Los Angeles

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"What?!" Louis and Eva shouted in reply to Jackson's statement. Jackson just stood there with his arms crossed and an annoyed look, not seeing the big issue in this situation.

"Are you deaf? Your parents are busy right now, so you are going to L.A., to my grandfather's mansion. Stop making a big deal out of it, jeez."  He huffed and sent them a small glare, his glare staying on Louis for just a second longer.

"THAT MAKES NO SENSE! WHY THE TWO OF US?!" Eva yelled, getting pissed at his attitude. Who does he think he is? He doesn't tell her where to go!

"Ugh, why would I know that? Ask them themselves, I'm no one's mailman.  Pack your things and go already." He rudely responded and slammed the door when he left the room they were in. Louis screamed in anger and punched the wall, while Eva grumbled and paced diagonally across the room. Just when things started to get interesting, they get sent off to a different continent! What's worse, they have to go together. Why is fate so cruel?

A phone call some time later ended the heavy silence that came forth after Jackson's leave.

"Hello? Who's there?" Louis answered in a gruff voice, eager to end all contact with everyone right now, especially the person he shares this trip with.

"Mr. Agreste, yours and madmoselle's luggage is in the car. We await your arrival."

"Wait a freaking minute! Why the Hell do I even have to go away from my family and friends?!" Louis shouted into the phone, only to be abruptly hung up on. He angrily stuffed the phone into his pocket and swung the door open so harshly that the door slammed into the wall behind it.

"Are you waiting for a fucking invitation or what? Let's go, Eva!" He snapped at her before stomping away. Eva wasn't impressed with his little hissy fit, so she naturally had to elbow him once or twice whilst going downstairs to the foyer. No one is gonna talk like that to her without getting something just as generous in return. Although Louis tried his best to ignore it, in his pissed of state, he already started to plan revenge on her.

"Are you interested in some headphones, monsieur?" The driver said to Louis after sending him a little glare for butting in front of Eva while they were entering the car.

"Yes. Thanks." He murmured as he took them and turned away from the driver and Eva. Eva just rolled her eyes and the driver raised his eyebrow.

"Your boyfriend is quite...Moody."
Eva raised her pointer finger and smiled a humorless smile.

"If he was my boyfriend, he would have that mood knocked right out of the window together with his rude attitude a long time ago. But since he isn't ,he is not my problem." She stated a matter-o-factly and leaned into her seat.

The driver just shrugged and drove them to the airport, not really interested in their issues. During the drive Eva had the same thought several times: Is her mother crazy enough to talk aunt Chloe into sending her and Louis off on an expensive 'romantic' trip just to make her shipping goals come true? She hoped not but was afraid of the answer.

(Alya's face:)

When Louis looked up after some 40 minutes or so, he found out something that horrified him deeply. He will be sharing a private jet with Eva. Damn it, he was hoping he would get someone to switch seats with him so he doesn't have to sit near Eva during the ride. Maybe they get to sit at the opposite ends of the plane, but Louis doubted it.

And his doubts came true. They sat right next to each other the entire time, because all other seats were occupied by the staff sent to serve them. Freaking peachy

The moment they stepped foot into the house, staff started to open up windows and turning on lights all over the foyer, and only then could the 2 teens see how huge the mansion really is. 

Two modern sets of stairs led up to an open first floor, where they could see the backs of several leather sofas under a huge modern chandelier. The foyer was decorated with multiple modern elements, such as ottomans, plants, and simplified furniture. In the middle of it stood a sculpture, a woman walking down the runway. Definetly a Bourgeois residence.

"Your rooms are this way!" Before they could take in the full beauty of the space around them, they were dragged up the stairs and into a short secluded hallway to the side.
"Wait! Stop pulling me!" Eva thrashed, but the maid pulling her was too strong. They most likely got commands from Chloe to keep it rough, so that they wouldn't resist.

They got shoved into rooms on the separate sides of the hallway, the locks clicking, signaling they're locked in.

Both Eva and Louis knew, something was fishy here. Why would they lock them into rooms, when they didn't even try to escape or make a scene? Heck, they're both surprised with how well they've accepted all of this. Chloe must have covered something up.

Louis sighed after a short while, and turned around only to spot a thin yellow envelope on the bed. Puzzled, he cautiously approached it, as if fearing it might come to life and start yelling at him for some reason. Why would he get mail here, and from who? Did Eva get it too?

Once he tore the top of the envelope, he pulled out a folded piece of paper, and a dagger. The dagger had a white curved blade, with a pitch black hilt, decorated with winding snakes, malice written all over them. He cautiously picked up the blade, inspecting every single bit of it with growing suspicion. The aura this blade emitted felt so similar, yet somehow distant, as if time tried to hide it, but little bits and pieces escaped time's grasp.

He narrowed his eyes on the white blade, his distorted reflection staring back at him in a pale light. Once he had a second look, he could have sworn he saw old stains of a pinkish hue on the blade, shuddering at the though of them being of a bloody origin.

" Huh, if I tilt it, the blade kind of reminds me of a snake fang..."

He lowered the blade onto the sheets, and took the folded paper next. Unfolding it, Louis started to read the words on it.

I grant you this gift, bearing blood of your own,
Use it as you will, but it comes with a loan.
The blade was forged for a single soul,
The one taking her whole.
Pierce her heart, set yourself free,
Throw her darkness into the sea.
If you don't, beware.
There won't be a single soul to spare.
For I have met both good and wrong,
But in neither does she belong.
I pity the human carrying her sin,
Indeed, wronged she has been.
But one life means nothing to the light,
One life means nothing if you can't stop the fright.
Find the strength, and set the blade free,
The Blade of Fears, Spawn of the Sea.


Louis just stared of the words, not a single one making sense. All but one.

Kill. He must kill.


It's been a long time, huh? I finally got the courage to update again, so I did. I hope you like it!

Stay safe, kitties!

Ocean Fury

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