses rested on a rock near their bed as she slept.

These two lovebirds were married of course, been together for many years, possibly 16 years for a fact! (Wow! 16.... I'm to old.)

Synth was the first one to open his eyes, his purple eyes shined as he slowly opened his eyes, he groans every so slightly as he looked at his wife sleeping in front of him, his spark light up more then it was at the sight of her. His goofy smiles showed as his eyes soften... God he was in love with her.

Synth slowly and easily sit up with his arms, making his body rest onto his arms, he slowly leans down to kiss laguna on the cheek, causing her to wake up at the feeling.

laguna groaned at the sudden feeling as she opened her eyes.. well she couldn't see. She blinder then a bat (Not literally-) since her glasses wasn't on her.

Laguna:"Hm... Synth? What time is it..?" She asked her husband, who was smiling down at her.

Synth turned to the clock sitting on his side, it read 7:50 A.M. very early indeed. He looked at the glowing blue numbers as he sighed. Turning back to his wife.

Synth:"7:50. To early to be up.." he groans as he rubs his eyes as he plops his face on his arms, closer to Laguna now.

Laguna smiles and chuckled at his adorableness and not being a morning person, she began to sit up, but Synth grabbed her arm firmly but gentle. Laguna looked down at Synth, he was a bit sad and tired. It almost broke her heart.

Synth:"Can you stay longer... Please??" He said quietly in a whisper. But he could be heard quite well, his fins slowly sinked a tiny bit to show how sadden he was right now, he wanted his wife for a little moment. Even a moment could make him happy.

Laguna smiles slightly as she turned to grab her glasses, putting them on with one hand since.. Well her hand is being held by Synth. She soon plops down on her side facing Synth, her smirk never left her own light purple face.

Laguna:"You really seemed needy lately?" She teases him "I never even known you being needy for me?" She asked.

Synth sighed, he scoots more closer to rest his face between Laguna's neck as he snuggled up, he must of been very desperate lately. Very much...

Laguna took noticed as she wrapped her arms around him to bring him close, one handed on his back, and the other close to his head, she rested her head on his forehead, worriedness swept through her.

Synth:" I been.. well... how do you say that word that means tired and overfeeljng..?" He asked quietly.

Laguna:" Stress? Burned out?" She listed a few to help out her husband. Synth was smart! But he wasn't well known to know big words or scientific meanings. But he's trying his best to be smart.

Synth:" Burned out.." he said softly, his fins sinking more and more. He felt tired. Scared and hurting.. "I-I Just wanna have you here for a few. Is that okay dove..?" He asked nervously, nuzzling more closer to his wife.

Laguna smiles as she nuzzled her head close to him, rubbing his head with her fingers. Her eyes slowly closed as she felt comfort in his cuddles.

Laguna:" Hehe. Sure, if you can handle being late for your meeting?" She teases, smirking ever so slightly.

Synth huffs a bit, he groans annoyed at the thought.

Synth: "Hmmmmm.. I wish I didn't have work." He whined.

Laguna chuckled, it was adorable to see Synth being his self, his fun, funny, goofy self.

Laguna:"Well I'm not going anywhere... sooo-" She tried to finish her sentence.

However more, Synth blocked her words with a sweet little kiss. His face close to hers as they kissed. Laguna was stunned a bit, but happily kissed Synth back as they shared a lovely small kiss.

Synth smirked as he grabbed her body, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her and him off the bed.

Laguna:" WOA-" She shouted in shock as they both fallen- well. Sinked to their rock floor.

Synth was on his back as Laguna was on top of him. Synth couldn't help but laugh. Laguna happily laughed but faked a upset tone

Laguna:"Sy-Synth!!-hahahahah! You- hahahaha! did that on purpose! Hahahah!" She said between her laugh.

Synth chuckles as he smiles. He laughed along with her.

Synth:" S-sorry! Hahahaha!" He said as he hugged Laguna close, she to hugged him closer then ever.

Laguna:" I admire your goofyness around this time." she said. "Your action very made me lighten my own mood." She said smiling down at Synth. she sit up her top body. As her hands were firmly on his shoulders,as she looks down at her husband.

Synth:" Sooo... did my plan work?" He asked looking up at laguna. His goofy smile showing.

Laguna went quiet as he face was quite shocked. But it melt into a happy, lovely smile.

Laguna:"Yes you big goof!" She said giggling, placing a kiss on synths nose. As she bends down her head to him.

Synth did a 'yes' motion with his hands, but quickly acted like nothing happened. He blushes a tiny bit at their position. "Soooo- we gonna stay here like this or?" He motions to the position they were in.

Laguna's face turns purpler then grapes as she jumps off him "Oh jeepers!" She covered her face. Flustered

Synth chuckles as he sit up, "Nah it's cool dove! Thankfully Shi wasn't here!" He smiles at her

a voice spoke, a mix voice of Laguna and Synth's mixed between one.

??:" Who said I wasn't here?"

The voice caught Synth and laguna as they turned behind them to the room entrance of their small cave. A female techno troll, with purple mixed dark purple body, mixed shapes fins both like Synth and Laguna's, her three sets of hair strings similar to laguna, her purple mixed hair that flowed down to her side, her mixed features both similar to the two techno trolls we just been reading about.

Shi:" I been watching the whole time Ma and Pa." the female smirked, her Chip teeth showing. "Maybe next time put the leaves curtains up? Jack and I don't wanna see you guys making out." He teases her parents as she swim off, Jack. Her jellyfish pet, pink with dark purple patterns, and green eyes swimmed after her in the progress.

Synth and Laguna's face heat up way worsen then ever, they turned to look as they both nervously chuckled, but their warm smiles never left as they looked at each other.

[first chapter in! Woohoo!! Hope y'all like it, request are open, but no dirty things! This story is for wholesome and dramatic and funny moments, the Synguna family! Anyway hope you fishy's have a good day! ✌️]

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