The Servant's Student.

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For some reason, wattpad didn't notify anyone that the chapter before this one came out, so if you don't know, a chapter named Los Angeles 2 came before this one, so be sure to read it!

As for this one, I hope you'll enjoy!


2 days have passed since Eva and Louis went to the US to run some 'errands' for Chloe, as well as grandpa Tom taking Hugo to visit relatives in Brest, and truth to be told, Marianne was feeling a bit lonely.
The training she did with Chloe was intense, and especially since she had to do it 'with style', as Master Chloe put it. Dresses just made everything harder, from her physical exercises to her etiquette lectures, and she didn't even want to think of the nightmare known as high-heels.

"Come on, Marianne, you can't expect to be able to control him if you can't handle the work that comes with it! We need to build up some stamina!" Chloe yelled from her plush sofa as she watched Marianne do crunches. Sweat was covering every inch of her body and most of the floor beneath her. She had already complained about this, but Chloe just waved it off and said that she should get used to being sweaty in a dress.

"OK, stop! Enough exercise for today!"
Marianne sighed in relief, she could finally take a breath! As she picked up her stuff and headed off to the bathroom to freshen up, like she usually does, Chloe said something unusual this time:
"Oh, and don't go to your room after you finish with the shower. I want you back here in your spare dress."
"Yes, Master. But why? Didn't I do good?"
"Ugh, just do as I say! I kept you in for a reason, now hurry it up!" She snapped at the young teen, irritated by the very fact she wanted her to repeat herself.

Marianne just nodded and scurried off, not willing to pick a fight woth the easily agitated woman. It turns out her new Master has quite a temper, but Marianne's sure that's just because of the hotel. It is the best hotel in Paris after all! It must be stressful leading it all on your own.
As she walked down one of the grand hallways in this massive place, she couldn't help but think about her parents again. They are still in jail for reasons unknown to her, and who knows how long they'll stay in there. All this just made her even more lonely and unwilling to train further, what's the point? However, if she could survive 10 years without them, maybe she could survive a few days more. It really shouldn't be a problem, or so she thought.

In Versailles

(Note: Versailles is not just a castle, but a town separated from Paris as well. It's a beautiful town!)

Marinette slammed her face against the desk for what seemed like the millionth time today. Going through painful memories is quite a challenge by itself, but when you add danger an an arch enemy to it, the task becomes even more demanding. The same night they were arrested, they were transferred to Versailles while Roger sweeped through Paris with his troops, in search of more lizard men.

"Argh!!! This is pointless! How should we know where the Serpent man came from?!" Alya threw her hands up in the air, catching her nervous husbad's look with a glare.
"Alya, babe-"
"Don't 'Alya babe' me, Nino! I want home, I want my daughters with me, and I don't want HIM to endanger anyone in my family ever again!"
"Calm down, Alya! We are the only ones that might know something because actually we fought those things 15 years ago, now keep quiet!" Marinette snapped at her best friend, almost growled even! Alya, taken by surprise, sat down with her mouth closed shut. She was so focused on her own anger and discomfort that she didn't even think it through, Marinette must be having a hard time as well, if not even worse. After all, it's her child that is cursed here, and in danger of becoming the newest victim of a truly disgusting beast. Poor Marinette, who knew that being Ladybug would bring all this together with it?

After a few minutes spent in silence, Adrien walked in, holding his phone in his hand, a worried yet stoic expression on his face, reminiscent of his own father. While approaching Marinette, he stopped midway, and spoke with an eerily calm tone:
"They identified the serpent man."
"Identified the serpent man? That thing has a name? An ID?"
"They must have taken a DNA test..."
"How is that possible...It's a monster! Adrien, are they sure?"

Alya, Nino and Marinette all fired questions at him, but to no avail. He is just as clueless as they are! He explained that they had to wait, and so they did, a fresh new batch of thoughts occupying their minds. Adrien tried his best to keep calm during this entire debacle, but as soon he received the monster's ID in a text from Roger, his hand began to tremble with shock and renewed anger. His lips were now pursed in a thin line, his body stiff as a board, as he looked up to meet everyone's curious gazes.
"His name is Marc Anciel. He was reported missing 15 years ago, during the war. Pronounced dead 10 years ago." He grit through his teeth, rage seething in him.

Gasps filled the room, together with a screech of a chair and a loud bang as it fell.
"M-Marc?!" Marinette's voice cracked as she spoke the name of the talented young writer, her old friend, thought to be one of the many casualties of the conflict. She and Nathanael never got over his supposed death completely; Nathanael visiting his grave weekly, always bringing flowers to his first ever writing partner and great friend. Marc did make him famous after all, as well as a more kind, caring and loving person during those few years they worked together. Tears welled up in Marinette's eyes as the memories of the mass funeral of over 100 came back to her memory in flashes, Marc being one of them. How did he...

"But...How is that possible? They all turned back after we defeated the enemy! Didn't Marc die when one of those things killed him?" Nino argued, but just got a small shrug and a sigh from a tense as ever Adrien. He obviously didn't, which could mean one thing.
"If Marc somehow became...That thing, that means there could be more people like him out there! We must act fast, over 100 people were proclaimed missing!"
" First though, we need to figure out where did Marc come from, and where are the others, if there are any ." Adrien added to Alya's statement, leaning over the table, to Marinette's level.
"If it's possible, of course. Mari, I'll do nothing without you. You are our leader, we count on you. I know it's hard, but please, we need to beat him once and for all. Please honey, for Annie." He smiled a bit, stroking her cheek.

Marinette looked up into his eyes, and smiled softly as they showed support, love and courage, something Marinette needed most at this moment. She could always count on Adrien to awake her from her hopelesness, he would never allow her to sink again, not even for a second. Her inner Ladybug instincts soon awoke as she stood up straight and looked at them, a determined look on her face. She had Marianne on her mind, but now they have a new problem on their hands, something much more urgent.
"Once we heal, we are going to change Marc back, and find the other serpents. Time to clean up the rest of that snake!"
"Yes ma'am!"
"Well then, let's go gang!"

In Paris

"Master Chloe! I'm back from my shower!" Marianne yelled as she entered the room she trained in, only to find it pitch black.
"Master? Is everything alright?" She asked tentatively, putting one foot inside the room, as if testing is there's a trap.

After a heavy, prolonged silence, she got an eerie, almost ghostly reply:
"Yes yes, I just...Needed the dark. Come in and close the door after yourself."
Marianne hesitated, but did as she was told. Her Master is not going to hurt her, right? The room was much colder now, that's strange.

Suddenly, a row of candles on each side of the room lit up, providing a small, dim trail of lights, which revealed only shapes of old, baroque furniture that lied scattered across the huge space. Marianne felt a shiver go down her spine, and goosebumps erupt all over her skin. This situation does not feel good, not good at all. Nevertheless, she stepped forward, and walked to her Master, until Chloe raised her palm, and Marianne stopped in her tracks, confused by the weirdness of it all.

"Marianne, you passed your physical task, congratulations. Now it's time for stage 2."
"Wait, after only 2 days, Master?!" This was strange for Marianne, as she had to spend months training her body with Master Fu to make it strong enough for him.
Chloe yelled loudly and stood up, her blood red silk dress pooling at her feet. She took a deep breath once she saw Marianne's frightened face and sighed briefly. With a cold tone to her voice, she continued:
"You are a child of two amazing superheroes, there's no secret to that. However, you have been cursed a long time ago, when you were just a seed waiting to sprout. Cursed by your mother's foolish mistakes. Remember, If she didn't do what she did, you would be a normal teenage girl, going through everything your mother dearest took away from you!" Chloe exclaimed with a clenched fist pointed at Marianne, while Marianne's eyes just widened in fear. She could feel it in the air, Chloe has changed for the worse. But...Why? What's with her voice, why is she talking like this? Her mother didn't do anything bad, never! She is a superhero!

"I can feel your doubt in my words, Marianne, AND I DON'T APPRECIATE IT. I have no reason to lie to my apprentice, true Masters never lie." Chloe flipped her hair and look to the side in a pout, something she hasn't done from her early years.
"My Master hasn't lied to me, I don't see why you think I would to you."

Marianne snapped her head up from the floor she was looking at, a little shocked by her words.
"Your Master, Master?"

Chloe grinned a malicious smile, craning her head to Marianne as her long nails clicked together.
"Why of course, little one. My Master is the only one who can pull the darkness out of you, at least the only one that can guarantee you your life safely in your hands and him out of your mind!" She walked leisurely to Marianne, both of her hands now on her hips.

"Imagine it, a normal life, normal as it can be! No more Masters and trainings and stinky teas! Just you and your life. What do you say, ready to begin?" Her hands were now placed on Marianne's shoulders, firmly gripping the satin straps of her dress.

Marianne mulled the thought over. Could she really be free, free from the snake so many people told her was bad? Did she want this? Well, she thought, she came this far, might as well finish it. With a curt nod, she gave the green light to Chloe, whose grin quickly morphed into one of malice, as her smooth hands glided to her neck.

"Well then, Marianne. Let the fun begin."

And with a sickening crack, Marianne's body was now on the floor.

And that's done! Phew, I haven't updated in ages, but I'm glad I finally did. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it!

Stay safe, kitties!


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